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Reddit raised their pitchforks for max and Lando, then immediately switched to these 2 Now that even he's said it's not that deep, who next I wonder?


Back to Horner & Jos


Never forget the last lap of 2021!


Did you see ocon’s defence against gasly?


I honestly forgot. That friggin guy. Amirite?!


jenson and danica


No I don’t want that to be a Reddit fabricated fight. I would actually like to see these two debate vociferously


People where so ready to switch into fight mode, that adrenaline doesn't go away on it's own. ^(man, my psychologist would be proud of me)


What was going on?


Alex gave a take that what cause the collision between Max and Lando was that Max was looking at the turn in point and didn't realize that Lando was along side. He still thought that there should have been a penalty on Max but it wasn't as malicious as people were making it out to be. Will then laughed weirdly at his take and said Max's history says otherwise


Will 100% has a point, but he could deliver that point a little more professionally. Palmer delivered every critique perfectly.


Nah Will doesn't have a point when he's just sporting a Max-hateboner with everything he says. He's too biased to be giving opinions on this. And yes, i agree this collision was on Max. Will is just not the person qualified to judge this.


I think this incident is very overblown but it’s pretty hard to say max doesn’t have a history. While I don’t think it adds anything substantive to the conversation, I wouldn’t call it a hate boner to point that out


Show me the history of what Verstappen does thats so much worse than other drivers and I will show you the exact same incident from every other driver on the grid.


Just like Will has a history of hating on everything Max does. I'd van that a hate boner


Honestly wish there was a Drive to Survive edit with his parts cut out. *Seriously* irritating.


So just gonna ignore max's history in 2021 of being just as fighty with Lewis?


Lewis gave as good as he got. And Lando should (and let's be honest, with some of his moves yesterday, almost did) as well. Max isn't wrong when he says that he's not there to fight for P2, and the stewards judged the majority of his moves to be fine despite hand wringing from the Reddit crowd. He hard fucked up and did stupid things for the contact, but that's the heat of racing in a car where you have like zero field of view and a billion points of adrenaline. He should get penalized more given his competitor was taken out, but that's the FIA's responsibility to fix in the regs.


>Will is just not the person qualified to judge this. That's why he isn't a steward. If you mean that he wasn't qualified to make any sort of statement about it, well then neither are 99% of redditors.


But he does have a responsibility to present a modicum of neutrality as a presenter, unlike 99% off redditors


His opinion was that it was Max's fault. The stewards agreed it was Max's fault. He brought up Max's history of aggressive racing, which isn't wrong. It's not like he said Max set out deliberately to crash Lando. When the fans overreact, the problem is always the fans overreacting and not anyone else.


>It's not like he said Max set out deliberately to crash Lando. That is *exactly* what he implied by laughing at Brundle for saying that he thought it was a clumsy mistake not a deliberately attempt to crash by Max


I think what he implied was that it’s naive to think a driver of Max’s caliber wouldn’t expect Lando to be on the outside of that turn when he’s defending on the inside. Max knew he was there.


How does him having a hate boner discredit his point? He could have a hate boner and still have a point. He shouldn't show his hate boner that clearly, that's his problem. He should be more like Palmer in my opinion.


Palmer is a fucking delight on the broadcasts, a talking head worth his weight unlike alot of them.


When I listen to him, it's like he actually thinks his words through before he says them.


Will changed and became less likable after his hiatus few years back (mental breakdown he had).. Wish him well in future, but he should step out of f1tv...


Feels like Will has been trying to be too much like his DtS personality at times but he still generally provides a lot of value to that production team. Also, what mental breakdown? I thought he was on paternity leave.


Anxiety attack... Which is not something to joke about just to be clear to others...


[Post race show ](https://www.youtube.com/live/xe4q2eQ9YUQ?si=yHk5IcsyDYPlJ6Vo) Time stamp 35:35 Will and Alex had a lively debate about the incident.


Honestly, I thought it would be worse until I watched the video


Wow that was bad


Good to know he’s thick skinned and didn’t mind. Glad he addressed it and hopefully Buxton will too, and avoid this type of thing in the future.


Brundle said he enjoyed the chat not that he had a problem with it, why would buxton avoid it? It’s part of the dynamic and both of them have gotten into arguments before. They are on TV it’s not a personal thing at all lol


Apparently to avoid incurring the interest of eagle-eyed Reddit users poring over every bit of f1tv race weekend content, who know shitting on buxton + posting reactionary takes while feelings are running high post-GP are both tried-and-true methods for karma farming and self-feeding righteous mobs


Fair point, but if you’re nitpicking he did say they will “hug and make up”. Make up for what if he simply enjoyed it? Either way, no point over analyzing this. Even more lol


That’s just an idiom.


I agree. I'm surprised there was even a tweet to address it. Seems all in good spirit.


What happened?


Brundle did analysis of the Verstappen-Norris crash, saying Lando arrived so late it's possible Verstappen didn't see him, while still blaming Verstappen for the crash, because an error doesn't mean he's blameless. Buxton let out a massive laugh at that, which is pretty disrespectful.


That he addresses and apologizes for seconds later. If you've never heard a friend say some weird shit and laugh at them for it, jokingly, I pity you. Reddit just has a hate boner for Buxton.


Exactly this. I'm sure both had or could have a nice laugh about it, and this is purely to ensure there's no unneeded drama. I feel bad for Will, he gets hate because he says things aimed at novice fans for Drive to Survive but he's a good spirited, well seasoned professional. He plays the F1TV role brilliantly and I'll happily watch him shoot the breeze about F1


A chat amongst mates that some people are calling bullying


Buxton was being his usual, annoying self on F1TV after Brundle showed a more in depth view of the Max & Lando crash.


It wasn’t a big deal at all. In fact, I doubt if anyone cared. Both put their opinions on the table, had a laugh, done.


Oof, sounds like the hate train was already going wills way and alex made this post to defend him


Sounds like the internet is reading too much into things as so often happens.


as so happens here at Reddit too


Maybe a lesson in how we shouldn't speculate about people's interpersonal relationships that we have no insight to! But probably not.


Exactly. I find it so funny that some redditors are making such a huge thing out of it, it wasn’t nice, sure, he could’ve said things in a different way, sure, but people are blowing it out of proportion.


People on the internet are dumb and want to see beef where there isn't any. Pundits disagree all the time and they're still good friends and colleagues. Goes to show you how disconnected from reality these internet basement dwellers are.


There were three football pundits on Irish TV in the 90s and 00s (Giles, Brady, and Dunphy). Their whole thing was to 100% go at it like lads down the pub. They would argue the toss, goad one another, and disagree loudly. It was glorious. They were, and remain, great friends.


Now then, say the same thing for the two racing drivers.


buxton was quite condescending, regardless of their relationship


Brundle doesn't seem to have felt condescended to, but I guess you're free to be offended on his behalf.


take a deep breath


That's one way to look at it. Another way is that Will Buxton was in fact quite rude, and Brundle is thinking of his career in broadcasting when he says what he says about a more senior colleague. Also, people are not 'dumb' and 'basement dwellers' just because they hold an opinion you don't.


Alex Brundle has loads of jobs outside F1. more work than buxton right now. Also his dad is literally Martin brundle and he will get parachuted into that Sky gig when Martin is finished. I doubt he at all is trying to protect himself from Will. That is such an odd narrative 


Seriously, I watched the video looking for some crazy insult or whatever, only to find a small laugh. Pff.


> Goes to show you how disconnected from reality these internet basement dwellers are. Try not to be so toxic.


Alex essentially telling the bunch of redditors to stop being so soft is hysterical


I’m the only one who didn’t see anything that bad between then? Maybe I’m not super sensitive but it seemed like they were just challenging each other. This happens a lot of work, at least on mine so yeah dunno why exactly people are making this a big deal.


No, I felt the same way


I definitely felt very awkward during the moment. I cant tell how they feel about it, but it felt a little unprofessional to me. Unlike at work, theres an audience.


If someone laughed at my take in the workplace I would be pissed.


👍👍to both Alex ánd Will. They are essentially playing good cop bad cop for the sake of making TV. I’d say both (and Jolyon) had fair points to make; even the opposing ones. We fans need to beware of not falling into the pitfalls of tribalism.


>We fans need to beware of not falling into the pitfalls of tribalism. Fans fell in to the pitfalls of tribalism a long time ago.


Completely agree, good comment.


I'd agree with Alex if will wasn't so biased Alex is the only neutral commentator we have and it's really fucking annoying when all the other commentators just laugh in his face about his views


What happened 


Nothing, some redditors got upset at friends talking..


All this over two people banging wheels while...racing. "F1 is boring" then as soon as there is actual racing people lose their minds. What a bizarre sport


Racing is a fair activity. That wasn't racing, hence the penalty. Blocking/contact/forcing a driver off track isnt' racing.


Ya motorsport isn't fair at all, especially a non-spec series but I think I get what your saying. I'm just pointing out they barely touched and people are losing their minds over it. And yes Max was at fault here. Not even remotely close to "dirty" driving tho.


Yet some guys in here are more offended than Brundle himself 😂. People just LOVE to hate on Buxton.


nice to know Alex lurks here.


Imagine having difference of opinion


That's what you call professional, pretending you enjoy a host telling the analyst he's wrong. Will could learn something from it.


Buxton has also [apologised](https://x.com/wbuxtonofficial/status/1807504204606451967)


That's not an apology.


“I’m mortified” reads pretty apologetic to me?


It's giving the guise of an apology without actually apologising. It's one of those non apology statements to diffuse the situation without really saying anything meaningful. He's basically saying he's mortified for what other people thought, not of his actions.


"I'm sorry you got offended."


Yea you're not the one who has to apologise or make a statement mate. Only one with common sense in that whole broadcast tbh.


Buxton has [apologised](https://x.com/wbuxtonofficial/status/1807504204606451967) now


Alex Brundle is a great commentator. Can’t wait for son and dad to have a go together. By the way, what a bit for fresh air was it to not have to hear crofty this weekend. And he wasn’t replaced by fucking chandhok


F1TV and you never have to hear Crofty


I wanna hear Brundle 🤷🏼‍♂️


That was a tad unprofessional, even if appropriate within their personal relationship. But they're not discussing it in a pub, but on an official Formula 1 television. People had a reason to be confused.


That's a good msg to put out there. Well done from mister Brundle. Doesn't change the fact Buxton made an utter fool of himself in the post race. Jolyon was even worse.


I like Jolyon, but his bias today was gross. I don't like Buxton, and his bias today was also gross.


I don't mind either. Buxton has got that dad vibe going on and Jolyon has some actual good insights, specially when paired with DC. But yesterday they were quite ehh annoying.


I don't really know what this is about, but AJ embarrassed WB pretty hard the other day, in my opinion, in a conversation about which tyres were left for the third stint. Connected?


Anyone have clip?


Dear Alex, try to remember Silverstone is not Australia's home race. Oscar was very polite. Apart from that, great job.


I honestly thought it was his dad who got him into broadcasting


Well I’d say your dad have more of an influence on you getting a commentator gig, but alright.