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Still a better use than that 5G swarm of watchtowers that tanked the map just looking at it.


Wardens just gotta send someone back in time to kill the mom’s of the person’s who made skynet


God that's gonna take like 6 movies. Is there an easier way?


We would probably only peek at the second movie anyway


for some odd reason we'd have Christian bale in a role that made no sense for him too...


Turn off the internet


Skynet = Windows Explorer


Hahaha nice one


imagine fighting on the ground over this region lmao


27k bmats, 54k salvage worth of materials at minimum. Costs a bit over a full scrap fields worth, or about 3,375 shirts


That writing has been there since like day 2. By now, the bmats it costed would have been either captured or spent on defenses that already got destroyed, most likely.


Maybe if they were used in defenses you wouldn’t have lost them


They would have gotten PvE'd during low-pop hours. It's not like we didn't have defenses this war.


Not my experience always put up a good fight


In my experience of having played this war multiple days during low pop hours, there are plenty of map posts saying "BB getting PvE'd" or "We are 4 defending against 12 collies"


He obviously needs the false gratification


Greatest use of warden bmats, please continue wasting them every war, it only makes skynet more effective as a psyop.


no pls one sided fights are boring and will kill this game. Half the community already is playing other games I seen on steam lol. Balanced teams > One sided stomp ego boost ​ Loyalists will be the end of this game mark my words.


[Some history.](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/jn24zf/a_message_to_the_warden_community/)


So? I seen this cringe when it was posted. Then I seen Colonials post the same shit on reddit but in reverse months later blaming the current Wardens (who probably didnt even play back then lmao) for the past. Then Wardens do it on and on and on and on. Are you trying to prove my point here or what? Yes Loyalists are cancer, thank you for reminding us.


Don't fret too much. Mantis has a reputation as a local troll. They're just trying to rile you up.


Waste of resource, waste of equipment, waste of manpower...


If they scrooped it they have the right to use it as they want


And onlookers have the right to call them coping nutjobs for wasting their own time like that too =)


It's not a time waste if they achieved their goal.


It's not a time waste if they achieved their goal.


Waste of time lol. They could have been on the front or doing logi.


True ngl lol but its their time ​ so let them do what they want. Its not like Outposts dont help lol they can still be useful :D


This arguably hurt them a lot early war


Not at all lol. Anybody who thinks the front needed more bmats they should have gotten off their lazy ass and gotten them…. This didn’t short anybody on salvage. Not even a drop in the fucking bucket. 🤣🤣🤣


There was not a lot of Warden bunker Base builds where we attacked, imo, this team could have done a lot of good building bobs instead of protest messages. I get it, it's a good cause to fight for. But I don't like this method. It's similar to the 'nerf hv40' message Collies did... Silly and just a waste Never enough bmats ..


There is plenty of salvage to go around. This guy could have just spent his day farming salavge and despawning it and nobody would ever feel the difference. Scarcity literally doesn’t exist…


Your comrades in Kirknell would beg to differ, we encircled and starved them of bmats and captured the city. There's always a need for them somewhere, maybe these gentleman focused more on getting supplies to fronts that required them and helping them secure supply routes... You'd be in a better situation.... Collies lost the war that the 'hv40' thing happened in as well, so I do think it's not an immaterial impact. 0 for 2 that the side doing these silly things wins the war


You are wrong though. The reason Kirknell lacked bmats was not the lack of bmats. There was plenty of bmats. There is always enough bmats in every war. There are just no people to ferry them. You can ask people to bring bmats but not many will do. Especially in low pop wars. What you need is people to bring bmats. Not Bmats.


Yeah, too many people constructing 100 fobs for a meaningless protest... These people could have moved things to effective areas as well....


Yes they could have. Or they could just not login in the game and the Outcome would literally be the same. Like it or not those Outposts probably had a net-positive outcome. Rather have a bunch of useless Outposts over some useless ground than have nothing there tbh xD


I would also add waste of brain cells, but hey, you can’t waste what you lack…


One guy using an infinite resource. You can not “waste” infinite resources…


What is skynet?


Everyone asking what is skynet, but not how is skynet


Surprised you guys had enough bmats


Not surprised how the war is going if this is how they spend them


only a *little* execessive




everything is a bait when you are a salty loyalist




is that a yes ? :D


It means everything that is bait is bait :D


Why did this get QRFed lol


commenting from an alt acc dont we ?




People got baited


Apparently so lol


They got baited by the bait bait


Wars already lost anyways, so who cares?


*loads bullet* You will be recycled for shirts.


No y- *Bam Thud Dribble Dribble*


Never back down, never surrender!


Oh, I agree. But last stands or not are more fun when people don’t take it too seriously. At the end of the day it’s still a video game. Is it a little cringe? Sure, but I won’t lose sleep over it.


Well it is cringe and sad because who ever did that, i bet he didnt scroop and use his own bmats for all of that, so he/they took someone elses hard work ans put it in useless writing. Edit: someone said this stands there from day 2, did not know that, but still its useless


Well, they guy who claims to have made it has been in this thread saying it took him some 7h, however I don’t do enough logi to know if that’s realistic or not.


they used all bmats that they farmed or asked and used people's bmats who knew what they would be used for lol


People who complain about they way someone uses an infinite resource are funny. If you think the front needed more bmats you should have gotten them. This literally didn’t take away anything as there was still shit loads of salvage that you didn’t get and make into bmats and bring to the front. That’s on you and you only…


? Was made on day 2 by one guy. Had nothing to do with losing that front


Not even a drop in the bucket. People who complain about scarcity in this game specially over bmats are just telling everybody they don’t do logi or scroop. Otherwise they would know it’s nearly impossible to use up all the salvage in a hex lol.


What is sky net


Basically one person has the map open 24/7 and a tool looks for wardens inside of collie territory. Then it postes the position of the partisans in a discord channel.


collies have now expanded the day to have 27 hours. devs plz fix.


How is that legal


Why would it not be legal?


It's crazy how automating things a player would do is obviously bad when it's using multiple accts for logi or building, but when it's gathering intel nobody cares. It genuinely seems like a double standard and I don't get it. Why do you think it's totally above board to have a script do something a player would do?


“Gathering intel” bruh you act like Skynet is this supercomputer that controls like 60 warden accounts and can calculate when and where every single partisan is. Skynet literally doesn’t even have a single account under it’s name. Are the websites that automatically calculate artillery coordinates cheating by your definition? Afterall, it’s automating things players do, right? Is logiwaze’s route finder cheating, because it automatically determines the fastest route? Hell, is using Foxholestats cheating, because it automatically takes the information from the API and displays it?


Im not acting like anything lol, I think it's obvious how it differs from alting and I didn't need to go out of my way to say it. I also think the difference between mental math and watching for partisans is obvious. I see the point you're making but sorry, casualty rates and hex updates are just not the same as pinging enemies in a game where awareness is so important. It's not gamebreaking but its clearly a useful tool, it's so weird to me that people argue it's irrelevant.


I mean, I admit that Skynet is definitely pushing the limits of what exactly is “fair game” or not. But I’ve yet to see anyone actually make a valid and distinct line to disqualify Skynet with.


i think the distinct line that was crossed is that a bot gets used to gain an advantage in-game.


I guess autoclickers are banned, because your giving access your account to a bot.


I don't know what a 'valid and distinct line' is to you, but I don't think you need to have some direct logical comparison to a precedent to make a case-by-case judgement that Skynet is, in your own words, pushing the limits of what is fair.


Why you need bmats if it's going to get nightcapped by SEA anyway


Yeah we should just force all people outside of the US to only play in the middle of the night


Or you know, the oceanic players could balance out between the factions rather than all stacking on one. But I guess the players doing that dont care about pop balance. Maybe if AI was reliable again we could at least have an easier time on the low pop hours.


If the wardens didn’t spam the Tiananmen square copypasta everywhere for a year straight then the Chinese players wouldn’t have gone colonial.


Forcing people to play a faction is not the answer, neither is blaming them for chosing colonials. Especially after wardens pushed them out.


Is it nightcapping if they are doing it during their daytime? Is it tho?


90% of the current player base is EU/NA so yes


How does that affect when the sun rises and sets in asia?


Man is upset, dont tell him its always bedtime somewhere


It doesn't. Wouldnt help to get SEA teams balanced tho lol dunno how tho pveing with low pop just shouldnt be possible tbh the amount of hours builders put into bases only for them to get pved is just sad.


Waaah only my timezone matters


mfs be complaining about the most infinite resource beside pistol ammo


I am the creator of this You want more bmat? Go scroop


Guys not 20k bmats whatever will we do


The Skynet is a lie


Boy do I love twerking for the collies and leaking intel


What did i leak? This was taken 15 min before Mudhole and Rodust have fallen and posted 10 minutes after. We both were begging for QRF and bmats, atleast we got some bmats, Rodust got none, and they streamrolles over 2 BBs there.


I can see the defences at blackcoat way, Princefal and part of grief mother and part of south Mistle shrine


Well if this post lose us this war cause of so much intel leak, im sorry, but i think shit like "ban skynet" made of building on day 2 (did not know that before posting) lost us this war way back then.


You think we lost the war due to some tents? Medic moment


No, i think we lost the war because shit like this takes toll on moral :)


That has nothing to do with encampments built on day 2 and everything to do with who ever was there needed to stop playing Rambo and get in a truck and go get bmats…. There were plenty around you guys just didn’t go get them…. To many people yelling in logi chat not enough people willing to do the job….


Good to know you were there with us so you know what was happening. There were 6 of us in Mudblood defending, couldnt spare anyone to go anywhere, but yh, thank you for your wise comment, you helped alot!


If it fell because bmats then you should have left 5 people and gotten bmats. If it fell because lack of people then bmats wouldn’t have mattered. Either way the encampments still have NOTHING to do with why it fell….