• By -


Average TERM member


That's SQUID not TERM. They both suck.


average colonial


If you heard their squad chat you will understand how broken those bozos are.


Looks like someone didn't get attention from their parents


Honestly a shame the devs don’t care about moderation. It’d be nothing but a net positive if these types got permabanned. Edit: I’d like to point out and laugh at the TERM member who told me to shut up in very impolite terms then deleted the message a minute later. You made me laugh very hard.


It's squid, basically a term tier regiment. Also som has at least 2 bozos running around calling wardens nazis - mosin and knight of science


Knight of science is in ECH? weird hearing this, he seemed chill


He’s currently trying out SOM for a few wars


What being in som for a war does to mf




Some of the more extreme SOM members are likely providing a bad influence. I don’t think the dude would say this stuff unless he’s saying it to fit in.


Making unfounded accusations of nazism targeted towards Wardens is not something anyone in SOM is doing to 'fit in'. Doing so quickly leads to a discussion and warning (including Mosin), and continued behavior has led in the past to removal from our group.


You have a clip of me calling someone a Nazi (I've seen the one of Mosin) or do we just slander random people for no reason now?


No clip sadly, Win+Shift+S is the best I managed at the time and unless there's another [tSOMt#6050] Knight of Science (Brig), you did in fact say "nazi scum", so... Take it or leave it, you should know better who you are. Saddens me a lot actually, I use your map mod edit


Now I'm 100% certain this is nonsense. This must be a joke. I've never said those words or wrote them in any text channel. If you have a shred of decency you will offer up some proof beyond what you can just find in the F1 menu or cease slandering me as you have done so. I've barely been on the last 3 days. I just don't get it. While I'm glad you like the map edit, it disappoints me that I hear it this way.


You can keep pretending all you want. I know, you know, others might not and I'm not looking to convince anyone here on your particular case, I only named a few who I heard and apparently others also heard all the rest but you. Like there's apparently even a clip of mosin saying this, I'd sure love to have that one for a proper ticket


Bro you are tripping some serious balls, hook me up to your dealer


knight does that crap? damn thought he was a chill person


I have no idea why that guy decided to slander me.


I will come out and defend knight of science as being someone who does not do that, except the time he came across a literal person with \[SS\] as their tags and "Michael Wittmann" as their name


Thats ossby. hes not in the Squid discord for a reason.


Fucking loser go cry to your mom that someone called you a dirty nazi in a fucking video game TERM ON TOP MOTHER FUCKER


Damn this is disappointing, I'd be real interested to see the ratio on this post's likes though. I really hope the whole community can come together and condemn shitheads like this.


Man, he went straight to the top shelf of insults.


Nice to see the moderators doing stuff to stop these scumbags.


An excellent way of showing how wardens are a better community


LOL I got called the f slur the other day by a man gen v clan member. Both factions have bad apples no way you can be saying this.


You got to joking


nope its the truth


its ok everybody has to take their first steps in trash talk at some point


-No swear words (kept it classy) -Calm demeanour amongst the chaos -Got OP triggered and posting on reddit Be advised, we are dealing with a professional here, engage with caution. Also, we still don't have confirmation that OP is not those things


You like having intercourse with dead animals making you a necrophiliac zoophile (it's ok for me to call you that because I don't have confirmation that you are not one of those things)


Nuh uh


True, OP might be doing those things behind the scenes, hence the accusations in the first place.


True, just like how you might be a convicted rapist, hence all the accusations I've been seeing about you.


POV: Warden being told the truth


Can’t say I to surprised ur from TERM but yea way to just lump everyone into the same category, you have helped so much


It's legiter's reddit account. Or how he calls himself nowadays, legitler


You do know, that a lot of video games are singelplayer right ? If being amongst people is so hard for you, you can always play does.


You’re the one complaining


Yeah complaining like in this case shows interest in having civil social interactions and positive reaction, while screaming such nonsense or making fun of the callout just seeks for negative reactions. It’s actually a trait that could imply that you got a mental illness. People who seek negative attention, are afraid of interactions with good will cause it makes them feel weak, but they still need the pleasure of being recognized, cause that’s what makes us aware of ourselves, makes us feel ourselves, makes us human. So the seemingly only thing left is something, that creates attention but shelters you from a real engagement by being hateful or obviously bad faith. I advise you to seek help, life like that isn’t fun.


Ok want to play Mr. Psychologist? If someone called me a nazi in a video game I’d shrug it off because I’m not a nazi. But Wardens take a special special offense to it. Maybe some of you are embarrassed to be playing what you perceive to be the German faction. Or just maybe, you are a closet fuckin nazi yourself and you hate hate hate that someone is calling you on it. Back to my first point, no the Wardens don’t call me a Nazi, but they call me the F word and the N word every once in a while. And then you got guys on your team like Rope Commie Hunter, George Floyd Gaming and Adolf Hitler, or Warden world chat where people talk about how poor people get what they deserve. so hmmmm maybe Ossby is onto something here


My man, you seriously need to touch grass. Treating this problem in regards to faction, is downright crazy. This a videogame, these factions have no ties to reality and political left and right people are scattered amongst the factions purely accidental. This game being international as it gets, is just one big factor that makes it impossible to make out any political leaning. I spend way more time playing collie in this game than warden, and encountered such idiots on both sides, didnt matter what side i was on at the time. SEED once helped me flagging a sign, which said "Arbeit macht Frei" put down by a collie russian clan, while i was collie There are people who play this game civil, and does who dont. And then there is people like you, who got so lost they think its reality. When i said, please get help i dont mean it in a insulting gotcha way, but because im seriously shocked what can happen to people in this community. The same reason i posted that video. Average Foxholer, is funny, tries to communicate with you no matter the language barrier and is up for a nice chat about other video games and stuff.


Nuh uh