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I’m both a max and lando fan. They were both idiots.


I just like cars that go fast


Cars go vroom and sometimes BANG.. Just pure bliss 😉


F1 has become so tribal. I get having a favorite driver or team but just watch for the entertainment and who gives a fuck about the drama that happens on track.


This has always been me. I haven’t watched DTS because eh. I fancy tf out of leclerc and yeah. But if he sucks he sucks. Love them all to bits (not you stroll). Fast car go brrr.


Same. It was some damn good racing there for a minute.


For sure. They both could've avoided that and kept racing. I think Max put Lando in a spot where Lando either had to back out, risk a track limit penalty, or make contact. Lando decided that he didn't want the penalty or Max thinking he could just move him around, so he didn't move. I think the whole thing would've been avoided by the stewards not waiting 3 laps to announce Lando's penalty.


Agreed, that made Lando and Max think there was still a fight for p1. Stewards needs to get replaced, with an age limit of 25-40. F1 acting like they don't have the money for a room full of stewards.


Bold to assume Max wasn't going to go as hard or do that move because Lando got a penalty


Funnily enough he already had the track limit penalty coming his way before they crashed. Norris was really desperate, but you can’t ignore Max was being a c*nt as well


I definitely can admit that Max pushed and even exceeded the limits, especially when he tried to block post collision.


I think that was just him trying to get away from the racing line after he realized he had a puncture.




More probably. While Verstappen can take it to the limit in fights for positions, he is not the type to purposely block the racing line when having pace limiting damage. Both Verstappen and Norris could have done more to avoid the collision, but Verstappen does not (have to) give up the lead just like that and Norris still needs to place the car so that he can overtake without banging with the other car. Norris came in hot, but still could make the turn if he had taken more of the default racing line, as there was ample space. Verstappen could have taken a line that would less go to the outside of said turn. In the case of Norris, it would be another failed attempt if he did, in Verstappen's case it likely would have meant he would be overtaken, because he would have needlessly given way too much space. Norris wanted to do it there and then, knowing the tire advantage would come to an end. If only the stewards were as quick giving the 5 second penalty to Norris as they were giving Verstappen the 10 second penalty. I read Herbert even stated they did not have actual evidence of steering under breaking, yet continued to hand the penalty...


This is the correct answer


Yes. More please. ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|13285)


Agree, both of their actions lead to the inchident. Dive bombing for 3 laps and moved under breaking. It just doomed to happened.




Correct answer. Max moved under braking multiple times. Lando kept going for insane divebombs.


I wouldn't go that far. Both decided to go look for the limit. And found it. In a way this is how things go when competition gets heated. It was hard racing from both and in the end it was a coin toss which one will cause a contact first.


Max shouldn't have moved left in the braking zone. Max shouldn't have kept battling after the tire gave out. Lando shouldn't have attempted multiple dive bombs going off track. Lando could've easily avoided contact by using the car's width Max left. The stewards should have given Lando his 5s penalty immediately, which would've changed the entire battle.


I'm honestly not convinced max moved left on braking at the incident. He simply seemed to be braking in a straight line that wasn't perpendicular to the track


I'm in the same position, a max fan, but brittish so back norris to a large extent and thought they were both being idiots trying too hard


This guy gets it




Yeah, Max was too aggressive in his defense and Lando was too impatient in his attack Most people are chill, but there'll always be the cult to cause shit between fanbases which have always been ok with each other. Anyone who hates for this either way is stupid


This. Also car go vroom, neuron activation.


Idiots? Isn't wheel banging for 1st place why we watch F1?


Can we say that we don't hate Max but consider that he's responsible for the (first) contact and that he was stupid to move under braking? Can we say that we don't hate Lando but consider that he pushed too much and he couldn't hope to have a clean overtake when dive-bombing randomly and that was stupid as well? What I'll remember is that for once, we had action, and this race was probably the most exciting since the beginning of the season. No one got hurt and that's the most important for all F1 lovers.


Nuance isn't allowed on the Internet


Unfortunately it doesn't exist a lot anymore anywhere either


Sadly it's not... Yes, I'm a bit bitter today because there is no nuance.... Why are people so stupid sometimes? Well... Guess I'll go into bed and cry about how fckedup the world is nowadays. Had a discussion about who's fault it was on another app. I said both did things wrong, but then I got blocked because I didn't pick a side and aperantly that's what's needed in a discussion -_-


100% this! Let's hope for more exciting races like these in the future.


Yeah man. And the very minor but impactful contact happened because the margins were so small, which is also the recipe for great intense racing. So glad to see a solid challenger to Max's reign.


Exactly!!! They raced hard, max went a bit over the limit first but could've just as wel been lando. This was racing on the edge, a fight for p1. Neither are just gonna give that up. It was exciting and indeed, as long as no one gets hurt this is racing


Thank you. Im a mclaren fan and dont really like mercedes but i was delighted with the race because it was actually exciting.


Right! I used to dislike Mercedes but what I don't like actually is when a single team is dominating. Did the same to me with Ferrari, then Red Bull, then Mercedes and RBR again. I am so glad now that McLaren, Ferrari and Mercedes are capable of good performances every weekend. I don't mind if Max is champion 12 times in a row, as long as he has to fight for it. And I'd be happy to see underdogs on the podium more often.


We could, would be true, but this is the internet sir.


People were praising Max for "sending it" against Lewis in 2021. Something to do with the young charger taking the fight to the big dog proper. The shoe is on the other foot now. Max is now the big dog and beating him is the dream for most of the young pretenders who Norris happen to be one of. We should cut him some slack for his aggression. That was going to be just another one of his wins for Max but it was a huge deal for Lando. He was fighting to bag his first proper win in F1 and that too against **THE** guy to beat(Max). Max himself pulled a lot of kamikaze moves in 2021. Lewis was smart and patient enough to avoid most of them. It's Max's turn now to play that role of the calm and calculated multi world champion. His moving under braking, moaning on the radio and trying to fq Norris with his injured car didn't exactly scream WDC class driving.


The saving grace for Lando is that he wasn't confident in Max not moving under breaking, meaning that at the time he felt a divebomb was the best option to avoid being taken out.


Probably, but it comes with a high risk anyway. Late door closing, tyre lockup... But it's true that after many laps being faster and not being able to find a solution his behavior is understandable.


Sure, if it's racing it's racing, but Max fucked around and found out that Lando won't let him play his silly games


"Jokes on you Max, I'm willing to go from 18 to 0 points if you don't give me my second ever win"


Max fucked around and found out? I wonder who DNF


Lando, because of Max.


So I'm guessing Max fucked around, and Lando found out. Your not very bright soy boy


this dude is literally the epitome of who's being meme'd in this post a resident cultLH doorknob in this sub, so no wonder he's not able to follow the logic of his own arguments




This fucking around thing is so overused to justify racing too hard against max. You can also turn that excuse around every single time, it is a dumb narrative. Touch some grass, max is just better.


My thing which I am baffled people don't understand... Is that **divebombing is not against the rules** Making contact with your opponent who is within the track limits? That IS against the rules. As is moving under braking. Comparing "divebombing" with the two things Max did as though they're the same? That's living in a other reality.


Divebombs aren't explicitly against the rules the same way moving under breaking isn't either. overshooting your breaking point and forcing your opponent off track trying to do so is and so are reactive moves under breaking


Exactly what counts as forcing your opponent off track in the midst of a divebomb is complicated. Most of the time failed divebombs are self punishing, as was the case with all of lando's attempts. And the stewards didn't investigate any of them, let alone give a penalty.


Yeah I really don't understand it. Lando only started dive bombing because Max was making illegal manoevers.


Is it worthwhile throughout to keep in mind that what Lando did was to divebomb twice (Max's signature move from 2021), whilst what Max did was to literally drive into another car? I'm gonna say it probably is. I'm not saying Lando handled it perfectly, but I don't think he ever posed any physical danger. Moving under braking is bad sportsmanship, against the rules, and generally just a dick move. Divebombing is also a dick move, but it's not against the rules and realistically, not particularly bad sportsmanship accordingly. Should Verstappen be chastised for his part? Hell yes. Should discussions be had around why Verstappen wasn't penalised or even warned about the rules he broke fairly consistently? Also yes. Were the rules enforced against Lando? Again, yes. It's not rocket science, Max fucked up bigger than Lando this weekend, and the FIA did not enforce the rules appropriately. The conversation should and will be had, regardless. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon nor a brain scientist to figure that out.


classic formuladank managed to make this about Lewis too somehow


I think it's really about Christian Horner being a jizz finger staff perv. If it isn't about that then it should be. All things should be about Horner tossing off over Coco Pops in toilets until he goes away and shuts up. "Christian is a hard jerker - he's probably one of the hardest jerkers on the circuit and everybody knows that if you're going to jerk against Christian he's going to give as good as he gets." Red Bull press release 2024.


Lets see who made this post trying to deny the blindingly obvious Maxsexual


What is "hating Max" here? Saying he was at fault? Or saying he caused the crash on purpose?


Max was at fault but some people are making it like he was the only one at the wrong and crashed into lando because he can't win the race


While others are pretending that Lando just blindly turned into him...


Yeah it was a racing incident honestly many times contacts like these would just be like a small wheel to wheel touch it wasn't the case this time unfortunately but yeah max should've seen Lando coming through Lando had no where to go and the contact was inevitable


It wasn't a racing incident. It was Max causing an collision. That doesn't mean he had a grand plan to cause the death of Lando and his entire line. It means he made a misjudgement in assuming Lando would yield his line (or a misjudgement in how close they were, but I consider Max a good enough driver to not suddenly forget how wide F1 cars are).


People are just tiring and it makes it draining to be on any of these subs. Make squeezed him abit too much and Lando didn't want to give any extra space despite having no part of the car over the kerb. Racing incident, end of


Lando held his line and was entitled to a car width space up to the white line. The curb is irrelevant, it's not the track boundary. Max caused the collision by entering that space. It's not a racing incident. Causing a collision does not mean you attempted to murder someone, or deliberately wiped someone out. I am sure Max through Lando would yield to him, he was wrong as therefore is responsible for the collision.


Never said lando wasn't entitled to hold his line. But it's also poor racecraft. And it doesn't mean he can't drive smarter. If he'd have gone over the kerb at all like verstappen did when he overtook sainz last year, then he would have still been in the race and likely would have won it. Besides it's the natural line to go out wider across the kerb for that turn. Lando deviated from the natural racing line with his trajectory and max should gave been aware. Both contributed to the conditions of the collision. Slam dunk racing incident


That's the problem. Lando is in a battle for P1 he needs to give up that entitlement shit. This is no longer some mid field battle, we in the big leagues now.


Not against Max. If he yields to Max, Max will force him to do so every single time. He has to make clear to Max that he will take the space his entitled too and if Max encroaches they will crash. Once Max understands that, he will leave space. There's a reason Max/Leclerc at the start of 2022 was so good, they both left each other space because they knew they had too. Max raced with Leclerc for years, he knows he cannot take liberties because Charles won't yield and there will be an inchident.


That's very true. Lando just got the stick that race, unfortunately. Now Lando has an idea how the front of the field with Max is like so stuff like this will improve race craft. It's bad and good at same time.


Exactly. I have been saying this for a long time. Up until Austria, I didn't think Lando had what he takes to be a champion because he always played nice and yielded. Unless you're give a Brawn GP, that attitude won't give you a title (sorry Jenson). By not yielding, Lando showed that Max will have to race him like he does Leclerc and be aware that he won't back off. With this attitude, Lando may be able to take half a chance and at least be respected as a true challenger by the likes of Max. There's a reason why Alonso overtaking Schumacher into 130R in 2005 was such a moment. Alonso turned in and Schumacher yielded. The ruthless Michael who was never shy of crashing. That kind of moves asserts dominance


We've seen max pull this for years. Yield or we crash. Either you give in and he'll bully you off track every time, or you don't and you crash, and post race he'll say "it's just racing" and his fans will start their gymnastic performances. He's been doing this for years, anyone who pays attention had been well aware for a while


Every driver involved in minor contact will say it's just an incident. That makes your comment invalid. Are you gonna deny a driver all his clean passes with? "He'll bully you off track every time." This is motor racing. Some take it too far, and some are just within the limits. That's what makes Formula 1 the greatest.


Honestly, this was my first reaction to the incident as soon as it happened but I'm no FIA so irdk if my assessment was right or wrong at that time.


Naaah i haven’t seen those reaction on top of boards anywhere. It’s mostly bashing max for everything and anything. Hell, i’ve even seen 2021 even been brought up more then Lando bashing.


People just using this to hate on Max and proof is the fact that 2021 is being brought up. They don't really care about the crash.


What rules did Lando break? Max broke at least one rule. I cannot see which rule Lando broke. By my eye, he in fact broke no rules. So I fail to see how there can be an equitable distribution of blame when one person was not following the rules and the other was


Hating Max = using this incident to say 'he hasnt changed' or 'has and always will be a dirty driver'. For some people Max just cant do anything right. If the roles were reversed, Max would be divebombing like a madman. Saw so many people say that 'Max got a taste of his own medicine ' so yeah...


Yep, I love that people say Max got a taste of his own medicine, but guess what? The reason Max was such as talent was because those aggressive divebombs actually gained him positions. Whether it's move or we both crash. Lando needs that level of craft to make it work.


How is “I make a hyper aggressive move and you let me by or we crash” race craft? It’s just potentially dangerous and preying on the fact that most other drivers will choose the option where they don’t crash.


"Craft"? Give me one instance of Max showing excellent, fully clean racecraft that stayed clean throughout the exchange like Piastri on Perez or Piastri on Sainz in literally the SAME race, Lewis vs Alonso throughout the years, or Kimi throughout his career. The one person he has been able to somewhat get along with since 2020 is LeClerc, and even then more often than not, one of them pushes the other off or they both lock up and both go off the track. Max is considered talent because of his raw speed and his mesmerizing ability to put together 10-12 laps in a row with the consistency of a metronome. This is legitimately an L take that also somehow manages to put down the driver that you are fanboying over.


Go rewatch the entire 2015, 2016, and 2018 season and get back to me. Oh, and go watch 2015 Monaco and come back to me. Max has what Lando will never have, race craft. Yeah, realize all the damn names you just listed that he couldn't get along with are previous wdc. They were threatened by Max, so they moaned about him every chance they got, cause he didn't care if they were in a championship battle he's was there to win. Yet you can't tell me one great achievement Lando has accomplished. Dudes nothing with that Mclaren Piastri has more talent.


You thought I didn't watch the seasons before 2020, huh? I don't know about 2015, but the time between 2016 - Monaco 2018 is why he was called "Crashtappen". Here are just a few memorable instances of "race craft" from that time: Monaco 2015 - Max crashes into Grosjean by causing an accident that wasn't even close to an overtaking move, with an overspeed of almost 30km/hr and you fuckers had the gall to say that it was a brake test by Grosjean. A professional F1 driver brake checking another? Data showed Grosjean braked 5m later than the previous lap - [https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/headlines/2015/5/grosjean--verstappen-will-learn-from-monaco-clash.html](https://www.formula1.com/en/latest/headlines/2015/5/grosjean--verstappen-will-learn-from-monaco-clash.html) Monaco 2016 - Crash Mexico 2016 - Max locks up fully by himself, goes off the track and doesn't hand back the position to Vettel. Famous "here's a message to charlie" incident. Hungary 2017 - Max locks up fully by himself, barrels down the inside and crashes into Ricciardo, causing a DNF for Ricciardo. China 2018 - Max dives into Vettel and touches him, spinning both of them around - not even under braking, but accelerating out of the hairpin!!! "Everyone who complained is a previous WDC" - that just grants more weight to my point, bruh Come to think of it, he pissed LeClerc off too: Austria 2019 - drove LeClerc straight off the track and bumped wheels with him after 3/4 divebombs exactly like Lando did this year - watch the highlights here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3L7WzpAsjY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3L7WzpAsjY) Seems like you're the one who needs to watch the seasons you listed. And it seems like you don't even know wtf you're talking about, so I'm not going to discuss this further with you.


Not gonna read all this shit cause you already have miss information. That crash with grosjean was 2015 when he was in a Toro Rosso. Tarded fool


Because he didn't change. Being clean with a car 30s faster doesn't make him a clean driver all of a sudden


See, people like this; taking this incident to justify their hateboner. Other drivers use the same tricks, same divebombs, same pushing people off track, but none get hate like Max does.


Yeah i agree, drivers shouldn’t defend and only pass each other with drs


I don't understand, do you think squeezing someone into a collision is good? FWIW Piastri made some nice passes without DRS.


He is a dirty driver, though. That’s the whole take away from last weekend.


Whatever makes you sleep at night mate.


You're wrong. It's absolutely not the takeaway from the last weekend. It's the takeaway from his entire career


There are articles and comments out there saying that Max is a sniveling rule breaking child who is so used to driving alone at the front that he completely breaks down and chokes the moment anyone comes close to him.




Support a driver that wins all the time. Refuse to accept his ever at fault. Cannot accept any slight criticism of him. Anyone that doesn't like him can't do so for any valid reasons its because they are a ...... What drivers fans am I describing.




Max and Lewis lmfao If you don’t like Lewis you’re a racist, if you don’t like Max you’re British biased


It's hillarious. And as a Charles fan, I need as much comedy as I can while I curl up in a ball sobbing about why the universe hates me so.


Are these Lewis fans in the room right now?


Was thinking exactly this. All the excitement going on in F1 and this sub is still thinking about Lewis fans... from a max+lando incident... Same people also saying Lewis fans are the obsessive ones, my brother find a mirror.


You don't get it dude, they're all here in this sub [even though there are 2 Dutch subs that have a major overlap with this sub](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/formuladank) and the TeamLH sub which doesn't even appear at all on this list are all here brigading secretly!


Fdank try not to dickride max and hate LH (impossible)


It's funny cause Lewis has absolutely nothing at all to do with the Lando/Max crash and yet there are dozens of "TeamLH bad" commentors.


It's almost as if Lewis Hamilton is a decent driver that thankfully has nothing to do with his mental fanbase. Like every other driver.


Lewis fan here. I’m just happy to see the orange army guns pointing somewhere else.


frankly I'm impressed with how this sub is a verstappen fan club. Even when the rest of the world says it's his fault, here we persist in defending him or blaming Norris, which is even worse. and BTW 'till next year I'm not a LH fan... maybe I won't even be next year!


Been a Ferrari fan and probably will become lewis fan once he starts driving for Ferrari. Wanted Sainz to stay. But nah, max is stupid.


Omg cope


Funny how there is a common factor here Max


This is LH hating sub, dont bring logic here


Gotcha 😊


This was once a meme place, now it's a place where dutch fans come to complain on any criticism pointed towards max and people either shitting or defending Danny ric :(


Has been for the past 4 years now


Criticism of Hamilton - 😎👍 Criticism of Verstappen - 😡☝️ "wow this sub is all Lewis Hamilton fans complaining"


100% and I love that anything having to do with criticizing max somehow becomes a Hamilton issue. Do these people believe that outside of Hamilton fans, everyone loves max? For a sub that hates Hamilton, these guys sure do love thinking about him


The whole incident is *hugely* blown out of proportion. F1 social media is a fucking warzone again. I feel like a lot of people are still sore from things that have happened in the past. Your post makes sense lol


I can't believe people are still talking about it. It's a non-issue. One driver was making divebombs and made the wrong decision, the other squeezed a bit too hard and was aggressive with the defending. Who gives a shit? Everyone who cries about "clean, fair racing" cares more about the off-track drama than the race. They want a face and a heel, and they want to argue about it on social media. I *want* drivers to be aggressive with each other. I want drivers cutting each other off and shouting on the radio. I want crashes and safety cars and challenging conditions and pit-stop fuck-ups. As long as no-one gets hurt, that's part of the fun - high stakes, emotion and pressure. Not a bunch of robots driving round in circles so we can complain about car vs. driver when it comes to results.


Then go to the fairground and watch the bumper cars, and leave the rest of us to watch racing. Don't be dumb and pretend that not being allowed to force people into a crash situation by breaking rules means that the best drivers in the world can't race wheel to wheel. The only bad thing about this incident is that it shows how lax and inconsistent the stewards have been for a long time now.


I'll watch the show that's been the same since 1950. You can continue to argue online whenever something untoward happens when people are desperate to win a race, a disgusting amount of money is on the line, and highly-sensitive machinery is flying around a track at 200mph. We'll see who has more fun.


Funny how the best and most exciting battles people remember aren't the ones where they crash, but the ones that involve back and forth close driving over multiple corners and laps. You know. *Racing.*


Well, by all means, keep arguing and complaining online about it. I am sure it will change F1 from how it's always been, and make the driving on-track more enjoyable for you.


Leave it to Formula Dank to somehow make this about Lewis and his fans lol.


Max and Lewis seem to get along better than Max and Lando these days.




Lando Horris


Lamdo Harris


This is like the 20th post bending over backwards for max here. showing exactly how max fans are downright unemployed and smooth brained. Touch grass or something smh. Neither max or Norris or Lewis give a shit about what you think


Versexuals running out of arguments to justify their idols actions so they are back to accusing everyone who dislikes his antics of being Lewis fans. Cope, mald and seethe


lol, versexuals.


Formuladank proving that Lewis Hamilton lives rent free in their heads


Man idk, on F1twitter the "Norrif" as they call him hate brought together Max and Lewis fans who want to see the greats fight, not the "mids". But this inchident which us blown out of proportion fueled the british media to call for Verstappen's head. I'm sorry, but this ain't a "Verstaliban" worthy incident, i've seen Verstaliban before 2021 and that man had a personal vendetta against any Ferrari or Bottas in his way. This incident was 60% Max, 40% Racing Incident which could have been avoided but Norris was (rightfully) keen on not going on the kerb. As Verstappen himself said, it was pretty unfortunate for both to get a puncture as this could have been them just banging wheels, but the angle they touched meant that they both gor punctures.


It's sad that the rims hit and not tire to tire contact.


I love how Max fans need to grab straws explaining how he is the best and cleanest driver.


The Rise of TeamLN


Wow, OP considers the Spanish and Italian media as TeamLH, that level of reaching is extreme


I miss this sub as it was in 2019, before every post was made by a child in the special ed class


Max fans cant take any criticism can they. If u can dish it out u shld be able to take it as well.


I knew it was lewis fans! Even when it was lando's, i knew it was lewis fans!


As a team LH spokesperson, I actually quite like that max got his elbows out for someone other than Lewis. Too many drivers get loads of online hate for pretty minor fuckups as if they have to always drive perfectly, race super cleanly but still be exciting and weirdly humble to the press.


I don't like Max and thus I thank Lando for his service. Signed, Hulk fan :)


>:) :)


And i feel like we can take Fred's mask off and it's a Max fan.


Lewis fans are more pissed about this crash than McLaren fans lol (I am one)




i love a good rivalry... but when you look at it from both angles, both were fucking stupid.




I don’t hate max. In fact, I like him as a person. But that was classic max and absolutely his fault. Just as Barcelona would have been Landos fault if max had got a puncture.


What I wanna know is Where’s the cave man?


I hate them both so this is just really funny to me


I just can't understand how lando was at fault for this. He is not obligated to take the curb on the outside and max is obligated to leave enough space so lando doesn't have to leave the track.


CultLH are too busy beefing George and the Mercedes Twitter Admin atm


We need a Scottish driver to balance out the Brish Buyiss


Almost everyone who hates Max are Lewis fans that came out of woodwork


I think this sub is a bit precious of max personally. Oh dear gorgeous meme.


TeamLH is way angrier than Lando fans for this. I don't get it tbh.


I assume they got (2021) PTSD while watching the last race, got salty again. Max living rent free in their heads still.


The only people bringing up 2021 are Max dickriders.


Sheesh saying max caused a crash that ruined 2 drivers races doesnt mean you hate max. it means max cause a crash…which he did.


Oh boy, wait until he sees what the British media has been saying


And he would've got away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids.


For those who are butt hurt about anything over the weekend are probably the ones who would never say that 2021 gave us the best racing experience ever.


I never liked Max. Too arrogant. What really did it for me was when Max pushed Ocon after a race and then was punished with community service.


To all the Lewis fans: It's called a motor race, they went with car racing :)


Too soon!


Im a lewis/merc fan. As i seen it that Max got a penalty, i was dumbfounded. I tought its gonna be declared as a racing incident tbh.


Welcome to F1, the inconsistency and the fact that it takes for laps for a decision is how it goes


Team LH is a different kind of breed


They have the mental capacity of Lance Stroll


\*proceeds to lick window aggressively ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|31110)


I'm a Lando Stan and out of a place of respect Max is the GOAT but he can fuck off. (Butt hurt by the lando DNF but that was good hard racing)


Nice try, Max lover


Pfft. Lewis fans just welcomed Lando fans to the group chat that was started by Leclerc fans after Austria 2019. Leclerc fans mysteriously stopped chatting after Monza 2019. Lewis fans have kept the chat going out of pure spite. But we knew our day of vindication would eventually come. Max fans defending like prime Checo because a dirty driver tag is near impossible to shake. It's a label even Alonso has managed to avoid, and he's don't some dodgy shit. But he's not a dirty driver.


So true 


I swear DTS fans.... No action = cry, to much action = cry. Its Motorsport racing each other is fun, tactical battles are fun. Building amazing cars is fun it's what this sport is all about. Please just go back to watching football and leave the F1 behind you.


Stop gatekeeping. You have no proof it's the DtS fans doing the most crying, and crying motorsport fans existed long before DtS. They're just louder than before because the internet gives them a platform and Facebook boomer spam encourages them to mouth off whatever they're thinking.