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So many QOL improvements. Not having to "load into a car" to upgrade, paint or tune it even though I just raced it. The practice times in career actually making sense and being close to what happened on track. Why are some starts grid and some rolling? We'll never know. Changes to the way you're dropped into a hot lap. Some cars and tracks literally throw you into the grass straight off the bat. And also, when using manual with clutch it damages your transmission no matter what. Fixing the AI from running off the road after they come out of the pits. Fixing the AI by not having them park on the apex of turns. Movable camera when changing rim styles. And also wheels spacers pleeeeeeasse. Individual car stats. I cannot believe this is not a feature. Local leaderboards.


Maybe replace "practice" with qualifying


Making practice, qualifying might also help with things other Forza games have and that is starting towards the back of the grid on single player but if I remember right horizon 2 had it towards the middle of front rarely at the back (I played it on 360 and about 7 years ago so this isn't accurate)


Rolling start needs to be faster. I *don't* want to have to go from 5mph to flat out. Also, I'd like it if my settings for free play would *never* change *regardless* of what I do.


They should do it like on shift 2 where you go at 20 to 60 miles an hour on a rolling start


- matte painting is still reflective. How F hard is it to fix this? - there are still horizontal white seams on the track surface in all tracks since launch. How F hard is it to fix this? - more variety and choice in Featured Events - shorter waiting times between MP sessions. - Stats for Multiplayer (or SP) - option to DISABLE ghost cars in MP Qualifying. - longer MP races - more car or tire damage or failures in MP - option to skip the intro video's - T-cam for Formula Cars - better option to report crashers - if you unplug your headset and reconnect it, you can't talk without restarting the game!


That last one I *strongly* agree with. They also need a *proper* quick resume. Just remembered one: The main menu display car needs to be the one you're in, *not* the cover car.


Dude, don't worry. You only have to wait for like for 6 weeks to find out almost nothing from this list will be fixed. I lost all hope and tried to stay positive but this update schedule and what they do with it is absolutely disrespectful.


šŸ˜‚ it's not going to be 6 weeks not even playground games can do in that time and they've had their share of bug filled games (FH4/FH5 but FH4 was fixed quickly so that goes for them)


You can change the main menu car. Go to your car list, select the car you want displayed in the main menu and choose the option to place it on a car bay (IDK what the correct english term is but you will figure it out)


That must explain why it showed my Javelin when I was just in my Whistler Mustang


Oulton Park and a video on the basics of racecraft you have to watch


Make it easier to use new cars we buy and upgrade so we can use them online. I kinda don't want to have to race around a track for 2-3 hours so I can use said car online. It's a long shot, but I would absolutely love for them to bring back fujimi kaido. One of the BEST track in forza history. Or even the track prague. That too was a good track. And lastly would like a better campaign. Something like forza motorsport 4. Where we start with a slow car and slowly move into faster and faster cars


* The option to turn off cosmetic dirt/erosion on vehicle paint/liveries * Nordschleife * Fujimi Kaido * Dedicated drift tracks which can be played/scored in rivals


Nurburgring is already in the game


Nurburgring GP and Nurburgring Sprint are in the game. Nordschleife is not. How do you not know what Nordschleife is?


Since I never use the endurance circuit, I did *not* know it wasn't in the game. I apologize for my ignorance.


Nordschleife is comfirmed to come sometime early 2024


I'm just going to add some good tracks from other Forza games: Almafi coast/Rally di Positano FM3, Test Track infield FM2, New York FM2&3. And one from PGR: Nurburgring golaith.


Tracks: * Sebring * Monza * Bathurst * Interlagos * Fujimi Features: * weather forecast * proxy radar * AI in private lobbies * longer races * more simultaneous spec hoppers to choose from * dyno graphs and quick glances at net power differences * a weather filtering setting for MP that omits anything with fucking rain in it Fixes: * make dlss a thing already * fix the materials, shaders, and global illumination; everything just looks wrong and disconnected


For the love of God, multiplayer replays!!!!!! Or, if that's too much to ask, delete the fucking option.


One thing I'd like is make it so multiplayer isn't extra anymore. It was bullshit when they did that for Forza 7. Also: make it so I don't have to have an internet connection to play the game.


I want CoTA so bad. Iā€™m on that track a lot so it would be great to have it in Forza too.


Youā€™re not asking for a lot haha, theyā€™ve been doing a track a month not 7 and the upgrade system probably here to stay. As for tracks Iā€™d like long beach back. From a gameplay sense Iā€™d like announcer women to give us a bit more info like ā€œrain in two lapsā€ or ā€œYouā€™re losing time in turn 5ā€. At some point Iā€™d like stats back just so I can see my number of wins or what car Iā€™ve driven the most.




Love u


COTA!!! Its a local track for me and I have driven it before, would like to have it in FM at some point soon.


Sonoma and Laguna are my local circuits, Sonoma being closer. It sucks that almost every series that I follow has dropped it. The only one left is the World Challenge.


Manā€¦ I think your question just got me super deflated; as soon as I read it I was likeā€¦ nothing? Just the content drip that this thing will continue to bring until enough players fall off for them to stop supporting it in timeā€¦ itā€™s just a live service shell now. I kinda already want a reboot. Then I read all your other points and thatā€™s pretty much everything I wanted, proper career mode, some actual love going into the creativity for this game. I just canā€™t imagine them doing anything that drastic, that stuff is all launch material, I think that ship has sailed, which is weird because Iā€™ve been looking forward to a new Motorsport for so long, not really any other racing games Iā€™m looking forward to like I was Forza. Just hoped a return to form with a reboot etc. Most we can hope for is bug fixes, tracks and car packs I think. I guess in that regard I wouldnā€™t mind a few more cars to flesh out rosters and add variety, some tracks that make more of the cars viable, something to break up the monotony of 1 car kinda being the top for all things each week. Panorama and Supercars should be fun.


My cars to not look bad in the garage. They have this weird texture idk how to describe other than blurry and scratchy. A bigger garage as well would be nice. More room to display my cars


What I'd like to see is for the cars in the "Buy Cars" to be separated better, have thick borders between the brands.


I want Road Atlanta.


I never even noticed it wasn't in the game! Yes please!


I want the game to look good. Looks like absolute dog shit. How have they not benchmarked it against GT7 in terms of visuals


I too was disappointed with the visuals looking inferior to Forza 7, but I wouldn't call it awful. It just looks like it could be better.


I guess I'll rephrase and say they're extremely disappointing and did not meet my expectations


That's better. Sorry if I annoyed you.


Riverside would be great. There should be more historic tracks. Itā€™s fun and it will help preserve their memory. Maybe Rouen, the old Watkins glen or even the original road circuit Watkins glen. Old Spa. Old Monza with the banking while we are at it.


Old Monza? As in the hyperspeedway?




DLC \- TRACKS \- Mosport \- Portland \- Argentina \- Portugal \- Zandvoort \- Brands Hatch \- Melbourne \- Singapore \- Malaysia \- Indonesia \- India \- Hungary \- CARS \- Lotus Cortina FIXES \- I chose a random circuit. It took me to the old Le Mans circuit. I wanted to change my car from the one I had chosen but it wouldn't let me. The car I had chosen was the Whistler Mustang. I wanted to change to the 60s Lotus. \- I was doing something in performance. When I returned, the car displayed was the car I had used previously. This implies that the game had switched me to that car.


Imola would be nice.


For tracks : \- Fujimi Kaido \- Camino Viejo de Montserrat (I still remember it on FM4 it was great) ​ Real tracks: \- Imola / Monza \- Bathurst \- Baku for some reason lol


Working replays for public online multiplayer... It's insane that we are now well over 2 month after the release and they are still broken.


Less oversterr on stock road cars