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Very sad to see Larry yet again supporting alting. Don't know if I can say this without getting downvoted, but SHRED is getting alted like crazy as well. Not sure what the solution is.


Literally everyday we literally catch alts, for example using autoclickers at backline bases and draining them of supplies while having the nerve to go AFK while doing it then logging out when confronted. ​ Im sure this happens on both sides, but man. Every damn day, it gets old quick. Game is becoming a drag.


That never justifies publicly telling people they should go alt. The only thing that you encourage to happen with that is more alting from both teams. Because first people from your side alt in frustration. Then people from the other side alt back because they now feel justified seeing alts attack them and hearing your players publicly encourage alting. And then it just spirals from there.Anyone who encourages alting publicly needs a harsh and quick response from THEIR OWN FACTION otherwise it will fester. Currently WUH and WM as well as many Warden clans have a no tolerance stance on even discussing the idea that we should 'hit back' whenever we get hit by an alt wave. The fact that Larry is tolerated on the Colonial faction despite his daily rambles on how you should 'start alting back' is both disgusting and worrying.


players arent fixing the problem devs arent fixing the problem only one way left to deal with it and that is to do the same thing , fight fire with fire . eventually the problem gets so out of hand that devs will have no choice but to do something .


Please touch some grass and drink some water. Maybe get an extra 2 hours of sleep.


all i ever drink is water and i sleep 10 hours a day , been weight training for nearly 15 years . you can in fact do more than 1 thing , foxhole is just another thing . regardless , point still stands , if devs dont fix the problem or the people who take moral high ground dont do anything about it .then i will fix it myself by doing the same thing , as will many , many more people the game will devolve into a massive shit show ( as if it isnt already ) the cat is out of the bag and the problem will just snowball until everyone quits or it gets fixed . if your first reply is to attack someone personally then you have already lost the argument . for me its not a big deal , if thats how we playing the game now , lets go :P ill buy 10 accounts idc foxhole is fun as fuk . have a nice day .


Imagine being a part of shred, getting daily verbally abused by a manchild. Looked down upon by both factions because you are a bunch of awful toxic cheaters. It’s pathetic


i am not in shred or any regiment i prefer to play with just whoever is around at the time , thats what makes foxhole great . i do however notice a significant increase in suspicious activity in the regions whenever shred is on and around . the mentality i and many others share is that if alting /cheating is allowed , we gonna do it too to even up the field , why would we put ourselves at a massive disadvantage . if you dont alt i wont , but its not just you , so expect everyone to do it until it gets a solid fix .if you want a competitive game you got it ,but you cant set the rules then change them when i say im going to do the same thing .your faction has set the rules im just going to play by them . its going to turn into a massive shit show with or without larry , you will still be the same so i will have to respond in kind or lose or just stop playing .


do you also use wallhacks in shooters because other people do it?


Lol when has Shred ever been caught cheating? You idiots lmao.


Bruh you guys watch the same streamsnipers fuk with Larry everyday, dont give me that WUh and WM crap, they only care when its beneficial to them. ​ You ever think maybe the people who streamsnipe might be some of the people who alt? ​ Excellent detective work there WUH and WM.


Wait so you mean Larry a veteran layer who generally sticks to a single lane and plays double digit hours every day encounters other players who likely fight on the same front as him and who play a similar number of hours? What about Moidawg and all the players who stream snipe him? Should Moi be advocating for players to alt just like Larry? To my knowledge WM and WUH have never used Larry's stream to get info on where he is or the defenses Colonials have built. Even when it comes to the clips we have of Larry those are shared to us BY COLONIALS because everyone who isn't a member of Larry's goon squad is fed up with his bullshit.


Moi plays once a month, Larry plays everyday and gives you plenty of examples of streamsnipers. The 2 arent comparable. ​ Wardens have clans and discord channels dedicated to streamsniping him. These are literal facts found here on reddit.


We literally all have better things to do than follow Larry around all day. Theres bunkers to build. Bases to tap. Stockpiles to fill. And bridge battles to smash our faces into. In my ideal world I forget that Larry exists just like I forget that Grom exists. But unfortunately for me Larry has chosen to attack and belittle people while also playing the victim. And if we're being real here how about Larry bans the misogynists in his chat before his fan club starts going around throwing stones from a glass house.


Clout Patrol made a point about Larry's amount of playing time not being comparable to Moidawg and that there is video evidence of alts routinely on Larry's stream. Your response was that you have better things to do than follow Larry, implying that you would be sniping or alting if you did. That wasn't even the point so why contribute that as a response? Nobody pointed that suspicion at you. Very strange.


Ok Larry you can hop off the alt account now.




Well if you're going to treat it like this is a joke then why bother?


SHRED gets alted like crazy, because your leader flips out like a child at the mere mention of alts.


Your mostly right but it doesn’t make it okay especially when it impacts some random cpl who only knows Larry as the biggest foxhole streamer. Even if it was only Larry who was getting effected, we don’t fight fire with fire on this issue.


I'm not fighting fire with fire. Larry screams about alts, so trolls and people who are just tired of him will egg him on, stream snipe, or whatever. I'm sure it never started out as personal, but when someone is as much of a prick as he is, it's kind of inevitable. If he wasn't nearly as reactive, this wouldn't be an issue.


When devs perma ban this pathetic moms dungeon dweller?


I smell another round of BannedManLarry


Maybe Wardens should agree that the alting douches from our side are KoS. Let em go play Collie if they wanna be Collie so bad.


Fun story. When the Warden Clan men discover that a group is alting/hacking/whatever from our own faction we ban on sight. There have been maybe 2 clans that got caught and they are no longer on our faction.


funny story, instead of getting rid of him and his clan you made em join the other team so you now can complain about the whole enemy team and prettend its their fault.


Then yall should also votekick them. We votekicked them to keep ourselves honest. If you don't votekick them to keep yourselves honest thats on you.


just so everyone understands: i dont like him and would be glad to get him out of our game, but: the way wardens got him to join the other faction was constant harrasment, tking and votebanning without reason, the exact same thing ppl complain he is doing. i am happy to report and vote on him whenever he does shit, but if he does not i am not gona spend time to harras anyone to be the arse myself while pretending to do it for the greater good. ppl doing this should be banned with him, no double standards plz.


Oh wait are we talking about specifically Larry because if thats the case man hes made a really nicely revised version of history for yall to believe.


there where enough ppl playing blue that saw what happened. no need to try and tell us everything happening around him was done as it should be. I understand the team was fed up, wanted to get him out and i get why, but most green players dont wana spend time on provocing him or mass voting him whenever he isnt baned without something happening again.


Honestly I'd prefer to be able to ignore Larry. But he spends most of his time saying people from the Warden faction alt and getting proved wrong. We've had to provide so mush well documented evidence that the things he says are just bullshit yet he gets to keep making these claims because it nets him viewers on twitch. And no matter how much we provide its never enough. So really I just want to not have to care what hes doing. Thats it. But every time I turn around hes either giving new players and people browsing the foxhole twitch the worst first impression of the community or hes actually griefing by dumping vehicles in the water and laughing about it. I only care about what Larry is doing because hes forced me and so many other Wardens to care.


i´d like him gone to but thats up to the devs not palyers. while i understand the frustration i dont think fueling his bullshit advertising for him on reddit helps at all.


I don't know that regiment. Explain?


KoS as in kill on sight. Tk the alt'ers.


\*facepalming moment\* Yes, as a general rule of thumb I kill them on sight. No matter the colors they wear, and spread their name in world chat.


sounds good point me at em, i can't think of a single person who wouldn't agree with you


Why do devs ban people for things done on reddit, steam, ingame, their discords, and other foxhole discords but never touch players for anything they do on twitch? Honestly I'd be good if they just touched base with Larry and asked him to tone it down.


I got banned for a week for calling out how they don’t deal with alts, but Larry can publicly call for cheating and nothing happens


Hes a twitch streamer. They 'can't' moderate twitch streamers. You need to go through twitch for that. Except twitch tells you you need to go through the devs. Plus Larry is just a poor innocent streamer whos being harassed by Warden clan men he is obviously innocent of any wrongdoing.


Na the man needs to go if it was the first time then eh give him a warni but its just constant bs from him plus the drama he creates is a massive negative for the game.


Working under the assumption that the devs haven't asked him to chill out before this point I'd be more than fine with a verbal/written warning. Its important to always start by trying to deescalate. After hes been talked to though if he still acts like this? Catch a ban 110%.


Thats the thing though over the last three four wars hes been baned in each one for some incident like this or harassing new players temp bans obviously haven't gotten the message across that his behavior isint accepted so I really dont see what a strongly worded letter will do.


I mean if hes been banned then sure but I've always thought a quick sit with authority sorts out a great deal of issues.


They dont ban anyone period.


They do actually ban people. They're just stupidly hesitant to ban people when its 'clan man drama' and seeing as most of the people reporting Larry are Warden Clan Men the devs don't care. The ONLY time Larry has gotten a ban from the devs was when he encouraged his followers to mass report something using modmail. And the reason for the ban was because he was bothering them. The devs absolutely ban people. The list goes: People who bother/prod/make fun of the devs. People who are hacking and get caught red handed. And then finally serial alt accounters/griefers.


Why are so many colonial streamers asking ppl to alt?


idk :(


Thank you for not doing that, love the streams btw




Best foxhole streamer






Who were the others?


Only seen one other myself, but the scum bag known as TheRealEv0 was telling people to go buy alt accounts during the summer sale.


Summit was also telling people they should alt while playing Collie. He bought the Larry juice.


is anyone with a cam a streamer now XD never heard of that person before


He's got 7k followers dude, he's not just "anyone with a cam." He's pretty big for a foxhole streamer.


let me guess he is quite new in fh, brought those 7k from other games and will be gone in 1-2 wars?


lol pretty much all he's been playing for the past two months is foxhole. You can try to down play this as much as you want. Still a real bad look to have three of your big streamers all calling on people to alt.


true it looks bad for the game. the only way wardens made one of them switch to the other side was harrasment campaigns, i dont think that looks good either, wont do it and dont see much positive about it as all it does is give ppl the possibility to pretend their team is better, which is a joke. So waht do you want ppl to do?


Dude, we reported BML and refused to work with him until he got fed up with it and switched. Collies could do the same, though at the end of the day no one playing colonial is responsible for these guys being assholes. It just sucks when people come out trying to argue that BML isn't that much of a problem, or trying to downplay the impact streamers advocating for this kind of thing have generally. That's what rubs me the wrong way. But you're right, these guys are just bad for the game as a whole at the end of the day.


i try my best to not use their names at all to not advertise for em, thats about all i think i can do next to not watch em at all. i dont care if ppl stream or not, i will report stuff when i am there when it happens. ingame reports wont do much, will be complained about and used for more drama and therefor klicks so I report to the support page when i have something to share.


who else is doing it?


I count 2, not sure if that counts as many


Him and his disgraceful followers are a blight to the game. How he’s still not banned is unreal


His stream is full of him calling for Cheating way worse than this clip, i dont know how he isnt banned.


> worse then this *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


The real hero o7


Delete thy self bot


Begone with you demon!


Begone foul Beggar


I heard about this guy before buying the game during the summer sale and joined the Wardens just to guarantee I wouldn't run into him.


[He's still at it right now.](https://clips.twitch.tv/ObliqueTrustworthyPeafowlUnSane-aNQvdUmKntgA0fdQ)


This is what he wants. You to watch him


Streamers are a protected class because free advertisement.






The bigger the alt/cheating problem the less reluctant the devs will be to find a proper solution to the problem.


More Wardens watch Larry play than Colonials do. Weird.


Alts do place engines to compromise base integrity. But alts already know this and many other tricks and don't need Larry to tell them this. This posting suggests that alts are uninformed, but cheaters know how to game the system to their advantage by definition. Larry is giving intentionally bad advice as a joke. You'd have to be very gullible to follow Larry's advice. And if you do that's on you because Larry isn't forcing you to act. New players can make mistakes out of ignorance and most players take the time to instruct new players. Suspicion of alts arises when players avoid communication/accountability. So no, this video doesn't show a problem. There are problems with alts and cheating. People pulling resources. People putting dead weight on the other side to limit active combatants. People using software hacks and exploits to this day.