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I'd say that colonials use a lot more their crowd control tools than wardens (by crowd control i mean bomastones, gas with grenade launcher, HMG). On the other end wardens have significantly worse crowd control (this is not a complaint, wardens have advantages in other areas that compensate).


The Collie nade spam is real


Bomastone spam makes me feel like I'm playing World at War campaign veteran difficulty again


Japanese Olympic grade grenade toss right behind you where u cant rewct quickly


I remember trying vet difficulty on WAW and I had told myself "I will play a trial run and keep playing it it is bearable" then I'm not even able to get a kill when there is a nade at my cushy footsies and said ok then and I still have never tried vet difficulty after that


Harpa is faster but boma can be held in greater numbers and has a bigger radius


And it comes in crates of 25 rather than 20, and it's a guaranteed bleed


We'll bleed them dry, both figuratively and literally!! - Random colonial


They'll be back, and in greater numbers


Frag grenades is kinda hard to use since guns can outrange you most of the time. So you could throw more bomba than frag before getting shot.


I will throw 2 grenades in a trench with one person and you will LIKE IT


Man as a collie tanker I disagree, wardens have scary AT nade charges. Amount of times I’ve been charged at when I just started to feel a little secure… give a warden a sticky and he will find his target.




The one area where both sides agree that Colonials are better, and that is OK.


I think it's definitely something that needs a little balance touch-up. The Bombastone is 25% cheaper and has 25% increased crate capacity over the Harpa, despite the fact that the Harpa is considerably worse in actual practise. The Harpa is lethal, but the bombastone is far easier to deploy because the slight extra range really does make a world of difference. If the costs were flipped, and Harpa's were cheaper, increased capacity per crate, and had a faster pull time for infantry, then the situation would be a little fairer. That said, the Colonials would probably still have a kill advantage as the decreased range on the Harpa's means you need to take waaaay more risks to use them in the early game.


You can't fire a stone out of a grenade launcher though, but you can with the Harpa


Used to be you could cook grenade launcher nades by firing from max range with the osprey. Then they took away the grenade launcher and when they gave it back the range was terrible. Even at max range the grenade will sit there for 2 seconds when it lands because the reduction of range. Impossible to cook. I don’t bother with grenades unless I get a luminaire launcher. Harpa is heavier and reduced area of effect with no shrapnel damage despite being a “frag grenade” If the devs gave us a literal rock that had short range and only killed people by hitting them directly on the head, I would put rocks in my inventory over the harpa.


Doesn’t really do anything though, because it’s uncooked. Unless you’re in the VERY specific scenario of either artillery pits or foxholes


Anyone seeing a grenade roll into their foxhole or small trench is going to jump out of it. That's really the main thing, you can flush them out of hard cover and get a clean shot.


When I can throw one bomb into a single size trench and hit everyone with bleed, while having it be cooked. Then I don’t think it’s bad to say the Bomba is better. And honestly, that’s fine. That’s what asymmetrical warfare is, harpa can’t be thrown as far. But it does kill more effectively, and can’t be stopped with a bandage.


You would be surprised. Combine fraggers and supressive fire, and uncooked nades aren't an issue. You also are ignoring the tunnle-vision very common in firefights.


That added range tho 👌


Killing people with an Osprey Harpa is the same as with a Tremola from the grenade launcher. Sure, it's possible, but it's no cooked bombastone. It really just culls the slow and the stuck.


82dk bayonet rushes...


i will second that, i feel like i accidentally run into AI machine gun nests more than i've seen our side have any AI machine guns


Easy. Unlike us wardens collies believe in crap like tactics, strategy and \*gags\* the value of human life.. disgusting. While us proud Wardens believe in victory no matter the cost! NOW CHARGE INTO THAT MEAT GRINDER SOLDIER!


Value of human life? Weird way to say 8 bmats


“The pistol, two clips of ammo and hammer is worth way more then you soldier!” that would be honestly scary if someone told me that irl


Matt (the lore Dev) does consider the world of Foxhole to be grimdark, so that's right in line.


I remember the Devs saying that the colonials are more willing to throw away there lives in the lore but in game it is the opposite.


I do know that Mesea rewrites history (Velians not knowing they were a monarchy). Probably a strong, state-sponsored education system instills near-suicidal loyalty to the republic


Speakin of, *goes on a rant about how my grandaddy fought wiv the velian royal guard in the civil war* reinstate the monarchy!


Because when in comes down to it colonial infantry see worth more


Warden medics aren't here to save people, they're controlling waste of bmats


It's all about the numbers, 1 plasma and 1 bandage. It's much cheaper then a person respawning and grabbing a kit.


1 plasma and 0.7 bandages


EXACTLY! Src: Logi main that sometimes field medics when I need a wakeup


Underrated comment


The trick is to know the Collies pre-set kill limit and then send waves and waves of men at them until it runs out and they shut down. -Warden General Zapp Brannigan


unexpected futurama


There is a subreddit for that: r/unexpectedfuturama


that sound too much like a ww2 soviets.


Or just ww1


We shall choke their rivers with our dead!


"unlike us wardens, collies believe in crap like tactics, strategy and the value of human life" Idk what front's you're fighting on but whenever i play foxhole (less and less nowadays) i'm on the wardens side and it's always collies endlessly charging us with grenades and shit


82dk suicide charges


*affixes bayonet* Where?


In life, war. In death, peace. In life, shame. In death, atonement.


Dam you beat me to it


March through the artillery guardsmen not one step back


Its our mission. If we can’t snuff out the flame of the colonials with our weapons, then we shall do it with our bodies.


We have less self preservation skills. A nade lands infront of two warden soldiers, one of them points at the granade and says "funny stick" the other laughs, they both blow up.


>Its our mission. If we can’t snuff out the flame of the colonials with our weapons, then we shall do it with our bodies. then 4 medics come to heal the wounded and all get shots


I do admire the Warden tenacity to accept death in these situations and create a laugh in the process Us Colonials always try, futilely most times, to escape certain death rather than accept it and create a bit of humor before we die


This actually kinda shows in the lore, as how the wardens are more traditional and more honor focused


Always with honor.


A nade lands in front of two colonials the both take one step back one starts bleeding the other carries him back loosing the position and regaining it 20m later


Losing the position?! Unthinkable...


Death before dismount in all situations


Tbh I kind of like the colonial idea of bringing an anti tank grenade and scuttling the tank if they're surrounded


Wardens make better use of the trench whistle. Any other answer is just a side effect of Wardens making better use of the trench whistle.


Colonials generally have slightly better infantry pvp tools while wardens have slightly better infantry pve tools, imo Population sizes also impact the casualty rates but these fluctuate for a variety of reasons.


This is 100% the answer


Warden PVE tools are also more aggressive and less "shoot from cover" like Colonial tripod weapons are too... leading to more deaths for the warden faction when using them. A push gun almost always has 10-15 infantry around it because the driver or gunner will inevitably die and all that infantry has to get on the gun to save it. This is a constant juggle wardens have to do, and while each death isn't _that_ big of a deal, it all adds up on the kill tracker.


I disagree. The bombastone is definitely better than the Warden equivalent, but other than that I prefer Warden tools for almost everything. The loughcaster range boost is valuable as hell, and does more damage. Wardens have the autorifle, the more fun heavy rifle, the grenade launcher as an attachment to the rifle the flak vest which resists bayonets etc. Warden equipment is better than colonial equipment.


Sure, but collie equipment is universally more lethal. Does that mean interesting, or fun? No. Wardens get weird quriky infantry equipment like liars and hangman, or the heavy armor, but collies get extremely lethal and easy to use weapons, like dusks, fuscinas, harpas, and lamentums. Hell, collies basic argenti has a quicker time to kill than the warden carbine.


It's a grindset


Personally, I think it's because wardons do love to HE rush and getting cut down by AI only to do it again and again. I have only seen a few colly HE rushes but any video I have seen of large rushes have been wardons, usually before they where cut down by LMG fire.


yeah me and a couple of others just rushed collie tanks with only 2 mammons each around 7 times or something a couple of days ago.


Collies like to do a good mammon rush every once in a while. It's just a funny word to say. MaMmOn? MaMmOn! ***MaMmOn!!***


Because we scream: ''FOR CALLAHAN'' and you don't. Trust me...'' FOR CALLAHAN'' hits different.


There's also the mentality that we're defenders and we're defending our homeland from a bunch of rednecks from the south who just want to kill.


"Rednecks" who want to save babys


Nice propaganda. We all know that the collies are the true baby eaters


At least we cook them first unlike you, uncultured barbarians


Uncultured!? Why you've burnt off all the flavours and ruined them you savages!


Fake lore


What is the real role?




Back in the day, it was normal for Colonial casualties to be higher. It switched around as the asymmetrical balance was updated piece by piece. Summary is; * Colonials have better anti-infantry weapons. * Wardens have better anti-structure weapons. In terms of logistical economics, it's just a toss up between if you want to spend more on repairs or more on shirts. Overall it seems fine.


The whistle guides us


Wardens are currently Roleplaying The Battle of Stalingrad over at Mousetrap. Bit like that scene out of Enemy at the gates where the Soviet soldiers are given a few bullets and told to run at the Germans..


yup one lough caster and 2 clips of ammo. (and don't forget the bayonet)


There come a time for me when taking a loughtcaster and ammo just take too long, intead I just charge with my pistol and take whatever I can scavenge from the battlefield.


Collies, unlike us, are cowards that value their lives, we die seeking Callahan’s pardon and seek redemption.


Cause we have a weird obsession with bayonet charges.


From a long time collie perspective: Wardens do alot of mammon and gas rushing Colonial arty will do mass damage during a battle and wardens just sit their and eat the ammo till we run out of shells Colonials push at certain times when they feel is necessary, wardens like to throw the punches more and use constant pressure to overwhelm fronts


It's the Blue Tide at times


Alot of wardens are stingy with shells and its why the kd looks like it does.


The wardens like the Stalin strategy of, if we have more soldier than they have bullets they can't win


Trading bmats against explosive materials is a strategy


The strength of Warden logi ensures we never run out of shirts


Hehe , bayonet go stab stab. Mammom go boom .


We're just like that. Wardens love human wave charges, and Colonials love machine guns.


I don't care if tanks are charging us I will build this trench no matter what


True Warden chad.


Y'know, one time, some British guy lead a charge on a collie base and the entire time, our forces stayed in a firing line. We literally used napoleonic tactics to attack a BB. Who knows why we have such high casualty rates though.


If you think about it, tactics haven't changed *that* much since then, I mean, you're still kind of in a line just further away from eachother and lying down. Even tanks are little more than more advanced horse artillery


At one point like 2 days ago wardens had +48% casualties, and it wasnt bombastones work lol the zerg was way to much to be taken out by bomastones


Boma(fucking)stone for example


My personal belief is that it's due to wardens being organized into large clans while collies into medium clans and small. Being in a large clan your tools and resources are substantially higher, you will play with substantially less care for your tanks and tools then the average private, or collie small and medium clan man. You will play riskier going in for kills and destruction, leading to more deaths as you know you have more tanks and tools to use. Additionally with the Higher numbers you can organize your self to be in more risky plays, like large flanks, or deep pushes in enemy territory tob nock out a 300mm. And overtime this lead to the disparity between sides


You give a warden one anti-tank grenade, and they’ll charge a whole line of tanks


You're life is worth 8 bmats...die for Callahan.


Side with more pop has more casualties. Side with more pop also generally wins. Welcome to foxhole


Its a genuinely interesting difference in how warden vs collie tactics have evolved in the many, MANY years of this game. Collies tend to pool large amounts of resources in a few places, delivering devastating, almost unstoppable attacks, while going (relatively) quiet on the other fronts. Wardens on the other hand grind down every front simultaneously, bleeding colonial resources with the subconscious understanding that unless this is an "Attack front" the wardens will likely be getting double to triple the supplies the colonials will get, and if it IS an attack front then this continued battering will at least buy time (But will turn a difficult to defend against charge to a downright unstoppable onslaught). It also means that the collies may have to relocate their "Attack fronts" to recapture the ground lost to the grind. That grinding assault, especially on "Attack fronts" means the wardens will suffer a lot of casualties, but will eventually break through. And it was this way even before asymmetry, It might be something to do with the way the players organize. Keep in mind this is a broad generalization though.


What you're describing is all because of a population difference.


Wardens underutilize their anti infantry, 99% of wardens infantarymen have either a loughcaster and a couple of mags or medic supplys. Snipers, machine guns, and even grenades are few.


you are not wrong, I see Wardens pick up our machine guns but never have their own. That and every BB has like 100 gas and 300 bomastones to spam out.


I think its also because the loughcaster just feels good to use. Meanwhile the collie standard rifle (its the blakerow right?) Feels alot worse, so you see wardens prefer the loughcaster over things like the alto, but collies will prefer other guns over their rifle.


Nah ours is the Argenti


wardens firmly believe that if they throw enough bodies they eventually will run out of ammo so the 5th guy will kill that person and has proven to work in history


After 10 wars, I've come up with _some_ ideas as to why this is the case. Colonials have _far_ better pvp tools than Wardens have. As much as colonials complain about pve options, Colonials fucking **MOW** down Warden infantry. This has lead to a style of logistics amongst warden clans to just flood the front lines with shirts and basic tools. Early game, this is because of the bomastone, the Argenti (it's the better gun at t0 with no other options), the Fuschina, and the MG Tankette. This starts the war off with a colonial advantage in kills that the Wardens have to overcome, and is also the reason why Wardens generally do not take the neutral towns (as those are decided before Warden Logistics come online). Mid game, many of the PvE tools the wardens have are very aggressive. The Cutler requires you to usually run out of cover to get shots off (whereas the ISG works best in cover, reducing deaths). The 250mm and 40mm pushguns are, well, push guns that are easily decrewed by a bomastone. While the Infantry game roughly balances out, the circumstancess with _how_ the Wardens must push against Colonials leads to a slightly higher kill rate for Colonials, causing the early game gulf to expand, not contract. Late game it's just yolo. There is no rhyme or reason to late game kill rates, and often the kill rate goes back and forth depending who's flooding shirts where. But, since the Colonials had the kill advantage all war to that point, it's very hard for the Wardens to make it up in the short late game period before the war ends.


Wardens tend to have more population than colonials throughout foxholes history, I think this affects the type of doctrine wardens use. Wardens tend to zerg much more regularly be it with infantry of with tanks. Colonials are a bit more reserved when fighting, using smaller but more drawn out attacks, things like our more mobile artillery also play a role in this. Ill add that this is entirely my own opinion and based solely on my own experience.


Recently I find that warden infantry weapons are lacking in the late game. Ever since the aalto got nerfed, other than the malone we don't really have any good automatic late game weapons so most wardens just continue to use bolt action or semi-auto weapons. Meanwhile the collies have things like the catara and fuscina, while the dusk doesn't seem to have been affected as much by its nerfs. Bomastone also sucks to play against, especially since they're endlessly spammed, but thats not a recent change. Stuff like this tends to add up, especially when wardens are pushing as hard as they are.


Aalto deserved it. I was hoarding those things like crack because they were full of crack. Thing used to be like a blakerow on semi with full auto functionality.


I mean in this case, we're hoarding Argenti like crack because it's way better than the loughcaster, but it doesn't mean it's broken, just that it's better Aalto was a good weapon too, now it's just meh, and we're still using Argenti


Honestly I *much* prefer the Loughcaster. Me hating on the Argenti and stealing Loughcasters has become a running joke in my clan. They hit harder, they hit further and they hit more accurately. That's a superior weapon in my books. Sure, the Argenti has some advantages at night but I'm just going to use an SMG for that.


It's because you probably don't shadow dance You're more a defensive type of infantery, which means range is important to you, but you'll be very ineffective in attack and maybe less useful than a mobile infantery with an Argenti


Honestly with the Loughcaster I tend to sort of take up the "designated marksman" type role with my clan squad. I can shadow dance and play really aggressive, but I'd rather bop targets from cover at decent range, move up, bop some more, rinse and repeat. I can rack up some pretty damn good killstreaks that way with good positioning. Also nothing frustrates me more than the Argenti missing when my shot's perfectly lined up. Pinpoint accuracy is almost a requirement for me.


Normal people don’t shadow dance. Only people with allergic reactions to grass prefer that


For clarify: argenti and lough have exactly same damage. Other than that depends on situation and play style, only one weapon I probably would pick up over argenti for general combat is catara.


Bunch of death korps of krieg roleplay. Emphasis on high casualty doctrines such as mammon rushing so long as it works......and sometimes it takes a while to figure it's stopped working.


We do actually use other weapons than bayonets, mammons, and artillery, contrary to popular belief


I know mate im a warden 82DK but the point still stands. We tend towards mammon rushing more than collies in my experience for example. Thats not to say as you point out that we just do that or lack any other skills it's just that we seem willing to make hard pushes for calahan when the time comes. Consequently we tend towards higher casualties at times. I've sat through enough artillery bombardments, charged en mass with mammons several times against a defencive position to overwhelm them and fought to the death as a last stand with only pistols enough times to see that we are happy to die in droves when the situation calls. Equally ive seen the opposite and many highly coordinated operations but that wasn't really what OP was asking so justifiably it's not really the aspect I would discuss.


The rumor I heard is that Colonials have better infantry weapons in the early war. Once technology progresses and Wardens get their tanks, the casualty counts even out. (Going by what I've read here, don't hate me!)


This war, you can probably chalk it up to respawn timers. Earlier in the war the wardens could trade, respawn, trade again, and respawn before the first collie got through the 50 second timer.


i would want a statistic to which side has more (friendly fire) roadkill accidents


I get the feeling it'd be us.


Would it be they have more players? This is my first war so I am noob.


But if it's just that then wouldn't Collies take more casualties since we are outnumbered?


Wardens typically have a higher pop, and the respawn timers and other pop balancing mechanics effectively creates more warden deaths


I don't know about the latest 8 wars, but when I was playing (last year), higher casualties usually meant that more new inexperienced players had joined that faction. They tend to die much more often. A single experienced player can easily kill 5-10 each life, by maneuvering, using bayonet, and being situation-aware... So whichever faction has more veterans a given war, usually has less casualties Also, attacking usually eats up more lives per hour, than defending, so it could be that the faction with more losses is attacking more often.


We dont always have the same amount of armor as the collies so we stop gap it with infantry (infantry be eating 40mm to the face). Even when we do we mostly use the same rifle throughout the entire war. Collies have other tools to break that (dusk bomba combo memes) but I prefer my Laughcaster all the way. It's the best tool a warden needs.


Been here for 10 wars. I fight on both sides cyclically. Two major factors: (1) The Warden faction typically has a slightly higher player count (2) The Warden tech tree, and tech decisions, usually don’t follow anti-infantry routes. Those reasons, however, usually warrant a 2-3 percent increase in deaths. Anything over is likely indicative of a genuine imbalance somewhere, either drastic in population (which this war seems to be), or an infraction in game balance. I don’t have evidence of “skill issue” being a major factor.


Lower spawn timers on average. People say Wardens have had larger pop historically but that's not true of recent wars.


It's been true of a lot of the wars I've played. I remember one in particular Wardens were very grumpy about long spawn timers and they still had higher casualties


Wardens use human waves tactics believe me I been around since the game first came out


A lot of plausible answers, but I'd like to note northern geography: Collies hit a lot more hard walls and choke points than Wardens because of the mountains. This means they don't have any reason to keep running troops to their death, until they bring the correct nutcracker for the situation. Of course, this is true for Wardens too, but the larger areas of open space, and opportunities for water landings in the southern half of the map, mean Wardens have more incentive to send teams in trying to muck things up, whether it be through partisan activities or general invasion tomfoolery. I might be talking out of my ass, but I'd think this has a lot to do with the discrepancy in casualties.


Attackers tend to have more casualties than defenders


This is an easy answer... More players on their faction. I've played both sides and no matter how much the wardens want to say that the colonials have more players, I haven't heard a single colonial complain about queues until like 30/32 points are captured and there is like 3 zones you can frontline in. However! I've heard wardens complaining about queues so much that the developers increased the population on each region... You can usually tell how much players one team has by the swaying of the respawn timer... This is another thing wardens complain about "50 second respawn timer! this sucks . Devs fix!" I hear this constantly while i play as a colonial and it's 10 second timers on our side. This game is way too dependent on population and not skill. The outpopulated team always loses and it's getting tot he point where the game is just kind of not fun because they don't give perks to the team underpopulated. ​ I used to have a friend that played colonial only , and I'd swap and we'd compare number in the regions... In the beginning, the regions are very similarly populated. Most regions are seen at high loads... Halfway through the war, I saw that warden backline logi regions continued to stay high whereas the backlines for colonials deteriorated to low/medium.... whereas the frontlines for the colonials were not queued while the wardens were spamming in reddit to fix the queues. ​ The game needs a serious fix to this... ​ And incase any warden decides to come in and spew shit, This happens on your side too when break wars occur. All the regiments don't play and then you get steamrolled. You can see it evident in the war logs where there is times where colonials win like in 7 days and there is times where wardens win in 7 days....


Take rifle and bayonet run into battle get shot repeat


Wardens have more pop and always have. They also game the system as their vet clans won't play early game because they know the war is going to last at least a month when it comes down to the last few hexes so they log on en masse about 2-3 weeks in and benefit from several days of lower spawn timers than they should have as a result, meaning they can afford to die more.


Any numbers to support that claim?


The only numbers non-devs can get are enlistments that we frequently track, and they usually always trend higher for Wardens toward the end of a war.


Interesting, but do you really think that pop difference and vet clans not playing early war accounts for the 10% or so casualties difference we see?


When you consider that the only two things that really prevent you from sending human waves to their deaths are the availability of shirts and respawn timer, it makes sense that neither of these would be a factor for the team with the higher death count. Shirts are cheap and easy to supply, but a respawn timer is something you can only overcome if you have significantly more players, or a lower respawn timer than the enemy. We already know that the higher-pop side will have a longer respawn timer **long term**, but it takes awhile for it to reach those higher levels. So in summary, I think it contributes largely to that 10% (and Wardens tend to have higher casualties whether they win or lose).


That makes sense, I can see that at most times we have higher deaths per hour by about 200-300 difference, I really wish the devs gave us better statistics on the game.


New cope just dropped


This is actually what happens though?


From what Iv seen over the years, the casualties have almost always been close. This war is the first Iv seen this large of a difference. Definitely due to the warden comeback (attack= more casualties)


This is a little high but most wars I've watched have wardens taking 8 or 9 percent more casualties


Because the Collies are nothing but cowards.


Pretty easy,it is because colonials have best Inf vs Inf tools for entrenched warfare.Boomastone+gas+grenadier uniform,argentii,gast,lamentum,fast GL,Lamentum HT! that's why.But usually death reate is higher due to grenade spam from colonial side.


~20k deaths isn't significantly more...


That's over 100k deaths bud


100k deaths isn't that much...


It's more than a 10% difference. That's significant in a war of attrition, or a video game that needs two factions to produce balanced results


Do you have proof cause every time I've looked at the stats collies have more though I don't check the end of the wars I look at the map mostly in the in the middle of the wars.


I guess look at it more? Everyone commenting on this post seems to accept it. I check pretty frequently even when I'm not participating in a war and I've only ever seen Collies have more casualties like twice


More noobs start Warden


the first comment was ba dad math. I blame the caffeine. The second was /s. Chill my guy.


Easy bro mine was /s too. You can tell cause I didn't put /s


alt accounts also


Simple, colonials are better soldiers and Chad's. While wardens are virgin logi pros. XD


I generally see colonials using gernades alot more which might not account for all of it but probably some of it


It works, and it feels a bit too good sometimes. I have used the grenadier suit and gas to turn a front, and it seems the wardens don't move when a grenade lands nearby, boma or gas.


Ever heard of a mammon rush?


mammon charge ..


**mammon rush**


one sentence, three words: massed mammon rushes


We are cosplaying 1942. Soviet Union


*1915, basically anyone from mainland northern Europe.


Banzi ?


Wardens is usually the first faction new players pick so they have more "fresh meat"


On that note I think the colonials need a brand upgrade. I was very close to picking wardens cause the logo and name were cooler but ended up picking collies cause I liked the WW2 looking uniforms.


When the fate of our land is on the line every warden man gladly gives their life in the name of Callahan


They have a better infantry kit from early to mid war.


Logistics. Wardens are filled to brim with privates with the best of intentions but not clue in the world as to how to organize. Being on the frontline as a medic is fruitful but hilarious, seeing the same guy die 8 times and then log off is a classic warden move.


Collie's have better PvP tools, wardens have better PvE tools. Used to be whoever won would have more due to more suicide charges with mammons.


colonial infantry is more skilled imho wardens need a new doctrine


Pop balance. Wardens typically are the smaller faction (everyone wants to be the funni US analog), which means they usually are outnumbered, causing spawn times to shorten for them, further spinning into more deaths. The shorter spawn time help alleviate the extra power from imbalanced, but then raise the number of deaths, making it look like the wardens are doing the big die. And also, paradoxically raising the number of shirts used, meaning more people need to be making shirts compared to the side with a larger pop. This really isn't a problem though, just a note on it.


Us wardens don't see lives as lives but rather 8 bmats, don't take weapons from the bb just go die playing gun game and save the bmats for other things like battle buses


Collies on average have a slightly better infantry weapons, and wardens have a strong self sacrificial spirit.


We will fight and die for our homeland, for Callahan demands this of us.


I find it fascinating that there are actual differences in tactics and how each faction wages war.


Yeah a lot of people are commenting on that from both factions so I guess it's a thing. I wish it wasn't so anecdotal and there was a way to study it and why it's that way


The collies had 4k bombastones in one place. That's why lol


Just wait till you see the sizes of their satchel/mammon rushes, that’ll answer that question. Mousetrap was like wave 100 on cod zombies today.


We understand the price of victory


Mammons. Lots. Of Mammons.


Skill Issue


It's simple when you understand the differences between the [cowardly colonial attacks](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2F3T922/wwi-trench-warfare-austrian-soldiers-throwing-hand-made-hand-grenades-made-from-bully-beef-tins-filled-with-explosives-into-the-italian-trenches-2F3T922.jpg) and the [Glorious warden advances!](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/CNWH20/events-franco-prussian-war-1870-1871-battle-of-amiens-23121870-prussian-CNWH20.jpg)


Wardens adore a mammon rush, Bayonet charge, fists charge, really any kind of suicidal manoeuvre, while on the other hand I can say ive never been on the receiving end of one of these from the collies


We fix bayonets


Colonials have significantly more efficient tools for killing infantry in the earlygame, a stage of the game where nothing else but infantry exists.


I am outraged at the fact that I can't use corpses as sandbags, can you imagine the amount of bmats that would be saved?


What about the good ol' infantry Rush as a reason. Sounds like a solid reason to me 😂 .


Colonial's tools are effective against people, Warden's one against objective.
