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I like how he just casually mentioned he almost died while surfing


Yeah wtf lol. I think some drivers have it in their contracts that they can’t do dangerous things, but then there’s Lewis almost running out of air while surfing and doing things like skydiving.


Isn't skydiving pretty safe?


Overall, yeah. But some things that are generally safe like skydiving, surfing, and rock climbing (or even racing lol) can be banned via contracts. There was some actor that complained he couldn’t do rock climbing during his multi-film contract. Also I think Max said he had some safety stipulations in his contract?


Makes sense. I know some NBA players have the same things in their contracts


Skydiving and surfing are two completely different levels of danger though. 99.9% people who skydive have probably never got a skydiving related injury of any kind. Literally not even a scratch. Surfing anywhere with big waves can get pretty sketchy, even for very fit people. Then you have the places with rocks close to the waves. Riding motorcycles on road is one of the things I'm pretty sure most of the drivers can't do.


That’s funny to think, because that’s probably the same for MotoGP drivers, even though that’s their job


I’d argue it’s safer to race a motorcycle around a circuit than be out for a ride with the general public.


Obviously. It’s just funny to think that your job tells you that you are not allowed to do your job in your free time


I mean, skydiving is safe if done correctly in a reputable place, which these guys can afford. I'm pretty sure that surfing is also safe *depending on where you surf*. Certainly not safe if you're not a pro and decide to go to beaches with known gigantic waves though


It happens. I’ve surfed for 20+ years and the amount of times I didn’t think I’d make it is about 4. And most of those were when I was younger and pushing my limits. There’s times now where I don’t paddle out and am content with watching the waves from the shore.


I think "dangerous situations" is a different ballgame for someone who drives a carbon fibre bucket around at 200mph


Equally casual about the fact it was with Kelly Slater.


Just last week we had Chris Hemsworth tell a dangerous surfing story, might have to rename the show "surfboard confessional" or something


What is blistering? "What's blistering?! My mouth!"


Bono, my mouth is gone.


We are checking 2025


I laughed my ass off on that one


What's the worst time in the car? "Every second, right now"


My man fucking hates these new Mercs lmaoo


i literally laughed out loud at the office when he said "right now" with no hesitation


haha me too


Him saying he still cant get the car to do what he wants it to do is interesting, i wonder if this was filmed right before the Miami GP while they were in NY or after the Monaco GP now that theyre headed to Canada


Definitely before Miami


As far as I remember, Hot Ones tend to film a bunch of these so they have a bunch of them lined up. This is probably way before Miami.


Had to be when he was in NY for the WhatsApp promo


Going on hot ones just to shit on the 2024 Merc, gotta love the dedication


What are they going to do, fire him?


Especially knowing that he’s apparently cancelled several times before (and Sean said one time he sent him a succulent as an apology gift!)…. The man decided now he had things he wanted to get off his chest


succulent as an apology is so lewis


a succulent Chinese meal? *re-reads* Oh an *actual* succulent 😂




He's incredibly good in front of cameras




He instantly blurted that one out, made me laugh. Great interview, Lewis always proving he's a genuine good dude.


Yeah he kind of went deep on the car here


Dude gives zero fucks shitting on Mercedes publicly now it’s fuckin hilarious He wasn’t even trying to be funny lol shit just came right out


Haha, this was so funny. He was like, "oh God the car? It's terrible." "These wings on the other hand, loving it."


"I'm gonna do shots of Da Bomb because it's more enjoyable than whatever y'all are doing in Brackley."


New Stat: Lewis has only peed once in an F1 car. ***what’s blistering? My mouth*** Whole last segment of video was amazing. Full send.


Lewis going back for seconds of Da Bomb was wild.


It's like, once he gets his bearings on how hot it is, he's fine handling it again. Just needed to calibrate.


Hadnt thought of it that way. Makes sense, high performance athlete with super high mental control under pressure


Yeah he really is an adrenaline junkie. Like you’re going back for more????


Fr I watched a lot of Hot ones a few years ago and I don't think I have ever seen anyone go back for more Da Bomb


Chris Hemsworth went for extra dab on most of the sauces and Conan O'Brien drank them and smeared the sauces all over himself xD Fun episodes, recommend to watch.


The Conan one was hilarious. Plus his day after debrief.


conan bringing his 'doctor' was the best.


Yeah doctor arroyo was hilarious


And very affordable.


My grandma uses da bomb on her bird feeders to keep the squirrels off


I don't think I've ever seen Sean having to struggle to keep up with someone else as much as with Lewis, it was wild.


Lewis kept him in the pocket of "I should keep up with this" while making it tough, Sean didn't even try to keep up with guests like Conan, and I can't blame him


Lewis wanted to keep him in DRS range.


Oh yeah, that's probably why I didn't see him suffer that much with Conan.


also the fact that he wants to start with the three hottest sauces and ramp it up from there the next time he's on is crazy lol


He starts with Da Bomb, eats some raw reapers and Pepper X, works his way through awful capsaicin extract sauces, and to finish it off the NYPD walks into the studio and pepper sprays Lewis in the face.


Still better than driving a modern regs Merc


He's always been surprisingly funny when you listen to his interviews instead of just reading the quotes. He's quick as well with the jokes


I think what throws people off is that he's a little shy, so he can take a minute to warm up during interviews (you saw it with the beginning of this interview), and people interpret that as him being standoffish or rude.


100%, I think this is absolutely the reason he turns some people off. He's standoffish, but because he's shy, not because he's a jerk, then when he let's his guard down he almost always ends up being hilarious. I could hear Sean sigh when Lewis said let's do da Bomb again lol. Sean is great, he always seems to get the best out of the guests.


When he made that little remark about how "Kimi parties all the time" while Kimi was just looking at the ceiling thinking about a yacht or an ice cream and then lost it after seeing his (complete lack of a) reaction should have made it obvious to anyone watching. He came off extremely well here too.


And specifically, in Singapore. 2017?


2022 i think.


He said 2-3 years ago??


Yeah, so 2017 is about right- wait no damn 2017 was 7 years ago... Man


Getting old huh? Know the feeling :/


Did not expect the full send at all lol. Thought he was slowing down and then he sends it


>Comes on the show >Eats Da Bomb twice >Shits on merc >Leaves






i like how he didnt promote anything at the end and just gave props to the show.


You know, that's something about Lewis that is just interesting. With everything he does he makes sure to squeeze in acknowledgement. It's something I miss about him considering he hasn't really been on the podium this year besides that one sprint race.


This definitely came from his dad. You can tell based on how respectful his dad has always been with engineers and the people who work with Lewis.


your username means I trust you on this.


Sean Evans and his team got their very own "and thank you to all the guys and gals back at the factory"


I love seeing a more relaxed, human side to Lewis. And respect to him for coming through that relatively unscathed. I doubt anyone from Stevenage has ever encountered spice like that.


Always wished we saw Lewis do more 'fun stuff' nascent to F1, because every once in a while during a funny press conference moment or something you see his goofing off potential. But he's usually very reserved. I bet the rigid Merc corporate culture and image didn't help either.


It’s more growing up the only black driver ever on the grid. Every word he’s said, every post he’s made, every breath he’s taken has been under unprecedented scrutiny his entire career.


>I bet the rigid Merc corporate culture and image didn't help either. And even then, he's still allowed to let loose in there more often than when he's in McLaren 😂




To be fair he's an excellent interviewer. I think it was Conan recently that said that as well. He asks excellent questions to his guests that come from many different backgrounds. That's why he's able to get these A-tier guests on his show. He deserves all his success because there's no one like his platform.


His and his team's preparation must be extensive, they ask such long thought out questions.


not sure if this is still how it works but sean has said before that him and the co-creator chris schonberger basically split the research, one of them reads everything they can (books, other interviews, etc.) about the person and the other watches every piece of video about them that they can find and then they combine all that info into the set of questions


IIRC only Sean and one other person researches and writes the questions


There's a lot of genius (and probably luck) that makes the show successful. Since they're not only speaking to a specific fanbase, they have more liberty with the topics to cover. They make sure that viewers who don't really know anything about why the person is famous can be entertained as well. Also, since it's an absurd premise, it just doesn't have the same weight of professionalism (even though it's still very much there). That's enhanced by the wings getting hotter. After watching a lot of episodes, those are some of the aspects I've come to appreciate about it because it's so consistently good.


It's crazy that after 7+ years and a huge ramp up in production/"professionalism" the wings still do their job. Hot Ones is pretty much the only place that you can see celebrities really get pushed out of their element and drop the mask for a moment. I remember around season 4 or 5 when they started getting real A listers on I was worried it would become more corporate and feel too fake, but they consistently have people bleeding their makeup down their face and unexpected people swearing. The premise of "eating really spicy food can make you answer hard questions earnestly" still comes through. Also of course Sean is an amazing interviewer who clearly has a lot of passion and respect for his job considering how he pretty much always comes with some seriously good questions.


And it's impressive because he has definitely improved. https://youtu.be/JcWqcJXYzrI?si=2kUa72HkfbYKcMjv


That interview must be what drives him to ask great questions for the rest of his career.


A lot of his guests give him the same compliment. He's somewhere between Charlie Rose and Nardwuar with the personal touches he puts on each interview.


haha I was thinking the same


> Sean Evans asks better ~~f1 related~~ questions than most reporters do. There are even compilation videos of guests reacting to the quality of questions that Sean asks: "Great question" and "never been asked before" happen often.






Did you hear his podcast follow up with Dr Aroyo on after the HotOnes Ep? Fucking *hilarious* “It’s 20$” “…is that like, the copay for the visit? Will you bill my insurance? Or..” “Nope, just… $20”


He's very affordable. No higher praise than that.


Where did you go to medical school? 1998


Was it a four year school? It was supposed to be.


Alton Brown has a good one. He's so unimpressed with how hot the sauces are he starts Ranking them.


Sean Evans is one of the best interviewers. He just has this natural charm to lead the show and he does extensive research into each person and always asks the questions in a really nice calm energetic manner. And he makes the every guest feel so welcome and i think for all the celebrities this kind of interview paired with hot sauces is a fresh air and a huge difference from the boring interviews they do where they get asked the same question over and over in 20 interviews they do in a row.


Any longtime fans of the show know that going back for more of Da Bomb is insane lol. Lewis killed this.


I have a bottle of Da Bomb at home and going for seconds (without breaks and after a hefty serving of The Last Dab) is definitely insane, especially since it's a "slower" burn than other sauces and it's easy to fuck up your digestive system afterwards if you get too cocky with it.


I had a phase where I'd put a little bit of da bomb on my meat sandwiches, and it was so little too. Like, literally just scraping a tiny bit from the neck of the bottle, and I'd be in a 5-10 minute "oh fuck oh god" situation afterwards. And yet I kept doing it. There's something about the rush of it lol.


This comments makes me think of those Aussies who keep grabbing the electric fence for a rush I also have a bottle of da bomb, which I’ve only tried once. Had the full season 11 lineup and most were great but that one is just wrong


Not sure when they filmed this but maybe Lewis saw Carlos win after losing an internal organ and decided to fast track the process 


He was talking shit about the Merc car so it had to be recently lol


Had to be the last couple years lol


He really went full send and did them all. Wow. TIL Roscoe shat in front of George and Fernando's motorhomes lol


Also Valterri's motorhome, this came up once lol


What an adorable menace 😂


There were some really interesting things in this interview, like him saying he always drives with an empty water tank as he never drinks during the race anyway.


Which makes me wonder, are water bottles fair game to swap during a red flag?


Idk why but the idea that roscoe is dropping a load in front of other drivers motorhomes is hilarious. Fernando : this guy only knows how to race from the front Lewis: Roscoe we got a job to do


[ahh, so that's why Leclerc got Leo...for the psychological games ](https://youtube.com/shorts/LEcNIYsCYCI?si=di6GsCQfM1trNiOO)


Someone needs to gift Charles one of those little poo bag holders that attaches to the leash lol.


Give it time, Roscoe will teach Leo to do the same once they are united.


Ferrari PR better spam on Roscoe & Leo content. I promise to consume it all and never complain.


Lewis mentioned something that will be interesting. Leo has taken the F1 fan sphere by storm. Roscoe is currently as Lewis called him in the video “the team mascot”. At Ferrari it might turn into war of the pups for team mascot.


Roscoe taking a dump in front of motorhomes should be accompanied by, "Lewis sends his regards"


Psychological advantage: Ham - 1 Russell - 0 Alonso - 0


Blimey Roscoe - George probably. Roscoe doesn't like the Spanish drivers either! - Alonso probably.


I love when Sean was talking about the labrador before he got Roscoe, Lewis had that "oh shit, you really know what you're talking about" moment that almost every interviewee has.


I caught that too. The guy goes hard on his research and it’s so amazing when celebs are blown away by itz




drivers are built different man


I was initially disappointed with the tiny bites he was taking at the start, but he really grew into it and was going back for more. Doing an extra dab at the end and eating the full last wing is great. And going back for more Da Bomb? Full respect.


Yeah, there was an episode where Ricky Gervais tapped out talking about his “mild British palate”, but leave it to Sir Lewis to redeem the British with going back for da bomb and the “full send” on the last dab. Always enjoy it when the guests actually go for it instead of nibbling!


Lewis did mention at the opening that he likes to find good hot sauces so it sounds like he’s at least slightly more prepared then others.


the caribbean genes took over lol


Whenever I think of the "mild British palate" I'm always reminded of Lister's love for deathly hot vindaloo on Red Dwarf.


Yes, people say that British food is bland, but the British took curry and decided it all just needed to be spicier. And actually, a lot of the traditional British condiments come down to "slather the food in something so overwhelming you can't taste whether it's rotten or not". Horseradish. Mustard. Mint jelly. Malt vinegar. Gentleman's Relish (i.e. spiced anchovy paste). And although it's not overpowering, this is the country that decided that even basic foodstuff like chips or sausages should be eaten with Brown Sauce, a complex blend of tomatoes, malt vinegar, molasses, tamarind, dates and spices. And a lot of traditional foods themselves are pretty striking, from the jellied eels to the blood pudding. Liver and onions; steak and kidney pie. And of course the cheeses, from extra-vintage cheddar through to stilton...


It's funny that he didn't have anything to promote at the end, he just went for the challenge lol. True adrenaline seeker


Lewis has set the bar quite high for any other F1 drivers to go on Hot Ones -- they are a competitive bunch and anyone else would want to outdo Lewis.


I’d love a Top Gear style ranking for F1 guests that come on and want to outdo the other drivers haha.


My money would be on Checo.


Checo shows up with his own hot sauces


And Sean passes out after the first one.


Give it a few weeks. The F1 YouTube channel will do a grill the grib with wings lol


I'm sure it's something for Ric to do.


"What does the back of Lewis's car look like?"


"I don't know, I'm too far behind"


Just watched, makes me love Lewis even more. Also those vegan wings looked real enough lol


Oh shit those were vegan? I knew there was something off with how they looked so meaty and kind of like a chicken tender. I guess it makes sense for Lewis to request vegan ones, didn't notice this while watching


The last person I saw on Hot Ones with vegan wings was Weird Al, and it looks like vegan wings have improved a lot since then.


They switched to Natalie Portman’s favorite spot after she went on the show and specifically requested them. They also have a go-to spot in London. When they film in other cities they try a bunch of places for their vegan guests as part of their research. I love how dedicated they are, it really shows in the quality of their interviews!


Natalie Portman being the vegan wing expert is so on brand lol


So we learned from this that Lewis has trained Roscoe to take dumps outside George and Fernando's motor homes.


Merc PU user's privilege.


I love that he admits to peeing himself 1 time during Singapore...


Its even funnier that his point is basically "well everyone else pisses themselves quite frequently, but I've only done it once". I had never really thought of it but it's hilarious to imagine drivers just pissing themselves in the car lol


Now imagine a Daniel Riccardo shoey with piss seepage in it..


Finally some good fucking food


lol and afterwards when their team is hugging them they’re actually covered in dried piss. not to mention the amount of sweat they lose. those boys are definitely stinky post race


Roscoe taking poohs in front of other drivers' motorhomes, lol. Fernando: Even the dog is against the Spanish!


Went two rounds with Da Bomb like a maniac. This was a great episode


rofl, Lewis fucking with Sean at the end with the sauces.


The sport is going to really miss Lewis when he retires.


Grill the Grid not enough of a challenge for this man


“oh yea i almost died while surfing🙃…anyways next wing”


Lewis cops a lot of shit. But I’ve always felt in these types of interviews he comes across as a chill cool dude I’d like to hang out with.


Waiting for Nico to get on the show and eat a carolina reaper


The hottest pepper in the world now is PepperX, which Lewis just ate a sauce made from in this video.


He’s already getting shit for even doing this in comments section on euro rag f1 media He’s distracted, racist jokes about chicken, etc Fuck some people


Wow, Lewis dabbing Da Bomb after The Last Dab takes serious guts.


Awesome to see him go back for more at the end!


Last segment was hilarious


Lewis doubling up on Da Bomb and the Last Dab was... omg Amazing episode, and some of the best one liners ever to come out of Hot Ones, loved it!


That was fantastic. You can see his genuine fun side come through in an interview like this. And going back for Da Bomb is an absolute madcunt move, it ruined poor Sean lol. I don't think I've ever seen anyone go back for Da Bomb, out of all fucking sauces. I didn't think he'd do well considering he was already talking about spice three or four sauces in, but he just kept on trucking. He expertly maintained his spice degradation until the end of the race, and had a little margin to push and put in FL. Masterclass.


Damn, he did freaking well here!


He really did though, it felt more like a conversation instead of an interview. The fact he was asking questions back too was fun.


Really enjoyed this one and way more interesting interview than all the generic F1 media bs questions.


Oh my god I’m in love. He’s so charming.


“I don’t trust people that aren’t animal lovers” don’t know why but I vibed hard there. Keep raising the bar high with that ragged edge winning mentality my man!


Its funny how in interviews every driver always brings up the fun fact that they know all *other* drivers regularly pee in the car, but they themselves dont do that or maybe once or twice in special circumstances. Only a certain monaco based youtuber admits it with pride.


I mean makes sense the Monaco based YouTuber got used to peeing in his car after what Schumacher put him through


For those that don’t know, Schumacher used to lock himself in the toilet in the garage right up until it was time to get in the car just so Nico wasn’t able to go to the toilet before quali. Another mental game he used to play was pretending Nico didn’t exist and not considering any of his feedback during engineering sessions and debriefs.


Nico by his own admission had to use a bucket once before quali


Jesus Christ


This is a pretty major get for Hot Ones I feel like


doing extra on the last dab and da bomb is psychotic adrenaline junkie behavior. and I'm here for it


Lewis going back for Da Bomb is insanity


I’m a bit sad they didn’t ask him more questions about things outside F1 like his vegan activism and other ventures. They usually do that with other people but I guess they went more with questions about his profession


Well Lewis did say he was open to doing it again. It really did feel like the interview had more in it, like they could have gone on for much longer.


Yeah I was surprised about this as well. And when Sean gave him the chance to plug something at the end, he just thanked them for having him and didn't plug anything... I figure his head was probably spinning from the hot sauce but still.


Yeah a lot of guests completely blank out when it's time to plug things. Sometimes a manager/publicist off screen will remind them to promote something.


Toto text incoming: about the W15, the nearly dying whilst contracted to Merc and the Russell moto home cleaning bill.


Lewis really went back in for seconds 🤣 Fucking legend


“When are you most in conflict with the machine you’re driving?” “Right now”


nah lewis wild for going back after the last dab, to put on more of da bomb. He's a lunatic down to his core.


The first thing my Mom said was how politely Lewis grabbed his napkin. 😄


i like this guy!




Finally, been waiting for this.


Lewis double bomb!!


Wow. Even went for another Da Bomb at the end!


This was outstanding! Thanks for sharing it! LOL


Fantastic episode! The story about the waves was scary, the segment about Roscoe was lovely and I didn't think peeing inside the cars was so normalized overall. I thought it was more of a thing from the past tbh. The final few sauces were especially fun to watch from far away. Much respect to them both for keeping going and still being able to talk. I do like "spicy" food but the very first one would probably already be enough. The second sends me to the hospital, lol.


i think also everyone right now says “i don’t do it but i know drivers who do” but i’ve NEVER heard anyone admit to it another than lewis this one time lol