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I love Vettel, but i rather want see him take on Le Mans


He did already test with porsche so its much more logical than a return to F1.


Especially with Porsches push on E-fuels and Seb trying his best to help the planet.


True. Plus its much easier to combine a wec season with his family life. Which vettel said was one of the main reasons to retire from F1 in the first place.


Coming to f1 in 2026 as well tho


I'd also MUCH rather see new drivers on the field. So much young talent right now.


And they will continue to be young for quite a while longer. Seb is in the Twilight of his F1 career even if he does come back. It'd be for no more than 3 seasons at most.


Imagine Lewis in a ferrari vs Vettel in a mercedes batteling against each other


Seb almost joined Mercedes in late 2016.


Why couldn’t that have happened :(


I think, Lewis in a Ferrari is a way stronger pairing than Vettel in a Mercedes. I really like him, but he has been out of the sport and the Mercedes is not that good right now. With Lewis, I still think he is on top of his game and will extract everything from the car if Ferrari keeps up the trajectory


Un-retired German multiple WDC joining Mercedes not at its top form… where have I seen that before


Piastri to Mercedes in 2028. WDC in 29, 30, 31, 33 ,34, 35, 36. Russell's sole WDC in 32.


Does that mean Piastri gets WDC this year then?


Yes obviously.


Uhhhh Hermann Lang?


That's a name I have not heard/read in a looooooong time.


And even less likely to be in F1 next season than Seb.


Right you are!


Sebastian, don't hit the slopes, please


Vettel wasn't on top of his game since 2018 at least. Possibly 2013. I don't see him beat Russell.


Vs Alonso in a red bull


Likely wont be for 1st place though heh


there wouldn't be a battle to speak of since vettel would be about 20 seconds behind


What makes you think they'd be battling each other? Vettel would be the significantly slower driver in a significantly slower car.


Vettel to Merc sounded like a random made-up rumour, but I feel like its starting to get a ton of traction for some reason. Maybe I'm just on that HOPIUM


That one has way too much traction for how realistic it is and i doubt Vettel would come back at all for anything that's worse than AM. Vettel has been out for 2 years i simply don't think he is a target for Mercedes or any team that far up. Maybe if the drivers market dries up but currently wouldn't you always pick Sainz over Vettel.


I agree, a rusty Vettel probably isnt the best idea in Merc. Sainz is definitely the better option, but IMO its more of a question of whether Sainz wants Mercedes and not the other way around. But my headcanon is that either Sainz or Alonso will take Perez's seat, and the other will be in the AM. Vettel will just be a stopgap in Merc for a year, until Antonelli is ready after 1 year in the Willliams, or maybe just Albon idk.


Yeah I only see him coming in if it's just to fill a gap that no one else wants to take. Sainz might see Audi as better for long term, Albon might just stick to Williams and keep building. Any junior aside from Antonelli would know it's probably going to end with them kicked out but maybe theyd be ok with one year over nothing. But maybe Valtteri comes back to mercedes before retiring fully


Has to be one of them?! Why stick with Perez when there are better options.


Breathe it in bro


For sure a lot of hopium but not because it's complete BS. I really wish he'd comeback to F1 but I'd rather see him succeed in another driving series that doesn't push him as much as F1 for the sake of his family which he'd said he'd "sacrificed" his F1 drive (my interpretation).


It would be an horrible decision by Mercedes though. Vettel was already past it in his last years in the sport, I don't want to imagine how he would look coming back after two years...


All these comments sound like the comments before Alonso came back


Alonso was actively racing in WEC, did the indy500 twice and several rallies including the Dakar rally during his years out of f1. Vettel has done no competitive racing since his retirement


Alonso has no family.


That's in no way incompatible with what is being mentioned above. You are missing the point.


the difference is Seb's last season was not much better than Stroll's and we have seen the gap between Fernando and Lance...


that’s not true at all and I wish people would stop peddling this narrative around as if it was. Vettel had 70% of the team’s points in 2022. Somehow that’s seen as “equal performance”, while Alonso scoring slightly more than 70% of the team’s points is seen as dominance over the same guy. Kinda laughable at this point.


Somebody should pin this comment to the top of every Vettel thread this week. And somehow people forget that he beat Alonso to the line with an inferior car in the wet two years ago with a bit of superb driving from both: https://youtu.be/LVfWQ30BP0Y?si=tCi98rH71wRuYO6X (I don't want him to come back either, though. I'm at peace with his legacy)


It’s not about the points, but the pace (which is a better predictor of near future points scoring potential). In terms of quali pace and race pace, Stroll was much closer to Vettel than he has been to Alonso. It was similar at Ferrari, where Alonso vs Kimi was a match up with a far more dramatic difference in pace, than any years Kimi was paired up with Vettel. It was why (then Ferrari CEO) Marchionne wanted to put Leclerc into Ferrari rather sooner than later, because he simply didn’t trust Vettel being fast enough. Especially after 2018.


I’m sorry, but are you seriously saying Vettel’s actual results didn’t matter because his “scoring potential” isn’t as good? By the way, his points percentage to Stroll in 2021 was 70% as well. But sure, all of these real stats don’t matter because hypothetically he isn’t as good as Alonso.


Pace difference, measured in laptime, is indeed a far more reliable performance indicator than points scored or qualifying and finishing positions. It is the most important metric teams look at when considering line-up changes. The others (points and positions) aren’t easily isolated from car performance relative to other teams. The same time delta between drivers can lead to dramatic changes in points and position differences, depending on the relative performance of the car compared to the rest of field and how close all cars are together therein.


Yes, that is entirely fair and by far the best way to compare the actual gap between teammates. Vettel scored more points than Stroll sure, but that was mostly propped up by a few outlier results and he was often only a position or two ahead of Stroll. Alonso is routinely absolutely trouncing him 4-5 positions in race AND qualy, there’s no comparison


Let’s bring some maths into this. If a car is second-to-last in pace, logically, Vettel could only achieve P17, while Stroll could be anywhere between P18-P20. So if even if Vettel were driving at “Alonso level” and the max he could achieve is P17, and Stroll being Stroll qualifies P20, the difference is just 3 places. When the car is second fastest, (AM at the beginning of 2022), Alonso could qualify P3, and Stroll could qualify anywhere between P4-P20. So naturally, a lot of the gap that you say, between Alonso and Stroll is pretty much down to the car.


What actual maths went into that? How about the actual maths that Vettel averaged about a .1-.2 second advantage over Stroll in race pace whereas Alonso averages about .4-.5 seconds, or the fact Stroll was 21-18 head to head in terms of finishing position vs Vettel and Alonso is 19-4 ahead of Stroll in races they both finished


Thats not how F1 works... Pace gaps between Alonso amd Stroll have been way bigger than Vettel-Stroll gaps.  And if you compare Seb v Stroll's head to head v Alonso v Stroll's head to head its night and day The only reason Seb outscored Lance was because he had higher peaks during the season but on an average day Seb and Lance were almost neck and neck in terms of results and pace. You can obviosly have your own opinion but results and data from Alonso's and Vettel's career have always been suggesting Alonso is a league above Seb in terms of ability


And by the way, I thought Vettel drove beautifully in 2022, especially at the second half. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think the performance ceiling of Vettel is higher than Alonso. The only difficulty is to extract it out of him. Alonso does this week in, week out.




You weren’t watching the 2021 season then. Vettel was straight up the better driver, and was hampered by a lot of misfortune that skewed the results in Stroll’s favour. In spite of that he still handily outscored him in a car that really wasn’t quick enough for points.


I actually think that his last season was quite good, also compared to Lance. He had some really great races in a car which was really bad. But I agree with you that it looks like Alonso is consistently putting a big gap between him and Lance, whereas Seb did it only in the races where the car was half decent and not completely bad.


Vettel scored 37 points to Stroll's 18. How was it not much better? Vettel's first 3 races were also compromised by having COVID. Yes OK. Fernando has a bigger gap over Stroll, but saying Vettel barely beat Stroll is just not correct .Vettel was clearly ahead.


While i like him and he is a good dude, i am not really waiting for a Vettel comeback.


Love him, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for his legacy. I could be completely wrong but I don’t see him coming back and wowing anyone.


... unless it's as a team manager.


I’d prefer to see hungry young guys coming up from f2/f3/wec or Indycar. Seb’s great, but he’s been there and done that. Drugovich, Bearman, Lawson, Ilott, and plenty of others should be moving up.


Unless Mercedes is considering him as a one year option to replace with Antonelli come 2026, it makes no sense at all. Not sure if Seb would want to come for one year either.


If I recall, Seb missed out on 300 race starts by one or two races. Might be enticing to come back, compete in a (potentially) competitive car against the big names of the era, hit a huge milestone, and then hang up his hat. 🤷‍♂️


He is a one-off driver for Suzuka GP!


Saying "Never say never" and thinking about coming back are two different things. Anything for the clicks.


German champion and ex Ferrari driver makes comeback with Mercedes, I feel I heard this one before


What are the chances that the linup at Audi in 2026 is Vettel and Hulk?


I wonder why not Hulk-Wehrlein if he wins Formula E, get Tramnitz as their junior


But for the love of god do not let the same thing happen 4 years afterwards


We're gonna need a 24 car grid at this rate to give everyone who wants in a go


Mika and Vettel in one team?


Do you mean Mick?  ... Although can't lie the idea of Mika Hakkinen finally ending his sabbatical would also be a crowd pleaser


Please no. Theres enough young talent.




What if we set up a series where previous wdc competed against each other? Formula 0.75? Make it mandatory, I want to see Jackie Stewart out there


FIA Formula Senior Series


And make it spec series!


A shame he didn’t do Formula Masters


Formula 1: Hunger Games Edition.


Formula Champions League?


Why? So we can see Schumacher 2010 all over again?


Schumi was eventually sacked by Ferrari in 2006. If he wasn't outsted that year, the Mercedes Schumi would have been way different.


Always thought he was done when he retired and he was the one driver who'll stay retired. But the interviews yesterday changed my mind - he's absolutely coming back giving the right opportunity.


Don’t Ricciardo yourself.


It'll be like Ricciardo or even Schumacher, where his best days are clearly behind him and he struggles to even get close to his teammate. Sainz would be a far better choice.


If he returns it will be most likely with Audi.


While I like a feel good story such as this, I think a return to F1, especially at a top team, would be unrealistic. Up and down the grid Vettel is no longer perceived as being fast enough to compete with Leclerc, Hamilton, Alonso, let alone Verstappen, on a level playing field. He might want to return, but I suspect Vettel may want it more than the team(s) he is targeting.


Just one more season with Hamilton, Alonso and Vettel please


Feel like he's had his time in F1. Would much rather see him in WEC


Maybe he’ll do Le Mans as a test to decide whether he really wants to be back in F1/Racing? I just want to see him racing again


I love Vettel, but enough with the oldies.


Seb is and always be a legend. But I think a return to F1 in reality is doubtful, people seem to forget that his last couple of years were horrific. He got absolutely dominated by a then rookie Charles Leclerc in Ferrari Moved to Aston and was very average at best, marginally beating Stroll. Take that with a couple of years out of F1 to return and be competitive is slim.


Much as I admire him as a person and rate his racecraft I could not imagine preferring him over current Carlos.


I heard him on Radio X and he was mostly shilling an energy drink product. Idk if the rumours have substance or have been put out by Vettel's team in order to get him publicity for whatever he is selling.


I could see him coming back, not as a full time driver, but as an adviser and reserve for one of the teams.


It’s either him or Alonso in that Merc seat.The Merc brand needs atleast 1 WC driving for it. My moneys on Vettel because he’s German. Unless toto plots the coup of the century and bags Max….


Seb Vettel is a world treasure, no doubt, but he had his (fruitful) time in the F1 sun. Le Mans/WEC is a better fit now in almost every way for him. He gets to spend way more time with his family, a shot at the 2nd/3rd legs of the TC/GS, more than likely drive for a German manufacturer (Porsche), and he gets to remain in the world of motorsport without the circus that comes with F1.


Naw he just using the free marketing for his energy drinks


I might be talking out of turn here but I can't see there being great interest in Seb at his age and with two years outside of competitive sport. Could I see Audi wanting him for the name and German connection, maybe. But Seb wasn't setting the world alive in AM and as a 4X world champ, I don't really see the point of returning to a new team that will take at least some time to be competitive.


My take is that, I'm not sure if he's on Horner's side or Marko's! The internal power battle is not over yet!


This will just confirm this show isn't a sport, but rather a roaming advertisement/money making venture.


Come back where?


Nah, will be similar to Ricciardo. I mean, we already saw him at AM a couple of years ago. Don’t tell me he’s gotten better while away from F1. Better let people remember him from his victories, and let young blood try their luck


knee birds combative full wasteful alive fragile head aromatic rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did he not quit because he said F1 was polluting the world too much? Wonder what changed his mind.. As much as I like him as a driver a comeback would be so stupid.


All of you talking here like he didn’t score 2 podiums in that shitbox (Hungary dsq ik but it still was a podium in the race) and had amazing moments in Suzuka with alonso, Monaco 2021 and USgp 2022 with K mag All that after he looked mentally off after the Ferrari stint Him back after taking a refresher might be a good thing Yeah sure it may or may not work it’s funny to me how everyone makes his Aston Martin stint sound like a complete disaster when it clearly wasn’t and everyone conveniently forgets how shitbox the AM of 2021 and 2022 were compared to the 2023 car before comparing him to alonso Imao even at his absolute lowest in 2020 he still got some good moments -Turkey podium which is more than most drivers get in their low point


The fact is his gap to Lance was much smaller than gap Alonso had to Lance. Everyone knows AM wasnt as good in 2021 and 2022. But also everyone realizes Vettel wouldnt be able to recreate what Alonso did in 2023 based on how he was driving and based on how he compared to Stroll


The Vettel-Stroll race head-to-head was in Stroll’s favor. For Alonso is 15-4. The idea any team interested in driver performance would sign Vettel is insane.


Alonso v Stroll was 17-3 last season including dnfs. Alonso v Stroll was 13-2 excluding dnfs


No way. What a year 2025 will be for F1


With Carlos Sainz without a seat this is ludicrous.


So much for new talent haha.


So the bees are saved and his family is satisfied?


Do it you beautiful man, we need you back in F1.


Stay at home, please, your family needs you more than F1. That way you also give new drivers a chance!


Yes. Carlos should take that advice.


Sebastian is a legend. No doubt about that, but his best days are gone quite a long time ago and his last season was beside a couple of cool moments not really ground breaking.


I‘d love to see Seb back and especially in a Mercedes but since they apparently forgot how to build good cars i‘d rather want to see him in WEC


So much for the environment.