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- Max 58 pts - Norris 48 pts - Leclerc 40 pts - Piastri 40 pts - Russell 32 pts - Hamilton 28 pts - Sainz 25 pts - Alonso 8 pts - Stroll 8 pts - Tsunoda 5 pts - Perez 4 pts - Ricciardo 4 pts - Gasly 3 pts - Albon 2 pts - Ocon 1 pts


Seeing Perez down with the two RB drivers is nuts in this context


Tsunoda needs to leave RB as soon as possible. I know that loyalty to Honda is better in the long run, but sometimes you do need to risk it to get ahead.


It’s not his loyalty to Honda… Honda pays his way and makes sure he has a seat. He’s not getting away from that 


This. It’s a business relationship more than a team choice.


And until that is the case, he will only be seen as being there because of Honda. Especially in the current situation, where RB has no intention of promoting him.


So? Honda is a performance engine manufacturer for multiple motorsports.  There’s a big difference between a pay driver (which it sounds like you’re implying he is) and a factory driver. Honda has a reputation to uphold and isn’t just throwing some garbage driver in F1 as a poster boy. He’s got talent and Japan wants the representation in Motorsport.  Yuki is crushing it right now and so long as he continues to do so he’ll be considered valuable in the paddock. Regardless of which team he is at. Honda has been linked to Aston Martin for 2025+. So do the math. 


> Honda has been linked to Aston Martin for 2025+. So do the math. Honda is supplying from 2026 on. Both of those seats are taken, unless Stroll decides to sell his share in the team.


Or he could sell his son and keep the team.


Ain't nobody paying that much for Lance


That was my take, too.


Alonso will almost certainly retire before Yuki, opening one of those seats.


Do you really think Fernando will stay wven after 2026?


Honda pays his way? Wtf are you even saying 😂. He was the best RBJT driver in F2 2020 and they werent gonna stick with having Kvyat in their junior team


I mean where should he go through? What seat is potentially open for him that is not likely to go to someone else. Sainz is a better driver for now and he can't get a good seat. The big 4 teams all have their seats filled for the next 2 years in all likelihood. Stroll's seat may the next best but that depends if he wants to continue. Alpine is the best choice but... You will be betting you get better than the shit engines they been having. Then you are down to Williams which if they get sainz is closed off, haas and sauber will be worse than RB in the near future until Audi gets settled. Sadly just no good seats up for grabs. Really I think the best thing for any driver now is stick it out for 2025, pray your team does well in the 2026 regs and then pray even harder that Lewis checo or Fernando gives up their seats.


> I mean where should he go through? He was apparently offered an Audi seat, but Honda turned that down.


Yeah but short term that is worse than RB. I think the best shot for any younger driver is short term, go to the team you think you can perform best at, and pray for 26 and 27 after retirements. The key is not to lose their seat now and not to get destroyed by your teammate which yuki can do in RB


I'm 99% sure he's leaving to Aston Martin as soon as 2025 ends, even if as a Reserve for a season


2026 is unlikely, as Fernando already has a contract and Lawrence will likely want to see how Lance does in the new cars. If Fernando retires and/or Lance decides to leave, I can see Tsunoda there. But yeah, guess reserve is all he can hope for away from his current team in 2026.


Fuck it, Yuki to INDYCAR


I immediately started laughing when I saw Max with 58 at the top


Checo really isn't pulling his weight - that was okay enough when Max was winning functionally every race, but now that there's folks at least pressuring Max some, Checo needs to get with the program.


Tsunoda got robbed


He just wants to show them his new contract


I was expecting the team photo of Red Bull to be just Max, I didn't think it was actually this close.


Luckily he just extended his contract. Insanely skilled driver. Ngl, Max is a one man army.


Getting out scored by Stroll as a redbull driver yikes. But hey let’s sign the guy two more years. I feel like Horner is on a crusade to implode the team.


He only has one point more than one of the Alpines.


So it's only the Haas and Stake boys + Sargent that haven't scored in the last 3 races. 


Imagine these were the first three races of the season. Would have been very entertaining


I think situations with Max are entertaining anyway. Either you'll see greatness, a tragedy, or the rest of the field catching up.


Leclerc getting 40 with a dnf is impressive imo


On one hand yes, but Ferrari didn't look like they were going to score big in Canada anyway.


Yeah that canada is probably a p7-10 for ferrari at best


Everyone wondered if max was good enough to win a constructors championship on his own. Perez getting close to testing that theory.


Lol. And people still compare Perez to bottas


Man, it's really hard to tell at this point. Their midfield careers were pretty similar, and it seems like everyone who gets into the second Red Bull just implodes instantly. I think that Perez would basically instantly go back to being a very good midfield driver if you put him somewhere else and I'm not at all sure what to expect from anyone else who gets into the other Red Bull. It seems to demand an insanely specific driving style to get the most out of it.


Why is it Max followed by all last names?


Couldn't spell Verstappen before having their morning coffee?


"And that's why we gave Perez a new 2-year contract"


Without Pérez RB would've scored less points than Mercedes. So he isn't *entirely* useless, I guess...


This is wild. People have been dumping on Danny Ric (and I’m not saying he’s doing great) but he does have the same amount of points as Checo in the last three races in a significantly worse car.


> Perez 4 pts Fucking hilarious.


If it was not for Checo, RBR had scored only 58 points in the last 3 races. This is the answer why he got a new 2 (1+1 ?) year contract.


Hes carrying the team tbh


Some say the last point is the most important point, so technically he only needs to get one point. 


He's waaay overperforming then!


Banking points for the next 2 years


You are only as good as your last race, so thankfully Checo is still a South American according to Marko!


His style is leading from the back.


No its a newey invention. The aero of Checos car is pushing max to victory. The result is best when starting from behind. So its all planned.


This would also explain his lack of car control. I imagine the transfer of aero leads to an unstable car.


The Proxy Diffusor


I laughed. Thanks.


I'm honestly surprised all 62 points weren't just Max


FIA won’t let him drive both cars at once… yet!


Max will drive both remotely from his sim rig and just alt+tab between cars.


Gosh he must be so tired


That little push to stay ahead of Mercedes. Mercedes and their boss and all their "look at us, we don't do sexual misconduct" attitude are the only reason Horner still rubs the team. So yeah, mission OVERaccomplished even.


> the only reason Horner still rubs the team 👀


Freudian typo. I'll leave it in this time.


Without Checo, RB wouldn't even be in Top 3...


No lies!


Idk how you keep coming up with the stuff you do. Never change, please.


Because red bull can send him to rb whenever they want too


This is why the second RB seat is taking a bit to decide..... But then gain - I think Cheato has a clause where he can't be subb'd out to the 2nd team.


He had it for sure. But this is a new contract so we cant be certain. Depends how strong his position was in the negotiations


I feel like it can't have been too strong, but who knows. If I had to bet, I would say RB didn't give him one this time, but to compensate gave him 2 years. 


Smart, now that everyone in Mexico owns RBR gear gear they put him in the other team and sell that gear


Well horner did spill the beans that its a 1+1 is two years contract. But 1+1 is 2 minus shit performance thats 0 quick maths


Is it a disadvantage to have a clause allowing you to be subbed to the lower team? His contract will include a performance clause, giving Red Bull the power to expel him from the team if they have no confidence in him. If he is kicked out, where is he going to go? Surely, it would be preferable to have the option of being subbed to RB rather than being booted off the grid entirely.


At this point, don't you think he would retire? The man obviously has a dream of winning the championship, but I seriously doubt he would make it back into a top team if he gets dropped from Red Bull. So then all he would be left with is racing in the midfield or hoping a midfield team gets the 2026 regulations right.


If his dream of a WDC isn't shattered by now, I want whatever he is drinking/smoking. At the current pace, his dreams should be qualifying top 10 and securing P5 in the WDC...


If he wants to stay in F1, I don't see what other option he will have. He is one of the few people on the grid with kids. At this point, I suspect he is only on the grid for the same reasons Kimi was: fun and money. He could even do what Kimi did: retire from F1 but play around in some other series. It might benefit him to join Indy; it's much closer to home.


At this point I have to believe Max wants him there. It's seems to me to be the only reasonable reason why they kept him (not saying that Max wanting him there is reasonable for Max, just that he does)


Dang 58 - 4, Max vs Checo in the last 3 races.


If we extrapolate from this, max is getting a contract to the end of the 2053 season


Max @ 55 would prob still outscore some people on the grid.


Max is the new Alonso confirmed


Wait, ain't Alonso just a rookie starting his career?


He was a rookie in 2021. He has some experience now.


You kid, but I can see a world where RBR could probably offer that if they thought he might accept...


Im getting 2nd hand embarrassment


And deja vu


How tf is this still fun for Checo? I'd quit out of embarrassment.


Yeah, it'$ really hard to gue$$ why anyone would $tay in the $port $till. Hmm, I wonder.


Mf is already loaded. He was before F1 too...


Yeah I've heard that one of the things Millionares hate is more money


This is the thing. Nobody expects him to be matching Max. But he should not be scoring 4 points in three races in a Red Bull when Max has scored 58 and their rivals have drivers scoring in the 40s. Charles and Oscar have 10x his points in the last three races and Norris has 12x his points.


The championship fight is heating up between these two 🔥🔥🔥


Checo is saving his tires for the end of the season.


And you wouldn’t guess it, but that’s good enough for a contract extension!


McLaren is kicking ass right now, and I couldn’t be happier


Yep, it's awesome to have a consistent pressure level at the top of the grid. Makes for great entertainment


As a mclaren fan i want Mercedes canada pace to be a fluke. As a racing fan, imagine if max,mclaren Ferrari and merc were all fighting for the podium/win. And checo down in p11 fighting for a point 😅


Mercedes are typically quite strong in Canada, so your wish may be true. We will have to look at the next few races to see if they have improved the car.


Mercedes have also been strong in Spain historically as well as last year- Podium was Max, Lewis, George


It's really satisfying to see Piastri and Norris meet their potential, also And they don't seem to be acrimonious teammates, either, unless I missed something


No, they appear very level headed. Though, as much as Drive to Survive is dramatised, it seems Norris doesn’t take teammates out performing him too kindly. I’m not sure if that’s because Daniel seemed to “hit the ground running” in his first race for McLaren and he was spooked, or if it’s general dismay at poor performance. I guess everyone will feel that way to being out qualified by their teammates. Oscar is cold in the cockpit, which is good to see. He doesn’t seem to let emotions get in the way, I don’t think he’ll succumb to pressure as much as Lando seems to. I’m eager to see how this pans out if McLaren have actually closed the gap to as much as it looks.


It’s been a while but it does feel good after few hard years


Now can someone please do how much merch each driver sold in a week?


Finally someone asking the real questions.


I've yet to see actual stats on merch sales, I mean what are we all here for?


The best I can find is going on Fanatics and sorting by most popular. Sure Sergio Perez hat is the top seller... https://www.fanatics.com/formula-1/o-43213370+z-9573255-3134788145


Having two competent drivers is important, folks.


McLaren successfully cloned Lando. He doesn’t carry the team on his own anymore. He has a mini me.


Calling an Aussie a Mini Englishman is a little criminal


I bet he has 1/16th British roots


This is an elite-level comment


A mini Englishman sent to Australia in the past would literally have been a little criminal.


I think that's the joke


I was really hoping that it was me who just detected the joke potential, but I think you're right. So sad.




To be fair, Charles adopted him so he’s Australian-Monagesque.


Sorry, but Piastri is his own and he's the shit.


It makes me so happy!🧡


mclaren has my favourite driverline too young fast drivers who consistently bring in points for mclaren. Norris and Oscar will be a great driver paring for Mclaren for years to come


Until Piastri figures out he can be a No.1 elsewhere




History has shown us that 2 superstar drivers don't coexist well in the same team. Once Piastri gets a couple of years of wheel to wheel experience and resource management experience, he will be equal to or better than Norris looking at his trajectory. Not everyone goes to a day-1 winning team - Schumacher, Hamilton - to name the GOATS themselves.


Except that he would need to compete with other superstars like Charles, Russell, and Verstappen at their respective teams. Even more so if Alonso and Hamilton are still racing in the next few years. All the championship capable teams have superstar drivers. He’s a rookie, he’s going to need to fight to earn that No.1 spot. Why not be at the place that has fought to get him as a driver and shows amazing potential as a team?


1 is not like the other 2.


I don’t think Russell is a superstar tbh


you are assuming linear growth which is a big if. 2 superstar drivers is about managing their egos by the leadership. surely, you are not arguing that teams should not go for 2 top drivers?


Piastri still has long way to go to match Lando. He is on par in qualifying, but on a race day Lando will get past him starting from any position, except for a track like Monaco ofc


Piastri is good, but for now I don't think he can be a number one driver in a team that is aiming for victories. It's probably in his best interest to stay at McLaren and improve his racecraft and get a better reputation, possibly for a post-Verstappen era.


That said though, what other viable option does he have Mclaren looks to be the only potential challenger to redbull aside from maybe Ferrari (if they stop fu*king themselves over) He's already got the best he can aside from redbull I think instead of him going elsewhere, he would cause an internal battle between lando and himself, i don't see a reason why he would go to an inferior team just so he can be the no. 1


I heard some other aussie pulled a move like that once


Currently he’d be a number 2 driver at Ferrari, Red Bull and Mercedes. His only options are lower than where he currently is. Until he sorts out his tyre and race management issues, he’s not going to find an easier life anywhere else.


Yeah the Piastri of right now, is a second driver on a top team. He’s still new and has a lot of potential but we can’t measure current skill on potential


First, you are assuming Piastri keeps this linear progression (just like with car development, making the big strides forward is easier than to find those last two tenths) and Norris might very well be faster still. Norris also still can have progression. Second, where? Red Bull, Ferrari and Aston are not happening for him to be a top driver at all, any other team than those is worse than Mclaren and he is perfectly fine there. Mercedes would just be an Antonelli seatwarmer and also is a worse seat (unless you are crazy enough to kick Russell for an unproven F2 rookie). This seat is the best he is going to get. Also, Piastri currently isn't there yet. You aren't getting hired on only potential. Sure he performs very well currently, but tyre and race management is still an issue for him. He has the speed, but to be a no.1 in a top team, you need it all.


Piastri is mature enough to recognize the value of being a good teammate. The team still backs him for example in Montreal asking him if he can make an attempt at Max when there was a brief moment he looked stronger than Lando. He proved his maturity again when he recognized before the team he may not be able to hold the mercs back let alone take a swing at Max. If it weren't for Oscar I truly believe Lando may not have gotten a podium. When he develops into the driver we know he will become eventually I think the maturity will continue to make them a strong pairing still.


He cant be atm. Only reason he is so close to norris is the fact that perez is nowhere and every race there is a 40 second gap behind him. Also a 10secons to the nezt car usually. He is driving in a vacuum where he cant finish much lower unless a team steps up.


Checo > RUS/HAM /s


RUS divided by HAM is probably below 1 so there you have it. /s not needed.


32/28 = 1.143


Max can no longer carry the team alone, what a shit driver. /s


lol I thought Verstappen was supposed to be good /s


Barcelona and the upcoming tracks are where Red Bull should be stronger again, which would mean Red Bull could rebound. However, it's also the time of the year where Pérez is starting to really struggle, do they aren't likely to do so save for Pérez managing to reach Q3


> Red Bull could rebound RB are still 1st in the champ and are missing one driver. They'll rebound where? To position 0?


It was more of a joke, though if McLaren keeps this pressure on throughout the rest of the season Pérez will certainly entertain us for the WCC


if mclaren and red bull continue this way mclaren will have the wcc at the end of the year


Don't you get it? This is going all according to the Red Bull masterplan. They will have more wind tunnel and CFD hours for next year by not winning the WCC. Absolute 4D chess shenanigans. Source? My dad working at ~~Nintendo~~ Red Bull Racing.


Can confirm this, my dad is the CEO of RBR, John Redbull


Can confirm this, I am a redbull can


People genuinely believe this is a valid strategy.


People loved to shit on the windtunnel handicaps and say that they don't do anything for closer racing, but watch them cry when RBR claws back 2 tenths a lap with that 5% extra time when McLaren wins the WCC this season. It's just that Mercedes, Ferrari have wasted their advantage while McLaren and to a lesser extend AM massively converted their advantages.


Alright Will. Calm down.


To late, am now hard as granite


Can’t imagine Toto would be very happy about that.


Thank god Perez is carrying the Red Bull team, if is wasn't for him they'd be bottom of this chart.


Checo helping Red Bull with his 4 points


Hey now, he kept them above Mercedes in that list above. Playing his part. /s


It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.


Look at what Max has been doing in that shit box! /s Although on a more serious note, it does appear that Max muscled that car through the tracks where they felt they would struggle. I am interested to see what happens in Spain where it is widely believed that the car will be much more amenable to the track itself. We may be riding through the perfect storm of the car not being as advantageous, Max being world class, and Checo taking his midseason sabbatical. At least 2024 has been more than simply Redbull winning every race with ease.


Man this weekend was disastrous. If charles and carlos could have maintained their lowest position from the season they could have got 22 more points.


Yeahh. I gave up following them after a point. It was a banger of a race otherwise, but GOD DAMN did the red car suck.


Max wins 2025, but McLaren win the constructors.


This season has been very entertaining thus far. Having a more contested constructors championship helps a lot.


It’s very generous of them to include Checo in that picture.


I like the fact that everyone in the pics are smiling, except for Max and Sergio.


Prolly cuz Max is carrying the team


You know what happens when you laugh while drinking sth🤤🤭


They don’t need Perez unless P2 and P3 are being won by the same team consistently.  If McLaren can keep it up though we’re on. 


Why the last 3 races specifically? If you use the last 4 races , which would make more sense as that is where Norris got his win, you get. McLaren - 113 Redbull - 92 Ferrari - 90 Mercedes - 72 But i guess that would make it less close between Redbull/Ferrari and Mercedes.


I assume it’s to highlight Perez and therefore RB’s vulnerability, since the upgrades and going from Miami better shows McLaren’s form.


Things haven't been so close since I stated watching F1 in 2012. I'm so happy about this year and next.


This is how it should be, not one team dominating for 8 years


This is how RBR lose the WCC.


McLarens turnaround has been phenomenal. At this point in the season last year they were dead in the water. Now look at them. Incredible.


It's unlikely to happen, but damn it would be cool to see McLaren win the WCC.


McLaren easily the most consistent with 30, 30 and 28 and a fairly even split between drivers. Ferrari had the biggest single race haul, but also went the other extreme with a 0 point race. Mercedes decently consistent, despite getting the lowest total of the 4. And Max of course doing well...


I dont think Red bull is winning constructors this year. Max will still likely win drivers but it will be mcl or ferarri getting constructors


This is why I love perez ❤️


Checo is trying to keep his superlicense fees as low as possible, guys, relax.


I was recently downvoted 180 times for suggesting Redbull wouldn't win the WCC in 2025... I'm starting to think they won't win it in 2024 or 2025.


As much as I love competition, let's keep calm, wait and see. Keep calm. KEEP CALM!!


At least the season is getting exciting, and I am a Max-RB fan.


Norris is super consistent (some rare mistakes in qualy aside) And Piastri is pretty competitive on all tracks this year. McLaren has a good lineup as all the other have someome struggling sometime. Ferrari is pretty well rounded too, but they will Ferrari during the year. Lewis and Russell are good but Lewis seems checked out a bit. Max is a beast (best on the grid IMHO) and Perez is midfield


Go papayas!


I would love to see McLaren edge out Ferrari and Red Bull to take the WCC. They are far more consistent than the other two teams at this point.


We're so back.


Love to see Lando and Oscar excelling!! Hoping that somebody pulls through in a seat for Carlos


Why is Checo even in the picture ?


Without his skills, RBR would have many more points


If the first half of the season was what we've had recently for parity, then the whole vibe of this season would be different. Things have been far more competitive lately than at season start.


Perez isn't delivering.


Good job on the visual design here, this is pleasing to the eyes.


Ditch Perez, and move Yuki Tsunoda up then grab one of the girls for Formula Academy and see what they can do in the rb car


I’m impressed by Ferrari considering those points are from two races only


That Red Bull pic is hilarious


That Ferrari photo though…


And then Red Bull signed Perez lol


That Piastri signing was damn near golden


This is actually shaping up to be a mega season. It's literally Max v Mclaren, it's plain and obvious. This time last year mclaren had a really strong silverstone race. This year with this new car I think the top 3 will be Piastri Norris and Verstappen. I think Piastri will win


Mclaren Ferrari Verstappen George Russel (+hamilton) At this point the only team left that's actually playing as a team are the minions, and Ferrari. Max is just carrying red bull, and hamilton is being undermined by Tots Wolf


Fuckin piastri is the real deal. When lando is up there Oscar is super close


If Checo doesn't pick himself up he could well costs RBR the constructors. I like him but it's hard to deny he's just not performing right now.