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First one is hardest one! Then it becomes super fun and rewarding.


I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to adopt my foster! Broke my heart, if you have any kind of heart, it will break it into. The problem is, if you keep all your fosters, you can’t help more, that’s why I didn’t do it! The first one is always the hardest, thank you for being a Foster, thank you for caring, congratulations. You have a heart.❤️


Thanks for your comment. I’m not OP but also currently in love with our foster, and your comment helped me put things in perspective. There are so many in need out there .


i’ve had 80+ fosters over the last 12 years of doing this and when i tell you i’ve loved every single one - i mean it. while i connected with some more than others, the idea that keeping any of them may have prevented me from saving the life of the next one hurts WAY more than having given them up. i kept one - #36.


Just curious as to why #36? I kept my heart dog, I actually found her and I swear she understood everything I said. We were simpatico! Love of my life.


he was my heart dog 💕


We kept our first one but know we can’t keep anymore after that because then we can’t foster anymore. But with you leaving for a month that really can’t be done. We knew we would keep at least one because we had lost our dog a few months before. She was 4 months when we got her so it was the perfect situation. The one we have now goes to her home this weekend. We have had her for 5 months. She was 11 weeks when we took her. It’s going to be so sad because she is a silly sweet girl.


Same for us. We lost ours at the end of October and very quickly fostered. I say I was emotionally unstable after losing our boy. Not surprising we failed. We have fostered 4 since then. This last one was a 7 month old maltipoo. OMG he was the cutest thing. He listened better than my other dogs 😂 we wanted to keep him but then we wouldn't be able to foster anymore.


That just means you have a good heart. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the person who fostered my dog before I got her. Because of her, I got to have the best pup in the world. You're doing good in the world.


Echoing this, the family that fostered our pup before he came to us as his forever home is amazing. She said she cries at every goodbye, and he came to us with a toy bag because they brought him to the pet store and each got him a toy as a parting gift. Our rescue is amazing and includes fosters in the meet and greet, so they get a say in the adoption. I offered to send updates up to her and I have - with many thanks to her every time. I would love to foster seniors - my SO is not convinced - and have so much respect for you guys! Whether you keep in or say goodbye, you're amazing!


fostering seniors is the best. they’re so lazy and grateful for a bed to lay on and snacks to eat.


This is such a heartwarming, uplifting note. Thanks for sharing.


This made me happy to read :) I really hope I get to see her go to her forever home before August


I SOBBED when my first foster got adopted.. in front of the lovely family that adopted her. She would have been the perfect dog for me to adopt, but it was very comforting to see her join a wonderful family.


I cry every time. Happy tears.


I’ve bawled 3 times already today, and I’m talking ugly cry, because one of my fosters leaves tomorrow. I’ve fostered dozens of dogs/puppies. But there are certain ones that are harder than others. Good luck! We’re here to help ease the pain.


Agreed. First one is for sure the hardest. It’s never easy, but the more you do it and get to see your fosters end up with great new homes, the easier it gets.


I was really lucky in the sense that my parents adopted my first foster. He really just fit in so well and was exactly the type of dog they were looking for. But after that it was a lot easier to say goodbye.


I am in love with your foster just from looking at the pics!


She’s such a lovely lady!


You could let a foster or the shelter keep her for a month with the understanding you want her when you return. And there is no shame in adopting your foster.


I lucked out in a way with my first foster. He was about as bad of a match for my family as possible, but a friend coaxed me into fostering because he was on the list to be put down for space the next day. He was such a sweetheart but way to energetic for us and way too much of a prey drive after a very feral, older kitten got loose in my house. We stuck it out for six months, until the shelter had some breathing room and he was more socialized, and we were THRILLED BEYOND BELIEF to hear that he was adopted shortly afterwards. I got to talk with the adopters, and they were such a better fit for a big, young, playful dog than me, my mom, and grandma and all of our cats were!


I foster failed on my first in May 😂 she was the perfect dog I wanted in the future so I let myself fail. I’ll still foster in the future but I’m glad I gave in with her.


We kept our first foster. Best decision I made 💕


We failed with our first foster. He gave us the best 13 years of our lives!


I foster failed my first one. In my defense, now that I have fostered more, she was a uniquely great fit for our family. The other fosters were easier to love and find permanent homes for.


I was in love with my first too. And then I also loved the 2nd and 5th as well. #2 still makes me tear up but she went to the best home. Landed up adopting my 9th 😅. If I had adopted #1 I wouldn’t have been able to save #2-#9. It’s so hard but also so rewarding.


It’s Nicky!! I hope she gets a family with kids, she’d be a phenomenal companion. (Previous foster)


Ah that’s so cool that you recognize her!! You’re one of her precious fosters? She’s such a special lady


I just want to say, thank you to everyone who's commented. My boyfriend and I are going to be fostering for the first time this weekend, and I've been thinking, "What do we do if we fall in love with him?" "The first dog is always the hardest." "It will hurt, but that's okay." "If you stop with the first one, you can't help more." Really good advice. I'm feeling the OP's struggle, but it'll be okay!


She looks like she has a little cattle dog in her, and a whole lotta goodgirl in her. It’s so hard. Hopefully she’ll end up where she’s supposed to be. ❤️


She’s just absolutely precious! I’m not even involved, but I can hardly stand the idea of her leaving!! I know it’s not the original plan, but if you decided to keep her, I bet the rescue would keep her for you for a month with the idea that she could go home with you when you returned. And you could still foster another dog later on too! If they get along well, often having two dogs is easier than one. Good luck with decisions — and thank you so much for helping out this wonderful pup!


I had one cat when I started fostering kittens. I have 6 cats now and had to stop fostering.


You fall in love with (almost…some just don’t mesh and that’s ok) all of them.


The first one is the hardest, you’ll get the hang of it!


I fell in love with my first foster. I had to fail. Thank you for fostering! 💗


I always say it’s ok to fail- just ask yourself do you want to foster more or are you ok with fostering leading to this adoption of this sweet soul. I’ve failed many times and others I’ve successfully done my job and they went to their forever home. It’s always hard to decide but follow your 🩷


Yes, so hard... "un" fortunately I'm on my first foster with husky mix mom and her pups and I failed... I decided to keep mom 🥹 she's so sweet and perfectly fits in with my family which includes my other pets. But I know I can't keep anymore, I knew this would be the hardest part. My kids want to keep 2 pups 😳.. I said nope, they cute but I think I'm puppy scared now 😅


I foster failed with my one as Ms only foster 😔


But maybe I should turn that frown upside down because she’s a great girl


I foster failed my first dog and cat but I have helped plenty after.


The big question for any potential foster-to-adopt situation is does this dog work with the rest of your life? Most dogs are loveable but not all are a good fit for your life. My dogs have mostly come by the foster path while many other adored fosters moved on to homes that were better suited to them. I bawled after leaving my first foster in the hands of his adopters (his big eyes looking at me walking away), but they were lovely, loving people who gave him an excellent life, and he was not suited to my lifestyle (though I sure loved him). Maybe your first foster IS a good fit for you, in which case, adopt her! But if not, don't make the next 10+ years of your life difficult; there WILL be a good, loving fit for this sweet dog and will leave you free to foster others and maybe find the right dog for you. If every other potential adopter doesn't seem worthy, no matter how great they are, this might be your dog.


That last sentence!!!! Not a foster situation, but when I was struggling with our GSD x Husky (who turns 10 this year) during his absolutely HORRIBLE teenage phase (at one point he ate a couch TO THE WOOD FRAME AND SPRINGS) which lasted a painful 15 months, the thing that kept me sticking with him was after looking at rehoming, not a single person who expressed interest met my standards 🤣 I realized no matter how frustrated I was with him or how incompetent I felt, I was doing enough for him and loved him immensely. He’s still a stinker to this day, but calmed down around 3 and has been a great dog ever since. I’ll never regret it.


Haha this happened with me and my heeler/GSD/Husky mix. She needed so much work but right when she hit 3, it all paid off. That damn prey drive though. In order of how narrow her tunnel vision gets: rat, bunny, squirrel, cat. Once saw her scale a 9 ft fence to chase a cat 😅 work in progress


Vergil once caught a squirrel. On a walk. On his leash. In an urban area.🤣 The squirrel was screaming bloody murder and Vergil looked totally shocked, but didn’t let the poor thing go? My partner and I are just shouting “let it go” and “drop it” and he’s staring like we’ve got 7 heads. You cannot make this shit up 😂 He also once got stuck at a dog park when he decided to leap (from flat footed) a 5 foot chicken wire fence the park folks installed to keep dogs out of a standing water area, because how dare they fence off his favorite disaster puddle. The puddle was lower than the spot he jumped in, so he couldn’t figure out how to jump OUT…so I had to vandalize the fence to free him 🙄🤷


Oh my god I'm cracking up just picturing that. 😂 The amount of trespassing they do is ridiculous. Haha our dogs would be homies.


Totally 😂 We watched Togo on Disney Plus a while back and there’s a scene where he’s just standing on the roof, and my partner and I are HOWLING and everyone else is looking at us like “wtf is your problem”. There’s no explanation to regular dog folks. Vergil used to take himself for walks by unlatching the gate, so we had to put a hook waaaay up over his head level and PADLOCK the front gate because we’re on a busy street. He once led the two little dogs on a merry field trip down that road and the HONKING is how we realized he’d gotten out 🙄 Another time my ex (before he was my ex, though we’re still friends) found him five houses down just hanging out in a neighbor’s yard. He said he stopped to help thinking “oh, a dog!” and it immediately turned into “oh, that’s MY dog!” He opened the car door and just said “Vergil, get in here!” and Verg ran over and jumped in. Huskies.


Beautiful tripod


Ha, I had to go back and count legs; didn't even notice. (Mine's also a rear amputee, so that's just how heeler-shaped dogs are built, to my eye.)


Looks like she loves you too. It's always going to be difficult. But in the end, letting them go into another loving home makes room in your home for more fosters you can help. Sending you hugs.


First ones are almost always a foster fail. It's ok to love your foster


You shouldn't have slept with him...... He'll never marry you now!


It becomes much easier after the first one. Especially when you fail, and then realize you cannot possibly have another dog... Or could you? Maybe there's a way we could handle it...


It happens. We failed our first one. We got attached to our second but we're able to re-home her and since then it has gotten easier. Actually, the most recent one that just left for his new home on Saturday was almost a fail.


Well I can see why 🥰😍🤩


Did you print your own covers for those PS4 cases? Why are they so colourful?


Lolll those are studio ghibli steelbook dvds


I failed with my first foster and I have zero regrets. Her staying with me isn't straight forward, it took 3 failed adoptions over 18 months before I decided to keep her. I guess she felt she belonged here and in the end I had to agree. She fit into the family so well and got along great with my dogs and cats.


She looks so sweet. I hope you two have a long happy life together! Or I hope she finds a loving forever home - whichever you decide!




Soooo cozy and at home.🥰


Don’t feel bad, I’ve never had a successful foster, I’m a proud foster fail ❤️


We just kept our first one and I have absolutely zero regrets.


Well, to be fair that is an outstanding doggo. Someone is going to be super happy with this pupper!


My first foster told me that my home was now his and he's never leaving. He's a Chihuahua/Pom mix. So...bossy. I just fell in love with the confidence and his amazing smile and upbeat attitude.


Aw is she a tripod? My kitty Tucker is one too (and one eyed), he's a foster fail.


Yess she’s a little hobbler:)


She's a gorgeous dog, and I can tell you're doing great care of her - I'm hoping she can find her forever home too!


It’s always hard! But after you have a few fosters you realize that you get attached to all of them. So you kind of get used to it in a way, even though it’s still hard. Bringing in a new foster always helps heal my heart, especially knowing I couldn’t have helped them if I didn’t say goodbye to the last one.


It’s been a year and I still think about my first foster dog, she got adopted her first day being up for adoption and when I got the call I was heartbroken. I didn’t even get to meet her adopters, but I hope she went to a great family. It definitely is hard, but we’re fostering our 3rd pup now and seeing the awful condition he was in just made me realize how many more dogs need help that don’t get so lucky to be fostered. I don’t have a personal dog currently, so I wouldn’t be completely opposed to foster failing😅… BUT remembering all the other dogs that need help keeps me going. It’s not a bad thing to adopt the dogs you foster, but if you keep them all you won’t be able to save more lives. If you feel like the dog will fit in with you for the rest of its life, don’t feel guilty adopting it. But just remember that you’re doing a good thing & will make someone very happy with a new companion if not!


I am, too. What a nice looking dog. Looks very sweet.


I kept my first foster. I realized pretty quickly that no one was going to want him. He was such a challenge. (I should have known he was a mess before I even brought him home. He was a COVID baby and he was one of only three dogs left at a shelter that’s normally overflowing with 400 dogs) But I’m so glad I kept him!! He’s been a ton of work, but he’s a true jewel and I’m obsessed with his squishy body and gorgeous face. I know we were the best fit for him. No one was ever going to care for him the way we do.


I kept my first one #fail Best decision of my life


If you love him keep him that simple


I couldn’t give my 1st one up either so I adopted her and stopped fostering. It was too hard




This is how I ended up with a 100 pound pit bull. Pulled her when she was laying on the table to be put to sleep. 🥺


She's gorgeous! Is she a little tri-pod?! ❤




🥰 awww so cute. He’s a keeper


I had a foster dog that broke my heart when he got adopted. I was happy for him, the best home I could imagine, but I loved him so much. I was depressed for a while after that. BUT A year later and a few foster dogs later I adopted the most amazing Lil guy ever. If I had adopted that foster previously, I never would have Gumbo today. And who knows what would have happened to him, because he was returned 3 times. Things sometimes work out that way. <3


i just foster failed with my tripod and the president of the group is a bit disturbed


I’ve been way more comfortable with the adopters who’ve found my fosters through social than the ones that just met us at adoption hours. It has been way easier to let go when I’ve been really comfortable with the adopter and think it’s a great match, and I’ve felt that way primarily about adopters that I’ve had the opportunity to talk to quite a bit before they even applied to adopt. 


Social as in social media?




I am fostering cats. We have one foster failure 😂 We adopted him.


I can see why!


I am a foster failure so I won’t be of any help. All the best to your girl!!!


I just sent away my first foster two days ago. I was in love with him too and I’m sure I’ll be thinking about him for a long time. The night before he left gave me the pain of heartbreak I hadn’t felt in a very long time. That being said, I loved him but wasn’t the right fit for him. It would have been very selfish of me to adopt him. Because I didn’t, he’s now with his perfect family and is living in stability and surrounded by love. I’m sure he got a new bed, loads of treats, a haircut. He’s the cutest thing and deserves the world. Fostering is a selfless act and the aim is to be a foster success not a foster fail. I would look at the rescue website and see all the babies that need foster homes. If you adopt this one, you won’t be able to save any more lives. The first one is the hardest and I understand exactly what’s going through your mind. Regret, guilt, anxiety of getting the adoption email. All of it. But remember, you’ll be fine in a day or two. I promise you, you’ll be fine. I just experienced the entire thing.


I adopted my first foster. What can you do


There's no law that says you can't adopt your foster. Do it. You are already over the hard part. A successful adoption is what's important


Adopt this baby yourself! He’ll be so happy!


She’s beautiful. Think of it like a puzzle piece. This dog is a beautiful piece of a puzzle. She’s lovely but your home is an open space- no notches or ridges or holes to fit into. Any puzzle piece can fit in an open space. But there’s a person out there who she is a perfect match to. She will complete their life. And this then opens your home up for another puzzle piece doggy. So you’re slowly completing these people’s lives and finding wonderful home for all these dogs. Does it suck that you can’t keep them all? Absolutely. But guess what- you’re completing people’s lives and these animals worlds, one puzzle piece/match at a time.


It's always hard and it's always rewarding. Getting a foster adopted gives you the opportunity to change the next dog's life.


me too! Failed foster 👋🏻👋🏻


We fostered successfully once, then foster-failed the second time. Our first foster is in his perfect home: He’s the only dog, and his adoptive dad adores him and takes him to work. We get pics and updates, so still feel part of his life. Our foster-fail is also in her perfect home: She and our “permanent” dog became instant sisters, were relaxing hip-to-hip within an hour of arrival, and sharing the same bed by the next day. The foster-fail had been passed between five homes in her first year of life, at least one of which was abusive, and spent her whole second year of life in the pound. We adopted her 60% because of the instant bond between the dogs, 30% because we knew it was the only way to absolutely guarantee she was never dumped again, and about 10% due to our own feelings. There’s nothing wrong with foster-failing, it happens. Just make sure that if you decide to adopt, it’s because that’s what’s best for this dog.


He’s a sweet looking boy 🫶🏼


And you will fall in love with many more...that being said like I told my children when we started 15 years ago. "We can keep her, but then a really important spot is filled. It's a hard job we've taken on.to love , rescue and train a dog for someone else to enjoy. A job that will break your heart and spirit at times. But a job that allows one more cage to be open for a easier to adopt doggy at the shelter..we take home nothing cute and no puppies.(Meaning the dogs that people are wait listing for) it takes special people but if we fell in love with her so fast and she fits right in. That means she'll probably be a great candidate for a home. The more perfect they are, means the better job you've done. So what's it going to be? One saved and adopted? Or our FIRST saved and adopted OUT?"..I let the kids ponder it and then went into the euthanasia room with them. Explained that none of these dogs will get a home because all the spots are filled. A lot of people don't agree with that. But working with a shelter in a rural area it was the facts. My children are kind thoughtful and intelligent. I told them to take a couple days to think about what is best for our family. And any decisions we made would be fine with me. Before I could leave the shelter they said we need to find her the perfect home fast!!! We have to help all the others!! And that was the day my little rescue heroes were on the job.. now in there 20s they all still always have a foster or "project" animal. We've bottle fed over 250 kittens and never kept one. Can't count how many dogs. But it's perfectly fine if one comes along that pulls at your heart a certain way, we tend to do that for the oddball or the ones that needs a comfortable loving place to lay down for the last time.. anything you choose is the right choice. Thank you for saving your first 💚


We fostered two puppy sisters and one got adopted but we just felt that the other one belonged with our adult dog snd was meant to be in our family. We foster failed her and don’t regret it! I think in fostering, it’s sometimes a thought that it’s frowned upon to adopt and foster fail but it’s not, whether you’re fostering or end up adopting it’s a better life for the dog.


We love for fostering that doggo! We love that doggo for being doggo!




You can have a foster fail and help others in the future! 🖤


Welcome to the world of Foster Fails where you end up keeping the dog forever


I loved them all. Cried hard everytime it was return day. Wouldn't change a thing.


Foster fail. That's a good thing.


I recently heard, “fostering saves two lives. The dog that lives with you and the one that took its place.” You’re an amazing human!!


I cried like a baby when i had to give up my first first foster and I immediately went and adopted her sister. So, unfortunately I have no good advice. But you’re not alone!


Keep him


I kept my first one 🤦🏻‍♀️ but I promised myself that I would keep fostering after that. I’m about to make good on that promise. It’s soooo hard but so necessary.


I was a foster fail, & it was the best thing I've ever done. She is a wonderful gentle dog. I don't think I'm a good foster mom. Like you, I want to keep them all. If I know it's a short term foster, I've done it, but it still is hard giving them up when you see the gains they've made. Good luck to you! ❤️


Kept my foster but she had so many things that suited me and she is just beautiful. Biggest snuggle bug ever.


Guess you’re keeping it lol


Just keep her!! No hesitation just do it… after you will be looking back and regret it


Do you have to go? I have not been on vacation in over 25 yrs due to caring for rescue pets. But I never cared about traveling in the first place.


It’s for my sisters wedding so yes I do :(




I applied to be a foster with my local humane society and I'm pretty sure I got denied because I have 2 pups that I do not plan to neuter. I was so sad.....but also I would probably be the biggest foster fail ever.