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Every time


every freaking time seriously lol


Orochis are just living in their own world as always 🫵😭


Literally he could have just,stayed still instead of trying to dodge🤣


What Orochi stays still?


Fair enough


What makes it better is you know the person is throwing a fit over how broken they think nobushi is.


Nobu need rework




she just needs a slight buff(slightly faster kick), and slight nerf(29 damage heavy finishers during way of the shark instead of 35), she honestly could live without either though. they could do the minimal change option that would actually help her a ton, no damage nerf would be required. that change would be speeding up her kick only from hidden stance and not speeding up her kick in chains, effectively giving her the same dodge bash that shinobi has but more technical of a move toe execute


I have 22 reps on her, let me dream of her rework, joking


Mostly not joking but you start to get the extent of what her kit can do at about 70 reps lol, every hour past 80 you learn something new!  Like once you can effectively time every opponents attacks to where you can dodge them you start the see what the kit can do and it is pretty nuts and the damage is pretty insane actually, definitely possible to take someone down with 6 lights kinda stuff


That’s what I love, always learning new shit about characters I play even after I think I know it all


Yeah really enjoyed coming back to some characters I gave up on after learning new things,also started playing tiandi cause it’s hilarious to kick people and I’ve sorta accidentally ended up good with him, would be better if I didn’t ever go for the kick but it’s too funny not to try for it


Like I thought I was basically fucked and there’s no way to avoid getting parried at several points, but like if they’re expecting cobra strike or baiting cobra strike you can for example just dodge, and as they’re staring at an indicator for either a left or right attack you can throw a vipers retreat from neutral and put a bleed on them.  If you hit with another bleed attack you’re doing close to 60 damage and all of her counter attacks cover 2/3 options.  Normally no openers is pretty rough but you have to consider that nobushi is not only able to whiff, but able to whiff with no attack recovery time and has 8 feet of range, that’s a pretty good scenario.  She also has a bunch of hidden tech that hopefully never gets nerfed lol.  The first time you hit a warlord with a guard break from 5 feet away by throwing a whiffed cobra strike into a heavy feint into guardbreak is something they will never forget lol.


not a joke, she needs one im 50 reps 😔😔😔😔 even tho i obliterate most with her


... nobushi is kinda broken though?


The only thing broken is her way of the shark outside that she is pretty mid especially vs orochi.


Idk I feel like I’m pretty good at fighting Nobu by now but any time I try to play Roach against one she kicks my ass 😭


Both nobu and roach are kinda broken (way of the shark+unreactable kicks, storm rush)


Nobu definitely isn’t broken, she’s pretty easy to kill usually, just got issues when I’m playing roach.




IMO her openings are so easy to counter (except a raw light), and if she starts her chain light, you know you’re gonna parry a light so you just wait for the flash and parry. I love 1v1s with her cause I feel untouchable. Idk that’s just my opinion though. I see right through her.


what openings? lol. but yeah she has a very very high skill ceiling, and a lot of higher lobby players dont actually take time to get to know the character because theres a misconception that you can only play her like lawbringer and be viable or only can get damage off of parries and stuff. she doesnt really play like any other characters, most of her kit covers 2 to 3 options, which in terms of a counter attacker is much stronger than a stock characters counter attack. its funny cause some youtubers started out saying she was ass, and then ended up picking up the character mostly for the hell of it and loving it. shes a ton of fun to play


Bleed lights undodgeables back stance She’s got so much anyone that complains has to be only using one move.


her lights are all standard 500ms, even chained lights. all can be blocked on reaction so she has no real way of dealing damage besides turtling outside teamfights and ganks.


Her kit is absolutely archaic and does need a rework to fight reliably at higher levels, most of not all higher skill players can counter nobu easily and I stay getting my ass kicked, it's all just knowing who you're fighting, training on just pure reaction speed is difficult but training yourself how to read someone is a bit easier, still difficult but easy


Nobu is ASS


Lol damm 2 feats used, neutral side dodge light and got parried, then died lol.


I dont see anything weird here, I just see a normal orochi behaviour here


>I just see a normal orochi behaviour here Nah, he didn't spam bash into storm rush over and over.


Orochi players are the most toxic, when I played this game I had a lot of fun destroying them with the Warlord


Atleast he said sorry.


I hate to be out of context but I am planning to start playing this game via GamePass. Do you guys think it is worth starting?


you're on the for honor subreddit, you can probably guess what people will say


You say that like the answer will be yes


You did a good job in asking that because most of us don't even know tbh. It's a good game, but it's like meth. You'll Hate it, and hate yourself for playing it, but you won't stop."


Like that one otter(?) who was eating watermelon with a disgusted look of pure hate on his lil face... but keeps eating the watermelon


Yeah I can but maybe you can throw in some advice while starting or tell me do that or not. I am absolutely clueless about the game. I just know it looks good and sometimes watch gameplay’s on this subreddit.


a few things: dont let the community get to you. we're not all bad, but there is a toxic side. dont let a few bad apples ruin the bunch. two: face it, you're gonna get stomped online. this game has minimal level-based matchmaking, and you will face others around your level, but a few higher ones will crop up. it happens. three: dont feel you have to be bogged down to one specific hero, the more the merrier. and take time to practice and learn. hope this helps.


the last tip is so real, i have such a hard time playing any hero but my main because i don't make good use of others' kits after spending so long repping the main


Thank you.


There’s a few good communities out there that also happily teach new players, I’d recommend hopping into one of them through discord


The storymode is not at all what the actual game is like, everything in online MP has been reworked, timings and movesets, so if you wanna try a character out properly, go into: training > hero tactics


If you have a competitive mindset and try to get better at mechanics you don't quite understand yet then yes this game is a lot of fun. Watching your skills and reaction time get better and better is honestly nuts. Some For Honor players are inhuman. At some point of playing you start to read your enemies mind and if they don't adapt you'll kill them easily. There aren't too many games where you stare someone down for so long and try to murder them. Some games like shooters your interactions with your enemy is less than a second. In this game you can feel tension. Desperation, anger, arrogance. Try not to be the emotional fighter just adapt to their play style and lead the dance. I would pick a character or a few that you think are cool and take them into the training menu and do every combo they have. Learn one and rotate though a small roster you like and get their movesets and play styles down. Do the apprentice trials to learn about the mechanics of the game. Play against some bots (they do not play like humans btw) and look up some max punish or guides on YouTube for a hero you wanna lean. Chances are some absolute nerd out there is really good and you can adapt so e of his play style. Lastly, just go get your ass kicked over and over and over till you're the one kicking ass. Good luck!!




They there. I was in your position about a month ago. Took the leap of faith. I mostly enjoy it but same days it really grinds your gears. If you're cool headed and you will be ok with occasional nonsense, you'll enjoy the game. Just a little example I wanted to play some before going to bed. I was missing at least one team member for like 5-6 consecutive games which enemy wiped the floor with us. Went to bed frustrated. Generally I can say I'm enjoying it though.


Really good game! Lots of fun and different characters and a campaign that’s pretty cool. The game isn’t bad at all but it does get frustrating sometimes, but that’s life


Not on old gen


Just get the game its fun


Prepare to get fed up with the game's learning curve unless you are willing to spend over 100 hours in it. You will fight people way above your skill level that make you question if you will ever come close to their level. That feeling pretty much never goes away. This game is a skill that requires constant practice beyond learning the fundamentals, which you can retain like riding a bike once you have them down, but the sweat lords that play constantly will pretty much always be on top due to the multitude of nuanced variations in muscle memory that need to be constantly tuned to be kept on par with the best.


Yes you should, you should also spend an hour minimum in the tutorial and training modes to better understand the game you're about to be playing, it has a very steep learning curve especially now, if you want I can somewhat teach you if that's something you're interested in


I wouldn't. I keep playing it but I wish I had the will power to uninstall.


well, it's like other fighting games in the sense that the learning curve is fucked. Still, it's worth embracing if you have the time.


Its a fucking free video game (for you) not a mortgage. Just down load it or delete it if you don’t like it


Unless you're willing to play everyday to keep your level on par with the people you'll face and learn all the heroes moveset, no absolutely not. A few years ago i would have recommended it within a second. But now ? No, it's too late to pick up in my opinion.


Do. # not.


I would highly recommend it. If you're worried about toxic players, PvAI tends to be better (and is a decent way to get the hang of the combat)


Give it more time than you'd give other games at the start before you decide the skill curve is HUGE. If you stay know that this game will make you more pissed than any other game ever could but it will also make you feel like the most badass person alive. Would lobe to see a new player around if you decide to join our toxic sweatfest


Same thing happened when I played against a pirate, killed me while I was fighting off 2 BPs and emoted my corpse lol


Oh bro is trash lol


I thing they don't like it if you remind them that they are not the main character


Side note what color are you using? your nobushi looks great


That's the Queenly colour on the Death Gasp body


If you got more than 10 reps on Orochi, you smell like beans


Generic golden orochi #6578


Goldochi’s always tend to be the most toxic


Experts said that plenty of wild animals with vibrant colors is a sign for you to stay away from them and that Goldochi fits the bill


I know he was already seething after you dodged both his feats


Typical crybaby orochi


I’m glad I’m retired as orochi


How is this any different from all the players?


OP didn't act like the Goldochi, and I don't think the two of us either


nobushi can cancel zone into a kick? that's awesome,,


Zone can be soft feinted into kick or undodgeable heavy


i gotta play nobushi..


That roach execution is so underwhelmingly disappointing 😂😂😂


Man and it’s always funny in its own way, gains confidence despite the fact he got wrecked in a 1v1


Orochis are the mosquitoes of for honor




To all my Orochi’s mains, i will pray for your downfall 🙏🙏🙏


I hate that my fellow mains are like this, feat spam is disgraceful.


They all do this


Damn, it's almost like Stereotypes do exist for hero mains.


The consequenses of hurting a for honor mains feelings


Dont know why, but I found an Orochi main toxicity hilarious.


Every time


Had this happen to me except it was a cent. Got hate mail after the match as well lol.


This right there is why i stopped playing long ago. You can have a perfectly chill match, but as soon as you hurt someone's ego they start focusing you and using the most infuriating methods to kill you, basically ruining your enjoyment.


Bro the kick into non confirmed heavy and then immediatly kick wallsplat into light was hard to watch ngl


How boring of a life you must lead to never chance on an unconfirmed attack Also he was already going to die from bleed so the wallsplat punish frankly didn't matter, besides if I had heavied I wouldn't have gotten that sick backstep dodge read


More so you could have just heavied after wall splat for guaranteed heavy to get execution hp. But nobu play was solid!


I really need to learn nobu


The most infuriating thing is how that Gladiator stole your almost flawless kill


It's just that the Orochi acts all cocky at the end


Most people who play orochi's can't even play the hero the right way. All they do is side dodge light attack. If they get parry'ed, they use the kunai round around come back and do the same thing again. Or use the perk that depletes stamina kick you once or twice start with the side dodge light. I hate every other guy who does this.


After 3 years of break from FH , maining Orochi myself since season 1 , I hate how scummy orochis are and salty they became.


Doing long exe then taunting you while his teammates are dying is just the cherry on top


I fought that guy a few days ago. Same story but I was shaman


The best ones spam storm rush and they think they're pros 🤧 😆 🤣 😂


Why is there so much hate for orochi


mfer tried to undodgable attack spam and lightspam, bitch i am undodgeable attack spam and lightspam


That's not a orochi Main. Thats trash


I dont like to play Orochi in online matches to not bê compared to people like this


As an orochi main, I'm a professional orochi killer and hater This video Is funny lmao


As a member of roch community I am sorry most of us are assholes


That Glad flying in off the top rope was perfect


I wouldn't mind orochi if 90% of them weren't the most toxic players I've ever met. I remember back when they would do nothing but run away and extend every match for no reason. Or when they show up to a gank, land a single hit and spam thanks and their emote, or straight up leave the match the second they start losing. They're just all around obnoxious except for the rare few who actually want to play the game.


Honestly this is pretty much every samurai player


Then OP would've acted like that Goldochi


PLEASE remove the cat ears😭


I would rather be emote spammed by 100 more Orochi mains than part with my cat ears


cat ears are beautiful


I don't get it. You killed him, he killed you. Seem pretty normal to me


Orochi started spamming messages when he killed Nobu, that's what OP is referring to.


OhI didn't.see that. Thank you


Everyone saying nobu is broken she has one of the lowest winrates in the game and not because of lack of play either she get hard countered by hyper armour,unblockables,dodge characters,counter characters which basically covers everyone nobu not broken lil annoying but does need a rework


Probably going to get downvoted to hell for this but, I am an Orochi main, this guy is officially getting disowned. But if his attitude did start out of nowhere it’s probably because he (sometimes rightfully) thinks nobushi is broken.


Right she isn't broken but she can definitely destroy you if you are distracted even for a short time. Poke poke poke bleed boom. Most heroes at least have to try she can just walk over you with light attacks.


broken for old console players... or newbies, all you have to do is block her spam and she won't be able to do anything lol.


Idk why orochi only, when most of for honor player are like that, I guess it's for your ego too...


A big chunk of idiots who's like that are the tryhard Orochi players


Lol centurion, jarl, lawbringer and .. literaly everyone else type of player are like that, it's just a for honor community thing but hey if people can't handle the reality xD.


Then wouldn't that make you a hypocrite as well for talking shit at this? Or are you one of those types of guys who think that you're "better" than everyone?


Talking shit at this ? Huh ? I just said everybody are like that ? Don't put your image on me because this ENTIRE community is a shit lot of hypocrite, and wtf are you talking about better than everyone ? You are stupid for sure man...


Most of the time, when I talk to people who say stuff like that, they often forget that they're the same as the people they try to make fun of


Lol ok dude you didn't know me and Instand of accepting your wrong, you just made a personal attack, classic internet mindset, the only moment I'm toxic it's against a very toxic player.


Heh that's what you grasped from my explanation? I didn't even insult you besides questioning what you think. If you're actually one of those guys who think that they're better than everyone, don't sugarcoat it and just say it, you'll save more time for both parties


XDDD Yeah you need raptor Jesus help, that can't be real xDd


I said everyone are like that, I'm a hypocrite who think I'm better than everyone... The fuck man XDDDD


I asked if you're one of those types or not, and you deliberately ignored that


I mean... what you did there looked really skillful. Honestly deserved. Idk why ppl complain about Orochi so much when characters like Nobushi, Valkyrie, Highlander, Shinobi, Hito etc exist


Found the orochi main!

