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I like that Bandicoot in the Flower Pot though! Can't wait to know what their platform is!


It's one of those trays you get at Bunnings


What in the hell did I just read?


I was actually waiting for the reveal of ironic humour but it never came.....


The dog lost its humour moons ago


The subtle anti-LNP and strong anti-Labor message is to tell disenfranchised Labor voters that if they want more action on the categories of climate change, welfare, etc, they should vote for Greens and not vote for LNP. It was poorly written though. Looks like an anti-Greens message and then goes on to be pro-Greens.


Brain vomit, from a mind that chooses to overlook all the electoral promises Labor have managed to accomplish despite mostly uncompromising opposition from Libs and Greens, while also conveniently overlooking the effectiveness of the Murdoch press at manipulating the electorate's opinions. (yes I am aware there are a few promises they have broken, yes I know the Voice referendum was a failure, yes of course I am aware things could be better- they always can-, no I don't think the Guardian's ignorant bellyaching is productive, no I don't think the Greens could do it better, nor could the LNP.)


I've seen people arguing that the bulk billing rate increases are all fake.


It wouldn't be so bad if only so many of those saying it are from the 'left' Last time they were in, they were beaten by the combined forces of the right, and the far right. This time, it will be the combined forces of the right, far right and the far left.


I think the only broken promise that mattered was the tax cuts and that was a easy oop for albo tbh


I mean I'm not arguing against the extra 100 bucks I'm getting back lol


For anyone wondering on the promises https://www.abc.net.au/news/factcheck/promisetracker


Thanks for that. That's actually reassuring.


What a long bow to draw from one poll result. I’m as disappointed in Labor as the next voter this both sides are the same crap and that misleading middle right slide grinds my gears.


As someone who's paid close attention to all of this it's pretty clear a lot of the 'disappointed' are either forcing an opinion that's being repeated by the usual suspects in the echo chamber including media repeating it without any balance, or people who are either not paying attention or just missing important details. Not claiming no mistakes, Mcbride comes to mind there, but I'm not a single issue voter and in the list of areas the comic has noted we've seen extreme challenges left by world events and previous government, positive action taken by Labor on them and some or a lot of improvement. Taxation being a big one, almost as if when you properly fund the tax department and tell them 'yes you must tax corporations' [they tax the corporations](https://www.theage.com.au/politics/federal/ato-claws-back-record-6-4-billion-in-multinational-crackdown-20231021-p5edz3.html). Notably the comic avoids listing many stellar areas like industrial relations, unemployment rate and wage growth where Labor has done quite well at and somewhat mitigate the other issues it does list. Both sides arguments are inherently deceitful as you clearly understand, but for others I think it's useful to highlight how both sides arguments inherently have to cherry pick information and they don't work at all when you have all the information, thus it's inherently a lie.


> Taxation being a big one, almost as if when you properly fund the tax department and tell them 'yes you must tax corporations' they tax the corporations. Gives link to the article showing record amounts thanks to the task force set up by the LNP government and all the cases they started doing under a LNP government? I agree, both sides are not the same. I preference Labor right above LNP on the ballot.


Established in 2016, not much to show for it until 2023. Its also stated in the article Scruffy, it seems sometimes you're better off not saying anything.


$3 billion per year is not much to show for it? Damn, I feel underpaid if people think it's not much to show for it.


Yikes, as an avid Guardian reader this is really disappointing and disingenuous, relying on the same tired false equivalency narratives that the ignorant and uneducated use to proclaim Labor and the Coalition are the same thing. But the Guardian is mostly good for its reporting (not its ultra lefty editorials - like Greg Jericho’s opinion based economics - or whatever feminist drivel they found), specifically in relation to parliamentary sitting dates. They’re good at keeping both sides accountable when they engage in rank hypocrisy. But to anyone paying attention (even if you exclusively read the Guardian), it’s clear the Coalition is laughably worse than Labor. Labor should be doing more, and arguably can do more, but they cannot justifiably be compared with the farce that is the nuclear supporting, wealthy biased, corporate welfare providing Liberal/National party coalition


"Albo hasn't completely and totally cleaned up a 20 year mess in 2 years, he's so useless" Yeah fuck off Andrew you smug prick. There's nobody quite like a newspaper cartoonist who can spew uninformed opinions and present them as deep meaningful commentary


First Dog on the Moon is on par with Ben Garrison cartoons when it comes to shit political takes.


He used to be quite insightful, but one day he figured out he could get more reach by being a perpetual victim? EVERYTHING is the end of the world and the death of morality and decency in Australia. I guess it did well during the LNP years but now that were not being actively screwed in an obvious way, he's had to crank the melodramatics up to keep his viewership. Soon it'll just be cartoons of the dog being stabbed by Albo with the caption "THEY'RE BASICALLY FACISTS"


Perfect example of an artist only being capable of creating one thing and just doubling down on it over time. Nickelback of comics kinda vibes.


This is a shittier than normal shit take. Didn't expect this from them


Media is this country is a disgrace.


Here's a good graph of Albo vs Dutton from opinion polls: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_next_Australian_federal_election#Preferred_Prime_Minister




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What about the first dog on the moon for PM. I'd vote more than once


Bit dramatic.


It looks like a snarky high school kid drew it. Must be The Greens.


Pretty sure that libel doesn't cover political discourse or criticism, unless we have gone full socialist since Albo took over. Is the E-safety commisar aware of this?


But I think we'd all agree criticism has to be based on mutually agreed facts and not hyperbole. He's both claimed Labor have done nothing, but also Labor has done something for a list of issues, but also doing something for those issues is making those issues worse, nor has he shown they're actually worse, or that those things are under the governments control. Even if we consider it criticism it's so self inconsistent and irrelevant that its worthless. If he said less, like 'I'm annoyed with this government' he'd just be expressing an opinion, instead he's trying to pretend like he's got facts on his side. Furthermore the guardian has run with a few articles now where they've claimed a broken promise by Labor only for that to be a complete fib on the guardians part. So they've got form for libel.


That’s how the media are trying to get Dutton in: “omg how can someone be less popular than the worst person in the world” He’s not. Albo is might not be the most popular man in Australia, but he’s definitely not less popular than Dutton. They trying to uno reverse card the country and that’s why we need to knock down rebuild our media


"Demonstrably worse"? doggie. How, exactly?