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You have achieved maximum saltšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Nah but that was on him he started the fight next to the ledge.


Also ignore the quality at the start I have no idea why it does that on game clip


Ainā€™t no such thing as a toxic kill (unless ofc you emote spam after killing them)


No, do whatever the fuck you want, there are no rules




People are so worried nowadays


That's because of the influx of retards that comes up and ruin the game with their made up rules that nobody gives a shit about. The type of player that will go out of their way to ruin your game because you did something that didn't sit right with them such as ganking in 2v2 or ledging


I normally get aggravated when Iā€™m getting ganked after LITERALLY INVITING ONE GUY TO THE FIGHT.. the combat emotes? Iā€™ll do that as an invite for a 1v1 in the moment, only to be half way through and then have somebody like warmonger come in and double on me, like dammit, I am trying to show some honor and have some fun, but canā€™t do that when I can barely parry as a new guy whoā€™s been playing for about 5 or 6 months


Stop caring about honor then, it's useless and will only make it worse for yourself. Showing yourself honorable to the enemy gives them an opportunity to do you dirty and gank you.


Yeah, but I also donā€™t wanna be a hypocrite and actually get good at the game instead of relying on ganking, especially with how easily Valkyrie feeds revenge along with Cent for meā€¦


Ganking is a part of getting better. Learn to not feed too much revenge and exactly WHEN to intervene if your teammate is getting into difficult situations. If you want genuine 1v1 then simply play the mode for it.


I agree with you, brawls and duels are for 1 on 1 skill, idc about ganking on other modes.




If you ever ask is a kill toxic, the answer is no. Even 100 to 0 ganks aren't toxic. Playing your best to get the kill is just playing the game. Toxic is reserved for things like hatemail and intentional griefing.


Idk, Iā€™d say if you ledged somebody, t-bagged, spammed thanks then messaged them to tell them saying how there the goat and heā€™s garbage it would be pretty toxic šŸ’€


Yeah but if they just ledged and said nothing or good fight then it ainā€™t toxic


But I didnā€™t say that homie lol


Right but the point is that the kill itself is never toxic. Itā€™s how you react afterwards that makes it toxic.


Nobodyā€™s arguing against that lol


Then why make the comment? Like no shit T-bagging, spamming thanks, and then calling them garbage is toxic.










Looking to start a fight? All I did is question why you would point out something so blatantly obvious.




Not only that but you kept it up even after I agreed with you


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Do you mean spamming good fight or just saying good fight


Thanks Iā€™m about a week or two into the game ( not taking it two seriously) and I know how annoying people say ledge kills are. To me they are just hilarious even on the receiving end.


Itā€™s all part of the game have fun


Seems normal to me. If he didn't want to get ledged he should have stayed on his side and invited you over to fight on that side.


No, they wanted to initiate the fight next to an environmental hazard.


Some people will get salty about environmental kills, but it's a part of the game.


I wouldnt say so. You didnt have any bad intentions by it, you were just securing the kill. He couldve stayed in his spawn if he didnt want to fight near a ledge.


Any kill is.5oxic unless I'm the one doing the killing.


Honestly when stuff like that happens to me, I get mad, but I also think "I woulda done it, too, if I had the opportunity." So, no.


I only call stuff toxic if you donā€™t play the game the way it was intended for the sake of giving other people a hard time, i.e. staggering your teammates, having an emote party on homepoint when you could be doing something else to help your team, purposefully playing poorly in a team gamemode, allowing your teammate to die for the sake of ā€œhonorā€, purposefully messing up or not taking punishes for the sake of ā€œstyling onā€ someone, etc. Basically, if you use your moveset and the tools at your disposal to kill your opponent efficiently and are helping your team win a match, then youā€™re not being toxic.


You won, so by default yes.


Who cares. You killed him.


Naw bro ur good, that shit was hilarious


Itā€™s not toxic if you ledge, itā€™s only toxic if you ledge and spam thanks.


Honortards on thier way to shit their daiper over this


There is no toxic kills. There can be quick and effective or slow and humiliating ones. Everything else is just people whining about their own incompetence.


NTA. Your BP your rules


Nah, you weren't emote spamming or chat spamming so it was just an unfortunate ledge kill


That was dope, dude. You saw an opportunity and you took it. Emote/message spam is what I think could be considered toxic


No, itā€™s his fault for being next to the ledge. He should have know about BPā€™s bash tho


He started a fight on the bridge. He got ledged. He would've probably tried to ledge anyways


So, he tried to start the fight on the bridge, get cheesy and get an Heavy from Kick, got parried and you then pushed him over the edge with Hawk's Charge, a fully reactable bash that he should have 100% been able to dodge since he did not attempt to Parry. Fully deserved.


Can't wait for the day someone just straight up leaks the ip of the enemy and then posts them doing it on reddit with the title "was this toxic?"


I think that you should just after fight send simple "sorry" just to be nice. I personally hate when someone did sth like this and they do nothing, even if it's allowed it's not fair to fight like that in duel IMHO. But in this game you can find people who are just for fun and joy, and lots of toxic tryhards, choose who you want become šŸ˜‰


the dude started the fight there, he made his bed.


Eh if the BP had initiated on the bridge just to ledge, maybe. If it was a duel, then definite tryhard. However, the Cent initiated on the bridge then got ledged.


Dude, please stop messaging me šŸ™


Oh boy the "is this toxic?" posts are back.


Yes it is whether you care or not is up to you I personally donā€™t take the easy kills out of my own pride but I also believe in an eye for an eye




I feel that players that require a salute are ridiculous. That may stem from people trying to 1v1 in dominion and getting salty when people gank.


Only time I request a salute is in duels, mainly so we both know we're ready. I also avoid ledging in duels. Brawls? Go all out.


No toxic kill just toxic bitches. You didnā€™t even emote so you šŸ‘


Who cares if its toxic are u 12


No emote spamming or long, boring execution with an obnoxious effect. 0 toxicity included


It's a part of the game if they wan't to complain go play Mordhau or some shit


Do whatever you want to win your fight


Did u pee on ur sword? No? No toxic dmg for u then.


Nope. Thems the ropes in this game. That's on him for positioning. Could you have let him get over to your side? Yeah, sure.


Maximum skill issue from the Cent XD


Judgment of a toxic kill mostly a personal thing, I don't count that as a toxic kill unless you emote spammed him.


This isnā€™t toxic, unless you spam emoted him, to which you didnā€™t and therefore, not toxic Now getting your arse handed to you, just to have your buddies gank him and then you emote him after surviving, is indeed toxicā€¦ but thatā€™s a different story for another time


I'm sorry but i just suddenly for sime weird reason got nostalgia of that duel map on a bridge on release. It was basically impossible to not get ledged even from just regular attacks. Glad they took it out


Which arms armor is this? And which material do you use?




Only toxic if you're literally hacking to win