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Collie rifles OP devs pls nerf


Nah, that comrade just prayed a small chant to his gun


Praise the Omnissiah!


reminds me of that scene from saving private ryan


This is one of those "fishing stories" that no one would believe without the video.


how the hell is that possible?


t2 tank armor gives 0.99 reduction to damage basically each shot from small arms deals 1 dmg to tank, usually it's not a problem, cause tanks have thousands HP, but this one had to be particularly low on health


So, you're saying that me shooting at a tank with small arms will help my buddies in a tank abttle? :p


Yes actually. Specially if you happen to be on an HMG.


You're more useful shooting infantry, but if a tank is disabled everyone shooting it might kill it


That's why armor in this game should work like in war thunder, hp are stupid


I'm not entirely a fan of the armour in Warthunder either tbh. I get that its realistic but it feels incredibly stupid to just get one shot in your tank.


Stupid? How?


Well, you're in a fluffing tank, don't you think it feels a bit stupid your armour could consistently get effectivly negated? Not only would every AT weapon become incredibly strong, the Flask would be downright overpowerd if it would function acording to its description


Bro you have to exit the platonic civilian idea of a tank as something though and indestructible, a tank is a tool, used in certain ways it is good, others not so much. And this kind of realism thrills me. Obviously I'm not addressing the foxhole meta rn


Ah, but there is the difference my friend, i was thinking about the foxhole meta while saying that. Like, i know that tanks aren't some indestructible fortress or something. But when we're talking about a game its simply unfun to me if everything can one-shot you.


The armor in warthunder works because WT is a tank game, so it makes sense for tanks to die quick and often In foxhole tanks are far more valuable and take actual resources to construct, if a single 68 Gun could pen and kill it in one shot literally nobody would use tanks. HP works better in foxhole, so I get your point


Maro blessed rounds


tank had exactly 3 hp left (out of ~2k).


He prayed to his gun, I and another guy prayed to a tank and we took 12 consecutive rounds without DMG Edit:that thing happened in the right side of fox catcher and we stoped the warden tanks for 30 mins XD


(he did in fact clip the event)


I need to start shooting at tanks more often


Here is how the Legion will win the war: 20 angry people with pistol shooting at a Tank, a 100 times over


Why didn't you gas him and capture it?


This is where I would put my gas, IF I HAD ANY


We had already captured the tank, used it to PvE and cut logi. The Warden corpses were people who had already disabled it, but died. This guy kept running loops around me, and had a buddy wrenching the tank over and over. I got lazy with the lock spam so that guy got into the gunner seat, so I got out with it being my lock knowing I could drop the shells.I didn't want to go through the trouble of bringing it back up to full health, so the others in my comms were just gonna bring a single ignifist to kill it. But I guess my rifle was better instead.


_Drops binoculars_ "Scheiße" _Explodes_