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These are certainly some choices


I wish they'd figure out a different ratings system. What's the point of scoring them out of 100 when there's only 11 drivers and the lowest ranked one is 70?


So they can be like FIFA


The issue is they can’t score it like FIFA as they need to take the car in consideration as well. Hamilton is definitely better than 89, even old F1 games has him higher. But you make him too high and the Mercedes car becomes too good in game. Nando is definitely high, but i fully expect the AM car to be terrible that his individual rating evens it out. Saying that, most people wouldn’t know about balancing in game and it creates horrible discussion around the game.


It’s much fairer ranking them base on current achievements, as if it was from all their races Nandi Lewis and Max would all be 96-98


Hamilton finished 3rd last season and he gets lower rating than Alonso. This is just bullshit.


Isn't it a bullshit that Albon is better than Piastri as well? Or that Perez is so high?


That’s not how sports games work, would be very unbalanced haha. They are ranked based on current records. Which is why it’s updated throughout the season. Saying that, they do have legend drivers called icons which are ranked using careers (F1 23: Senna 94, Mansell 90) (Same as FIFA and NBA 2K all time teams).


>They are ranked based on current records. Which is why it’s updated throughout the season. If that's the case then how do they arrive at the conclusion that Riccardo is better than Tsunoda?


Their stats are so close it doesn't really matter. (plus again, balancing it with the car). Riccardo is heavily carried by his EXP stat. The EXP stat is the worse stat F1 games have, because it makes overalls useless. If anything, Yuki should have higher racecraft being he's one of the most positions gained so far I believe. But Awareness, Ricc has like 1 less penalty point so like, it doesnt matter lol. (Riccardo is also an odd case cause he didn't get properly rated last season, so I won't be surprised if they took his F1 22 stats as a baseline. Which is normal for sports games).


That’s not even the major issue with the ratings, the major issue is experience being a stat is *FUCKING STUPID*. Higher experience, essentially just being in more races, means that every other stat has to be lower in order to balance the stats out, which results in Hamilton apparently being just about quicker than Yuki Tsunoda, and Alonso as aware as Esteban Ocon. I’ve despised it every year since it first came out.


It’s even more stupid when you realize that Leclerc has the same experience as drivers with a year less in f1 than him and somehow gasly and ocon only have 1 more experience for a full extra year in gasly’s case.


> means that every other stat has to be lower in order to balance the stats out Does it though? They could just make that driver have higher overall.


They could, but they don't.


But then people will cry about "but muh Tsunoda is much much better than Ricciardo in every single way"


Experience doesn’t factor into the overall calculation as much as the other stats


I haven't done the math but it looks like it doesn't factor in at all. Experience is just a stat for the game to calculate how much 'experience' the team gets for upgrades.


Because the games also include F2 drivers (don't know if F3) but yes some ratings do go down to 30-40.




11 unique scores*


Since this was probably thought up by a marketing person, this is just Net Promoter Score rules applied to F1. Anything below 90 is mid, and anything below 70 is 0.


God I hate NPS scores. Like the other person said, this hit to close. 


I’ve been saying it for years, they need *way* more ratings. NBA 2K has dozens and dozens of different ratings, badges, and tendencies that can be edited as you please. This results in most players actually performing like they do in real life. They don’t need to go quite that far, because frankly I think there are less things you need to keep in mind, but I can think of a bunch of ratings they could use off the top of my head that would improve how the races feel. Qualifying and race pace should be separate. Tire preservation. Wet weather driving. Race starts. Following closely behind. Defending. None of these attributes are represented in any way, but we can all agree they are important building blocks when ranking drivers.


F1 Clash has more stats and "boosts" like cornering, passing, speed, Power Unit management, Tyre management, etc and its a freaking mobile game


So basically what F1 manager games do. Although some ratings there are... Least to say questionable.


If adding F2 and F3 they can go lower.


In F1 Manager, the overall rating is the average of 9 different stats : Cornering, braking and reactions for pace, accuracy, control and smoothness for consistency, adaptability, overtaking and defending for racecraft. It's way clearer what's every driver's strength and weakness, and it's well translated during races.


Because the worst F1 driver is still better than the average pro racing driver.


Yup, 17 out of 20 are in the 80’s range


So they can rank you at a 10.


Hamilton finished 3rd in the drivers championship last season and despite Merc's obvious struggles is having a far better season than Alonso is in 2024. I don't quite understand the logic in that one.


It‘s the same with every EA game. Players with a terrible season made super high rated Team Of The Season cards in EAFC or players with terrible matchdays landed in Teams Of The Week…just because you know – people want players they know and adore and EA makes good money from that.


It’s just media hype around Alonso looking like god tier next to Lance.


Everyone is god tier next to Stroll


Not Alonso in the last two races


That’s the inherent anti-Spaniard bias


Mostly that experience is a stat, and so Alonso being the most experienced gets a big overall stat bump as a result of that.


And not good ones.


Man that Logan score is fuckin BRUTAL


There's a 12 point swing between 2nd and 19th. And then a 10 point difference between 19th and 20th.


It really just sticks out, I’d be pissed if I was him lol. I can’t imagine they’ll use any footage of the Williams pair trying to guess each other’s stats.


They did, just not a lot. And he did look like he didnt want to be there


Albon trying to hype him up was nice


Seriously made me love Albon even more. He was so positive and supportive.


Because adding experience as a “stat” is so stupid as far as skewing all these rankings. Amongst many other issues.. what a joke lol


I don't think his score is too low, but I think Zhou's is too high. If Zhou was at 75 or something it would make more sense.


Yeah you could fix it that way too, ~5 points lower seems about right.


I think in general this scale could use some stretching, Perez is too high, Ricciardo is too high, Nico is too low imo, Stroll and Magnussen could also probably get like -2 or something.If they put 3 or 4 into 70s it wouldn't look stupidly harsh


It’s extremely brutal and doesn’t even make much sense to me. If you think Albon is a top 10 driver in F1 then Sargeant shouldn’t be that diabolically far off everyone else


I mean there's no way he's 10 points down on Zhou, I can agree with him being at the bottom, but it feels especially harsh.


Aside from Nico and Yuki, IMO one could argue the rest of the drivers from the bottom two rows are also rated too high.


Yuki is criminally underrated here! Yeah the bottom two rows are pretty generous in their scoring aside from Logan Yuki and Nico


Yuki should be higher than Pierre, piastri should be in Russell or higher's level


Albon's score of 85 is average, and Sargeant is significantly worse IRL.


So is his time in F1




He's more aware of his family's money.


He’s more aware he doesn’t belong on the grid.


They just slammed on the brakes under safety car for no reason mate, not his fault


Let's be reasonable here. Nobody could expect cars to brake going into a hairpin corner.


They don't have max at 99 awareness when we all know the guy can tell who's in the pits from a radio call


Ok but seriously, Sainz’s famous trait is having such great awareness. Even if he’s not as fast as Chuck, it’s undeniable that his awareness is top tier. 89 is a yoke. Bottas having 97 awareness is also a yoke. I can only assume they gave him such a high stat there so they can give him shitty stats everywhere else but keep him at 81 overall.


6/19 drivers are tied or lower awareness than mister "i turn now, good luck everyone else" and somehow Ocon isn't one of them. I guess specifically only ramming your teammates is a sort of awareness.


Its insane, Gasly is at the bottom of the list in the world destructor championship...


Bottas is basically omniscient. 97 aware baby.


Criminal to rate Leclercs pace so low. Alonso 81 awareness??? Yeah as expected these are completely inaccurate again


Stroll just behind Alonso in awareness


They meant cultural awareness.


89 pace for Leclerc while 96 for Verstappen. Like, Leclerc should be 93 to 95 pace, not 89 if Max is the benchmark with 96... These people are fucking fools.


I agree. Also, Piastri should have a higher score and Cheeto a lower score.


Rookies like Alonso are usually quite unaware. He'll become more aware as he gains experience.


They have to lower some of alonso scores, because they insist on valuing experience the same as the rest. Even though it has nothing to do with a drivers skill. If you give him an honest score in the rest, he will always have the highest overall.


Alonso's awareness is average I'd say. Now his racecraft...


His awareness of the rules, stewarding and how to bend them to the limit is brilliant however


Absolutely brutal for Logan. Second-worst drivers are closer to the elite guys like Hamilton, Leclerc and Norris than he is to the next-worst guy.


to put into perspective how low Logan's score is, Aarava just dropped episode 1 of his F1 24 playthrough and his driver started with a 74 rating after doing F2 lmao


Who was his driver? Cause I'd agree some 2023 F2 drivers should be ranked higher than Logan.


I think he means player created driver


I don't know if its the same in this game, but even Liam Lawson was in the 80s last year despite only driving a handful of races. Yes Logan should be the lowest rated F1 driver in the game, but he shouldn't be that far off someone like Zhou


Agreed. As per these ratings, Logan is a lot further away from Stroll and Zhou than those two are from Leclerc and Hamilton. In all honesty, Leclerc and Hamilton should be above 90 as well.


I assume these are just based on team points scored and popularity. They are a journey.


Is this current form or historically? because i don't see how alonso is a 92 right now but Norris and Leclerc a 89


It's whatever they feel like.


Just like in FIFA


some of the stats like experience are overall, but most of it is current, however "current" is also not right, there is usually a couple months lag in codemasters updating the rating, so this mainly reflects late last season + the start of current. So, to me, most of it makes sense, Alonso had some very outstanding performances early on.


Obviously neither. Current wouldn’t explain George being behind Lewis and “historically” ie the level of pace we all know they have, Lewis is far better than an 89, especially if that 89 also has Sainz and Norris and puts Fernando at 92. Lewis is closer to Ocon than to Max. Unbelievably biased.


Yeah, Lewis is a real puzzle for me. If they're dependent upon last year, Lewis should be clear 2nd overall by challenging for 2nd in the championship until some untimely DNFs and managing to be well clear of 4th-back. If it's current performance, why is he on the same level of Norris, Carlos, & Charles and ahead of Russell. Shit is just whatever EA randomly draw ig.


Ocon having more awareness than Albon is also showing how unreliable this is. It feels like they need to adjust the other ratings based on the experience, which is a terrible system.


The first few weeks of the 2023 season.


Most likely based on his 2023 and perhaps very early 2024, which in my somewhat biased opinion very fair, if they included his last three races they would have ranked him below Sergeant.


This is engagement bait, right?


Yeah, classic EA. Intentionally give out some questionable ratings for clicks and engagement. They've been doing this with FIFA for ages.


Yup, day 1 patch with proper ratings.


They did Hulk dirty. Yuki too.


They did Stroll dirty by putting him that high.


Perez 87 Hulk 82 Best joke of the year so far


Not as funny as Daniel over yuki


Both Alpine drivers being just out the top 10 to me. Completely crazy.


Idk, the top 10 is stacked. The only questionable ones here are Perez and maybe Albon. Assuming we take out Perez and leave Albon, there’s a lot of good drivers competing for the last spot. Is it fair to put Gasly/Ocon above Hulk/Bottas/Yuki? If there’s only one spot left then Gasly or Ocon? I’m also thinking Albon is a little overrated as his teammates have been very bad.


I mean, Yuki is faster than him in individual stats, Danny is just old.


Those legacy points are really dragging him up from the gutter rn. I wonder how many more turds he's gonna lay on the track before he gets voluntarily retired.


Fucking hell, you’d think he was worse than Mazepin with the way some people have been going on about him. I think he’s well past his prime and Yuki’s had his number this season but I don’t been dreadful, just mediocre. And even then results like the P4 in the sprint are a pretty nice highlight in his season so far.


He's scored points 1 race out of 16 since he returned while Yuki has scored something like 6 times in the past 8 races. He is not mediocre at all


"Results like the p4 in the sprint" you mean the one and only result in the season? He's not as bad as mazepin but the fact that people still think he's anywhere near good is whats crazy


Russell being the same as Perez is arguably even worse. Basically all of these ratings are shit.


the only one that is right is Max but even then he shouldnt be so isolated above 90, many others should be up there as well


Yeah, Max is the best atm but these ratings are far too car dependent.


Charles should be 93ish, lewis as well. Lando maybe 91, sainz is good and move Russell up to 89


Also Charles, lando and Lewis only 2 points up on perez. Like what?


or Perez 87 Bottas 81 is also crazy to me. Bottas never missed a single Q3 for Mercedes multiple for years in a row.


Alonso 92? If he wasn't Spanish he would have been a 99.


You sir are absolutely correct


Pretty disgusting that they keep using this man’s nationality to keep him down


Putting Yuki below Daniel is ridiculous at this point.


Yeah that is an interesting choice. Yuki in front of Gasly for sure!


The overall yeah but then his pace, which realistically is the only thing that really seems to matter in the game is 4 higher. Overall means literally nothing.


Trueee. I feel like his race craft should be higher though if we’re going off of recent form.


Oh for sure there's a lot of stats here that need changing which is the same story every year. They never get the stats right, it's just not quite so bad if they at least get the pace stats decently accurate which they always manage to mess up on two or three drivers every game. Definitely would have Yuki's Racecraft in the mid 80's at this point though.


lol Ric ranked higher than Tsunoda


Qualifying head to head this year: Yuki 7-1 Daniel Alonso 4-4 Stroll Race head to head this year: Yuki 6-1 Daniel Alonso 6-2 Stroll Make of that what you will.


That’s why the team forcing them to swap was so useful for Danny, 7-1 looks a lot better then 8-0


What you mean to say is Stroll should be AT LEAST 90 rated right?


Tsunoda pace: 86 Ricciardo pace: 82 It's the only stat that matters as anything between 70-90 in Awareness and Racecraft doesn't make much difference in game and the overall literally means nothing. That being said, Hulkenberg should definitely have higher pace, around 86 or so as well, Lewis and George should be higher as well as Leclerc but nerf the Mercedes to balance it out as it's a bit too strong and nerfing the drivers instead of the car is a poor way to balance the AI in a game where drivers can change teams.


The same sh*t as usual. They just take a photo on time of the WDC/WCC championship, how are the drivers doing in general, and apply the points based on that. The points systems on the games are not based on the value of the driver, but on what they can achieve, which is… unfair. An average driver at RBR will achieve more than the best of the best at Williams or Haas. For example, Hamilton was 1 point ahead of Max on 2021 (being Max the WDC and arguably the most consistent that year). Bottas on 2020 was the second best driver by points (90), because he drove a powerful Mercedes. Now he is 15th because he drives a Sauber backmarker. I don’t think he as a driver just dropped off a cliff like that in 3-4 years. Fernando Alonso on 2022 was 6th and now its 2nd best, casually as his car transformed from being a backmarker to be a podium contender (and now again, backmarker) At the end, this is just a subjective points tier based on quali/race paces (and then, comparing teammates), mixed a bit with a popularity contest, because Checo there with Hamilton and Russell (and 3 points more than Piastri) or Ricciardo over Tsunoda, are choices They shouldn’t take into account which team and car drivers drive for when assigning them a rating potential, then you are just rating more than the driver itself


The "overall" number seems completely made up and unrelated to the cataegory numbers below as the coefficients of the categories look to vary from driver to driver. Alonso being an 81 awareness 2 points higher than Kmag or Stroll is ???? Bottas having the lowest race score other than Sargeant and >10 less than Ocon, Hulk, or Stroll ???


I'm a Nando fan But how on Earth he has 4 scores higher than Hamilton ? Also Leclerc has the same scores (even being ranked behind) as Sainz and has worse "pace" than Lando lol


Hamilton-Leclerc being almost universally agreed as the strongest pairing for 2025 and being worse a combination than Alonso-Perez overall is actually a joke


Couldn't agree more. Leclerc has the same number of wins as Perez and has never been in a WCC winning car.


Are these based on 2024 or 2023 performance?


Not based on any performance from what I can see. Hamilton only being two points ahead of Checo when he nearly beat him for P2 last year is certainly a choice.


It makes no sense If those are based on 2023 then Lewis and Fernando should probably have the same score and both should be around 92-94 If those are based on 2024 then Alonso has no bussiness in the top 3 or even top 5 Last season should be Max >> Alonso \~ Hamilton > Leclerc >= Sainz \~ Lando in the top 5 This season should be Max >= Leclerc >= Lando > Sainz > Piastri in the top 5


I mean it's just ratings in a videogame, but choices seem to be more based on popularity than anything else. Is Perez ahead of Piastri and Albon and on par with Russel ability wise? I love Carlos, but that's a bit inflated. Alonso is an amazing driver, but being paired with Stroll really makes it seem like he drives way past what the car is capable of, when it's perhaps a bit more of his teammate under driving, he was 2 year at Alpine, does it seem fair for him to have +9 compared to Ocon? I 100% believe he would contest for a championship if he had a the car, but so would Leclerc, Norris, Hamilton, Russel, and soon enough Piastri. Verstappen at the top and Logan at the bottom are the easiest picks, although 70 is a bit rough.


EA creates especially stupid rating so people get triggered and post about it online. It's just rage bait, don't fall for it.


and if its anything like Fifa, they will later release plenty of different variants on packs that actually have the correct ratings


Piastri below Albon? Ok….


I wouldn't even put him that much below Lando


If we're going with Lando is 89, Oscar is probably an 87/86. His tire management isn't there yet. Being 5 points down doesn't make sense.


Yo they are doing yuki dirty. That boy cannot get any respect.


Theyre going to need to update that Yuki rating


So many things wrong with this list. Alonso 92 - yes he had a fantastic season last year but i wouldnt put him 3 ratings higher than Leclerc, Norris and Hamilton especially as his point of reference is stroll. Sainz - 89 - how is Sainz rated the same as Leclerc and only 1 higher on pace when Leclerc clearly outqualified Sainz by almost 2 tenths? Albon - 85 - ahead of both Ocon and Gasly while having Sargeant as his teammate. Yes he had a good season last year but again, point of reference that he had was Sargeant. Also Sargeant has been shafted with the ratings because a 70 is miles off everyone else. Ric - 82 - I like ric but he should not be ahead of Tsunoda. Tsunoda should be at least 84 imo. Hulk and Bottas - 82 and 81 - seems like it’s very car based because Hulk had a great season last year and Bottas was comfortably ahead of Zhou from the mid summer break and yet they are ranked as one of the worst drivers on the grid while Perez gets 87.


Magnussen on the same level as Stroll and Zhou is also hilarious, I know the guy is Public Enemy #1 nowadays, but come on.


I think if you single handedly get your team 7th in championship you deserve good points. The worst rating is definitely Yuki and Charles being the same as Carlos. Ridiculous


To counter, the reason why he single handled got P7 was because Sargeant was absolutely trash last year in terms of pace and mistakes. The other midfield teams at least had drivers who were capable of scoring points (Haas, Sauber, AT once Devries was dropped and Alpine). Either way it’s not that deep in that grand scheme of things. Albon should be around that 85 mark but I think Ocon and Gasly should also be. I believe they have been rated higher as well in previous years so not sure why they’ve been downgraded when I think both drove quite well last year (podium each).


What’s wild about Alonso’s rating is that they clearly just adjusted his awareness until his rating was closer to number 3 than it was number 1


Well if Alonso is 92, I guess only based on experience.. than Lewis is criminally underrated Also, quite a few debatable ones but for me this one stands out the most


Harsh for Lewis. It’s not his fault his car is shit.


yuki below daniel, what a joke


A Spanish person definitely made this


I swear everything I see online is ragebait now. Just pointless content made to drive engagement.


How is Alonso 92 while Lewis is 89?


Lewis 89 lul. And only 2 points more than checo....


So Lewis is presumably getting nerfed because there’s the impression Russell has beaten him, but Russell doesn’t even get a rating higher than Perez and the explanation for that is presumably because he finished miles behind Lewis last year, and that puts him well down because nobody rates Lewis? According to this game, you should take Alonso-Perez over Hamilton-Leclerc. Just… whatever.


It just doesn’t make sense because Danny Ric is ahead of Yuki as well lol. Just terrible rating all around, with zero logic. Probably done for people to actually speak about this game, because realistically idk who plays this and actually cares about the driver ratings


Perez 87 only because he is on a red bull


Really doing Logan dirty with that rating. Him being the lowest is fine but damn that's brutal


This rating list is dog.


Yuki should definitely not anywhere near the bottom five


The disrespect to Yuki is off the charts


Hulk and Yuki are criminally low.


Daniel over Yuki is a crime at this point


The first thing I noticed. Like what?


It’s okay I will just change Lewis’s number from 89 to 98. If the game makes up its own reality so can I.


Just pure nonsense 


Being the big dog in a dog shit team really helps your rating, i.e. Albon and Alonso. Although Alonso should have +90, but Hamilton being at 89 is just stupid.


This is criminal lol. The difference between Logan to Zhou is MORE THAN the difference between Zhou to Leclerc/Hamilton?? Logan should be the lowest but that gap is crazy lol. And Yuki at an 81 is so unfair to Yuki. All of these are wild.


It’s a bit generous giving Stroll an 80. He’s terrible.


These ratings are ass and holy shit Logan get defamation level rating lmao. Like he’s not great but he certainly isn’t 10 points lower than zhou


Lewis 89 is a choice for sure


Alonso score overinflated. Being a teammate to one of the worst drivers on the grid can give people a false impression.


Yuki being done dirty


Why have those 4 scores below when they have no correlation to the actual score?


Man HOW is Yuki only a 81!!!!


Alonso is way too high. Don't get. Me wrong, he WAS that good, but he's not that good anymore.


89 for Hamilton is actually disrespectful.


Alonso with a 92? Aston disappeared from the discussion in the back half of the year and they’re absolutely terrible this season.


These are so shit, as always.


How can you put Yuki below Ricciardo?


Nothing on this list makes sense. Russell and Perez at the same rating? And Sargeant 10 points below everyone else? No way is he that much worse than zhou


Yeah they might want to update these lol


Justice for Lewis 😡😡 He's at least on par with Nando


People taking these way too seriously. It’s usually been a stock of “who’s hot right now” it’s not that deep. That being said I’m not sure how they came up with nando for #2 based on any metric


Alonso is NOT the 2nd best driver on the grid man 😭 Perez beat stroll just as convincingly as Alonso has been…


these are somehow worse than their fifa ratings


ragebait ratings lol


92? That’s the highest rating for a rookie in any F1 game right?


Welcome to F1 24!! where the handling is shit and the drivers ratings are made up


Honestly it is not hard to make these if they actually tried. The problem is there are probably 100 people making them, none of them talk to each other there are like 74 meetings out of which 73 are useless. It gets to the point that by the reveal time everyone is so over it they just release whatever the fuck was the latest save version and will just fix and do real ratings based on how much people yell at it. I'm convinced a single random redditor could probably come up with a better and more comprehensive way to rate drives that would probably even extend to actual analytics and performance reviews.


lol these ratings are so bad 


What a joke!


Having Valteri rated lower than ocon is sacrilege


Didn’t know Fernando worked for EA.


Yuki should be higher than everyone on the row above. Garbage ratings


Poor Yuki is being hard done by here, no way he's worse than Riciardo anymore, maybe last year but he's definitely stepped up his game. 


Yuki is far too low


Lmfao Alonso.


Ham at 89 is blasphemy… should be 92


Carlos a bit too high Lewis a bit too low Perez a bit too high Albon a bit too high Piastri a bit too low Ric a bit bit too high Hulk a bit bit too low Yuki too low


K-Mag is objectively better than Zhou and Stroll