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I've been getting this, too. It runs completely fine for a while, but after running a few races, the menus just become such a hassle to scroll through.


Indeed, and then, when the Xbox has enough, it boots you out of the game šŸ˜„


Sitting there thinking, "This one's different. I think it's about to-" \*game crashes* As soon as you see that first stutter, you're on the clock. It's inevitable.


Same thinking, game telling you, your time with Motorsport is up in about 10, 9, 8, ā€¦


Mine was stable for weeks, and now this week, the game crashes on me right before the race starts on almost half my races. It's a practice simulator at this point.


Funnily enough, mine was working as I stated in my other comment earlier today when I wrote it, but now it crashes every time I'm at the start screen, and I "press A to play." I know exactly what caused it, too. I was mid-race when a friend invited me to an entirely different game. I accepted his invite before closing Forza, just without really thinking. Now it won't open anymore šŸ« . I've uninstalled and am reinstalling it rn to see if that fixes it. I hope I don't need to submit a ticket to support for this.


I seem to get a different glitch every day, but the pre race crashing is the one making it unplayable for me. As I type this now, I'm 0 for 2. It's crashed right before the start on both. I'm attempting my 3rd and final one now. One more, and I guess it's Assetta Corsa Competizione tonight.


It's got to that point now where I do 5/6 races and then I initiate the restart myself, and take a quick break. Way better than it happening mid-race or after practice.


Sounds like an insane memory leak


It does it even on a 5k computer, at this point it might be the game optimization that is questionable


Why are you complaining? You only need 2fps. First one-at the start of the race and the second at the finish So it's all ok


Ah yes, 60 frames per minute


Did you quick load because thatā€™s usually the cause


Nope I boot the game normally


Are you sure? Did you force quit the game last time? Unless you didn't, it will automaically start from quick resume state. And for some reason quick resume is a problem for certain games affects loading stuff.


Iā€™m 100% sure


Still baffles me to this day how this won at TGA 2023.




Cuz the only other competition was Motorfest and that game is awful in other ways the FM23.


While atleast has some quality whereas FM23 doesnt


I would say both have areas where they are good, and both have areas where they fall short. I just find Motorfest's issues more annoying.


tbf the category it won in didnā€™t exactly have stiff competition


This cannot be real. Microsoft can not be releasing first party titles in this state, right? šŸ«„


As long as people keep buying them, why would they care


FROM THE GROUND UP. Unfortunately, one inch off the ground is technically from the ground up.


You can technically also dig a hole and start building from there.


I have been getting the same


ā€œGame of the yearā€


Built from the ground UP ā¬†ļø


I havenā€™t seen this issue at all.




Iā€™ve played a significant amount of hours. Maybe OPs console is on its way out?


Na happens only with this game (and Darktide but itā€™s a known issue) so I guess itā€™s the piss poor performance with the car livery in the background.


God I hope not. If any series X can be on its way out this early Iā€™m gonna lose my mind. I paid 800 bucks for this shit. It needs to last till Jesus comes or I riotšŸ˜‚




Yahā€¦Iā€™m Canadian. The only way any website would let me buy one (at the time) was part of a bundle that came with an extra controller and 1 game (none of which I wanted) and I think one other thing I canā€™t even remember. It was around 800 with tax included. Like 600ish without I think


My power supply died in less than a year lol


Whatā€¦the closest I have is the microsoft rechargeable batteries all dying immediately after the 3 month warranty ends. All Iā€™m saying isā€¦my ps3 from 2013 still works. Microsoft give me a reason


I mean, itā€™s a 3 year old console now. Have you seen some of the photos of the internal in dirty homes? Iā€™m surprised a lot of them arenā€™t dead already!


Iā€™ve seen a few. Youā€™re scaring me and Iā€™m no longer having fun with this conversation šŸ˜‚


I opened my console a couple of weeks ago. It gets used almost every day for at least a couple of hours. Our home isnā€™t the cleanest in the world with a fluffy mutt that drops fur like mad. Mine wasnā€™t bad at all. I think the worst culprits that youā€™ll have seen online are smokers.


What did you use to open it? Just basic tools you had around the house? My brother vapes (even though heā€™s not supposed to) and I wouldnā€™t be shocked if he did it in my room while playing. So if it breaks because of him Iā€™m replacing the bladed of the fan with his fingers šŸ˜‚


It is literally a couple of screws to open it. Iā€™m not exaggerating, a couple of screws.


Loool. I never bothered to look. Iā€™ve always been useless with my hands so I just bite the bullet and pay someone with a higher handyman IQ to look at my stuff if something goes wrong


"Built from the ground up!"




This looks like your hard drive is having a tough time loading things. Lots of people forget that their console sometimes likes to update another game while youā€™re playing, essentially making the hard drive read/write from two places at once, as well as using some memory and internet bandwidth, essentially making any online / memory intensive game unplayable. Unless op can remember if any of these were happening at this time (if heā€™s even aware of that as a possibility) it looks like one of those issues, not necessarily game related. Go ahead and downvote. Bitching and shitting on the devs is more fun.


Only thing is, the series X doesn't have a Hard drive. It uses an SSD, and with 5000MB/s bandwidth loading the menu shouldn't be a problem even if it's downloading an update in the background.


Well, there are other bottlenecks, but hey, letā€™s just forget all about that.


which ones


Memory, for one. Processor speed, one other. A filled up hard drive that needs to swap out files during gameplay, for another. Using an external hd? A hardware problem, thatā€™s always possible. An actual tech person could probably name another. But hey, donā€™t let me stop you, youā€™re clearly right because upvotes are always right. Right? Personally Iā€™ve had no issues other than dealing with rammers, but Iā€™m on PC, so whatevs. I find it funny how a bunch of entitled kids bitch about perceived issues when they have no idea what theyā€™re talking about in the first place (or any idea what it takes to make this game and others like it) and people donā€™t even take the time to rub two neurons together before getting on the ā€œForza badā€ circle jerk train. Iā€™m pretty sure people are just about ready to blame the weather on the devs. Does the game have issues? Sure. Does the video posted by op show anything that is demonstrably attributable to the actual game code? Absolutely not. Bury me in downvotes.


That's a shit console then. Would never happen on PS5.


And doesnā€™t happen on my particular PC. And I donā€™t pay out of the arse for shitty PSplus. Your point?


All hardware has limitations. Do you even know how a hard drive works? If youā€™re a PS fanboy, wtf are you even doing in a forza sub? Other than trolling?


A console shouldn't install another game if it can't handle it and they don't. It's the game. Forza is buggy as hell.




Iā€™m surprised at the responses you got from thisā€¦. Basic troubleshooting are forgotten.


This is a bitching circlejerk sub now, sadly. Iā€™m not saying thereā€™s nothing wrong with the game, but some of these people just bitch, bitch, bitch by defaultā€¦


They belong in a different subredditā€¦.


You're actually a moron. Xbox series consoles use nvme ssds.


Sure thing. Care to explain what the issue is then? You seem so knowledgeable, and all. Surely this video is all you need, right? You think ssds donā€™t have any limits? Or maybe some other bottleneck is occurring for whatever reason? Thanks for the insult btw, oh grandmaster of brainynessā€¦


Yeah a modern ssd in the most powerful console in the market can't handle sprites and a spinning car model, sure Charles Babbage.


Is just a new (?) platform thing or turn 10 fuck it up are they dont know what to do to new console yet? idk


Was thinking of getting one in addition to my Ps5. Thanks for saving me money.


r/builtfromthegroundup šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


*laughs in GT7 for PS5*


Its top notch for me. Dont know what youre talking about. Been flawless for me since the last update. Time for a new xbox?


This only affects you.


:insert chocked pikachu meme:


Is this what you say to the 1000 other bugs and performance issues in this game lmao.


Luckily you're just an insignificant singular case


It happens to me from time to time, after 1/2 hours playing, sometimes it start with sluggish menu, then in nurbunring, for example, starts to work really bad on certain parts of the circuit, and it finally crashes. Usually as soon this starts to happen i just quit the game and start it again


just another reason why there should be an option to turn off car bay background and just give a blank background.


Man thanks for sharing this video as I thought it was just me. Because I haven't heard of anyone else complaining about it. It gives you the feeling that the game is about to crash and it has crashed on me a couple of times. I've also seen where the cars will show their OG paint for a few seconds then show them in custom paint that I had added them.


The series s is worse. The lackluster performance is what made me stop playing.


no its not. i played for hours without any stutters on my series s.


It's not that the framerate isn't stable. It's that the upscaleing makes the game look like mashed potatoes. I'm not sure why there is no quality non raytraced mode that has no upscaling.


there is no raytracing on series s except for the showroom in quality mode. its also not the upscaling but the anti-aliasing (taa) that makes the game look kinda shitty on lower resolutions. but thats not a series s specific problem, taa is bad in general.


Oh just looked into it and I must have fell for their marketing. So it's mostly taa that makes the game look like crap. I play on a 1080p monitor so it's probably why it looks that bad.


Heā€™s on the series X?


Also getting it despite fully rebooting game.


I'm using PC and the performance is terrible, that's why I stopped playing. Yes, my PC is not high-end, but cmon do I need a high-end pc to play a game like this? I'm not talking about Ultra graphics preset, I can go on low - and it's still terrible. BTW I'm running 8th Gen i7 with RTX 3070


A lot of broken things on xbox are usually caused by youtube running in the backround. I had enemies T-posing in games, sound lags etc. all because youtube was running. So if that's the case, just close youtube and that should fix it.


Not to absolve Turn 10 of any blame here, because they certainly deserve plenty for delivering the game in this state, but Iā€™ve played for dozens of hours on Series X too and Iā€™ve personally never seen this. How common is this?


Often. I had these fps drops since few weeks and I was wondering if I were the only one. Seems not but I donā€™t know whatā€™s causing this


I also have this poor menu performance on my Series X.


I have a high end PC and get frame drops even at 1440p. The game is so unoptimized


This happens to me if I use Quick Resume.


It absolutely baffles me how an in-house Microsoft game/studio, optimized hand-in-hand with their most powerful console they offer can run so poorly. This is the exact experience I had with Forza Motorsport 7 on the Xbox One X. Most powerful console (at the time), in-house Microsoft title, ran like shit. Unbelievable.


I swear i cant understand why it looks so bad and cheap, even the UI design...


This is such a bizarre thing to see from forza on xbox. Not even the vcr xbox one had this kinds of menu stutters, and that console could barely run current gen games.I honestly don't get why people shield this game so much in here.


Nah, man. Your console's just building it from the ground up.


And I thought it was only on pc. Pathetic, I switched back to gran turismo last night and am having a much better time. If only it had as many cars.


The game never dropped a single frame for me in 75 hours so far. It had terrible connection bugs around launch, but performance was never an issue for me.


The game is a total wreck on series x,numerous bugs a so called ray tracing mode that is basically unplayable,just one example..completed all open class tour races many times because when I turn the machine off for some strange reason it resets my progress back to zero so I have to start again????I won't be starting it again because the game is totally Ā£#@&ed and doesn't look like it is ever going to get sorted out!!!?