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All of this is getting blown out of proportion because it happened for race win. Would this have happened for p5 or p6 ppl would be like ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


Unless it was the french civil war


Case in point: The Piastri and Perez incident. Didn't quite have the same outcome since Memory Piastri took evading action, but they are not that dissimilar in nature


Would have cared if it was ‘battle of the baguettes’


Sainz v Piastri in Miami be like:


Also, it happened with Norris. If this happens with Leclerc or Sainz it's not that interesting to the British media.


Exactly. This is what F1 should be every weekend, wheel banging for 1st place


Jeremy Clarkson is like this anyway


It seems to have calmed down a bit, with most people realising it was nothing egregious actually, but man, people get hysterical when Max is involved in an incident


I don’t understand all these people who either can’t or refuse to see how they were both kinda driving like assholes


💯 and it’s what everyone has been complaining about for years. Lack of on track action. No we get it and they’re like “He ShOuLd HaVe LeT hIm PaSs!”


I mean this is pretty standard behaviour when fans get invested in a sport It’s like how when you support a football team every single hard tackle against your own players is an obvious foul and every single obvious foul committed by your own players is a soft ref falling for a dive


It's nothing, just an inchident


There was one guy on the post race show that was red hot, blood boiling. I thought he was gonna have a stroke. The max hate can get irrational.




So did Lando tbh didn’t he say something like ”if Max admits he fucked up we can remain friends otherwise probably not” that was such an idiotic and childish thing to say. Lost a little respect for him. ”Max is leading by 60 pts he doesn’t care but for me this is really important” bro what?  


Snowballs chance in hell because Max will never apologize. He already said it after reviewing what happened. It's a Grand Prix not a Friend Prix.




No it wasn’t it was based on an interview that Sky played out and I watched live literally minutes after the race finished. He was asked about their friendship and replied as stated above.




https://youtu.be/Rukzx8F4eic?si=QpN_3BzIlQ4DoOgz From 2m in. It’s a completely fair read of the question and answer. It certainly isn’t something that was translated then translated again.


Region locked, comments off, HONEST capitalized in the title Let's go Sky!!


I stand corrected. This one is region locked for me, and the initial info I got on the italian article was for it to be mistranslated from another interview, while it clearly quotes the one you posted. Should not have assumed, but it made sense then. On the Topic: I still think that this gets kind of overblown, but thats normal.


Fair play! We all make mistakes mate. I just remember how intense a statement it was when he made it right after the race. Admittedly emotions would still have been running high.


Hard truth is most people hate winners because they’re losers themselves. **braces for impact


I dislike Lando noRizz because he looks like a guy that punches my drink out of my hands at a party and when a girl sees it jumps on him and kisses him, and his genZ hair dumb fuck friends laugh like idiots and high five him and my expensive drink is now all over my pants and shoes and I need to leave and ants will go into them by the morning So in short he seems like an arrogant prick


he *does* have the face for it and the name


I hope Oscar starts whooping up on him lol


i am doing black magic so that this happen


Oddly specific, but I feel ya


Nah, most people side with the winners. That's why LH, Verstappen and Alonso have the bigger fanbases. Also women for some reason side with drivers they find attractive so there is Leclerc. Those 4 drivers have more fans than the other 16 together.


That’s reductive and sexist as fuck my guy


How? It's true, a lot of women are fans of Charles literally just go on any social media lol


So women being fans of something must be because of vain reasons? Women couldn’t possibly like something for legitimate informed reasons.


"Vain reasons" or "legitimate informed reasons" is irrelevant here because we're talking about being a fan of someone, you dont need a reason to and some people dont have, they just like that driver. Literally, even men like someone famous just for their appearance, it's not a woman thing nor there's not anything wrong with it. Just look at another sport loke football, Belligham has a huge female fanbase and one of the reasons is his attractiveness, it's like those childhood crushes people have on actors, some will grow out of it and others will stay and be actual fans.


The problem is with the assumption that women are fans of Charles because he is attractive. That statement and that assumption reduces women to vain, uninformed creatures who know nothing about the sport and can only form their opinions based on looks. The original comment basically said “men like Max Lewis and Alonso because they’re winners and men know that they’re winners so they’re fans. Women like Charles because he’s pretty” If you don’t think that’s sexist, then you’re sexist too


The fact that "...reduces women to vain, uninformed creatures who know nothing about the sport and can only form their opinions based on looks." is something you came up with after reading the original comment is kinda wild tbh. The assumption that women are fans of Charles because he is attractive isnt entirely wrong, since that is a trait of his that pulls in a lot of the fans that didn't watch the sport, the thing is a lot of them are mainly the girls who have that "celebrity crush" on him, which again, isn't something bad (idk why you are trying to say it is tbh) and those types fans will either turn into bigger fans in the sport and possibly become more interested in other drivers or will just get tired of it eventually and leave. And again, liking someone because they are pretty, is a very normal thing. Actually Charles is a talented driver, which is the reason why he has a lot of fans too, looking good only gets you so far. Also that last line, yikes.


It’s not rocket science. The original comment made the assumption that women only like Charles because of his looks, which is the same thing as accusing them of knowing nothing about the sport and only making their choices based on vain bullshit like attractiveness. It was sexist as fuck and you trying to defend that comment is too. There’s really nothing else to say about it.


Sure but those same people bitch about winners when it’s not their winners lol like Lewis fans about Max.


Because they want their favorite driver to win and be the best. So they still enjoy wins and winners. Dunno man, it's just my way to look at it.


I get it for sure 👍 I just think a lot of the people clamoring about the Max and Lando incident are actually Lewis fans still mad about 21 lol


Honestly I'm finding it harder to keep looking at those people as fans. The amount of mental gymnastics both sides are doing to shift all blame to the other driver is insane


Seriously. One of my favorite things about the sport is that I like all the drivers and like to see Max win as much as Nico get 6th.


British media stoking the flames doesnt help


I have not read anything else the last 3 days other then CRASHTAPPEN, MAX bad, HATE! Norris GOLDEN BOY, DOTD you name it. Unbelievable.


It wasn't egregious, I just find the MV simps hilarious when it comes to how insecure they are whenever his driving goes over the line and he actually gets held *slightly* accountable. Hit that downvote for an extra dose of copium!


I don’t think I saw anybody complain about the penalty, just people saying he should be banned or put into the barriers at speed.


Yeah it was definitely "slighty", not like literally everyone was like he is always like this, dirty driver, doesnt know how to drive, back to 21 etc.


10 seconds and 2 points is fairly slight. If you think online screeching is "accountability" then you might just be a MV fan ;)


If you think MV fans mad about the penalty and not the "online screeching" as you call it or the media you might be disingenuous.


So it was Max's fault and it was correct that he was penalised for leaving insufficient space and causing a collision then, right? Edit: The downvotes prove it lol


Yes but it wasnt in anyway a uniquely dirty move and it didnt deserve the any hate he got. If it was any other driver everyone would be like "oh no... anyway"


Maybe I'm a unicorn but I prefer all drivers having to drive within the rules, it's not a uniquely max thing for me. But you gotta admit the comments and votes are kinda proving my point. [Max friendly mods deleted a thread off the sub cause yall couldn't handle it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/formuladank/comments/1ds2nq2/certified_bruh_moment)


So where are the dozens of angry articles and posts about Alonso and Zhou? Or Hulkenberg on Alonso in the sprint? Hell, even Magnussen’s psychotic driving in Miami didn’t get as heated treatment in the community and media.


No idea. Maybe it's something to do with the popularity of the front runners in proportion to the lower midfield?


Lando was not driving withing the rules either. He divebombed so badly he ended up out of track and getting a 5s penalty for that since he had black and white flag. Rookie driving from his part.


Where did I suggest otherwise?


Damn... We really need a new sub for f1, this one is rotten to the core if the mods aren't even trying to hide their bias


There is the door.. See yourself out.


Norris is crybaby and acting like spoiled child


Thanks for proving my point about Max Versalten fans :) Completely irrelevant comment to the chain but you just *had* to let us know.


Oh yes, everybody is wrong except you


No not everybody. The stewards weren't wrong to penalise Max. Downvotes proving me right again. Careful not to have a sodium overdose boys ;)


The fact you had to write 'Versalten' shows you are just another stan, and therefor your opinion is invalid by definition.


Who do I supposedly stan for? I like Max, I just find how crazy his club is funny. It's been a good day at the Sodium mines. Careful you don't overdose.


>whenever his driving goes over the line You mean in line with anyone in that same position?


I agree that drivers have been given far too much latitude in the past when it comes to not leaving a cars width. I can only hope it's enforced better going forwards though I fear it will remain the case that it's only addressed when there is a collision.


The day that rule is applied properly is the day Hamilton performs worse than Perez


Unfortunately I believe you are correct. It's quite a shame.


Nando didn’t even go over the line that’s how stupid his move was


Yeah it was pretty stupid to not follow the rules and leave enough space instead of just forcing another driver into a "move or crash" situation


If lando had taken the curb it wouldnt have been a move or crash situation though


To take the curb would require him to.... move.


[They hated him because he told the truth. ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/211/681/b1b.jpg)


You are so right, yet will probabbly get downvoted to oblivion. How dare you, Max is never wrong, TeamLH is worse, etc etc


I'm inclined to argue that Cult MV is trying their absolute hardest to claim another 'win' over Cult LH. In being the most insane F1 'fans' out there. I swear some of them have a hate boner for anyone who dares try and compete with Max.


Why do people care so much if the champion of a sport is involved in some action in a race wtf that is fkn weeeeird


I think the issue was not the incident at that one corner. I think people saw the build-up to that incident coming across multiple laps, with Max moving under breaking, and Max staying ahead by gaining an advantage off track, etc. The incident itself was somewhat minor. But, in context of what had happened across the preceding laps, it definitely appeared as though Max was over the limit. I think, emotionally, people already felt that way (even if they couldn't rationalise it at the time), and so they reacted by making it seem like Max was the devil and did the most egregious move of all time or whatever.


And with good reason. Verstappen is insanely good, but he tends to go over the limit and is being a bully that only steps down when punished. I have no problem with going to the limit, but beyond it likes this. His fighting history is filled with this crap. 2016, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24. It's so unnecessary.


Both are extremely regular racing events. But just one got blown out of proportion.


Yes, by the incredibly insecure MV fans lol God help us if they clip at Copse this weekend, they'll claim it was another assassination attempt.


And somehow you are the only one constantly crying everywhere...


Check my guy's profile, he's cooked


Tf are you yapping about? Because he disagrees with you??


Nah, he's just the taking the downvote bullet for everyone else who sees max as he is, a bully on the racetrack. Honestly for max this is nothing. He went 3 cars wide on a turn and had the balls to claim he didn't do anything wrong. You could look back on three years of my comments saying the second redbull would get challenged "yield or crash" verstappen would be right back, and boy was i right. If you doubt me, just tune in for the rest of the season, no amount of gymnastics will defend his actions


Do a little more research and look for multiple angles of the incident. You'll see that you're actually talking shit right now lol.


Of course, i could do that. But i'll just wait for Max to keep running off Lando or anyone else that tries overtaking him until the next reg shakeup


According to the MV cult hugbox that is this sub right now? Lmao.


Nah, they're both terrible. Maniacal Max and Loathsome Lando are vastly, *vastly* inferior to King George VII.


A genuine guffaw from me. Yabadabbado.


He could only become a king when the real King let him ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|7073)


McLaren: “we don’t want another 2021” Literally every F1 fan: “we want another 2021”


I see where there coming from though. its not the down to the wire championship battle that will be repeated. its the annoying fanbases arguing over the smallest thing that will be repeated. or basically, 2021 but with the standings of 2023.


”Flirting” vs ”Harassment” at its finest


What I find the difference between the two as I see it, is that one is pushed on the grass which is dangerous (like the bottas russel crash) and another one has a car length beside him to go over the curb, which is in that corner also often the racing line. So I have no idea why people keep calling it "leaving no space". Regardless, I loved the race, we finally get some action but now people are complaining? Mclaren also said they don't want another 2021, but I think most of us can agree that 2021 was one of the best seasons in years before and after.


McLaren saying they don't want another 2021 is also funny because they have no chance at WDC. 


It is currently not too close cuz lando has only won 1 race yet, but I cannot deny that they have a faster car compared to RB currently. I think they might be top contenders in 2025 for a WDC.


100% the fastest car.  2024 is a lock for Max. 2025 is gonna get very interesting though


If Perez keeps doing what he's doing then it's possible Edit: nevermind I read that as wcc not wdc I am schtupid


No worries it's a pretty small difference. I expect McLaren to yoink the WCC this year with their ripping fast car, unless major upgrades get perez back into it. 


I think Stella was talking about some of the questionable driving standards/stewarding decisions made during 21. Things like Brazil 21 and Saudi Arabia 21. Where the stewards appeared to be on as much crack as the drivers.


Riding the kerb gives less grip. You’re not supposed to go on the curb. If you look at the first pic, max has space he just overreacted and went onto the grass himself.


They go on the curb in quali Landos racing line literally a lap before was also on the curb


Max didn't take any curb in his pole lap.


They aren't racing in quali, so no defensive measures are taken. Also hitting a kerb at different speeds will have different degrees of how the car will unsettle. And id argue at the speed they were going it would be worse to hit it at this speed then when they hit that kerb at quali speeds and can hit the kerb correctly.


I have definately seen them drive over it, and I think any racer would rather take it compared to driving onto someones behind and creating a puncture. But I guess I am wrong for this since the stewards gave a 10 sec penalty for creating a collision to max.


Yeah but who is saying they don't drive over it? I didn't. Point me to him though.


Basically you but with the restriction of qualifier or in-race.


Basically? So did I say that or not? Don't give me a roundabout bull, did I say they didn't hit kerbs or not.


You said it in a roundabout way, as in that they take it in quali. But also that in the race at different speeds there would b another case where they don't want to hit it. So yes. And you are not in the position to cry about rounabout bull with an unclear comment first, and then asking who directly said it.


So I didn't say they didn't hit the kerb, but i also said they didn't? Which is it man? Like you are saying exactly what I said, Truth be told. They take it in quali because they will risk the bump that at high speed is less impactful than at a slower speed. What so different from what I said and what you just said? >And you are not in the position to cry about rounabout bull with an unclear comment first, and then asking who directly said it. 1. Whose parent are you? Foh I'll do what I want. "Not in the position" hurr durr lmao 2. I asked who said it because I didn't and you are telling me I "basically" said something in fact I did not say? I'm sure no one likes having word put in their mouth or having their words twisted. 3. If my comment had started with max is king this little back and forth wouldn't be happening. That's what makes it different isn't it l?


>Riding the kerb gives less grip. You’re not supposed to go on the curb. Are you high?


bro hasnt seen a race in his life


Or, strange concept I know, both were wrong?


Yeah, both are wrong and something that should be looked into. Not crashing because someone avoids the collision should be warning. But actually crashing the other driver out is always 100x worse, then its not a "what if" as it happened..


So we're back to ja king off Max on this sub now?


They never stopped


Better than glazing Lanslow Norris


I've seen far more moaning on here in defence of Max than against him


This subreddit just loves gurgling Max balls all day long.


This is why we should replace Norris and Verstappen with the GOAT, Nicholas Latifi![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|7073)


I think both drivers can eat an equal amount of shit from this accident.


Are Max fanboys TeamLH reincarnated?


Two sides of the same coin


Don't think TeamLH brings flares to races so others can't see.


Max fans are like England supporters in football. Wouldnt surprise me if some fomestic abuse stats shoot through the roof everytime Max races, runs in their genes a suppose!


Jos is the OG Max fan




not enough death threats


Not until Verstappen brings out the race card.


[I think that was the Spanish and Italians actually.](https://i.redd.it/x8swn6h46f251.jpg)


Good point. Hamilton has no issues with racism as long as it fills his pockets.


He is racey. That's different.


This sub is for shitposting but I'll bite. **Verstappen fans have become Hamilton fans**. Left image = Race start (known to be chaotic, a lot is allowed). Right image = Verstappen changing his line under braking, 3/4 of the way through a race. You can look at the F1TV onboards to see Max's steering wheel in this sequence. It's around 1h23m. He was choosing the inside line while braking, then chose the outside line. That's not allowed. He did the inverse more egregiously on Lap 55 but, unfortunately, F1TV's onboard for Max was showing the rear camera in that moment. Verstappen fans just cannot imagine that someone is not yielding to Max's bullshit. [Max did this exact thing to Bottas in 2018 and got a 5-sec penalty so it's not like the penalty is inconsistent.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Be3eK9W_td0) [As much as I hate to say it, Max has a point. He has shown that he can navigate a reasonable amount of room being given without incident when he's on the other side of this sort of scenario.](https://youtu.be/6bz8CQBf1Ps?si=hJFXIFeT21ebMfIt&t=53) Max has become the villain. Team MV is as bad as Team LH and they care more about this situation than anyone else.


Its because both teams are in the exact same positions. Both were defending a reigning world champ who's every action was being criticized, which gets blown out of proportion when racing. I know that my opinion is of less value as someone on team MV, but I still think its worthwhile to say this. But if the no.1 was "contender for 4th WDC and current ahead in points of the rest, Pierre Gasly" against "Talented rookie who finally got a car to contest for the WDC, Esteban Ocon". Then this race would blame the verstappen/lando incident within a second and call it a day after the penalty was given, but ppl would still be arguin about which alpine should have won. And wanna know a fun fact? Any driver its fanbase is about as bad as any other. Why? Cuz any driver its fanbase has people with different clashing opinions on social media from which they will argue against with some ridiculous statements being made. I love the saying as it goes though: Max has not died as a hero, he simply has lived long enough to see himself become the villain.


Not to mention that one of these incidents is someone being pushed off slightly too much at literally the start of the race and both drivers carrying on without incident, the other one is a collision after 3/4 laps of overtakes taking place at that same turn - a collision that caused a DNF for the driver who couldn't have done anything about it and a puncture for the driver who caused the collision. Thank you for bring out Max vs Lewis at Monza, where Max rode the kerbs right onto Hamilton's car when he was the one on the outside and was actually given a car's width of space unlike Austria 2024. I can't believe this "comparison" merits 2100+ upvotes and all these comments glazing Verstappen.


Team LH representative here and I have to say, bullshit. We’re more pre-occupied with LH44’s last season with Darth Toto’s team.


Is there any other content on this sub besides jacking max off? Man so fucking boring


well do your part lad, bring the jacking off of your favourite drivers into existence, pull your weight.


Ha, damn you're right. Here I am freeloading on other people jacking some dude off when I could be jacking dudes off myself. Gonna go get to work...


Just constant Max glazing. He can do no wrong in their eyes.


Almost everyone here says he did something wrong, it’s just extreme overreactions by almost everyone for the past couple of days. This post even says he is wrong by comparing it to another wrong. Wtf is wrong with your reading comprehensions?


I haven't seen that many extreme reactions, he caused a crash simple as that.


There’s been a lot of defending Max from this sub lately and a shocking amount of people claiming it’s just hard racing and he shouldn’t have received a penalty. Also this meme simply compares two race events. It doesn’t take a side or claim Max/Lando should have been punished. Tf is wrong with your reading comprehension?


Verstappen dick sucker's club out in full force today.


Y’all are unhinged. I’m not on twitter or anything so maybe people are overreacting against max but from what I have seen the only people freaking out are the Max Stans claiming he did nothing wrong. He was clearly in the wrong and got a deserved penalty. Also he was moving under braking several attacks before the crash, it was bound to happen. And yall whining about “dive bombing” are hilarious hypocrites because that is LITERALLY max’s signature move when he was behind…


Max does it in one attempt, Lando failed four in a row with each one getting significantly more sketchy in regard to his full control of the car. You can call out max stans but don’t do it under the disguise you’re not a Lando Fando … bias is strong with this. Max bad, Lando nothing wrong!


I'm a Lando fan but I also have access to F1TV and have watched the onboards of the entire 10-minute sequences from Lap 55 until the crash. Max drives dirty when he needs to, Team MV are just amazed that someone isn't bending the knee to their king.


Just like Lando in Spain huh?


Max has over 65 wins, Lando has one. I’m a max fan and it’s clears as hell Lando has been irrelevant up until three races ago, and it’s clear as day you all hated MV all along, now you just have a reason to openly hate him. Lando is no angel, but having this argument with you is as productive as Lando still crying about the last race - it changed nothing.


Holy delusion, Batman! >having this argument with you is as productive as Lando still crying about the last race - it changed nothing. "I care so little about arguing with you that I'm going to type out a response that's longer than yours." >it’s clear as day you all hated MV all along, now you just have a reason to openly hate him. You are talking about MV like he's some personal friend of yours who has been betrayed. Go outside and touch grass, holy shit.


That was so philosophical, could you sound anymore hurt but also trying to downplay it? I don’t care, that’s the funny part. Toodles toots!


"I care SO little about arguing with you that I am going to reply just once more."


I am 100% not a Lando fan lol. I’m a Leclerc fan if I had to choose any drivers. I just think max fans are disgustingly hypocritical with complaining about Lando divebombing. Just go back and watch his battles with Hamilton…or literally all of his driving before his dominance being way out in front of everyone every race. Max is a great driver (one of the goats for sure) but he is dirty and does things sometimes that are completely unnecessary and dangerous. In this case Max could have just passed again with DRS just after the corner instead of swerving and crashing. Also max with a puncture pushed Lando off into the grass after he had just caused the collision…. Pointless.


And Lando is dusgustingly hypocritical foe crying about Max pushing him wide when he did the exact same thing to Max the race before. 




Hypocrites they are. Race incident. Let them race I say. And if Lando had done the same, it would have been the greatest defensive move ever. On to Silverstone.


Qulifications: Let's ignore those damn curbs ! Race : Oh my God ! I'll never put a single tyre on this colored thing !è


They just got unlucky with 2 weak parts of the cars touching


Only literally the most fringe takes are saying this lol. This sub is just filled with people making up bogeymen today.


Loving teamMax trying to”fine people on both sides” Max’s driving.


So what actually happened is that Verstappen showed that he's still the same dirty wheel to wheel racer he was back in 2021, and I assume fdank just exploded in "forgotten members" since it's turned into a Verstappen circlejerk. The explosion has ended, and we're back to Verstappen shagging for the forseeable. Hey, it was a fun race and an exciting weekend. Y'all got rolled by the non-Verstappen shaggers once and getting all whiney about it, like your DRS button isn't working or something. Chill, come back next week.


No no don’t ruin the Max is literally Satan truthers’ hard ons with objectivity


Lando claims senna as his idol also which is hilarious.


50% of the drivers on the grid say the same. Especially those who are related to the likes of McLaren. That includes the likes of Lewis Hamilton, who gets lauded as "chief whinger, master of all whinging".


Yes because Lando is the only driver that complains when he is taken out of the race and about how others are driving. Literally every driver under the sun is a hypocrite when driving. Accept it. Move on.


Everything that happens in the first lap, remain in the first lap. Norris had a penalty, Verstappen could let Norris overtake without problems and win anyway


But as a fan I choose to watch racing, how are so many fans content with this soft-ass style of “let them go by” … it’s not instinctual to think strategy, it’s inherently instinctual for any f1 driver to be as competitive as possible. This was the most exciting last couple of laps I’ve seen in a long time and right or wrong, this or that, it made for some exciting racing that we haven’t gotten in a while. When did that get lost in translation?


max fans are sad little pedos lmao


well difference here is while yes, I agree with exactly what you are saying, but the consequence for norris who did that incident is that verstappen and russell was still able to get ahead of him and prob cost him the win of the race. On the other hand verstappen action caused both drivers to get punctures and cost them both a good race. Espeically considering verstappen was in 5th and norris dnf'd