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It hasn't. Did spend a lot of time thinking it would help, but turns out I'm a better writer than I thought.


That's my experience as well. Tons of ideas on how it would make life easier, but I spend more time correcting and tweaking it than it takes to just do it


The best use I have come across is when I am sharing that a company will have a booth at a common industry event. Your target audience knows damn well what the event is, where, when, and why they should go - I need to communicate little more than our booth number and our elevator pitch. So I ask AI to give me a few hundred words about XYZ event, which I then correct and edit and add in the company-specifics I needed to communicate. The computer can write the fluff for the computer, the human can write the pitch for the human.


Building requirements documents quickly


I'm developing an LLM to do all the admin work of freelance and drafting placeholder copy in layouts, giving me inventive ways to talk about design directions. Summarizing user interviews research into digestible user personas, creating project timelines, and a great way to bounce off design ideas. I find it makes me less lonely as a solopreneur.


Not at all. I don't use AI for anything whatsoever. I hate AI. I do, however get paid to build AI apps for my clients (most of these AI apps I can tell are not going anywhere). That's the only benefit I get from AI, not using it myself, because I think it's shit. But selling it to other people whose apps will never take off. That way I benefit from AI, without being an AI asshole.


Gives me someone to talk to


I do podcast production and it’s super helpful for summarizing an episode transcript, helping me get show notes/links, and other things I used to have to spend tedious time on!


Best example was over the weekend. Had someone who needed a quick one page website. I had it built and out the door in less than an hour. Yes I did have to swap out a couple of things. But it was 70% of the way there.


I use AI, not ChatGPT, to transcribe notes from interviews easier. That’s about it.


To correct my English.


It has not.


I’ve got a PhD in control science and published some AI papers in mid 2010s. The AI hype that ChatGPT has helped creating has given my skills a much larger market - many wanna do AI, and they trust a PhD.


For web design, I've used it to write quick JavaScript or PHP snippets. I know enough of the languages to parse and fine-tune the code it generates, but it saves me so much time compared to writing the snippet from scratch.


It helps my life tremendously. If I’m stuck on a problem, I brainstorm with ChatGPT almost like it’s another person and it gets me unstuck. I’d say my productivity has 3xed with ChatGPT