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Yet another book character fucked over by R2D2. In the books he's leading the people in taking Cersei and her lackeys to task for screwing over the smallfolk. In the show he's picking on gays because Christian allegory man bad.


Hey, don't insult R2D2 that way. lol


You're right, R2D2 would have been a better director.


The movie he shot of Princess Leia still holds up, even after all these years.


You're my only hope!


You don't even have to adjust the brightness on your TV to see it!


Nobody has a better story than R2D2


d&d are rich kids, if they were in westeros they would be right in the crosshairs of people like him. So of course they're going to portray him and the other religious people as a bunch of dumb assholes who piss off the rich just because it makes them happy. Class struggle is shit when you're at the top of the ladder


Don’t he also actually have a proper army in the books to ? I’ve seen art work and his men actually have armour and swords making it more believable that they could hold down the city


The sons of the warrior. Aktually they were banned long ago, but he made Cersy to re-establish them for support. Then he used these soldiers to topple them.


From what I recall, yes. Over a hundred knights even join the Warrior's Sons, sworn to the Faith Militant.


So there not just dudes with a lump of wood lol


Ya know I really detest the design of his nightgown dress thing. The internal roll of a collar an inch below the edge. The two mismatched wrinkles (?) thingies on the front. Plus that material looks itchy as fuck.


Camp af


Catholic monks used to wear that kind of itchy fabric to remind them to be humble, because they had it good for medieval standards, being fed and housed and not having to do physical labor.


Catholic Monks didn’t do physical labor? Lmaooooo


I mean brewing beer, making cheese or copying books is less physically intensive than toiling in a farm. I know there's more to it and I don't mean they had it easy. But being the simple folks they were supposed to be, they had it easier than the rest of the simple folks. Or at least that's what I've been told in history classes back in the day. Anyway. Maybe.


Monks literally have to do their own farm labor. I’ve visited a monastery in Upstate NY a few times. It’s a hard ass life being a monk.


What are you on about we are talking about medieval monks in Feudal Europe. Upstate NY was populated by natives back then.


The monks also toiled on their own farms, they didn’t get food for free haha. Was it an easier life than a dirt poor serf? Yes in some ways, but also more rigorous, especially with keeping with the prayer services and other works. Monks also taught the local community, and were responsible for other random things too.


The church owned a lot of farmland and had serfs working those farms. Same as the lords, they did eat for free. And the church also raised taxes and charity.


The church was the largest owner of serfs well into the 16th century.


Also, have you ever sat in one of those pews with the 90 degree backs? Fuckin brutal


Yeah the hair shirts? Blah. I’d rather die.


"you are the few and we are the many, and the many no longer fear the few"


I rather liked him in the books. Unpopular opinion?


I really like him, tbh. In a setting like Westeros, with all its itty gritty backstabbing cynical realpolitik full of moral and ethical compromise, I LOVE the ‘true believer’ type character. Someone who actually has convictions and stands by them. Usually they’re the central protagonist, which is what makes them so easy to root for, but in this case, I find the inclusion of a character like the high sparrow is almost… like.. alien to the usual schemers of Westeros. Like the Others, he’s not someone you can really manipulate or dissuade from his goals. He forces every other character out of their comfort zone.


The only other such character is Stannis.


Book Stannis: If I fall in battle, press Shireen’s claim to the throne. It is hers by right. Show Stannis: Damn it’s cold. Red woman, fire up the princess barbecue!


I totally get that - my take on his whole character though was he wasn’t actually purely focused on “the gods”. I felt he was a pretty sadistic power-seeking douche. He just used religion and “pious values” as a means to an end.


Yeah towards the later half of his arc I was getting a little disenchanted but then he goes and gets himself blown up. Season 6 was where the cracks were starting to show but it did have some incredible moments. I’m sure if D&D had kept him alive for a little while longer, they would make him a kid diddler or something because it’s edgy and shocking like that.


So so true! And they for SURE would’ve done something like that


To be honest, I’m kinda reminded of Tywin’s reveal with Shae. Tywin was another ‘force of nature’ that put everyone else outside their comfort zone but feels really out of character for him to take a prostitute to his bedchambers, much less the same one he forbid Tyrion from seeing. and this was GRRM’s writing, not D&D. We already get the ‘he’s just a man, not a God’ theme from his ignoble shit house death. I think GRRM just wanted Tyrion to get closure on that relationship (in a really murder-y way) but it comes at the expense of Tywin’s character. He may have been a remorseless bastard and unfairly prejudiced against Tyrion but he never struck me as a hypocrite. Plus it’s a liability for him in all the same ways it’s a liability for Tyrion. Perhaps moreso.


I totally agree!! It always seemed sooo out of character that he did that!


This. Tywin was a man of convictions and his one greatest conviction was his love for his late wife. Having him bed a whore just seemed so out of left field and downright wrong for him. He was the morally centered Lannister with depraved children.




>I LOVE the ‘true believer’ type character. Someone who actually has convictions and stands by them. He's full of shit, though. He tells different stories to different people (inconsequential, but that's the way the show is telling you not to believe him) and works out deals with his victims. Margaery could buy her way out of atonement by giving him something he wanted. The man is a manipulator with a plan, not a sincere zealot.


How he was depicted in the show made him easy to hate, but in the books he's actually a good character to get behind.


Reason 29484939 why I need to get around to reading the books


God the books are so fucking good. Book 2 and 3 are just great and book 5 has loads of background characters and moving peices that the reader can be tricked by some characters.


I don’t like gray worm to be honest, I don’t like the way he talks it’s annoying especially when she tries to learn another language. And in the last two seasons his just a annoying cry baby Also Darrio


Now THIS is a hot take. Don’t really like Daario either honestly - he’s like the epitome of masculine energy in a bit of an annoying way


His just a cocky annoying fuck boy


He's one of my favourite characters in the show. I love the monologue he gives when talking about the humility of the original church


This guy had me wishing Joffrey never died, and actually wanting Cersei to win


Tell me about it😂 - he has such a punchable face


im probably gonna get some details wrong because its been awhile but yeah i hated him! like sure, this was one of the few, if not the only, times on the show where the underclass revolted against the throne, but something about him always struck me as opportunist. not to mention that one of his closest sparrows was the cousin of the queen... i loved seeing him slowly realize that he had let his eagerness and fetish for punishment and humiliation cost him his life, right before cersei blows them all up :)


Only time I ever felt bad for Cersei.


He aight


I still don’t understand the point of adding it to the storyline felt so pointless


Really? His leadership had huge consequences, particularly for Cersei.


Did it? Once she nuked him his whole thing was made pretty irrelevant.


Ask yourself why she nuked him. It was because it had a huge effect on her. Unless you don’t see losing power, being held imprisoned, and then being shamed naked in the streets as huge effects. She did, I can guarantee you that.


She's a fictional character, so the only relevant question is if he affected the plot or her character arc. The answer to both, is no, Cersei winds up the same mean mugging wine queen if the high sparrow didn't even exist at all. At a stretch you could say that Tommens suicide comes as a butterfly effect of the high sparrows existence but that's tenuous and tangentially related at best. Why did she nuke him? Because she's ruthless to her enemies. Did she become ruthless to her enemies because of the high sparrow? No, she was always that way.


Then, as you say, Tommen. THAT is a huge effect, as she finally fulfills the death of her third child, according to the prophecy. But, we will continue to disagree. So let’s not discuss this further.


I mean I guess it made her want power more and the explosion that happened I just felt it was very over done and stretched out


From the moment he stepped on screen, I wanted worse treatment for him than ramsay lmfao


Hahahaha I feel the same way


This character was the beginning of the end for the show’s quality. They avoided the “new season, new bad guy” trope so well until then


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 3 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/blws9m) on 2019-05-07 96.88% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/qjr48r) on 2021-10-31 98.44% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "wjrnol", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=wjrnol&sameSub=true&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** This Sub | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 92% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** 0 | **Searched Images:** 307,907,663 | **Search Time:** 0.40092s


Probably the most forgettable story line.


The Waif. Hateful thing. Not supposed to be taking it personally, but she went there.