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Believe it or not "Burn Victim Billy" is his given Christian name, and not just something people started calling him after the accident.


“We actually named her IHOP at birth, it was just a coincidence she lost her leg, I swear”


Sons named Winner and Loser


going by Pratchett rules Loser is a successful businessman and Winner is a drunken hobo




Come on, Eileen


Nominative determinism at work!


You could say Christ gave him the fire……


His parents was greek!


I think the person who made this said more about themselves than they meant to by having the woman's disability not affect her face etc. like gee, I wonder why she isn't also a burn victim like Billy. Also as a fat person, I don't care about being found sexy or not, just treat me like a human and don't be a dick for no good reason. That's all you have to do.


Also, she's a super skinny woman with a running blade and what looks to be sports gear. Famously, disabled people *love* it when the only disabled people you support are "inspirational" athletes who completely overcome their disability.


As someone who has spent a large portion of their life disabled, the idea that every disabled person is an inspiration for simply existing and trying to live their lives is definitely awful. Those with disabilities they are able to "overcome" to do things are seen as heroes, while those that are so exhausted after a basic shower/bath that they need an hour to recover are seen as weak and just needing to try harder.


and people forget that's what the vast, vast majority of us are like. hell I'm gonna start asking these people why _they're_ not athletes if it's apparently so easy


They hate women and hate that women are living outside the confines of their gaze. Why aren’t both examples men? I swear it’s easier to find a late middle aged dude with a huge gut who will swear he can still play pick up basketball and instantly blows out his knee but swears it’s because there’s a warp in the court than to find a woman like the one on the right.


Sadly some [people](https://youtu.be/QOXQQmDvc0I?si=blp7M8RYAg97ob2t) take it too far to be d1ck.


what does this random hour long video have to do with this


Let me strap in for an hour to hear this one sided riveting tale about an internet argument. EDIT: There are like 3 hours of responses from the other guy, more videos by this Noah guy and dozens of videos of randos reacting to the argument videos. Amazing. Youtube was a mistake.


Why would losing a leg affect ur face tho?


I think they just meant that the woman has a disability that doesnt affect their face, so that she can still fit into the beautystandard of a pretty woman


Ahh I see that yes!


Something about this meme makes me suspect they actually don't care about body positivity at all and just wanted a format to use for expressing their hatred towards fat people


Also very weird how the "good" woman is still conventionnaly beautiful, and not burnt like little Billy over there.


I mean, Billy isn’t exactly ugly either.


The key word is "conventionally"


"You don't care about that group; you just want to scapegoat that other group."


The same people who make memes like this would call the woman on the left a "land whale."


A Pakicetus?


Is that some sort of badger relative ?


Whale ancestors


They’re dog like animals who later evolved into the whales we know today. So in a sense, they’re literally land whales.


I was out walking (for fitness *gasp*) when a group of men in a decked out lifted truck decided to slow down to a crawl next to me, roll down all their windows, and make jokes about me being a beached whale. Good times.


It says a lot that even people in here are saying it's different because "people choose to be fat". What if blonde lady's accident was a car accident that she was at fault for, or if little billy was burnt because he ignored all the safety PSAs and played on a railway? Would you still see them as inspirational compared to someone who's mainly overweight because their job sucks and their city is unwalkable?


What? You mean there's *nuance* to situations in our everyday lives? Pfft, nonsense! It's always only black or white! ^(/s)


Don't worry, there's an easy hack to avoid having to worry about that nuance. If you treat health as an entirely morally neutral trait and believe that everyone has a right to basic human decency regardless, you don't have to worry about if they "chose" their condition!


Unwalkable cities actually leave people locked in their cars 24/7 with zero chance of any physical activity except for enabling turn signals and pumping gas


I once heard a co-worker say that we should not spend money on cancer research because, "Smokers do it to themselves." No, I am not kidding. I wish I were.


The city is unwalkable so they have to eat like shit every day of their lives?


When the only thing the store you can get to sells is shit, the only thing you have to eat everyday is shit.


Oh they don’t have vegetables? Bullshit


You've never been in a situation where the only place you can reliably shop for meals is a gas station before, have you?


Fun fact: you can get fat eating vegetables.




CACO: veggies don't have some magic anti calorie property


Fun fact- you dont have to eat the whole ass unhealthy meal at once dumbass


The irony is disabled people are more likely to be fat because of social exclusion and disabilities making exercise harder. It speaks volumes that the disabled representation wasn't disabled from birth.


The late John Callahan (cartoonist) was in a wheelchair from his 20s on. He had a story where the clerk at disability services pinched the roll around his belly and said, "Maybe we should cut your food stamps." He was like, "WELL, IT'S NOT LIKE I CAN GO JOGGING, CYNTHIA!!"


Wow, that's vile. I don't think we talk about the intersection of ableism and fatphobia enough.


Exercise shouldn't even be used to lose weight. It burns such a small amount of calories and it's pretty much insignificant if you're actually trying to lose weight. You do that in the kitchen. The amount of calories you eat is realistically the only thing affecting your number of the scale.


r/gatekeepingyuri These women adopted Billy and are raising him to love himself.


Grandma does not seem to grasp the major overlap between the body positive movement and disability rights movement


god i remember when this was unironically circulated EVERYWHERE. some people genuinely believe being fat makes you a bad person worthy of ridicule and i will never understand that


i agree but on the other side, there is also a lot of gaslighting and conflation going on about this issue. what if I respect you but I still think being fat is ugly and you're at fault for it? i'm not going around randomly telling this to people but that is my opinion. a lot of people conflate this with fat shaming and fatphobia. also just think how much people are talking about each other's appearances and somehow the 1st thing you notice about a fat person should be excluded from this? deluded, misinformed fat positivity is absolutely a thing unfortunately.




Okay, so what if somebody made bad decisions in their past, are now overweight, but are now taking the necessary steps to improve their life? Losing a visible amount of weight for somebody who's obese takes an inordinate amount of time, even when they do everything right. Somebody who's 200 pounds now might be dieting and exercising and losing weight, and maybe a year ago they were 400 pounds, so they've already made significant progress. You never know. You can't change your past, you can only make decisions now to improve your future.


> Okay, so what if somebody made bad decisions in their past, are now overweight, but are now taking the necessary steps to improve their life? This meme isn't making fun of them, its making fun of the people who make excuses for being fat in a vain attempt to justify themselves, not the people who recognize that its an unhealthy problem and are trying to change their habits.


What's it like being a terrible person?


I mean, fairly often it is a mental condition of some kind. "Just lazy" is barely a thing, and being lazy can't make you that fat.


Source: I made it the fuck up


And people with hormone imbalances, thyroid issues, disabilities, etc etc are... what. Too lazy to fight nature? Too undisciplined to go jogging when walking feels like glass shards are running through your legs from a pinched nerve? And what about the bigger people who are starving themselves and just. Stay big cause of health issues or genetics? Not enough initiative? Fuck you.


Don't get me wrong, I definitely don't agree with the hateful things the person you answered to expressed - you're not a bad person just for being fat - but there's no health issue that makes you fat. That wouldn't make any sense, your body can't make fat out of nothing, if you only eat as much as you need for nutrients you can't get fat. Health conditions like you mentioned just mean that your caloric threshold for putting on weight is lower, it's still within one's control to simply eat below that threshold.


And people in food deserts? And people too poor to buy the healthy foods so they have to buy corn syrup filled shit? Nah, it's the fatties fault that lab coats got addiction down to a science and studied exactly what engages what parts of your brain to want their products. Why, we just have to bootstrap pull a little harder.


Again, I didn't blame anyone for being fat. You just admitted yourself that being fat is not an inevitability but rather due to overeating, which can come from addiction. And being addicted to anything is not a person's fault, but they CAN do something against it.


Okay, fair enough. Sure.


Laughs and points to PCOS. You are so uninformed it’s not funny.


PCOS and the related insulin resistance cause the body to put on weight easier, it doesn't make one fat by default. In fact, reducing your bodyweight is one of the first recommendations doctors give their patients because obesity maximizes the impact PCOS has on the body. I'm not trying to be hateful, its obvious that many conditions cause the body to put on weight more easily, and for those people it's harder to stay healthy so someone without those conditions is in no position to judge them while putting in equal effort. That does not, however, mean that those conditions make you fat with no recourse. No illness makes you magically put on weight overnight - that would violate physics - where would this extra weight even come from if not from excess consumption?


no you dont even need to be informed for saying this, it is just logic. The only thing they are saying is that there is no health problems that makes you overweight without the need of external sources for calories. There are health issues that lower the calories used but not one that generates calories out of thin air.


Once again, food deserts, purposeful capitalistic moves to make shitty food cheap and more easily accessible, etcetera etcetera. This is an anecdote, but I've been all over the Midwest. Why the fuck are so many people there overweight? It couldn't be because their ONLY stores are the local Walmart several miles out which has prices that are RIDICULOUSLY HIGH for "health" foods. And then right across the produce section is the deli, where for $10 you can get 8 pieces of Mm-mm good fried chicken. That's dinner right there, son. And like I said earlier, some people cannot help it. SO MUCH SHIT makes people bloat like BALLOONS. birth control? Weight gain. Antidepressants? Weight gain. Stop taking your antidepressants? Guess what. God forbid you starve yourself, cause guess what happens next time you eat? You gain fucking weight because your body goes "oh fuck food is scarce lmao, better plump up."


I agree with this wholeheartedly but I wasn't talking about that


Okay, so when you take shitty food conditions and a reasonable portion of population who subsists a LOT on fast food or shitty quick whip-up meals (usually still full of garbage) because everyone has to work, right? People who get breakfast (shitty microwavable foods, fatty fast food, or maybe no breakfast at all). Get lunch at work (Have an hour, not enough time to cook, better swing thru a drive thru or pick up prepackaged garbage.) Get home AFTER work and still somehow have the energy to cook? It's not calories out of thin air. that's my point. If you don't have an on-your-feet 8 hours a day Get Out and Do Shit job, you're probably going to gain weight. Moreso if you're poor. There's a billion and 1 ways to get fat, but to stay skinny you need the money to eat right and the time to exercise. And if you aren't middle/upper middle class you probably don't have either. And even if this wasn't your point, I'm putting this here for all the Grandma's coming out of the woodwork to give their 2 cents (back in their day, that bought a pack of smokes!)


This is such a bullshit argument. Yes, a small fraction of people have medical issues that are either untreated or untreatable that might cause weight gain, but currently 70% of the US is overweight. Are you claiming they ALL have pinched nerves or lymphoedema? Or maybe it is that the vast majority are just overeating and not burning enough?


Where did I say all 70% of overweight people had issues. I said not all of the 70% are lazy bums.


Hey quick question, if 70% of a population is overweight in a particular society/country/culture while that isn't true in most other places then what makes you think that all of those people are purely personally responsible for that?


I didn't say they were personally responsible at all. I said it probably wasn't, for the vast majority, medical. Cultural differences, different norms and values, legal protections in food quality and quantity, wealth and welfare and a host of other factors play a role here. The fact that there are many more obese Americans than, say, obese french people doesn't mean that there is a magic stupidity field covering the US making everyone an idiot when it comes to diet and exercise. It also doesn't mean there is a weird disease going around that can't cross the ocean. It probably does mean the other factors mentioned above play a very large role. Blaming individuals for large trends is obviously never the solution.


And that's how small of a percentage? How about the rest of the majority that you conveniently didn't mention?


Woah crazy it's like I was saying that there WAS a small percentage who weren't lazy undisciplined bums.


Which adds nothing and is pointless to say. There are always some exceptions to everything, but those people are obviously not who we were talking about. Imagine adding an "um akshually" to every single argument despite it being a rare exception.


He started with an open, broad, and hateful statement. These are still people, and exceptions exist. Painting every single fat person as some fucked up person with no self control is ridiculous. It's hateful rhetoric, I don't understand why you're planting your flag in "aww fat peepow awe piggies" Like. Another broad statement, all men are rapists. Is that a fair stroke?


1. The population that suffers from a disease that makes weight loss harder is extremely miniscule. 2. The way you lose weight is based on the amount of calories you eat. It's not about exercise. Sure, exercise can HELP with weight loss, but the effects are so miniscule that it's completely insignificant. You lose weight in the kitchen and it's entirely dependent on the *amount* of food you eat. 3. The *amount* of food you eat affects your weight, not the *type* of food you eat. You can still eat cheap and unhealthy food and lose weight, you literally just have to eat less of it. The food itself doesn't matter. You could eat just pizza for the entire day and as long as it's under your maintenance calories, you'll lose weight. Tldr: weight gain/loss are completely dependent on the energy (calories) you consume. Its literally simple thermodynamics, you eat less calories then you burn and you will 100% lose weight. It's physically impossible for you not to.


1. But they exist. That was my point. Original commenter blanket statemented that every breathing fat person is a lazy pig who eat burgers more than they breathe or whatever it was. MAJOR paraphrase. 2. See: Point made about food deserts; costs of healthier food. 3. That sounds super super unhealthy, like. More unhealthy than being fat, possibly. Like the kinda shit that turns into an ED along the way somewhere. Maybe not and I'm just blowing smoke but "yeah to lose weight just dont eat! :D" is red hot. Not that that was your intention, just as a worst case scenario type deal.


I understand the point but that still doesn't explain the entire body positivity trend. It went from "maybe we shouldn't hate fat people because they're fat" to literally encouraging being obese. There's a very fine line between bullying and enabling. Plus, for the most part losing weight is as simple as not eating that extra burger everyday. If you've been maintaining your weight and your obese, all you realistically need to do is stick to the same diet you have your whole life but eliminate one food. It could be as small as that cutting out that peanut butter sandwich you eat before bed everyday. Eliminating that everyday would alone be enough to lose weight.


It's really weird when people start making excuses for being fat. I'm not joking when I say this, but it's as simple as eating less. That's it. You don't need a diet, you don't need to eat healthy food, you don't need to go on a 10 mile run everyday; you just need to EAT LESS CALORIES. It's the simplest thing someone could do. If someone were trying to gain weight I would understand the financial argument because they would need to spend more money for more food. But you're literally trying to LOSE weight, meaning you need to spend LESS money on food. I'm saying this again because for some reason this point is impossible to get across - *all you need to do is EAT LESS.* I know you're going to eat that burger after your shift when you don't really need it.


Very few and rare conditions can cause that but no matter what if you are at a caloric deficit you will lose weight, that’s how energy works


No no no excuses all of them


Ok, grandma.




Sorry twink death hit you so hard dude, good luck finding a date in SoCal with your hateful mindset.


The funny thing about this post is that I can smell your incel from miles away without even checking your post history.


One can only wish we can go back to the time being a walking walrus was worthy of ridicule.


i hope someday you realise that youve been a shit person and make changes in your life. being nice to people costs nothing. rudeness is a disease, get well soon!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Sooooo…do obese burn victims and handicapped people deserve body positivity or nah?


Yeah obviously. Body positivity should include everything. Reddit just has a particular hate boner towards fat people.


The thing about somebody else being fat is that it doesn't affect me at all. Unattractive people should still be treated the same. I'm not sure why people have this hatred towards fat people, let them live their life.


"This imaginary person I made up certainly is ridiculous!"


Not imaginary at all, just take a look at the body positivity movement on TikTok.


Aren't these the same people who were saying it's gay to be attracted to athletic and muscular women?




I mean... I've literally seen the rhetoric on the right Unironically and it's frankly disgusting and disheartening. I'm fat, was damn near 400 pounds at my heaviest and I've slowly been improving myself down to 340, and reversed my diabetes and I'm gonna keep going. Watching people on tiktok or dlc enable each other to eat themselves into an early grave makes me so upset. I'm not saying fat people should be insulted or feel bad for anything. My point is that the obvious over indulging caricature in the right is unfortunately real and needs to be given a wake up call.


Congrats and best of luck!


Fuck yeah! Keep going! In all seriousness though, I don't understand how these people can keep saying "health at any size!" As these people drop like flies in their thirties.


I don't think it's good thing to call a fat person ugly, but it's also not good to justify the complete opposite of it without any hesitation. Because jokes aside, It genuinely makes me sad when I hear about early deaths of fat people who were all about fat positivity. Like really, 35-40 is no age to die.


My buddy died of a heart attack at 26. He was like 400 lbs. It was a super shame. He had grandparents at his funeral.


HeAlThY aT aNy sIzE


Yeah. It even extends to animals. I think I got banned from the HAES Facebook for saying a 70 chiweenie is going to die a horrible death


Good god


Yeah. That breed at that size can be happy and healthy


They’re probably saying this because they’re fattening up the dog to eat


> The second big lesson the medical establishment has learned and rejected over and over again is that weight and health are not perfect synonyms. Yes, nearly every population-level study finds that fat people have worse cardiovascular health than thin people. **But individuals are not averages: Studies have found that anywhere from one-third to three-quarters of people classified as obese are metabolically healthy. They show no signs of elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance or high cholesterol. Meanwhile, about a quarter of non-overweight people are what epidemiologists call “the lean unhealthy.”** A 2016 study that followed participants for an average of 19 years found that **unfit skinny people were twice as likely to get diabetes as fit fat people. Habits, no matter your size, are what really matter.** Dozens of indicators, from vegetable consumption to regular exercise to grip strength, provide a better snapshot of someone’s health than looking at her from across a room. https://highline.huffingtonpost.com/articles/en/everything-you-know-about-obesity-is-wrong/


Whoever wrote that article is absolutely godawful at reading scientific papers. None of the their conclusions are actually in the papers they cite. >Studies have found that anywhere from one-third to three-quarters of people classified as obese are metabolically healthy. They show no signs of elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance or high cholesterol. The study they cite says that is mostly prevalent in younger people, which is perfectly normal, since it takes time to do damage. The quoted study also completely disagrees with the listed numbers by huffpo. >A 2016 study that followed participants for an average of 19 years found that unfit skinny people were twice as likely to get diabetes as fit fat people. Habits, no matter your size, are what really matter. That's not what the quoted paper says though. The paper says metabolic health, in the form of blood pressure, lipid levels and blood glucose, are a better predictor of health than **just** obesity. What it does NOT say, is how much more likely obese people to have or develop these traits (which is what the huffpo concludes, wrongly). Amusingly, it lists in Table A the groupings in each category, which gives us some idea of the distribution. 1499 healthy lean people, 260 healthy obese people. 351 unhealthy lean people, 1225 unhealthy obese people. Going by those numbers, you can quickly assume that obese people are about 21 times more likely to be metabolically unhealthy, making it a pretty accurate predictor after all.


Honestly the point he made about how the body can go into a starvation response even if you’re 400 lbs when you completely stop eating is what made me start to think differently about this issue in general. That woman nearly starved to death before she lost the weight because that’s how bodies actually handle things.


Yeah, Michael Hobbes, the methodology queen, doesn't know how to read a study. Sure. It's not like you just parroted things that he said, but phrased using more negative language. Just admit you like to rag on fat people.


Study after study shows that for every about 5 points above a BMI of 20 you lose about 5 years of life expectancy, even after correction for micronutrition, exercise and general socioeconomic status.


"and black people have a statistically lower IQ." Is exactly how you sound.


Are you saying that fat people that die at a young age were predisposed to/had a disability wherein getting fat was a mere symptom and they were at risk of dying anyway? Cause I get how "black people statistically having a lower IQ" is a symptom of general black poverty.


Fat people receive worse medical care, their medical issues are often being ignored.


Is this true? Source?


Media reporting: [Why Do Obese Patients Get Worse Care? Many Doctors Don’t See Past the Fat (New York Times, paywalled)](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/26/health/obese-patients-health-care.html) [Medical Bias Against Obesity Is Preventing Patients From Receiving Proper Care (NPR)](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/23/1107166691/medical-bias-against-obesity-is-preventing-patients-from-receiving-proper-care) Studies: [Phelan SM, Burgess DJ, Yeazel MW, Hellerstedt WL, Griffin JM, van Ryn M. Impact of weight bias and stigma on quality of care and outcomes for patients with obesity. Obes Rev. 2015 Apr;16(4):319-26. doi: 10.1111/obr.12266. Epub 2015 Mar 5. PMID: 25752756; PMCID: PMC4381543.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4381543/) [Chakravorty T. Fat shaming is stopping doctors from helping overweight patients—here’s what medical students can do about it BMJ 2021](https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2830) [Alberga, Angela S., et al. "Weight bias reduction in health professionals: a systematic review." Clinical Obesity 6.3 (2016): 175-188.](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shelly-Russell-Mayhew/publication/302922085_Weight_bias_reduction_in_health_professionals_a_systematic_review_Weight_bias_reduction_in_health_professionals/links/5ac3a977a6fdcc1a5bd00aa7/Weight-bias-reduction-in-health-professionals-a-systematic-review-Weight-bias-reduction-in-health-professionals.pdf) -- this one I'm listing for its references but it's also interesting to see research being done in how to fight anti-fat bias in medical professionals. Anecdotally, most fat people I know have had experiences where they went to a doctor with some problem only to be told to lose weight and see if the problem goes away.


Yeah, that's what I thought... So basically it's not that obesity itself isn't a problem, but that being shamed for it causes other problems like being ashamed of going to the doctors, as well as the actual root causes of some symptoms of others diseases/disabilities/disorders are being misattributed to obesity. I can see where these articles are getting at. At the same time, if I were a doctor, I'd probably have a "stigma" against obesity too, and for good reason--it's one of the biggest causes of fatalities. In the end, I guess it all comes down to empathetic communication. You'd probably still have a better chance if you weren't obese.


Very important to note that being obese makes most forms of treatment way harder to administer than if you were skinny. Surgery being harder alone is a killer.


Big people are often less likely to stick to a doctors advice. Overweight often comes from eating disorders but is most often explained away as poverty or genetics. The focus on eating disorders is mostly laid on those who eat to little and never those that eat too much. I've had binge eating disorder and have almost never met anyone who took that seriously.


I'm saying it's a more complex issue that people make it out to be. Barring a few people, nobody wants to be obese. People are so quick to say something simple like that's the reason. Is there anything simple about humans? I see it all the time whenever something like this comes up. Supposedly open minded tolerant people turn in to fatpeople hate and start ascribing all sorts of negative traits to a person based on one noticeable thing. when you don't know shit about them, and have likely never even heard their voice.


It’s weird that’s what you automatically jumped to.


Don't do the Uno reverse card. I went to it because it's the easiest thing in the world to say "you know what, maybe there's something else here." Fuck off with that bullshit.


I'm pretty sure my ex-boyfriend showed this to me and thought this was funny when it was first making the rounds on social media. Hence, *ex*.


There ARE a lot of people in this movement just trying to excuse their own awful habits though. Think of the people who take up two plane seats and get pissy when you expect them to pay for both. They're also, from my experience often religious and conservative. Carbs and sugar are fine, but not sex, drugs or rock n' roll.


What bothers me are the influencers who appoint themselves as role models for kids struggling with their weight, and pretend to be healthy when they clearly aren't. And for a lot of them it is an exclusionary movement. They don't hide their disapproval when the disabled, men, or people who aren't fat enough try to be body positive.


It's no better than anti-vax/alternative medicine types in my opinion. Promoting shoddy body science so they can feel good about their choices.


Yeah. It's not okay to insult random people in the street for no reason, but it's equally not okay to promote such an extremely unhealthy lifestyle in any way.


mind you there were disabled models in a fashion show and we had to listen to them complain about forced diversity for 40 nights and days..


The one thing that always annoys me is people thinking that body positivity is against dieting and exercise. With the exception of loud minority, body positive people support diet and exercise, except they want people to do it to be healthy and feel good not just to have a fuckable body.


As a life-long fatty, not once have I been proud of myself. I have never met another uggo like me who didn't hate what they are. I would never expect anyone to accept me as I am. All the insults you fling at us are nothing compared to what we say to ourselves.


The notion that there *isn't enough* shame among overweight people is so stupid it's almost funny.


I'm saying is that there is plenty of shame already.


yeah they were agreeing with you i think


Just go to the gym or something dawg.


Grandma was right.


I’ve seen people be dogpiled on by fat activists for losing weight.


It’s true. Fat people are in constant pain due to their organs being crushed and are easily angered because of it.


They're probably irritable because they have organs covered in fat so close but can't eat them


Multiple? Cool. Name three.


That fat activists name? Albert Einstein.


Is right, body positivity shouldn't be about people who deliberately live an unhealthy lifestyle


I mean one is something that’s controllable and caused by life choices. The other one is caused by tragic accidents but the media would rather celebrate indulgence.


Fat people: Stop demeaning people just because they're fat. Reddit: "uR LiTerAlLy pRoMOtiNg ObeESiTy!1!"


People deadass think bullying will help, I don't understand


It worked for like, three dudes I know. One has gone from 80kg to 60kg (He’s 5”1’).


ok grandma


Ever hears of hypothyroidism? It's more common than you think, sometimes weight isn't entirely controllable. Body positivity is about accepting all body types as normal, not just accepting obesity as normal but understanding the conditions that may lead a person to lose control of their health and being sympathetic to their plight. However those with an agenda would like to focus on the few people who have hijacked the movement and have used it for something that it is not.


The thyroid can at most be blamed for 10 lbs of excess weight, everything beyond that is poor diet. Not trying to argue in favor of the hateful attitude in this thread, but it's no use spreading misinformation either. You can be against discrimination of course, but blaming conditions can demotivate people to be healthy by making them believe there's nothing they can do to improve their weight.


My mother has a thyroid problem, so I've seen it first hand. Where tf did you get that number from? Because it's not true at all. You missed the whole point of my comment, I didn't say we should accept obesity, I said we should understand the underlying social and physical conditions and be supportive, not dismissive.


>Since the BMR in the patient with hypothyroidism (see Hypothyroidism brochure) is decreased, an underactive thyroid is generally associated with some weight gain. The weight gain is often greater in those individuals with more severe hypothyroidism. However, the decrease in BMR due to hypothyroidism is usually much less dramatic than the marked increase seen in hyperthyroidism, leading to more modest alterations in weight due to the underactive thyroid. The cause of the weight gain in hypothyroid individuals is also complex, and may not be related to excess fat accumulation. Most of the extra weight gained in hypothyroid individuals is due to excess accumulation of salt and water. Massive weight gain is rarely associated with hypothyroidism. In general, 5-10 pounds of body weight may be attributable to the thyroid, depending on the severity of the hypothyroidism. Finally, if weight gain is the only symptom of hypothyroidism that is present, it is less likely that the weight gain is solely due to the thyroid. https://www.thyroid.org/thyroid-and-weight/


"Clinicians should be particularly alert to the possibility of thyroid dysfunction in obese patients. The problem lies in identifying obese subjects who are affected by mild thyroid hormone deficiency On one hand, raised TSH may be a just a functional consequence of obesity. On the other hand, thyroid failure, especially the subclinical form, may go undiagnosed in obese patients. These patients will continue to increase in weight and will develop a deranged lipid profile, thereby bringing the thyroid/obesity association to a full circle.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4911848/ In short, health is complicated, we shouldn't shame people for things that are at least partially out of their control. The point of body positivity is to be uplifting and not to shame people for letting things get out of hand. It can happen to anybody and doesn't have to reflect on their character. That is body positivity.


I really wasn't on shaming anybody. Even if a condition just makes weight gain more likely, a healthy person is in no position to judge those who have it while putting in equal effort and simply not suffering the same disadvantage.


Even really bad scoliosis as normal? I think I condemned myself by not doing stretches in my youth. Now I feel like a crumpled can with bad breathing and posture


Yout body weight is also determined by genetics and metabolism. Some people almost cannot gain weight, whereas others have a very easy time


It's just calories in - calories out. People can have different metabolisms which affects their calories out but it's impossible to become obese without eating more calories than you burn on average each day.


I’m with grandma on this one.


They find new people to look down upon every damn day. Jesus.


This was made by either a blonde, white woman who beat up her ex or a gay, white man obsessed with circumcision that also has a creepy incestuous hate-lust towards his family.




Grandma actually cooking for once.


Body positivity is actually applicable to all three people here. Idk what they’re on abt


It would be nice for campaign to broaden their physiques. Even if it might destroy the business. Dove will never show someone with bad scoliosis . I wish my body gallery wasn’t a slow site


I'm with gam gam on this one


Fat people are lazy you can’t deny