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Can someone fill me in? What is Skynet and why are people getting mad about it?


Collies made a programme that monitors the map via proxy though afk players to see map intel of the own factions watch towers to then make pings via a discord bot. This essentially provides them automatic QRF pings.




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That sounds like using an external tool created to give one side an advantage. Between this and Nevish mysteriously “running out” of supplies hexwide at least 3 separate times before collie whales showed up last war I dont see much point in continuing if devs do nothing. Shouldn’t be that hard to see and prove that the same people or persons are supply dumping in advance of a cheeky backline whale push.


its not really external because it just takes pics of maps that afk users have open, just like a screenshot tool, we gonna say screenshotting the map and posting it is against tos?


Except like 3 people are even subbed to get pings from it and even then thats for testing , you shouldnt talk about that you have little knowledge about


I mearly stated what it is the program does. Without reference to my opinion on the matter, as I don't really much care. The program itself is very well thought out and developed.


If Wardens said, "only like 3 people use multiboxing" would you go "ah, ok then"


Yes as i also know wardens have a extremely similar program


To multi-boxing? Or are we backpedaling the analogy to preserve your stance on SkyNet?


To both


Afaik, it's a Discord bot that pings @Reaction Force on SIGIL whenever it spots a blue dot in the backlines. People are getting mad about it because its developer made it exclusive to collies and because they think it's op. In reality tho, it's just a Discord bot that pings @Reaction Force on SIGIL whenever it spots a blue dot in the backlines. You could pretty much guess just how much it spams the channel whenever there are multiple blue dots.


Sounds neat


sounds broken please have fun cheating and killing the game


I don't use this as I'm not an active part of SIGIL, but this thing has existed for a while now and wardens are still able to win and do partisan activity. How is it killing the game?


The why, and three months since the last mention, is very likely to be tied into the recent end of the Warden win streak


Artillery calculator is unfair too. Discord streaming, twitch (allows people to gather a large amount of players to follow them). I mean where does it stops. People cooking at factories are most of the time watching map anyways. There are always people willing to watch map in real time, and will call partisans. A bot pinging for dots will spam too much and therefore will be ignored very quickly. You are grossly overestimating the usefulness of this thing.


It stops at third party tool which give an advantage to one side purely based on unrelated knowledge.


technicly Arty calculators are also third party tools and both factions got their own calculators


How unfair is it if wardens can also watch their map and qrf? It allows nothing that the wardens can’t do. In order to QRF effectively people needs to be on map and watch map. So bot or not, qrf depends on someone being in map, watch map, and qrf with equipment already placed.


I mean a third party bot that pings you is much more than just “watching your map and qrf” but keep downplaying it. It allows for automation of a vital part of this game. But again, thats okay, keep downplaying it.


It's best use case right now is doing a post-mortem. It's actually useful at figuring how a partisan breached a secured area or where you lack critical radar coverage. It's not very good at determining what the blue dot on the map is actually doing. However, it has been very successful at psyops.


it’s also very good at making people unsub to it because if someone has specific mods that alter the map the bot will have a stroke


Someone looking at the map can do the exact same thing.


Additionally Logi people should stop using Excel as not everyone can pay the license but no one complains about that. The use of Discord should also be banned as you could achieve the same thing with in-game tools....


Honestly I'd be all for it if the Wardens developed a similar system. There'd be some legit really cool cold war spy sat shenanigans if both sides had competing systems.


Agreed. Same thing with multiboxing and the likes, i personally find it would be really interesting to see this kind of arms race between both factions. (Edit: I know multiboxing should not be part of the regular game, however i am saying a secondary server to have stuff like that to see how far the armsrace goes would be interesting.)


Multiboxing's where I'd draw the line. The whole Skynet system has some cool parallels to the cold war which brings potential for a whole new sort of believable intel gathering, but the only thing scummier than multiboxing is straight up alting.


That is why i am saying it should in specially looked away part of the game and not here, in "the real game".


> A bot pinging for dots will spam too much and therefore will be ignored very quickly. Unless the pings are localized to where you care about. Then, it becomes an awesome tool.


Well if someone care to qrf somewhere localized, he will watch map there and qrf it anyways. It’s not like hey I’m at the grocery store and I’ll run back home if I get a ping! People who care enough to qrf a place will have someone on qrf duty bot or not bot. And that person will watch map and be in region map or no bot. So I don’t see the unfair advantage here.


The point is that the guy doesn't have to watch the map, he can 100% help his team in other ways. When one of the 20 SCs he marked he cares about is being threatened, which he couldn't even reasonably watch over, he gets a notification. He respawns, spawns at the SC, stops the attempt, repairs the damage, then continues whatever he did before. There is no need for 20 dedicated people to watch the map, just so SCs don't die without QRF. They can all help their team while having peace of mind. No mistakes can happen.


Yes one person needs to have map open for it to work. And no he cannot do anything else with his character


A prior poster implied that the streamers do something else anyway, so they stream the map, making it not a loss for the team in the first place. What you say does not negate anything I said.


To be clear, that person can be afk. But he can’t be playing and feeding map at the same time. Like you can’t fight and feed the bot. You have to be on map. With m pressed


Did you just compare twitch streaming to a bot that analyzes the map 24/7 and gives intel. Get real lmao


Yep, streamer comes with a 1000 player, boost one team only. If that is not the definition of an unfair advantage I don’t know what is. Not only that, but he actively tries to have the devs to nerf to other team to the ground by using his popularity and threatens to quit if not answered. The bot doesn’t give intel, it just analyses someone’s map. The players still have to built WT, someone have to have map open, and someone have to qrf. I mean there is already a BOT MADE IN GAME THAT WARNS THE PLAYERS OF THE WHOLE MAP WHEN SOMETHING IS ATTACKED. Stop thinking this is reading wardens mind lol. It does terribly and in a complicated way what a logi player at the factory does 100 times better because he calls it in intel chat, and he can tell what direction he is heading and the number of blue dots, and he doesn’t need to watch 2 screens.


I wonder if y'all would downplay how useful something like this could be if wardens had it and colonials did not.


here how bout we just alt and multibox them back they started it


I didn't condone multiboxing to begin with and I'd rather not use something that goes against the spirit of the game.


It's against the CoC, simple as.There is no Line to draw, either it is violating it or not. \- Do not exploit bugs, modify the game client, or use external tools to gain an unfair advantage Artillery Calculator, Twitchstreams, Discord Streaming and everything else is open to everyone, both factions can use them. Skynet is Colonial Exclusive, giving them tools 50% of the Player Base got no access to. That's a unfair advantage.


omg, skynet unfair no way, as if literally 99% of the collie faction never even uses it due to it's buggy and spammy nature of it being an unfinished tool. Its like 1-2 guys + the developer just testing it out sometimes. I must say, it is great for psyops.


Why are you throwing a Tantrum? It is against the CoC. It doesn't matter what you think about that.


I think the developer asked the devs in an email, and they didn't state anywhere if they disagreed with the bot. If they disagreed, the bot might not even be made and provided to the entire colonial faction to use even.


one problem: its not against the CoC


I mean it clearly is lmao


Well everyone can look at the map, it’s not unfair. What does it do that you can’t do?


You can use it to monitor Bases against Satchel Ops, stop Partisans at critical locations before they can do any Damage etc. All that without opening your Foxhole Map and finding all these blue dots by yourself. It is a external Tool to gain advantage in the Intel part of the Game. No Matter how you sugarcoat it, it is against the CoC.


It stills needs someone to have his map opened and to look at that area, and then someone to qrf it. Everyone has access to that. Doesn’t matter how much you try to make it look OP. It’s 1 person with his map open, and one person that goes and qrf it. The wardens can do the EXACT same thing. So not unfair, not OP.


If it's not useful why are you don't get rid of it on Sigil since it such a Controversial Topic? Why is everyone here trying to downplay anyone who points out the obvious CoC Violation? You can just stream your Map to that Bot an Profit out of it, you don't even have to play the Game, you can do that without any Interactions other then picking up a Radio after Spawn. You could use a Second Account to let it stream to the Bot. Again, no Player Interactions involved. If I open the Map, Spot Enemy's, and let the Team know about it, then it's all done by myself while I play the Game. Not by some Bot who does the Job for me.


Sure. Here it is, it’s deleted. Now tell all the wardens not to use a second and a third account for mass prod factories and refining. Tell them also to stop streaming gunner view while in a tank to the driver. Oh yeah also stop using artillery calculator. And please tell your big streamers that bring thousands of players on the warden side to stop, it’s unfair for the colonials to mass stack one side coming with thousands of followers. And tell them that using a colonial guy to acquire colonial equipment wasn’t cool, having a dedicated “black market” channel was against the TOS. And using the field of view hack for 6 months before the colonials found out also was not very cool. Ho yeah please stop multiboxing cuttlers too. And last thing, please stop using mods that gives better vis of enemies on the map, or that gives any other advantages like such. Thanks! Now we can all play vanilla foxhole the way it’s intended. I feel like we made a great step today.


Are you not getting the Point? Twitch, Discord and other Platforms that are used to Stream are not external Foxhole Tools. Everyone can use these Platforms, they are not designed for Foxhole. Arti Calculator is available for everyone, so no one is at an disadvantage here. Multiple Accounts on the same Factions are allowed, I get your point though, and I'm strictly against it since it's against the Spirit of the Game. Modding is fair game as long as it's not giving you an advantage, such as the mods you mentioned. Thats written in the CoC. The Skynet on the other Hand is a Tool that's only available to roughly 50% of the Player base. That's an Advantage the Collies have and Wardens don't. I guess I don't have to explain you what an unfair advantage is.


Can you send me a link for the arty calculator please? Because the last one I had the link doesn’t work anymore. And honestly, it’s really not as useful as you guys seems to believe. This is really my honest opinion about it. But it’s fair if you disagree and I get it. I guess the devs will have to settle the matter. Both opinion have been expressed here and at this point it’s boils down to perceptions.


[there you go](https://fharty.com/) There are different Calculators, if this one doesn't suit you just Google Foxhole Arty Calculator.


liar its sill active hacker sigil and all its players should be perma ip banned


make your own. we didnt patent the idea of "if blue then ping" its not "Collie exclusive" you just havent made your own and we have. go back to the salt mine


We can allways just develop a similar system for the Wardens. It is not to terribly hard. Also the kind of arms race coming from that would be really interesting.


it really wouldnt it would just become eve online which is just multibox hacking and cancer if oyu want that then go ahead


Skynet is not nearly as effective as you think. Most of our QRF calls are still coming from people looking at map. And regardless of the source of the intelligence, still doesn't help the majority of qrf calls that get ignored or lost in chat. I'm not sure how it works but I'd assume while there is API for things like foxhole stats, you cannot get rid of this.


I don't mean to doubt you here, but I'm just curious. Is it really relying on the API? I don't know exactly how it works, but I've heard rumors saying that it's just manually scanning for blue dots across the backlines using a bot account in-game.


ppl AFK with a radio and their map open streaming to a bot in a certain area --> bot scans pixels on screens --> blue pixel = ping


I have zero idea, I was guessing there. I was more reasoning any game that provides realtime ingame statistics to outside programs will have that data used in very interesting ways. If your are correct and it is just scanning map for blue it's even less complicated than I thought.


The API doesn't reveal any player positions or intel. It only contains generic map updates that you can see on sites such as: https://foxholestats.com/


Doesnt matter in the slightest how effective it is, its still an unfair advantage using a third party tool.


If it's not effective, give it to the Wardens then. Shouldn't be a problem right?


Why? If our team spent time developing an early warning system why the hell would we share it with the enemy. For fairness? No one is stopping you from developing your own system. Equal opportunity, not equal outcome.


But it's not effective. Everyone keeps saying that. If it's not effective there should be no reason not to share it right?


Lol again why are you expecting your enemy to provide you a tool to help you defeat us. It would appear Skynet is far more effective as a psy op than anti partisan .


Is skynet an outside tool? Yes. Does it provide an advantage? Yes, clearly, because why else would you not share it. Is it available to only one faction? Yes, see above. That sounds like an outside tool providing an unfair advantage to me, which is against the code of conduct.


Cope harder mate, go look at the bigger discussion in the other thread. Straight up jealousy of someone else's hard work. If you spent 5 hours scrapping , does the other team deserve to be given half of your bmats because it would be unfair ? Don't be silly. I've given you a perfectly good reason collies don't have to share anything with the wardens but sure keep promoting our psy op.


You're not really making any arguments against his reasoning. If I had known input broadcasting would be banned I wouldn't have bought a second account. Just because someone spent time making it and asked \*after the fact\* if it was OK doesn't mean it will forever be OK.


Wardens. Please build your own. Not even kidding, it'd be so awesome to have cold war like spy sat arms race.


so bunker.div tool is against tos, because its an outside tool "website" and it provides an insight on building "advantage"?


What is exactly the advantage? I mean can’t you look at the map too? To work, it has to rely on someone on qrf duty full time. This then means that this person will watch map 24/7 anyways.


Because you aren’t entitled to it? Y’all didn’t share your bunker designer with us, so we made our own.


Actually the bunker designer is public now because the Warden figma template is terrible.


Collies made their bunker designer first I'm 99% sure. Our bunker tool was just a zip file anyone could use which we gave to anyone who came warden, even known collie loyalists. Yours checked discord for a role to ensure you were colonial before allowing you to use it. lmao


because it dosent belong to you guys?


nah, make your own :D.


Did it age well?


Bro no one cares




like when we gave u the DIV builder website? yeah nah, "Warden builders are a generation ahead" headass maybe make ur own bot?


I don’t like skynet but it’s honestly pretty useless from what I’ve seen. Very easy to mess with and spam people with hundreds off pings causing them to mute it while putting in minimal effort


your arguing that it’s ok cause you can manipulate it into being annoying. Weird argument


Pretty solid one, psy op the psy op. Keep making it ping over 1 or 2 blue dots. Mute. Next load is an invasion force.


I didn’t say it’s okay. I said it’s useless and people make a bigger deal of it than they should


Logiwaze should be illegal because it isn’t in the fairness of the game when I can just press the m key.


LogiWaze would like to know your location.


I love you logiwaze


It isn't an external program. Nor is it an unfair advantage as both sides have acess to it which makes it fair.


Also mate logi waze is an external program. It’s a browser outside of the game. Same as skynet. I am just having some fun here though


careful, you might fry his brain lmao


The 501st skin mod is unfair because I can’t be a clone and their isn’t a droid skin for colonials either. It should be taken down because I can’t also have fun like a warden




Seething should be removed from the game because I can only cope and not seethe like a warden


I'm colonial not warden. Stop coping and making our faction look bad


I am a polarising figure in game and discord believe me nobody thinks I represent the faction


careful next you wont be able you use discord and foxhole at the same time kek


no. skynet is based. cry about it. we should make a warden skynet


The artillery calculator affects the game far more than Skynet does, which isn't actually used significantly. OP is just salty because one is collie-only.


The arty calculator is litteraly like 5 lines of trigonometry you could do on google calculator, not that the average foxhole player passed 10th grade mathematics.


Which is why it's useful. Skynet is largely useless and pretty mediocre even though kastow is based. The solution is maybe just that wardens develop their own


If its collie only then it is an unfair advantage which breaks TOS.


I don't think the phrase unfair advantage is in reference to something being toward a given faction. Exploiting bugs and the modifying the game client are available to both factions but using them still creates an unfair advantage.


What kinda cognitive dissonance is this??? It's literally an external tool giving an unfair advantage. Like...how could that be more clear??


Discord is an external tool that could give an unfair advantage. The only difference is both sides have chosen to build their own organized servers to capitalize on this. Literally cheating should not be equated to a Colonial laboring away and using their passion to help their comrades do their job slightly better.


Discord is a bandaid on an atrocious in game comms system and yields no advantage to either side. Like??


build your own tool?


My point is that they are all giving unfair advantages. Artillery calculator is far more impactful.


I mean I think they should also be banned but that would be impossible to police. Like just play the game.


But then why dont we as wardens just develop a similar system, and make an arms race out of it? It is not that hard to do. The unfair would be gone aswell.


Yeah having programs tell players where any backline partisans are just isnt something anyone would consider in the spirit of the game. It is cool tho that people like the game enough to make programs like this for it


Would yall stop with these seething post about skynet Devs would have told the programmer it broke tos and to remove it Yall malded about not having the bunker building tool becuase it was collie exclusive at the time Even if collies just don't use it, it's not going to be removed


Devs dont have an easy way of enforcing it like they did with player-reported multiboxers. This is most likely the reason action has not been taken.


This is probably the best response.


True but If they didn't want it in game then the programmer would have removed it The issue isn't even enforcing it, but the devs not putting a red flag on it or even discourage it. The update to TOS was most likly to prevent mutiboxing on the frontlines but then didn't want to remove mutiboxing entirely as alts on the SAME team are use to make logi and building more efficient


>If they didn't want it in game then the programmer would have removed it Since when are independent programmers beholden to the devs?


Programmer of skynet talk to devs about his skynet It doesn't break TOS


They aren't but they would probably do as the Devs wanted in this case.


It might not be obvious, but the bot is run in Sigil, the largest Colonial discord. Sigil admins without doubt will be happy to abide by the rules and remove this if the devs asked or updated TOS and clarified the new rules. The bot also happens to be called Sigil Bot, it is made for Sigil and is intended to take advantage of Sigil QRF. So it is extremely unlikely for this to exist anywhere else. The bot developer would remove the feature.


bull shit they probably just hid it lmao you arent fooling anyone


You seem like a bad troll. Anyways... Nothing is being hidden since nothing is breaking any rules and if the system was hidden it simply wouldn't be effective. But the bot developer is a much more honorable person than this, he wouldn't break the rules.


then why does it exist? it breaks rule by existing at all are you daft


Devs should have told multiboxers that input broadcasting would be against TOS - many of us may not have purchased a second account as now you need a second computer to use your account effectively.


That’s literally what they said, no input broadcasting


After the fact. Multiboxing has been a thing for years. They literally just changed it. Same thing here. Frankly I can't believe they didn't shoot it down from the start. Whether or not it works well, it is clearly designed to give one side an unfair advantage.


> it is clearly designed to give one side an unfair advantage Well, that’s the point is it not? Why *would* the Colonials give up our own tools and information about the game when the Wardens haven’t since, like, ever? I thought it was entirely fair game for a faction to specifically and intentionally withhold information from another, because we’ve been doing this for ages. Literally the entire fiasco about QMs vs Tech Maids was *specifically* because Wardens would not divulge information about the tech system, and the Colonials had to manually figure it out on their own. Why is this any different now? Because the Wardens didn’t do this first? Tough shit. Maybe if the Toxic Warden Loyalists didn’t partake in this excessive opsec about basic game information nor harried and bitched about Foxhole’s tech savvy players (like Kaskow!) developing for both factions, Colonial developers would be more willing to share. Alas, here we are.


lol kaskow said he wont do it for wardens so fuck him


You know *why* Kaskow doesn’t do it for Wardens? Because the Wardens bitched at him for being Colonial when he created faction-neutral tools in the first place.


because they know he will use it for bad purposes it will be neutral until someone leaks the fact that it isnt


lol I couldn’t provide better proof than this.


how am i wrong here he only plays collie so ofc people are gonna think its sus


because it breaks the rules


No it doesn’t lol. If it broke the rules, we wouldn’t be here in the first place.


lol sure buddy keep using third party shit that gives an unfair advantage watch how the game dies, and seethe because you can blame nobody but yourselves


Damn, didn’t realize that Skynet was actively taking control of Warden steam accounts and uninstalling Foxhole. If you don’t want to be caught by Skynet, maybe destroy watchtowers?


'Ate alts, 'Ate devman 'Ate Colonials (not racist I just don't like em) Luv me Callahan, Simple. As.


Turning point Caovia.




As if someone is going to look at every single discord ping skynet sends for every individual blue dot that appears in the back of map. Just put on your scout uniforms like everybody else who doesn’t want to be seen


I'm guessing that the reason why Skynet isn't banned is because the devs don't see any significant change in warden partisan activity and effectivity ever since it was released. That's just a hunch tho Also, I don't think it's right to consider it "automated warfare" as QRF still needs to log in and deal with the partisans manually.


skynets cool, wardens should create their own, i feel that it adds to the experience of getting called at 3am to serve your faction


please stop breaking coc


coc lol


\>lol breaks code of conduct has no way of justifying it, has to result to playing dumb wow just wow


I dont use skynet I cant be bothered to verify on sigil


liar lol you wouldnt be defending it if you werent using it


i do logistics and my regiments operations i literally have no use for it lmao


also why are you being so aggressive to collies on your history lol


another deflection woo and to answer its because there scum they have no skill collie is super easy to play and yet they whine and whine all day long about hv 40 and there guns when the house is on there side and stacked against warden collie clans can alt and do what ever they want break rules with skynet, when wardens hack or break rules devman listens and stops it when collies hack or break rules its encouraged because devman dont care thats why


wardens recently got caught building in cliffs and multiboxing no? youre angry at pixels on a screen because a few people on both sides exploited the game, and youre angry at something that isnt even an exploit no matter how you feel about it, i dont really mind if you disagree with skynet because if its there or not doesnt affect me and i welcome you to make your own for wardens, i just like the idea of it because its cool


we only hack because you hack 10x more also skynet does break rules has half the net work are just alts that arent active so its alting and breaking coc so what all that does is prove my point the devs dont care if you hack or exploit only when we do they got on warden for doing it not collies they multibox too nothing happened to those guys, oh yeah you also still have cog as a clan that hasent been banned yet and they blatently speedhack and stuff nothing happened to them has it? and explain to me how your the ones being shafted


"we only hack because you hack" isn't an argument, it's an excuse. and i dont think collies or wardens are at an unfair advantage, were different colours in a bloody video game for crikeys sake


are you daft bro collie logi is faster collies build faster your either oblivious an idiot or a troll. collie logi trucks are faster there tanks are cheaper and better they have arty push guns and we don't


I am currently working on a project that is in conjunction with skynet and create QRF bots. Which are just a multibox accounts designed to respond to an area that has heavy partisan activity and act as stationary turrets inside of AI defenses. You won't even be able to tell if they are players or not if I do it right.


A year ago, when I posted [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/nquqaz/hoc_and_82dk_abusing_border_travel_to_breach/) about Wardens abusing border travel mechanics, many Warden loyalists came out to defend the actions of those in the video and tried to downplay the severity of their actions. We also found out that this had been happening for dozens of wars and was common knowledge amongst Warden clans. I guess you can look at Skynet as an insurance policy against dishonest play such as this.




You clearly have absolutely no clue what the thread was about and I'm not going to spoon-feed you the context.




Tell me you're brand new without telling me




Yet again incorrect




Stay mad


"Oh, you don't know? Do your own research!" Very constructive retort. Incredible how your argument reaches or convinces so few!


There's a big difference in not understanding something then asking for context and assuming you know exactly what something is referring to and shouting "skill issue lmao". They assumed I was talking about border hopping, which I wasn't at all.


Even if it was as bad as you make it out to be how would you even police it?


Idk man, kind of a longshot to compare the ability to control multiple accounts vs a discord ping


People are giving skynet a lot of praise. Whoever made it must be proud of themselves due to all this love for their creation


Multiboxing is not against TOS. Input boradcasting is. Skynet does not involve input boradcasting.


To every Colonial here defending skynet because its 'not good'. We know its not good. Its not about how good it is. Its about YOU putting YOUR money where YOUR mouth is, not using something that is clearly against the spirit of foxhole, and pushing others to have it removed because its not in the spirit of foxhole. Multiboxing generally wasn't that powerful. It let one guy be his own pushgun or tank crew but it came with the downside that they weren't able to easily respond to players. Yet multiboxing received a great deal of push back especially from Colonials because it wasn't 'in the spirit of foxhole' and because 'while it wasn't cheating at the time it should be'. Wheres that same attitude over an automated system? Wheres that same attitude over something that is borderline cheating? Wheres that same attitude about your own faction? Its not about if its a good tool or not its about the fact that its a controversial tool that hasn't had rules about it made yet.




u say "multiboxing generally wasnt that powerful" youve never seen the one manned multibox tank crews and the multibox cutler crews that decimate shit. multiboxing caused an issue with multiple ques being taken up by 1 player, ez pve teams(because you yourself are controlling the movements, and you know where to go so you dont need to communicate if u multibox. its not that multiboxing makes it harder to communicate to other players, its the fact that multiboxing gets rid of the need to communicate with others. and when you say "borderline cheating" do you mean the ONE speed hack tank crews? because using something to Screenshot a map and ping people isnt cheating. Thats discord lol


The multibox tank crew is able to act faster but also has less awareness than 3 people working together well. The Multibox cutler crew is powerful on an empty frontline with nobody to shoot at them. If you wanna talk about queues then sure thats shitty but honestly not as shitty as a player straight up AFKing as at least someone whos multiboxing will use all of their 'players' at once as opposed to someone sitting at a relic, bunker, or Ghouse AFK. Also I think you're giving multiboxers way to much credit. Generally they come in one of two flavors. Either they bind all the other accounts to one set of controls and move as a blob in which case they're highly vulnerable to ANY amount of enemy players literally just shooting at them due to their reduced vision and the fact that they have to 'stay in formation'. Or a multiboxer will fullcrew a vehicle in which case while the 'driver' and 'gunner' can basically be in near perfect sync using binos while tullcrewing a vehicle is between impossible and ineffective. An argument could be made for multiboxing an arty crew but with return fire and partisan counter attacks arty crews need to be more responsive than a multiboxer. As for 'borderline cheating' ONE's speedhacking tank was not borderline cheating that was just straight up cheating caught on stream, video, and by double if not triple digit players and the fact that it took so long for DEVs or Collies to do ANYTHING or even just recognize that it was happening was honestly pretty disgusting especially with how hard Collies tell Warden to 'police our own faction'. Finally there is a great deal of difference between a player taking a screenshot, uploading that to discord, and pinging people in an alert message compared to sitting AFK in a Ghouse, barn, or bunker and it scanning those streams every few minutes/seconds and pinging people if it catches a blue dot. I will also say that if Wardens had employed AI radar first that Collies would have been swarming across reddit to get the 'cheating' removed.


Every Seeth post about this useless fucking bot makes me love it more. Whoever made this has single-handedly created a boon of salt the likes of which may never be vested by a single event


can i get some popcorn please ?


For sure.


the programer informed the devs about it and they didnt tell him to shut it down so it seams to me they dont think it breaks any rules. This constant paranoia and complaining the last days about some tool noone uses is gettting borring. its nice to see the warden reddit force hasnt found any green gear in the game to focus their attention on XD


no cap me reading what u typed gives me the assumption ur fucking appalling to talk to




Wardens lose 1 war and lose their minds


Collies lost one and lost their minds over multiboxing.


Please, our decency!


We already lost 2 wars before that, it's not that we lost that one war, it was because felt that using multiboxing was not in the spirit of foxhole, I mean one person could have a great impact on his own when PvEing instead of the 4/5 people we needed to effectively PvE. About Skynet, you can ping all you want but if no one responds it still doesn't have any impact. (As for me I don't use Skynet I just look at map posts, don't see the effectiveness of Skynet, if you are playing you have your map and you don't need Skynet. If you are offline I don't see how you can do anything when you get a ping about a Blue dot on the map. Just my 2cents)




It takes at least a somewhat professional developer with extensive knowledge and passion about Foxhole to make a system like Skynet. They also need the time to improve the system if it doesn't work well and time to update the system when devs make changes to Foxhole. Even if you found the right person for the job commissioning enough time to build this wouldn't come cheap.


This juat shows that initial spirit of the game is fucking bulshit.


The fact that around 90% of Colonial players didn't even know what Skynet was when it was mentioned in the global chat speaks to how much its actually used. I actually didn't think it was real and was just something made up as a joke to scare warden alts. I'm just surprised as you to know that it actually exists. And in the end knowing what it actually does, while i've always agreed taking stuff like this out of the game and dumping it into clan channels is bad I don't think this one is as harmful. Tons of people say as a defence "a guy with a radio and map is more effective" and I have to agree. Less steps involved. For me a more pressing issue is tech voting being done outside of the game in closed discords. I'd rather everyone argue over that than this useless hobby project. At the end of the day I don't mind that this exists, there are other issues to deal with.


whats multiboxing?


Its essentially running multiple instances of the game through multiple virtual machines. Essentially meaning you can play with 5 accounts at once as they all use the same input. So you'd see 5 guys throwing mammons in sync, repairing tanks in sync or building in sync.


Still rent-free


It is a really cool system technically speaking, same goes for multiboxing. I wouldn´t employ either in foxhole due to its nature but it would be really fun if there was a game like foxhole, where you could do stuff like this, just for the technicalities of it. This does not mean i condone using it, not in a regular foxhole setting. But maybe if there is enough interest we can get a "Shard 2" where you get to useall the crazy stuff people devolp, just to see what people are capable of and how it would look. It would be a fun experiement not harming competetive players in the slightes and giving the more tech savy among the communtiy something to do. Also multiboxing and skynet is not the same, these are very differnet systems. Maybe should try to get more behind the technology of this thing before acusing it. I am warden myself and even i can see how untrained that system is. Also we can allways just develop our own it is not that hard.


As a colonial on Sigil, I still don’t even understand what in the world SkyNet is. Didn’t know it was a thing. Don’t care to use it.