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It’s amazing how they don’t just fix the issues they have rather than sending out spare parts.


Why would they? It's cheaper to send out replacement parts than to use a higher quality resin. The end user pays for the shipping which would be the big cut into their profit margin. Only way they're going to change is if sales bottom out and the cracks are the reason.


But people keep buying them and praising TWSBI for making them pay for shipping for replacement parts. I'm waiting for the usual posts blaming cracks on users just because it hasn't happened to them.


My most-used pen is a TWSBI bought before I learned about the cracking issue. It's spent years living in a nightmare scenario for fancy pens, being used in all weather, jostling around in bags, and spending half the year without climate control. No cracks. The only way cracking can be blamed on users is if they smash their pens with a hammer. It's absolutely TWSBI's fault and I'm just lucky.


I don't even like the design language of the Eco, but I bought two pre-owned before I knew about the cracking issue four years ago. I still plan to sell them because I don't like the grip section and their IP shenanigans. There are better piston fillers out there.


Which TWSBI do you have? The Vac700 has a metal ring around the end of the section. My 700 hasn't had any issues. The Eco just ends with some thick and thin areas of plasic. My Eco cracked with almost no use while sitting in a pen display box in my closet. The problem is that it is totally up to luck if your pen lasts years or days. It seems to be manufacturing inconsistency that is at fault.


I have two TWSBIs, both Ecos. I've read that the problem seems to be stress from improper cooling, but that's just hearsay and I haven't saved any authoritative posts on the subject.


This has been going on for like a decade. No shot it changes. People are delighted to pay for shipping to replace broken parts on their TWSBIs. But you’re exactly right.


I've never understood why people always praise them honestly. yes, it's nice, but most companies do that. the only reason why people don't know about it is because they tend to not crack in the first place


Mhm, I've seen many many transparent plastic pens (not as clear as the Eco though) that have taken a lot of abuse before giving out (being dropped, stepped on, even having a ballpen run over) and i expected this to be atleast somewhere near as durable ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


This is the reason I didn’t buy one. I want the bronze blue colour, looked beautiful but after researching the pens I couldn’t do it. Something about a piston filler pen with a lot of ink cracking on me makes me too nervous. Shame because they look great. I went with a narwhal instead (kind of similar). If you look on this Reddit there are loads of people with the same issues.


>even having a ballpen run over >That moment when you realize a 10¢ BIC Cristal is more durable than a $40 TWSBI


(⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)


I just got a 580 in the mail today and it had a crack before it came out of the package. I thought the cracking was blown out of proportion but now……


oh no, and I'm here like 🤡 waiting for my 2new ecos to arrive. hope i get lucky in the resin raffle. thank you sharing.


I hope for the best!


you made me wonder if electrical heat shrink would work? i used super glue on my early eco clone, the wingsung 3008a.


Heatshrink probably would work, but i wanted to avoid an already dainty plastic to rapid temperature changes ʕ⁠·⁠ᴥ⁠·⁠ʔ


wise !


I was thinking this too. Seems to be a good solution.


i know one major cause of stress cracks is the metal nib expanding faster than the plastic section. so we'd have to take the nib out first. but i'd like to try it because it would reduce the section slipperiness to have rubber on it. i just don't know if the scent of the heated rubber is worth it, because you'd have it on your fingers all the time. i think though, it comes in other colors, so its really tempting!


The ones i use can be done with a hairdryer on hot. They do not smell bad. As for the twsbi’s the cracking is due to stress from the way they do the injection molding not so much from the expanding metal nib. I have several older pens which also have a friction fit nib and they do not crack. But all but 1 of my TWSBI’s eco’s have cracked and the cap of my 580


Had the top of an Eco I had used sparingly and never mistreated snap off a couple of weeks ago. Sorry TWISBI, no more Ecos for me until you fix your design error.


Tf, it SNAPPED off????


Yes, the top of the pen. I always thought the cracks in TWSBI pens was a conspiracy theory until that moment. Still like the Diamond 580, better built but I’m done with Ecos.


My condolences ʕ⁠´⁠•⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠•̥⁠`⁠ʔ


And while we are at it, why does anyone ever complain about their feeds? The fins chipped off on both my pens! I heard this can happen so I was cautious when I got mine. On my first TwSBI Eco the fins broke during a nib replacement and with the second Eco I didn’t even attempt to swap nibs. Weeks later I got it out of my pen case to write with it and noticed how tiny plastic pieces fell out when I unscrewed the cap. Every company does sturdy feeds but TWSBI goes ‘nope’.


What's a fin?






Happy cake day!


Oh wow, it’s my Cake Day!? Thank you!


They are fragile but if handled properly, will not break. This is known about the feeds


TWSBI is really good about sending out replacement parts, I mean they kind of have to be, with all the cracking issues they have they’re experts at sending out replacement parts at this point. I’m sure you’ll be able to get a new barrel. I just wish TWSBI would fix the issue instead of just offering a band aid. While it’s great that they offer replacement parts, it would be even better if parts didn’t need to be replaced in the first place.


Aye, got an Eco because I really liked the way it looked This kinda takes some of that high away 😔


I actually like the look you created. It's the crisp line maybe.


Yee, I kinda dig it too


Ecos are cool pens, the cracking issue is a problem though. But at least TWSBIs offers an unlimited amount of replacement parts, they’ll charge you like $5 for shipping though.


An eighth of the price is still better than the alternative 😭 Good god i wish the Eco's were built of other stuff, but then again C L A R I T Y


I think it’s a combination of the design and the material choice. The plastic is super clear and doesn’t get many scratches (which is great) but I think to achieve that they needed to use a more brittle plastic. Oh well, cool pens, but I’ve stopped buying TWSBIs because of the cracking issues.


They use polycarbonate, a reasonably tough plastic. They lacquer parts to stop them from becoming dull in use. Polycarbonate is frequently used in place of glass but it’s prone to fine scratches. The problem is poor thermal process control during injection moulding. It leaves residual stress in some parts making them vulnerable to failure. Not every part is affected as not all of the cavities of the injection mould is subject to the heat stress.


you know, this makes me think a slow heat treatment could reduce inner stress. hmm?


I have 8 TWSBI pens and none have cracks. Weird.


You probably took better care of them than me 😅 I used this one as any other desk pen, and i tend to write a helluva lot albeit with light pressure ('tis exam season) but yeah. No special care except making sure it doesn't suffer from drops/impacts and keeping it away from solvents.


Nope. This isn’t your fault. Treated mine like a baby. It cracked. Got the replacement barrel. It cracked. I swear on my life I use it to journal and that is it. It stays on my home office desk. Never tightened the cap too tight, never dropped it, I don’t push when I write, etc. Refuse TWSBI products now until I die. I’m so sick of these people saying, “well, mine didn’t crack, so!” Good for you. It’s still an issue if this many people keep talking about it. I’m looking forward to the day when these folks get one and it cracks with their careful use.


Same here. I wonder if people aren't screwing the caps on too tightly, causing the plastic of the barrel to distort/weaken...


That is the consensus I have seen. I have 8 twsbis between my wife and me (hers is in her purse with the kitchen sink), and mine are at work, at home, and on the road with me with zero issues. Some people are just hard on stuff, and it seems twsbis don't like abusive relationships.


I have 30 FPs. New, vintange, and in-between. My Eco is the only pen that has had any structural failure. It sits in a pen case with 15 other pens. It broke within a month of getting it. I wrote a few pages with it. The cap was never on tight. It is simply a poorly designed part that seems to have inconsistent manufacturing quality. It is true that many people don't have problems, but way too many do to chalk it up to user error. Way too many.


I don't think that is the consensus. Several people who are very gentle with their pens have had this occur.I also thought mine would never crack too. Pens are tools to be used. If they break when used they're not particularly good tools. It might not be a matter of if they crack, it might just be a matter of when. Choice supportive cognitive bias.


Certainly looks that way reading the replies.


>Several people who are very gentle with their pens have had this occur how do you know this?


I think part of it is also unrealistic expectations. People seem to want overengineered products with limitless options for commodity prices. Reality just isn't like that. Things break if you're not careful. Sometimes even if you are. In generations past, people used to know how to fix things and make them last.


I think this is a great idea, looks sharp!


It's too bad about TWSBI, they are really nice looking pens. But I'll never buy one, or at least, not until they fix this issue.


hennngnrh, acrylic paint is water resistant not water proof. It takes several days to cure to a fairly resistant state, the lower layers will be moisture sensitive beyond belief before then. This is all dependent on the quality of acrylic paint you used (pro grade is much better binder then student grade) I’d suggest getting something like a marine epoxy. If you shell out for Gflex the repaired spot on the pen will be stronger then the rest of the pen.


Aye, I'll get some from the nearby supplies store when I can, thanks!!


Just had a leak show up in my TWSBI- not sure if it’s because of air pressure or if it’s cracked. Does this brand leak with air pressure changes on flights?


I'd assume the pen would, if it has around half the ink chamber filled with ink, then the remaining air can expand on a lower pressure environment, pushing ink out of the system. Completely filling up the chamber with ink would eliminate this problem!


The pen was full of ink so that wasn’t the issue. And on the return flight no leak. So that is a bit of a mystery to me.


Hmm, the pen was probably jostled around a bit by mistake ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Does the crack show up vertically ? Can’t quite see the crack in the image.


Of course you can't, I've covered it up! (⁠☞⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠ ⁠☞ But yeah, the cracks go about parallel to the right end of the nib for a good 6 - 7 mm or so.


Clever hack...good luck. Thankfully, I have never had any problems with them and really enjoy writing with them.


Don't really need to cross your fingers. They pretty much replace parts no questions asked.


They replied 👀 The e-mail regarding the shipping costs and processes is on the way it seems


Are they expecting you to pay for shipping? If your pen is new and you didn't drop or mishandle it, why should you cover the cost of getting a replacement part?


Haven't gotten the follow up mail yet, the last thing they said was along the lines of 'our shipping team will get back to you'


Fingers crossed they cover shipping for you. If not, maybe you can explain to them that you got a defective pen.


Aye, that'd be ideal If not I'll honestly just stick to this barrel until it becomes inoperable, can't care much about the cracks if i can't look at them (⁠☞⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠ ⁠☞ But yeah, if i do get a new barrel for free, PARTTYYYYYY