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I'm really hoping we enter an age where Libs don't even win if Labor lose.


Does Labor ever return the fire back at liberals over having to suck up to the nationals and to be able to form government every single time? I hear so many sound bites from Dutton et al that “Labor will make a deal with the Greens to get in”…. But does anyone ever rightly point out that Liberals couldn’t govern in their own right…. Ever?


It's a cliche but nearly everything the right/conservatives accuse the left/opposition of doing, is a confession. People naturally assume the LNP are one party when they are a coalition that rely on each other to ever form government post, I can't remember the year. The sitcom Sky News being the only "news" some voters get doesn't help either. Like even with the nuclear policy, or before that with Scomo going behind his own minister's backs, they never claim that the LNP were in complete disarray even when they were in complete disarray.


A thief always suspects everyone around them of stealing, a liar of people lying. Honest Johnnie was a master of projection and they've refined it to an art form. Scomo just took it to the blatantly bleeding obvious by claiming Shorten was a liar. If I ever want a clue as to what they're up to, they'll tell you.


They also don’t highlight that the party is infested with evangelical right wing nut jobs.


Because we know who’s controlling most of the media….thats why they KNOW they’ll never be held accountable.


Communist detect - go straight to jail


Nah no idea why, probably a deal they have with ea h other.


Im hoping the greens form a coalition with the socialist alliance


Smart, anyone would competent and relevant compared to that lot


Matt Kean was liberal and this sub didn't like NSW liberals and cheered when they lost gov but they did way more than any other state and the current state labor gov. Federal liberal just seam to opose everything and show no bipartisan,


State Libs fucked NSW. It's legit a husk of its former beauty. I've lived abroad, fuck even Melbourne has more night-life. The Libs succeeded in turning Sydney into a retirement village.  Not to mention the blatant corruption. Jesus Christ.  The Libs know how to make a corpse and fuck it.


>state Libs fucked NSW. It's legit a husk of its former beauty.  They were responding at the time the one punch assaults. Media was for the restrictions and so were the families affected. Like any gov they had to show they did something. >Not to mention the blatant corruption. Jesus Christ.  yeah lets not forget Eddie obeid from labor and how much he stole from tax payers


Lmao, the Murdoch Mayo guzzlers always make me laugh. Glug glug dude haha.


Come on bruz


yeah they did way more, to strip search kids...


"We looked at all options and made decisions based on economics and engineering. In fact the advice that I received, at the time, which was most compelling was from the Chief Scientist of New South Wales, Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte. Professor Durrant-Whyte is one of the few people in the country that's actually run a nuclear program. Infact he was responsible for the British Government's nuclear defence program and his advice to me was that in order to bring nuclear into the system it would take far too long and be far too expensive for New South Wales. Now I didn't want to bankrupt the state, and I didn't want to put the huge costs onto families." - former NSW Government minister and Liberal Party member Matt Kean on why in 2019 nuclear wasn't pursued in when he was the New South Wales Energy Minister.


What does this Hugh guy know... 🤣🤣🤣 /S


"Fake news, folks. Dutton is going to build nuclear—believe me, the best nuclear. Nobody builds nuclear better than us. It's going to be tremendous! The most tremendous cheapest and most powerful nuclear ever."


OK I can't argue this is a pretty decent move by albo really showing liberals to be the extremists they are when all their own former people are saying how bad their policies are the future of greens and labour as the two alternatives really does sound bright


Conservative zealots will just believe these people are being paid off by Labor and entrench themselves further.


But it doesn't help when people keep getting told Labor and Liberals are the same, clearly they're not. I know why the Greens say it to rock Labors boat, they hope a few votes to hop off their way, but the swing voters would hop off back to the Liberals in far greater numbers.


I understand why the Greens say what they say, but literally every time Labor tried to do what they wanted, Australia voted against them.


Honestly great move by Labor on this one. Getting Moderate Libs and Independents on your side when it comes to renewables spreads further bi-partisan results and helps push through Renewable energy policies into reality. It also works to detract more voters away from Dutton's piss weak Nuclear policy and wedge the Libs Further into a corner.


Duttons nuclear policy seems like a loser but now he’s stuck with it….did he really think it would be a big vote winner?


I think he's done it because he's trying to play both sides, while really only being for one side. He's trying to make it seem like he cares about climate change by bringing Nuclear Energy, which is technically more powerful than renewables. This way he causes doubt in investors for renewables so less people invest, and he's also able to convince people that Labor are being too weak on Climate change and get those voters from Labor or other parties that are for renewables. In reality though, it's all just a ploy by the LNP Coal lobbyists to continue pumping coal for decades to come. Even if we pretend for a second Dutton and the LNP are being serious about this and start building DAY ONE of being elected, the earliest projections of the first Plants to be up and running is 2037, which I'd say add at least an extra 10 years to that first plant being up and running because we have NO ONE in Australia that can actually run these types of power plants. Also not to mention every state not only being against it, but also having laws against building Nuclear Plants to begin with. Even Crisafulli is acting like he's for nuclear despite [being against Nuclear this time last year with even a seemingly reasonable opinion](https://www.afr.com/companies/energy/no-nukes-in-qld-crisafulli-rejects-dutton-s-plan-20230709-p5dmu3). It's all just to keep the Coal Plants running well past when they should've closed


My guess is the Coalition has gambled that the [artificial gas shortage](https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/jun/22/australia-gas-shortage-risk-cold-snap-victoria-production) on the east coast will make energy a salient policy battleground, and want a starkly differentiated platform to run on. Seems high risk. The public is broadly sceptical of nuclear. If things calm down in the gas market, the salience of energy policy for voters could fall. But if there are disruptions in the gas market that the Coalition can blame on Labor, they’ll be well-placed now.


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Doesn't matter. Policy is secondary to the libs. Look at how the fully flipped on nuclear. They had zero interest in it a decade ago but now it's the bees knees when it suits them. As long as it hurts Labor in any way they'd put out policy on it. Even if said policy is a napkin scrawl of "yeah uh we'd uh we'd fucking do it I tell ya what".


No. It was a dead cat. We are talking about the pros and cons of nuclear instead of renewables. Businesses and homes are less likely to invest in an uncertain environment. The goal is to get back into government and go "turns out nuclear is not economically viable thanks to labors bad economic policy, we need to fund coal for 4 more years while we sort it out" rinse and repeat.


LNP is always hoping that donation winner is also a vote winner. It often isn't, so their backers provide additional gaslighting support via media. It's a very tricky job. I genuinely feel the nuclear issue is partly also a distraction from immigration and cost of living issue, because these are not hot donation winners.


He did it to appease his overlords and they’ve told him if he does it they’ll win him the election.


scomo tried it with gas and everyone saw straight through it, i'm surprised they learned absolutely nothing. maybe they don't want to win just slow renewables as much as possible by sowing fear uncertainty and doubt


Yes I agree… I can see this pick sending Dutton and Taylor etc in a few fits… but is it really trolling if it’s actually a pretty good appointment on the merits?


I think OP just added trolling just to make fun of Dutton, which I'm personally fine with lol. Whatever gets more people viewing Dutton and the LNP as an inept party who don't know what they're doing. It's not trolling though, I agree. Trolling would mean Kean isn't gonna take his new position seriously which I hope isn't true. The more moderate Libs become independents or side with Labor on the renewable polices will mean greater Bi-partisan support which helps push through these policies and ensures the LNP doesn't have the final say in what will power our country long term. We don't want another NBN disaster, except instead of just having shit internet, we will have an energy grid that will still be primarily Coal and Gas for the next several decades because the Nuclear Plants wouldn't even be built until 10 years past their supposed up and running date of 2037 (honestly be surprised if they'd be ready by 2050), cost the public probably trillions in taxes, you just know the LNP would also find a way to cut corners as well like they did with NBN, and a climate that would impossible to control thus rendering the whole point of clean Nuclear Energy entirely pointless because by the time they're up and running it'll be too little and too late.


Yeah - based on his track record, he will take it very seriously. If there were more (federal) Keans, there would be zero Teals.


Classic Phil "Mr Dutton" Coorey. Shrewd move by Albo, and good response by Kean.


Honestly if I had give NSW libs some sort of credit it was their marketing on their renewable energy policy. They knew it was a winner with the voters they did do small investments in the area and would parade it whenever a project was finished.


Meanwhile Victoria libs won't kick out somebody for associating with actual nazis


How could Dan Andrews do this?


Dandrew bad rahhh


This is magnificent, Potato Head will be fuming.


he will be one roasted potato


Why does the LNP have such a hard-on for nuclear power plants? Are they making bank from the deal? Or is it just because its the only alternative to whatever Labor is backing and they are stuck in 'opposition' mode?


Because it will take so damn long to get it off the ground, they can keep pushing coal and gas in the mean time. Then, once (if ever) it actually does get off the ground, Dutton's super-donor mate Gina just happens to own all the uranium mines. Basically, the nuclear option keeps the mining companies happy indefinitely.


It's the moving goalposts. Nuclear is immature here. So it keeps fossil fuels going. When nuclear is mature, there will be another technology to go after so they'll go after that. Rinse and repeat. They won't ever build anything but keep promising the world while keeping their donor base happy.


It's a scam. This is what really pisses me off. We have this massive issue and that moron "Dutton" is playing games.


Well he's not the moron it's everyone who can't see past their own nose to realise he's screwing them. But most lnp voters have been voting against their own interests for a long time so why stop now?


They aren't voting for their own interests in this instance though. The only winners with Dutton's plan now would be mining moguls.


> immature? mate, it's not even in zygote form in this country. we have one medical/research reactor at Lucas Heights which was built and is operated in a completely different way to a power generation plant. To bring nuclear to this country, you are starting from absolutely nothing. There is zero knowledge as to the construction, operation, maintenance or regulation of nuclear power here. It would take so long to get everything up and running, the cost blowouts would be astronomical. You thing the debacle that is Snowy 2.0 is bad? this would make it seem like utter childs play in comparison.


Probably because they think it's their only card left after the slow death of coal, and because the LNP, One Nation and Sky News would rather die than to admit that renewables are the future.


Gina and her son John have been taking as much of the uranium mine shares as they can get, Dutton works for gina so do the math. Also 15 years of coal while they are built.


I read this and it never clicked, now i realise why this is hilarious.


Such a solid reply. Hopefully it pays off for Labor.


I am generally pro-Nuke but yes it was a great reply and spot on. Nuclear \*might\* be more economical in the future and I hope that with someone like him in charge who looks at things agnostically, he would take another look at the situation if the situation changes, but until then and while dealing with hypotheticals, going all-in with renewables is 100% the correct thing to do.


I like this bald guy why can't he run the liberals?


Why can't the libs be like that. Just run on smart policies. Fix our energy system so that we aren't contributing to global warming and fix the housing crisis. I don't even think it's that hard to focus on real issues.


The conservative faction has won, they have overpowered the moderates


you are the worst mod


I know I am, but not sure why you said this to that comment.


I remembered reading about solar vs nuclear a while ago. The point that stood out to me was that solar could be built and providing power to the grid within 7 years. Nuclear would take over 25 years. Seems pretty sketchy to go for a significantly more expensive, less climate friendly power model that Australians will see no return on for another quarter century in a cost of living crisis. The LNP have no intention going with nuclear, they just want to pretend there is too much push back and conveniently go back to coal and fossil fuels for their kickbacks. An obvious trojan horse.


All they need to do is release how much of a percentage your power bill will go up roughly, does anyone know if that number has been generated. Would love to site it when talking to my family and friends.


that's impossible to tell. too many variables. the only thing to tell those people is it would take 15+ years for a plant to start producing energy in Australia, and that's too long to wait. 7+ years of redtape and 7+ years of construction


Yeah and that 7 years to build is optimistic at best I think


Pretty sure this cooks duttons goose to a cinder


Barnaby reaction to this is hilarious




lol, I think he’s run out of gas.


Meanwhile, working class families are debating whether they should light their tents with candles or Duracell batteries.


Is he still a member of the Liberal Party?


can you aim lower... lets subsidise wood furnaces for heating ... and trebuches for defence lol


This is so freaken funny. I always liked this guy.


Excellent position for him and his stance. What a legend for taking on the role. This is a solid step forward for a better future of Australia.


The environment minister and regulation minister for Koala Killer, great choice Albo.


It's definitely just us two. Every other comment is cookers calling Kean a Labor stooge or "centrists" acting like this is the brainiest move ever


It would take less time and cost much less to go 100% nuclear power generation than it would to go 100% wind+solar+batteries for Australia's future electrical energy needs. If the goal is to completely eliminate the burning of hydrocarbons for electricity generation in the shortest amount of time and at the smallest cost, nuclear power generation is the smarter option. It's too bad that Mr. Potato Head put the option on the table first. Labor used to be pro-nuclear. I wonder what happened to change the party's position.


Banger move tho, most people wouldn't have a clue who this is and just yell "LABOUUUYUR" even for the things that the libs destroyed.


The more liberals in name only like Keane and Turnbull who openly switch to their preferred Labour Party the better.


Good job Labor. Now that you have committed to 100% Renewables, that means that you will declare a Climate Emergency and roll them out even quicker, right?


Labor in Qld is currently presiding over the fastest roll-out of renewables in per-capita terms of any jurisdiction in the world


> roll them out even quicker, right? You want a serving of inflation with that too? That's only semi-rhetorical too. There's a lot of projects already underway.


Could you please elaborate on that? More renewables in inflationary? And no to more projects?


If only they had any even vague clue what they are talking about


Imagine thinking that money is worth more than the planet. Labor is pathetic. They don't care about the climate, they just care about getting reelected.


Trolling the liberals? What level cope are you on son?


Yous know they coulda appointed someone actually qualified in climate science right? Hard to see opposing nuclear as a win, when there's no pressure on gov for its MORE GAS strat. This shits a useful distraction for both the major bastards.