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IMO, should go further east and west. And east of downtown, too. And meet up with Amtrak and HSR (once it gets constructed.)


It’s cut off, but it ends at HSR. Was getting tired at the end


I think adding a line to Old Town Clovis and maybe herndon and 99 shopping center, stopping at like Saint Agnes and a few other spots along the way.


Bro you gotta fix that spelling. It hurts to look at 😭 Otherwise a great idea!


Yeah. I know. I was tired of dropping pinpoints.


"useless suburban offices" 😭 South side deserves more imo!!! the q serves kings canyon I don't see why hypothetical lrt shouldn't


Unfortunately I’m not too familiar with the south and west side. It definitely should!


Now that’s a ballot measure I can get behind.


You sure you don’t want to give Harris err Fresno State money instead?


Have you looked at the book When Fresno Road The Rails? It’s got the original street car lines in it. I bet the right of ways still exist and aren’t be exercised.


Not yet. Will now!


Ooo I have that book, OPs line are pretty close to the lines 100 years ago


This is the best rendition of a rail system in Fresno I've seen, kudos! Even if there's disagreements on the details it's a good starting point


When I lived in San Jose the Light Rail system was a god send. It made getting to malls and downtown was easier. Not to mention it could also take you as far as the Bart to San Fran. Made getting around fun if you were out and wanted to explore.


You need to actually make it accessible to where people live, not just high traffic routes along commercial areas. It needs something from the fig garden area to roeding/tower to cover all that residential area. and the fresno state leg should reach all the way to the save mart center The rest of it is pretty similar to things I've thought up, but the tower leg should go by FCC between blackstone and tower, and ideally it should reach further out to the west north of 180 where there's been a lot of residential development


I’m also hoping this would cause some infill.


The best use of an alternative transit system is to have it within 2 miles of 80% of housing internally and have large free parking hubs at an easily accessible outer point for people to leave vehicles.


Reason I made the red line go along that route is that the junction would allow for lines to be changed(HSR/Downtown to Fat) and save money on a joint track.


Plssss, I've lived in Sacramento for the last two years, and the light rail system, while bad at times, is still a pretty convenient way to get around the city and the surrounding areas. I wish they had something like that in Fresno before I moved.


I’d love to see a line branch East on Herndon toward Willow into Clovis Ave. then a line running North from Herndon on Willow Avenue up to Clovis Community College.


Reason I didn’t include Clovis is that I doubt they vote to tax themselves. They ll be the Marin to BART.


This might be a little too late OP, but I showed this to my friend who works at Fresno City and he said it's pretty similar to what he's working on, they are working on getting a feasibility study funded next year for a light rail in Fresno. Only major differences were his blue line would go to 168 and continue to Clovis Community and the red line would stop at Tower. Said it would take 15-20 years until it got completed though due to all the process and votes that would have to follow.


That’s great to hear!


this is incredible to hear!


Not going to happen. But dedicated bus/transit can be a reality and work!


Missing the golden state that is where their Golddiggers


It's a cool idea but unfortunately has a fatal flaw: it will inevitably become a roving homeless shelter. Especially during the summer. Presumably the train cars will have AC, and if so, sitting in a air conditioned seat for a few dollars (or hopping the turnstyle) is vastly superior to sitting on the street in 100º weather. This is a really hard obstacle to overcome and would negatively impact ridership by normal people, and women specifically, who are afraid of being harassed, victims of a violent crime, or in close proximity to a subset of people who have severe untreated mental illness/addiction issues. Even if you had the money to build the rail lines and properly police them, there are 22 total stops on the suggested map. You're not going to have enough money to build 22 air conditioned stations. It's already a hard enough sell to ask people to abandon their cars in a car-dependent city. But also wanting them to wait in the heat further lessens the practicality.


You're right, unfortunately. Also, what about the possible parking lots needed for people to park their cars and ride the rail? Sounds crazy, but no doubt some would have to drive to a rail station, leave their car somewhere, and jump on the rail. And at that point, is it even worth it?


Most cities I've seen with a light rail system have what they call "kiss and ride" parking lots at many of their stations. I'd love a light rail for Fresno. When I lived on the east coast, we had one in my city. It was so much more convenient (and cheaper due to gas) than driving everywhere. The light rail went to the baseball and football stadium for our professional sports teams. It actually got more people to go to games because they didn't have to worry about paying to park their cars. It also made it safer to get to and from the stadiums, and it helped with cutting down DUI rates.


That's pretty cool. Not sure what kiss and ride is, though.


Kiss and ride is a spot outside of a train stop where cars can drop people off/pick people up. They're usually part of a parking lot.


Ok, then let's also work to provide alternative places for homeless people to stay out of the heat. To the point of "22 air conditioned stations", light rail is able to have more predictable reliable schedules compared to buses, so you have people waiting around at stations for not as long, and needing AC less. None of the bus stops have air conditioning, so why does it have to be an extra hurdle thrown onto this idea?


dude.... let the adults speak...the kid says "None of the bus stops have air conditioning" this guy wants to AC the outside lol, you cant make this crap up haha this comment was towards that other dude


If you're saying I'm the one that wants to have AC outside, you've misunderstood what I've said.


ahh clicked wrong name, its cool if i say "Last comment was meant for other dude" or do i have to delete? did you see him say that thou lol ac 22 stations lol


Nobody is suggesting to "air condition the outside". That's a ridiculous and futile proposal. If you're going to call me a kid, don't struggle with reading while you do it. What I said was those 22 stations are going to be sizzling outside in the summer heat and it would cost a fortune to build *indoor* air conditioned train stations. Shaded open air stations work in other places where it's ~80º. But when it's 110º, having to wait outside will discourage ridership. This *is* a hurdle that a hypothetical light rail system in Fresno faces to get people out of their cars. Riders will need to be protected from extreme heat. The argument for more frequent trains would work if it weren't for the fact trains actually have to slow down during heatwaves. For example, BART reduces train speeds any time it's over 100º. This rule was implemented a few years ago after a derailment was caused by a track shifting in the heat and overheated switching system.


The heat problem is one that the existing bus system already has, though, so it's not a great argument against upgrading. Anything we'd have here, along roadways, would be very different from BART. Looking up the derailment, it was going at 70mph. Any sort of light rail not grade separated isn't going to get near that.


> The heat problem is one that the existing bus system already has, though, so it's not a great argument against upgrading. So we admit it's a problem that negatively impacts ridership. Spending all this (hypothetical) money to create a new mode of transportation without addressing the drawbacks of its predecessor seems like a reasonable concern. Also, BART derailed because of a heat-related equipment failure. The speed reduction is the end result. Cause and effect. Light rail isn't going to go as fast as BART, no, but extreme heat still expands the rails that above-ground trains run on and causes speed limitations and equipment failures. Thereby limiting throughput and extending wait times. Even with a *perfect system*, I'm still not sure it would actually save you time if you had to drive to a parking lot first before boarding the train. 35mph with multiple stops is about the same as driving on Shaw at 5pm. Getting people out of their cars is difficult. These factors working against are bigger dealbreakers than people realize. So if efficient transportation is the end goal, and this rail system goes largely unused after completion, then that money would've been better spent upgrading roads, eliminating bottlenecks, creating tunnels, underpasses, overpasses, diverging diamonds, roundabouts, smart traffic lights that sync together, etc.


There's also people that don't drive for a variety of reasons. There's a lot of travel I just don't do because the bus takes too long, even before factoring in reliability. Presumably, most, if not all, bus ridership on the overlapping routes would transfer to the rail, and that from that alone, it wouldn't be "largely unused". These are major corridors. And if it's an improvement over the bus system, which it should be, there would be more people willing to travel longer distances on public transport than there are currently.


so you're saying they should have stations that are closed off from the outside? and then have AC in those stations? You gotta be able to foresee the issues with that


I'm saying they're not going to have money left to build 22 indoor air conditioned stations. In an ideal world, maybe they would. But in an ideal world, it probably wouldn't be 110º to begin with. Point being, not being able to protect riders from extreme heat is a factor working against.


Ok...what about the homeless that are going to move into those air conditioned homes? They are going to fight/stab over who "owns" it. They will become drug dens with AC included, are we the tax payers having to pay for this AC, no ty i'd like my dollars to be used on waaaay more important things. Forget the 110 degrees, thats a pointless topic, its only hot for 3 months, gotta start thinking realistically


in the past 24 years its been 100 or more degrees in the bay, thats not really a thing of the bart having to slow down for 100 degree weather [https://www.currentresults.com/Yearly-Weather/USA/CA/San-Francisco/extreme-annual-san-francisco-high-temperature.php](https://www.currentresults.com/Yearly-Weather/USA/CA/San-Francisco/extreme-annual-san-francisco-high-temperature.php) and besides those 2 days that got 100+ it was 1987 for the next year that got 100+


I lived in Baltimore. We have a light rail system. None of the stations were indoors, and it wasn't a problem during the summers or winters-and yes, Baltimore is far more miserable in the summer than Fresno could even dream of (it sits on a swamp). Winters are cold and snowy, and again, no indoor stations. It wasn't a big issue because trains were fairly frequent during peak days and hours, and no more than 20-30 mins in between trains in the off hours. A simple space with something like what we already have for many of our bus stops is just fine.


I think this is a good core. I would want to connect your red and blue together from the airport to Fresno State. This would give students access to the airport, a one seat ride to the tower district, and connect the Savemart Center/Campus Pointe area to the system. I would think the Chestnut/Willow alignment is the most direct but could also see the 168 median as an option. Having a line use the existing Amtrak/Santa Fe rail corridor (the SD trolly does this) from Herndon to the Olive junction would serve a lot of neighborhoods. Beyond this core, in future expansions an east to west line serving South Fresno through downtown connecting the fairgrounds, Sunnyside and West Fresno would be good.


I actually wanted to do a FSU to Fat to downtown but then there would be no line down Shaw, which would connect FSU to services on Shaw and blackstone Also would be funky. I wanted it to go down the 180 to get to the airport, it ll have to go in a funky route to get there.


Blue line should go further east.


Yeah there should be a couple at Fresno State with one at the Savemart center.


Show some love to Southeast Fresno😭


As someone who builds roads and infrastructures similar to this in town, you're looking at about 7-8 billion dollars and 20 years to build maybe more.


I love your stops....


Few things that would be issues that I noticed. These could be just bus routes with a dedicated bus lane. It'd be cheaper and more effective for the following reasons. First, how would the power collection be implemented, third rail or overhead catenary? Third rail is more dangerous in mixed trafic applications, or where there are pedestrians. Overhead catenary is safer but when summer comes around, the cables sag which requires speed reductions, possibly to 25mph, which would cause greater slow downs on these roads if operating in mixed traffic. Second, the break downs and accidents. With buses, it sits there untill a tow truck can clear it. It's a bit different with trains. If an accident or a total train breakdown or derailment happens, it's there untill another train can get there and/or made moveable again. This normally isn't a major issue unless it's in mixed traffic, where you pretty much have to close the road down for safety. Now, for implementing a LR system in fresno as it is now, first I would actually aim at connecting the smaller cities along the 99, have it route for access to highspeed rail, amtrak, city hall, and maybe chukchansi park for the down town area and the continue along golden state blvd to roeding park and end in fig garden. This would allow for most of the route to have exclusive right of way. Next, for a second route, it should start from downtown, go to fairgrounds, airport, and maybe fresno state befor terminating some where in clovis. This way, if exclusive right of way can't be achieved, then the lower trafficed roads could be utilized.


I love it


Fresno is not a walking city and it's layout prevents it from ever becoming one. Everything is too spread out and all this will become is a tremendously unused tax burden. There are plenty of walking cities in California to choose from that are mush more pedestrian friendly. This looks good on paper but simply won't work here.


that's why we need infill and to start planning the city differently. we keep adding low density sprawl, we're going to end up like LA. Notorious bad traffic and desperately trying to build out transit.


I’am and that’s why it goes down Blackstone, our densest area. People said the same of the old blue line in LA. Now it has developments around its stations. It’s a build it and they will come. You can’t use something that does exist.


you want to take up 2 lanes of blackstone for this trolly to go by once ever 2 hours?, you wanna congest balckstone even more to provide a service thats already there (buses)? your lil map does so much back tracking, its going to lose money and waste alot of ppls times cause they have to wait 2 hours for it to do 2 ENTIRE trips while some stops get stoped by twice in 30 mins? the areas you have picked are not even viable areas with a heavy flow of ppl coming from and to those areas. this honestly looks like a 6th grader made this plan. take the constructive criticism these ppl are giving you instead on trying to battle them, they are not trying to hurt you, they are trying to help and teach you


What light rail system has 2 hours headways? It’s a light rail, not a little trolley. You sound unhinged. No crap I designed this map in 30 minutes on google earth. Was I supposed to do a CEQA and build a GIS model for a shitpost? Bet you’ve never have left Fresno for a “real city”




what did you just teach? you just said a sentence but didn't explain anything( plz dont try to explain anything thou). But i'm not interacting with you because you are one of those ppl that hunt and stalk ppl that dont agree with you, and you have shown in the past it's best to just not talk with you. have a good day


I appreciate you telling the truth to help this person improve there map, even thou they will downvote you for doing so


Subways would be a lot better


i watched an documentary on elevated monorails.....they could be the answer too


bedrock is 100s of meters down, can't beat tunnels. plus they can go diagonal, too : )




Great work! I do think the red line should be pushed further south to run along the Tulare Ave/Kings Canyon corridor and through Downtown (including CMRC). Perhaps the underground parking lot below the bus stations (on Van Ness) could be converted to a a station where the two lines meet. Then combine the red and blue into a large ring line. I think the yellow line could run from Downtown to Tower to City College, then cross the existing track to align with Blackstone and the Manchester Transit Center.


Keep going east and north


I'd add an express line down the middle of 168


I'm in this picture, and I hate it.


Now make it go to Selma and Sanger


Take it to Pollasky in Clovis.


Fresno State and Clovis need stops too. Also West Fresno


No love for us northerners!!


You think our neighbors are gonna want it? lol Garrrrrrry will bomb it.


The funniest thing about this talk about a rail line is that there was one.


Willow needs one fore sure.


This must be a pipe dream. This wont happen till AT LEAST another 20 yrs.


The interstate was a pipe dream… and it still has not made it to Fresno.


Has the same problem hsr will rail is stupid in Fresno unless you want to go somewhere in the direct vicenty of the stop or live near it and happen to find work along the one of the stops other wise you still need to Uber to your final destination