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ive no tips I just think they look really good icl


We all wants photos to look as good as someone else. But make sure you know if they are uses other editting programs, and how much time they spend to make them nicer, make colour pop, adds things in too!


Maybe focus more lighting on the cars? 2nd one looks good


This. The lighting on the first and last pics is dark af. The second and third pics look great though.


Maybe move away from the common three quarters angle?


Move back, zoom in, and use adobe lightroom to touch them up a bit


Nice black and blue Corvette.


zoom out 👍 and use the rule of thirds


Adobe lightroom. Can't attach an image so sent it you in a message.


Show the booty sometimes 😁 exhaust/taillight shots can be 🔥 play with exaggerated height, tilt, color and depth. 4 beautiful shots, but almost like they're all the same


Rule of thirds, lighting, color, aperture (don’t overdo it) and maybe take a peek at how auto magazines or professional car photographers take photos and from what angles. Angles can make otherwise meh surroundings look great. Rear three-quarter or chase type photos are my go-to’s.


That c6 shot is $$$$


Gran Turismo photo mode


tell pgg to remodel the cars )


Zoom and roll


You need to be careful with roll in photos. There is actually a time and place for it. I got a lot of feedback from people saying a photo I posted on reddit that had significant roll in it made them feel nauseous. Thankfully it was a drift photo that was on the edge of being out of control so it played into the photo. But yeah its not something you wanna go nuts with applying https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_angle#Method


I just think experiment with your settings to get the desired effect you're after. I'm still a student when it comes to executing techniques with lighting, filters, etc but not every photo has to be studio quality. Sometimes the most abstract or creative shot will be the one that creates the most impact for others to admire


Look up the rule of thirds. It's photography lesson #1 and very simple to implement.


More light on cars may be for pic 1 and 4 Other than that solid pics...


Get a low angle by bringing the camera to the ground to give the car a more imposing presence. Roll the camera a bit to introduce a dutch angle which will make the image more dynamic. Move the camera away and zoom in to make background features look larger. And lastly, experiment! Have fun and FAFO! If you want to you can also edit in Photoshop or Lightroom but I don't feel the need to; I use them for planespotting mainly.


Composition is absolutely important. In the first and second shots, the car is slightly framed towards the direction it's traveling (meaning less space in front of it vs. behind it), when it should normally be the other way around. This otherwise inadvertently creates a sense of claustrophobia that you don't want since driving is meant to be freedom.


Text me on Instagram: MadForza


First photo and last photo: more contrast and don’t shoot from shadow side.


I'd recommend using more aperture, and +1 or +2 sepia, and tweak temperature, but may be me liking gloomy photos, you can finetune the coloring to your liking


Oh, and also I'd recommend you move back a bit and zoom in at times like the 2nd picture


Have you tried the tilt option in the photo mode? If you are an Xbox Player, you can use the D-pad to make the photo tilt left or right.


So you've become an artist. Your pictures do look good. Your artist brain is telling you they dont.


they look great really, especially the twerkstallion and the gallardo, i'd say just mess around with the settings in photo mode and experiment


A little film grain


2nd one is great.