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Hey this is reee from the Gobz sorry to hear that you couldn’t make a clip from it


Actual gobz regiment commander here, I wasn't able to be here for the war start but my boys had a plan and executed it flawlessly. Sorry to Larry for beating him to the punch. Seems like he got pretty upset. (Edit) according to Larry any claims of calling for bans is false. Larry invited me to a discord to discuss, but I declined as Larry was already screaming at his screen. This didnt prevent him from calling us all unemployed cocksuckers and children, but that seems par for the course for Larry.


He just went on another rant. Apparently he didn't care that you took the spot and he has nothing against your clan - but he has an extreme vendetta against entie (or however you spell it). This is because Larry was directed to speak to him and when he did entie was silent for "a good sixty seconds" before saying "no, and that's final". Finishing off the rant, he called entie "a fucking jackass" and his crew (I think) "uncoachable little cocksuckers".


ENtiii is a gentleman. And the regiment prides itself on being uncoachable little cocksuckers, so that's all good.




>and any slanderous comments from BadManLarry is unfounded So everything is normal.


Larryometer is reading… nominal, sir. Carry on.


Is entiii also a scholar? A gentleman and a scholar is my favorite type of person


If I ever vacation as a Gobbo, I'm putting in an application and crossing my fingers.


I can't for the life of me understand, why did he need to build *instead*, but not *together* with them. Like, what you gonna do - HE everything they had built and start anew? That's just stupid. (if the story is true, that is)




Yep. There's never to many builders, lol


That sounds like he does have something against them lol


Just be aware in the aftermath of it he was talking about mass reporting you guys.


Can't see what the report could be for, it was handled in a cordial way. I'm confident Larry will calm down and get over it. Or not, and I'll get the boys new copies of foxhole.


he wont. hes a sad man who leaches off of the govt while hiding in his moms basement.


Wait, really?




Jesus. Why hasn't anyone reported him?


I am pretty sure he gotten banned multiple times but since he a influencer he get unbanned.


No, I mean for fraud or something. Seems kind of dodgy that he lives in his Mam's basement playing video games all day, whilst claiming government money.


We're not sure what definition of 'leech' the other guy is using, though. He may have mental or physical problems that net him some disability.


He's probably collecting disability or something. Not like being on disability bars you from playing video games. Sorry to generalize, but it seems like a lot of the drill sergeant wannabes who take things and themselves way too seriously in games like this, Squad, Planetside 2, etc are most often guys that washed out of the military on disability and are now grasping desperately for any ounce of authority they can get their grubby little paws on.


from warden to colonial, you are doing great if Larry bans one of your guys


He tends to,go on a whing at these things but usually calms down and moves on to next rage moment. If he has a slow war he'll likely hold onto it (maybe not who knows) but if say he'll likely let it go once he sees a DK name tag lol.


Sir! o7


BML using the word “unemployed” in any type of insulting way is truthfully hilarious. Probably the funniest thing I’ll experience with the foxhole community.


Thanks for this statement. See how Reddit is, wardens streamsniping main streamer, spreading false intel about ban and spitting their hate. Thanks for your message, he was mostly upset cause he got tracked hours by 3 warden alts on Farranac locking 3 slots while there was queue. Seems devs ain't do shit against warden cheaters. Gl Gobz on deadlands. Shred will certainly come with his fellas to defend it. Have a nice day




Hey man, myself and the other gobz are on the other side of the Larry thing, the fact that he isn't doesn't bother us much. o7


Bruh did you even see clip? With your building and your comments up there, you literally proving Larry is right. You dont even see it, which I find it hilarious. Living in your own bubble, while others like you upvote your comment, because "he stood up to Larry, he cool even if he is griefing and hurting faction"


I did not see the clip, I won't be engaging with any content related to Larry. If my actions are truly so vile then I'm sure there are proper channels to report me for my "griefing and hurting faction". You take issue with me, i can respect that. But pretending that by beating Larry to a base location I'll single handedly lose us the war is a tiresome waste of both of our time. To be honest this whole situation has done nothing but cause me to spend less of my free time playing foxhole and more of it playing other games.


So instead talking with larry and fixing issue, you did rather make public post to get karma and then stopped playing and is blame everyone else and not yourself? Interesting, so Larry was right about Gobz all the time? You keep proving him right. I think its time to prove him wrong, show up, rebuild Silk Farms, drove Wardens back. But I guess you wont, you will rather be here, write posts and blame him and everyone else for your mistakes.


>Larry then threw a hissy fit and tried to start encircling the base withhis own base before giving up and looking for a new location whileswearing never to help the Deadlands again. So strange since he was just posting here about how he had "learned his lesson." Almost like he didn't learn anything at all... I don't care how much he's 'helped the community' in the past, this sort of nonsense should not be tolerated by anyone.


>helped the community Hilarious


His stream is the first thing noobs see when they select the game on twitch. How can anyone say this is a good thing


Yeah, the ego on that guy is truly astounding.


Every war clans have arguement about a territory this is nothing new, you all act like if he is the devil himself just because he stream it, and also because he is your scapegoat, it look like you can't live and im sure that if tomorrow he is banned a lot of people who love to vent on him are going to be sad.


Several wars back there were multiple clans trying to develop in the same location. I tried to work alongside one of the clans but they decided to plan things out separately and not communicate, so I just kept building up in my section. Unfortunately they were not back-building for worst case scenarios. Turned out in a day or two the defenses I built helped us keep the line and they didn't fully commit to completing their defenses and they were stripped back by repeated assaults because they didn't think the enemy would come from the direction they ended up pushing from. They were a vastly bigger clan, so I was expecting they'd have things under control but didn't get the work done. That kind of experience can build resentment and I can see how it fuels conflicts like the one being described here. There is such a thing as bad building or exploitable construction. Badman does take time to plan and analyze defenses and when he builds he commits to it. There's nothing wrong with showing up and contesting the space, but if it becomes a lingering argument it becomes counter productive. So perhaps Badman could have pivoted from this faster but did not. Perhaps he felt their strategy was wrong and they were stubborn about it. Perhaps there was disrespect from both sides. That kind of conflict is normal in this game. The issue is how you respond, and there is a non-insignificant amount of the player base that doesn't have the dispute resolution skillset to avoid escalating a situation. I think the biggest way to move forward is to build rapport with other players, and to not linger on negatives, and I've seen badman demonstrate patience with new players where others would have been impatient or unruly. I think some people are just set in their judgment and will not change how they feel about Larry, but it would be foolish not to recognize that sometimes you just have to yell to get things done in the game. Anyways, try to see the human, and don't be too thin skinned when the salt does flow.


I saw nothing but from what i understood it's just the lack of communication who started the fire, Larry asked a guy if he want to work together on Salt Farm and after being silent for a long time the guy said "i said no and it's final", if someone talk to me like that i would probably be mad too especially if i just spent hours making plans with my regiment for this position etc... But yeah you are right it's just a witch hunt who continue, he is the target of some people who hate him and harass him with alts/hate post and shit like that, it's a shame that most people don't realize it and play their game instead of remaining neutral, by the way if we start talking about all the confusion between regiments on reddit we'll never get out of it.


Yeah, if people obsess over it we'll never get anything done or enjoy the game. And yes, there's a lot of terrible people out there who resemble your statements due to the targeting. I've tried to be objective and fair but I get trolls attacking me for that and it's not right.


Look the amount of downvotes they are literally all on me right now, and since i committed the sin of not throwing a stone at the devil they hate me so much for that lmao. That's why this reddit is a shit place, we are not enough to criticize these vultures who have transformed reddit into a court.


>Look the amount of downvotes they are literally all on me right now, and since i committed the sin of not throwing a stone at the devil they hate me so much for that lmao. Wow poor thing, got any wax for your cross?


wonder how long before BML gets angry enough to flip back to wardens?


I'd like to accidentally run him over with fuel tanker


Wanna tell my story from back in war 88 I think it was, we were fighting in fisherman's row and this was the first and only time I saw badman in game, he ran up to the front lines, yelled something about the base then called us r slur and as he was running away from the front line a logi truck came in top speed and ran him over Good times


Closest I was from killing this motherfucker was when I disabled his tankette, sadly I had only 2 stickies.


My friends and I from the 621st went and bombed his bunker base as he was building it and all of his builders. Later checked back on that point in his stream and saw that he started screaming about us and that “judging by our names we clearly didn’t have drivers licenses”


It would take a lot since the wardens absolutely hate him. He would probably get vote banned the second he tries any bullshit.


I don't think he would even have to do anything bad. the moment people saw him in region he would probably be brigaded immediately


with good reason


Nah he played Warden several wars ago and got through it without any major issues.


By several wars ago you mean like 15?


Nah it was mid-80s, I forget which one cuz the wars are all blending together in my brain but it was just a one-war thing before he went back to Colonial.


87. Ran over him accidentally next to a component field. No drama happend


To be fair, us greens absolutely hate him too lol. We just haven’t had to put up with him as long yet.


Was gonna say, don't think anyone is really fond of the guy


Who in their right mind will side with a Child acting grown man who spends 24/7 yelling insulting and degrading Teammates that also encourages cheating.


Glad I picked the right faction


You can keep him. Thanks anyway


I will gladly TK him until I get banned if he does.


Yeah if you are gonna take a long break from the game anyways may as well


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Good bot


I love it when reddit becomes Australian accessible. It's so hard having to stand on my head to read the comments...


*Sweating bullets.*


No thanks.


We just need to promote alternative non-toxic streamers. I've watched a couple of hours of BLM and he's a toxic player. When I watched him, he bullied two guys in a squad pushing Stonecradle. They were first fighting with a 68mm, doing a good job (but new). He died/ moved away from them. Next time they were seen, the two were pushing a 120mm, probably not aware how arty works/is best used, or even moving it to shell the TH (as a logi man, they didn't look sus). SHRED griefed them, blocking them with tanks and shouting at them. He ordered them to return the arty back and said if they don't, he'd ban them. No reasoning, no saying why, just do what I say or I will BAN YOU OFF THE SERVER. He said he would give them 2 mins, but mass reported them before then and asked other people to at the same time. After a blocking by tanks and berating, the two did what was reasonable and threw nades at SHRED. I would have long before then. He then went in full rant mode. Said how he saw them give arty pieces to the wardens or push them into the river (neither was true). He clipped them throwing nades at his tanks, removing the massive amounts of abusive language and berating he unleashed onto those players beforehand. His attitude, manner of speaking and lack of respect for fellow players should not be tolerated. We should hit him where it hurts, promote alternative streamers. If he gets banned, or has to move on to other games, it will be far better for this game.


> He ordered them to return the arty back and said if they don't, he'd ban them. He needs to be perma'd, like yesterday yet he's basically holding the game hostage.


Why do the devs allow this man-child to continue?


dudes a bitch anyway


He's a man-baby.




That's a lie. I'm pretty sure I can't switch to collies and join today. What other lies are you telling us?




He means you lied about him being able to join Gobz today, since he's already a Warden :')






Nah I like the chaos I can create in here


Why isn't this guy banned yet? He's so bad for the game and makes the community and devs seem to not care about the quality of their product.


The actual \[Gobz\]eNTiii here. Y'all welcome, and feel free to join our clan. We can always use more uncoachable little cocksuckers :)


If I ever play collie a War can I roll with y'all ?




Warden for this war, but I'll keep in mind :D


Fuck larry dev man ban him already


I don't get how someone can have this bad a reputation with documented cases of his BS, yet isn't banned.


Strictly my opinion here, but I think a great deal of it is developer hesitancy to lose players and player count. They know he has a decent following that will not only abandon the game at his behest, but will burn it down on their way out, losing his followers as well as those they'll drive away through that process. There's really no other explanation at this point imo, he has so many *documented* instances of instances of rule violations, ranging from intentional tk'ing, griefing and harassment to promoting alts and report feature abuse. Essentially they've granted the guy free reign until such time as they feel like they can jettison him without collateral damage to the game.


but will burn it down on their way out This. The devs know his childish minions will not go quietly. They will cry, scream, alt, and cause all kinds of immature damage. That how they operate.


BML have A LOT of ups and downs he too get a lot of hate from stupid people. In the end if we receive the same treatment there would not be a lot of player's in foxhole. Even here on reddit people say a lot of stupid ofensive shit and move on.


>before giving up and looking for a new location while swearing never to help the Deadlands again You forgot the part where he encouraged people to mass report the guys.


Get Gobbed




Don't pin that guy on Colonials as a whole, we're all pretty tired of his shit


Trust brother no collies want him nor do the wardens check the most recent suggestion post


Malding because he got his ass kicked and his Fuhrer bunker destroyed last war. what a chump.


Sounds like the perfect love story


Kek can someone please clip this it sounds pretty funny


im not really sure what happened at deadlands because i didnt watch the stream. but from my personal experience ive never seen larry be toxic to enthusiastic rookies who wanna learn stuff and play the game. i played 3 wars continuously and my regiment worked in coalition with shred often. i liked playing with them and especially people like Nikola and JD tog. ive seen larry and other vets on SHRED being patient with the most newbie questions possible. larry knows the game and has good tactics most of the time. i think deadlands incident had some miscommunications, he probably thought had better designs for the fortifications and now being exaggerated for the avg subreddit fellow to vent their past frustrations over the guy. he shouldve communicated with Gobz regiment commander first i guess.


you better not look into BML history... he even Threw a fit on a new player trying to learn how to make a bunker saying he was an alt. no one can hate a whole clan cuz a few rotten apples unless the clan enforces said actions.


I seen them straight up commandere trucks, tanks, anything they want from new or solo players who don't want to get mass reported and banned. Saying that they are not toxic as long as everyone is willing to do what they say is not exactly a ringing endorsement in your reddit qrf post


ive got nothing to loose or even gain by saying my personal experience with SHRED or larry himself was not as what the community tells me its supposed to be or how it was with them. ive played in multiple armor and arty support roles with them and ive seen bunch of CPLs and SSGTs drive LTDs and kranescas poorly.. some of em straight up blocking the columns retreat spaces which many rookies and even pros often do. a common mistake. i know about some of the shit people say about larry so i was expecting him to scream something to them but dude just explained how u gotta keep space behind ur tanks to move and told the rookies that if they wanna be helpful they should try to be side by side and stretch the column and reduce flanks. again im talking from my own experience. i dont watch streams when im playing myself.




Because Colonials accept Larry. Larry used to be a Warden loyalist, but we got sick of his shit and constantly reported him until he switched sides. Colonials can do the same, but they don’t. Inaction is by itself a choice.


“Colonials” don’t exist lmao. This is a video game There is no central authority or some shit like that that can just “accept” Larry


There is no "central authority" but there is the community of vets/clans that work together and can very much can make decisions on what to tech, when to play, where to play, and which players to ostracize.


Honestly I can't see the difference between that mindset and what Larry does, you're making it sound like the entire warden faction acts like him lmao


Wardens never reported Kaybet when he was speed/reload hacking in a tank, inaction is by itself a choice.


Larry and SHRED were Warden in 87 and he didn't get banned?


TBH... no one accepts him but since trying to be a pebble in someone's boots its like degrading yourself into their level... better leave him to his shit until he destroys himself. also... we can't block someone from a game he paid... unless the devs say.


Nothing, if a faction is toxic right now it's by far the Wardens.


yo there hasn't really been much toxicity recently, it's chill.


Depend on wich side you are, most of colonials don't even come on reddit right now because of the amount of people who are just here for trolling or taunting since the comeback.


I mean it is a little embarrassing for the Colonials, but certainly it's not nearly as toxic as it has been historically. Mostly just people being hyped at something unexpected.


It's not embarassing at all, it's just impossible to talk about serious things when there are too much kids trolling around, so no point at coming here. And since the game is unbalanced for the colonials and they can't even talk about the problems they have, they are starting to leave this game massively, so you can tell your fellow wardens that they have won they have finally make all colonials want to massively uninstall this game (with the help of the devs), have fun now in your war against PTEs and empty regions, i hope you are hyped for that too because it will be the consequence of this stupid comeback.


I know this probably isn't what you want to hear, but it's part of the normal ebb and flow cycle of the game. The Wardens have suffered from the same equipment deficiencies with the same drop in population for a while, but bounced back after continued development. Colonies will get a couple of solid bits of gear for 1.0, and the Wardens will probably get another couple of joke items like the Highwayman. Point is, chin up, things will be ok and things are shockingly far less toxic than they have been. Just stop looking at the discord/reddit for a while, maybe take a break, then come back swinging in a few weeks when 1.0 is live.


You know how the wardens bounced back? They complained on reddit for months. And yes don't worry for me i will take a break soon until the devs fix their game, im not even playing this war i just throw a few stones in the pond before leaving, but thank you for your advice and don't worry about me everything is fine, i've never been so calm and lucid.


Really? As far as ive seen theyve been quite nice, coming from a woman.


Wardens seem to be ok (playing them now for 3 wars). I've seen the world chat twice devolve into unpleasant topics, but that's the internet. I've not met any toxic players yet or other bad behaviour. Encountered two people I thought were alts, one of which I was mistaken. But everyone I've run into seems to be quite pleasant. I imagine its the same on the collie side.


Wardens are well, weirdly wholesome at times, it's always individual toxicity from entitled vets, otherwise an average warden is the random drunk guy who says he loves you for no reason whatsoever


I mean some wardens on reddit, some of them systematically downvote everyone they don't like and jump on them everytime they say something. But IF we start to generalize it's not the colonials who will win the prize for the most toxic faction on reddit, that said yes most of wardens are chill so it's stupid to point a finger at a single person and say "all the colonials/wardens are like that".


I mean, if you have shit takes you'd get downvoted anyhow, like right now for example. If you think reddit wardens are the only ones down voting it's a shot in the dark since neutrals and collies at times also downvote anti-faction specific garbage, plus generalizations are VERY shit takes since this place is diverse as fuck.


If you think that downvotes are only due to what you say you are very naive, everyone know that most of people use this system to censor other people. I never said it's only the warden who are doing it, but since they are 2x more than collies they took over this reddit, most of the colonials i know don't even want to come here because of that, you don't realize it because it's not you who lives it but it's the reality. It's like for the generalization, when im doing it everyone mass downvote me and jump on me, when it's a warden you all upvote him, so giveme a break with your bullshit, selective outrage is even more stupid than generalization you know?


In game probably but not on reddit, put a green flag or just say something collie bias and see by yourself how nice they are.


Long queues or deal with BML… id rather wait 367 hours just to get into a backline rather than fight on colonial side again


By the way sick base, it looks like dookie and is already decaying. Nice build


Nice job in DL guys. Taking prime real estate and making an absolute abomination.


It is okay, once colonials lose 3 hexes shred morale will break and then will all rage quite like they do, every single time.


Are you in a contest to win the reddit's most toxic warden award?


Found the SHRED member.


Oh look, first shot of the war on reddit.


I can’t imagine spending six hours planning anything outside this game, about this game.


First time playing a MMO? Go back on fortnite if you can't imagine it.


Badmanlarry, is that you?


He wants people to mass report innocent people to get them kicked... why don't we mass report him back for all the things he's actually done?


You have a clip? Or should we mass report you because you suggest that we mass report him? Do you really want to start the massreportception war you chimp?


Why are you defending someone who has openly told people to break the rules?


On the warden side if two clans meet each other on the same spot they high five and that base goes up twice as fast.


On colonial too, but on both side you can find clans who just want to do their shit and don't care about the big picture.


Well considering how poorly deadlands was defended, imma go ahead an say this thread did not age well.


No one needs or wants Larry's help anyway. Good.


Trying to encircle a base with another base is a waste of resources and time


Somebody has to take the fall. And by that be a streamer to counter larry why watch larry when you have this hip new streamer that instead of mass banning people he/she mass commends people


Being kind and licking people's ass is not how you survive in this world, especially when you have a pack of vultures who follow you like your shadow, you know that even when he played rust a warden followed him and streamsniped him there? You realize the level of hate that some people have against him or not?


Give too much power to a man and you'll see his true nature. Remind him he is a player like everyone else and he don't own anything


Funny you guys don’t mention that Larry offered to team up an build with Goobz but they said no go away, 3hrs latter only three regiment guys left on half built base an wardens had a BB up near them, luckily we caught on held you outside AW an got rid of the enemy BB.


Before or after he wanted to report them all


Report them all? Clip pls?




We shall see if we lose dead lands then won’t we


You want to bet? You give me 1000 rmats if Deadlands fall and i give you 1000 rmats next war if DL survive.


Why is that something you want to bet on I literally said we shall see, damn and the fact that you guys are still goin on this is baffling. Go outside.


It's not me who makes posts to create toxic dramas, who sows shit reaps shit.


No one in my regiment made a post. We simply responded to it. How about you just give it a break dude Jesus Christ 😭.


Who is your regiment?


Streamers should all stay on the warden's side anyway, we don't need that kind of bad publicity on the collie side.


what makes you think we want him?


No thanks. You can keep banned man Larry.


He’s your trash that you forced on us lol.


Nobody forced him onto you lmaooo, he switched sides on his own decision.


we just care about recycling more.


Most of the streamers are Colonial though lol.


This is why larry is absolutely goated oml fr fr ong


Why dis if blue will take it all?


Warden here, I only hear random stuff about that guy, what gave him. that "legendary" reputation.


Originally he was a fairly decent player from what I remember. Narcissism, "big fish small pond" syndrome and really just paranoia led him to become one of the game's premier pieces of shit, if not *the* premier piece of shit hated by any side he's played on. He's always levied hackusations at every inconvenience he faces in the game, but once he got likeminded players, a regiment and a streaming platform it became real bad and now he's notorious for team-killing, griefing, or even getting people banned via mass reporting that do something "suspicious" or wrong near him or any of his regiment. He believed that this most recent loss was a "mathematical impossibility" and that Wardens could not have won without cheating en-masse. Thus as of late his toxicity has metastasized into full blown calls for his fans and subscribers to purchase extra copies of the game to "alt" in order to win.


Why is he letting everyone know his plans… huge breach of opsec.


Hey guys did the research myself since it’s really hard for you guys, anyway https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1536446670 Around 1hr 16min, All the conversations don’t hear anything about banning people at all.


yeah went ahead and edited my comment about this last night, no clue where the claims he was calling for mass reports came from, I only read about them here.


He then spent the whole war jumping hexes shitting on his team. Yeet his tank line 5 Min in and rage quit while telling logi don't even supply its hopless.