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Doesn’t Fresno have the FresGo app where you can report pot holes? Curious if that works.


In my experience they've been really on top of things I report in the app, but I've never reported a pot hole so I can't speak to that specifically


The app was great at first but they really drop the ball later on the app. Last time I tried it, I was stuck on loading screen and none of my post went through . I wasnt the only one having that problem.


The app is for the city isn’t it? This appears to be the county.


Correct but yeah, the county should adopt something similar unless it already exists elsewhere


”Residents didn't inspect the road for us"


The County of Fresno has thousands of miles of roads to maintain. The amount of staff they would need to hire to keep an accurate and up to date record would end up costing taxpayers abundantly more than it does to respond to public submitted reports. The article even points out how fast the County responded to fixing the pothole once they were made aware of it. While the overall process is reactive instead of proactive, at least the County reacts quickly.


Yes. The County is responsible for [over 3,400 miles](https://www.fresnocountyca.gov/Departments/Public-Works-and-Planning/divisions-of-public-works-and-planning/road-maintenance-and-operations-division#:~:text=The%20Fresno%20County%20Road%20Maintenance,of%20paved%20and%20unpaved%20roads) of roads. And, [according to CalTrans data from a couple years ago](https://dot.ca.gov/-/media/dot-media/programs/research-innovation-system-information/documents/california-public-road-data/prd-2021.pdf) (see Table 5), the County of Fresno has more roads to maintain than any other county in California—but we're only the [tenth most populous and the sixth largest in area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_counties_in_California), and we rank [22nd in total assessed value](https://www.boe.ca.gov/dataportal/dataset.htm?url=PropTaxAssessedValueStateCounty) (which is the value for purposes of property taxes, the main source of County revenue).


Gotta love that sweet, sweet, urban sprawl


Those statistics have nothing to do with sprawl. Sprawl would be the urban areas—that is, within the limits of the incorporated cities, whose roads are the responsibilities of those cities. The statistics cited in my previous comment are about roads maintained by the *County*, which are the ones in *unincorporated* areas.


I realize the road network in Fresno County serves important activities such as agriculture and recreation, and the flat parts of the county south of the city of Fresno have a wonderful grid of small, country roads bordering every one square mile section, but urban sprawl is, by definition, development outside of the urban area. I'll agree that in Fresno County, though, this takes place when the cities of Fresno and Clovis expand out into the county and build $140 million multilane boulevards to "improve" traffic flow.


That why I always call it in...


Still sounds like a scapegoat answer and a bullshit reason. How many people actually use the fresgo app? And from experience most of the tickets I submit are automatically told no, not its not our responsibility. Flight them on it oh yeah that is our job. Sounds like they need to find an automated solution. A system that you would mount on a car that one or two people drive around Fresno finding potholes. That would be a worthy investment. But to say no the road we pay taxes to the city and state to upkeep them doesn't apply because you didn't tell me about a pot hole is mind boggling. Should it than also be the responsibility of EVERY city employee to report EVERY pot hole they drive over? Putting the burden back on the resident is ridiculous.


If I were the County I think the first item I would address is the public’s lack of knowledge on why County roads are different than City roads as well as what resources are available. The FresGO app is an app for the City of Fresno so yes, they are not responsible for potholes in roads that are in the County. In addition, County roads are unable to take advantage of any sort of drainage network like the City does. In the City, you typically have curb and gutter that collects water and moves it into a drainage system. This prevents water from sitting and working its way underneath the road. In the county, their best/only option is to arc the road a bit and attempt to drain off to the sides. Except it is policy to not drain onto private property. Farmlands typically don’t mind as it’s mostly open space or extra watering for their crops. But rural residential can cause issues quickly as winter months can lead to people’s front yards being flooded. This means the county has to design a roadway that diverts water from the asphalt to the sides but also prevent that water from getting into private property. This leads to pools of water directly adjacent to the road. As that water has nowhere to go but down, that softens the edge of the asphalt and underlying roadway which leads to mini sinkholes causing potholes. An automated system that you recommend would likely be in the ballpark of $500k for the truck/truck system alone plus another $15k budgeted for annual maintenance/ saving up for replacement costs. Plus you need some sort of programming/software on the back end which nowadays is more likely to be subscription based. Probably around $15k- $25k annually. You would also need staffing to operate the truck as well as operate the software, at least another $100k annually but likely more as having at least two employees that know the systems is best so that staff can actually take vacations. With all of this in mind for a system to operate like this to accurately track roadway conditions would likely have to progress at a slow speed probably under 5 miles per hour. As the truck also needs to travel to and from a central location (maintenance yard) a full day of scans is maybe 20 miles, if that. Rough ballpark means at best the County has scans updated every 170 days but likely longer as you gotta factor in holidays and weekends. Idk, to me that sounds like a lot of time, effort, and tax dollars to have an idea of road conditions that can be up to 6 months old. Instead that money can be placed into an efficient response team that goes out and fills potholes when they are reported. I am not sure why it isn’t mentioned in the article, but the county actually has two teams for this. One team responds to reports of potholes while the other team is on a constant but super slow rotation of filling in potholes as they come across them. That way instead of a system that tracks road conditions to identify potholes, they simply fix them as they travel back and forth around the county. It is the responsibility of the County (and the city) to utilize tax dollars efficiently. As a resident I am actually happy to shoulder this small burden of pitching in to report issues as the alternative of having the County or city do 100% of the work would require more tax dollars and higher taxes.


As someone who has traveled and is currently traveling california in general has the worst roads and highest taxes to "maintain" said roads but we do not and this is the result.


Yep. Just drove across country to Michigan from Seattle and back and I can attest to that. Also the amount of trash everywhere on roadways was almost nonexistent compared to here. Except I will say the exemption was Chicago lol.. 


Agreed it seems California roads are terrible and Fresno WTH!!!


Fresno and Clovis have clearly given up on road maintenance. There are giant potholes on Herndon, Clovis Ave, Shaw. We are going to need a GoFundMe at this point.


They should. We paying 3 gas tax for roads. Yet the roads never get fixed.


Where's the pothole??


There’s a FresGO and a The Fresno County app. Get it. Put your tax payer dollars to work, otherwise so-so are gonna get another kickback pay bump.. they’ll don’t increased anyway


A pot hole put a huge hole in my daily driver’s oil pan and destroyed my engine all before I ever knew I had an oil pan hole. I Lost an entire car due to a pothole at the olive and 99 McDonalds right at Crystal and Olive. It was so disgusting and I wanted to cry. I got nothing to compensate me and had to sell my broken car to pick and pull for 189.00.


Noooo ... look, I want the municipality to maintain roads. But you as a driver are solely responsible for avoiding road hazards. We don't need a government program and money set aside for people who can't be bothered to take basic precautions while driving.


Yet another reason not to put 18"+ rims on a passenger car. Plus, they look ghetto, and make your car ride like crap. Also, is that a picture of the "pothole" that took out his tires? ...because that's not a pothole.


18” rims are stock tires on a lot of cars. The suspension is tuned for the lower profile tires from the factory. The lower profile tires offer better handling and control. If your car isn’t designed for them, your comfort will suffer, but you still gain the handling.


I think we all know the cars I'm talking about here. This is Fresno. Gotta make sure we have Fast & the Furious handling on those 2nd Gen Scion TCs and old North American Lancers.


My car has 19s stock and rides great. But I get it that some people like the look of little plastic hubcaps and I understand that. To each is own.


My car has 18s, but those don't look like stock wheels in the article. Also, I'd trade those 18s in a second for a smoother ride if the car wasn't a gift and I weren't so lazy.


those are Strada Nido 24's, $510 each. They're not my style, but would work with quite a few cars. There are better things to be mad at than someone's taste in car mods.


Who's mad? If tacky car mods made angry, I wouldn't live in Fresno.