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cream cheese Give a bit with no meds, then give a loaded bit.


This is my go to


Liverwurst: it’s cheap, it’s moldable, it hides all medicine smell


Absolutely this. Oscar Mayer brand.


I used hotdog. One without a pill. One loaded. Then immediately another quickly after the second 😅


This is the way! I also had a foster who didn’t really care for PB and wasn’t super food motivated. But hot dogs, he was all about the hot dogs. However, if I gave him the first bit of hot dog with the pill in it then it was game over. Had to trick him with plain hot dog, then pill, then just hot dog again. lol


That’s so funny 😂 Dogs are way too smart sometimes


I stuff it in some boiled chicken. I sometimes have to crush it in two or even 4 to be able to do that. Note: I don’t stuff it in the entire chicken breast but I cut it into pieces so I can either wrap it or stuff it.


American cheese. You can form it into a shape easily and most dogs like it. Or you could try soft bread.


Spray cheese works well, too.


Cream cheese works with my little one.


Canned dog food, just scoop a little in a spoon with the pills.


Fold a good bit of cheese around it like a pill pocket. Or grind it up in their food and cover with a good mushy wet topper


Pop their jaw and stick the pill down the throat then hold the snout and rub the neck.


Had to do this with my dog, except I wouldn't hold the snout just put my hand under his chin and push his head up. And wait for the swallow. He would suck the cheese or cream cheese or gooey substance right off and spit the pill out. Clever guy but humans are more cleverer.


Holding the snout was because of one dog a long time ago, he would cough the pill up and spit it out. 😂


I had a dog that wouldn’t take it in food and this is exactly what our vet told us to do. It’s not pleasant to do but it was the only way we could get her to swallow pills. https://atlanticveterinarycare.com/videos/giving-your-dog-a-pill/#:~:text=Gently%20rub%20the%20dog's%20nose,This%20should%20stimulate%20swallowing.


Hot dogs!!! Cut it up like it’s for a kid and stick it in the middle


Currently, in a piece of minibagel, buried in their dog food or with a bit of liverwurst. In the past we used chicken breast.


My dog gets his pills in cheese sandwiches. I take a slice and cut up into 8 pieces. Cheese slice, peanut butter, pill, cheese slice. If you can find something sticky they do like, it might work!


I’ve had many dogs who seemingly couldn’t be tricked by any of the options I tried, but were fast/enthusiastic eaters. Shockingly, putting the meds right into their food has worked on 100% of those dogs. If they’re on kibble, I top the meds with a spoonful of wet food before serving it.


She’s not really interested in her kibble. I even tried mixing in wet food. She will eat like 80% of the food, but not eat the pills :/


I pretend to eat it, drip it, and try to grab it real quick. My dog will inhale it because he thinks I don't want him to have it lol


I put cream cheese on a treat that she does like, stick the pill down in the cream cheese and make sure it’s covered. It works every time with my foster.


Putting some puréed cat treat on top works best for me! For some reason the dogs go crazy for cat treats.


We use cottage cheese but if we run out then canned cat food works as a special treat that the pill goes in.


Whip cream in a can got me through a course of liquid antibiotics for my dog once. Worth a try.


My secret weapon four my houns that can smell hidden meds is canned cat food. My dogs Love them some car food. They think it's great if they get to lick the spoon.


Kraft cheese or any sliced cheese.


My SDiT doesn’t like peanut butter or pill pockets but he does love pumpkin, whip cream and plain yogurt. So I use these. I still have to kinda force the pill down or he will spit it out.


Here's a few things that have worked for me. Admittedly, these are better for food motivated dogs - 1. Crushed/cut up into dog paté or peanut butter 2. Wrapped in turkey salami 3. Wrapped in cheese When none of these have worked, here's the ultimate one - Hold a spoon with whipped cream on it. Angle it so that they have to put their snout upward to get to the whipped cream. As they're licking it off, put the medicine in from the side of the mouth. They'll swallow it along with the next lick of cream, likely without even realizing it. Angling their neck and snout upward helps it go down before they can protest. I always worry when I have to administer medicine but ultimately it works out. Hope you're able to find a way that works for you!


My foster gets a tiny bowl of wet food + pills before she gets her actual bowl of food. Only gets the full meal once she's finished the tiny bowl. Works well for us


I crush them up! They can’t spit it out if it’s just sprinkles of the meds on that snack… whatever the favorite snack is. Haven’t met a dog that doesn’t fall for it yet… I usually use raw/frozen so I can really mix it in there, but I imagine it would still work pretty well if you crushed it and added a little water in with the “treat” too. I also do it separate than their actual meal. The flea/tick pills are really big and my lady will reject the whole meal until she’s literally starving if she tastes or smells it. Primal frozen, Stella and chewy frozen… anything similar to that, they all go for it.


Cut up hot dogs


If it’s capsules, open them up and sprinkle it on their food. You can also crush pills and do the same. I currently have a foster that is 10 lbs (giving pills to small dogs is even more challenging because of tiny mouths) and a master of spitting out pills and we even had to put the meds on her soft food the night before so the food would absorb the meds, otherwise she would avoid the pieces of food that had medication on them🙄.


Hot dogs, cheese


Sometimes you have such a stubborn dog that you need to grind up pill, add a dab of water, and squirt it into dog’s mouth.


Cream cheese, American cheese (the one in the plastic wrapper)




Try liverwurst (braunschweiger) - my dog is also picky and goes absolutely bonkers bananas for it. Usually easy to find at Walmart or Aldi. Just don't get the fancy kind at Wegmans with the flavor (onion powder, etc). I can usually find it at Aldi in a big tube, like sausage would come in.


Ours was like that when we first got her. Canned tuna did the trick. It’s kind of gross. But you take the tuna out and pack the pills in it and she took it like a champ.


I just shove it down their throat, tilt his muzzle upward and massage his throat until he swallows.


This works as long as you have a dog you are sure won't bite you.


EZ Cheese! Aka cheese in a can. Works great for covering up a pill


Perhaps you could try giving her the meds in cream cheese. The pills or liquid. Miss liquid maybe you can make her something like scrambled eggs and put it in there. Just a thought.


Chicken hearts are nature’s pill pockets. They’re cheap too.


Vienna sausages was a win for us.


Mini marshmallows work great for some dogs.


I cut hot dog pieces, give a plain piece, then the pill filled one, followed Quickly by a plain piece. I have another one that will take pills in kraft cheese slices. Can usually get a few doses out of one slice. I've also had to crush the pill and put it in braunschweiger for the really picky ones. Every dog I've ever had loves that nasty stuff, lol. I use that on lick mats too.


If it's not an extended release, crush it up and put it in wet food. I've never had a problem giving my guy his daily meds. Of course, check with the vet to make sure they're ok to crush/pull apart and sprinkle (if they're capsules).


Canned cat food on a small piece of bread. Recommended to me by the vet.


One of my fosters was on daily meds and had textural difficulties with most food (really only ate paste-like substances). Shelter vet cleared this approach given the difficulties, but I would pop the capsules open and mix it into cream cheese and she’d lick it right off the spoon. Wrapping the pill in cream cheese might work for most other dogs, though. 


Update: she’s not eating at all (kibble, boiled chicken, cream cheese, sliced cheese). I’m getting worried


I use a pill mask, it works so well!


Dog pate the smellier the better. Little Caesar’s is my go to