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Igon tells you that Bayle gave Placidusax wounds and then ran away so we know Bayle went up against the Dragonlord before. Bad news for Bayle because we killed that mother fucker.


Bayle is probably why placudisax only has 2 heads.


2 of placidusax's heads are still attached to bayle neck. idk if id use the word "probably" in that statement lmao


I didn't catch that. Fight is incredible but super fast paced.


Don’t blame you at all! Took me a few attempts to even see them


Attached? Like their jaws are actually still latched onto his neck?






Wait what????


If you look closely Bayle is missing a whole rear leg too.


Yeah attack that missing leg for extra dmg.


(Longer explanation) So Bayle is a Drake. Placidusax is a dragon. And there was a war between both sides From what we can gather, the banished knights are on placidusax's side and the dragon communion was formed to protect the world against the tyranny of the Drakes. Bayle ultimately lost the fight and Placi saved the world from the Drakes, which is why I think he was crowned the true first elden lord (before chadfrey)


Thanks, and honestly placi doesnt look like the guy who won even though he actually did win.


Neither of them killed each other, but one way or another, placidusax banished Bayle to the land of shadow to rot for eternity. I don't personally know what's stopping him from just simply flying away, but I think it has something to do with the fact that all the other dragons outside of the summit are dead. The only ones remaining are ghostflame. In short, he would probably die if he tried to leave.


bayle knows if he flies away some ambitious son of a bitch will just beat his ass


"The fallen leaves tell a story... Bayle the dread, chosen conquerer of the lands between, destined to rule the world with an iron fist... had one skinny naked guy wielding a club not come along and bonked him to death..."


 Hey I simple question where did get the information that bayle escaped from the battle I didn't find anything related to it


nobody said bayle escaped


Oh I didn't understand that thing   when you wrote that he was ultimately defeated  I thought you mean he escaped as none of them died  Btw could tell me more about the battle between the drakes and banished knight and how are banished knight was with side of placidusaxx


Banished knights worship dragons and use dragon incantations and protect the farum azula where placidusax lives. It's not just them who side with dragons, however. There are tree sentinels who have embraced the power of dragons, and the sole purpose of a tree sentinel, as the name implies, is protecting the erdtree from outside threats. What were they protecting it from if it wasn't dragons? We see resemblances with crucible knights as well (although dragon incantations could have just been for power). Since the game released, we knew there was a war between dragons and *something*. (Other than the erdtree later on in the years). When you walk into the mountain where Bayle lives, a dragon is fighting a Drake. When you read Placidusax's remembrance, it states he's the first elden lord. This signifies, at least to me, that he won the war, just like how we won against the elden beast and became elden lord.


Thanku for this information. 


Possibly because he barley have any wings left.


u are forgetting his second phase


Didnt make it that far yet so i dont know how that looks.


It's not that bad. If you get his first phase attack patterns down, you're straight.


I’m pretty sure his wings are a bit damaged so maybe he cannot fly far? But also he’d get murked by every dragon like you said.


If there's one thing I learned from every fromsoft game, it's that fear literally doesn't exist in people. Everyone wants these hands and will travel across the multiverse to get them. My theory is that there's some barrier or obstacle that's blocking Bayle from leaving so he's just stuck there


He can't fly because his wings are destroyed, that's why he can only hop.


Without spoiling anything, I'd suggest you try beating him and you'll figure out what I mean.


I'm reminded now how I said to myself "heh, stupid chicken can't even fly". Woopsies


Lmao my first thought exactly. (Dragon great katana is meant for that boss btw)


I know I just didn't want to respec since cold milady worked so well. I initially planned to use the katana for the whole zone but just never did


Can you tell me what Senessax is doing there? Was he going to fuck up Bayle?


I actually have no clue. Maybe he was a guard


Is Bayle a Drake? I thought Drakes were born w/out wings where as Bayle lost his wings to Placi. Plus he flies around with those wings he makes appear on his back


fromsoft doesn't follow that logic, drakes in dark souls have wings


Wait isn't Bayle a Wyvern? because it has no limbs? Drake = 4 legs without wings Wyvern = 2 legs with wings (Bayle looks like a Chicken) Dragon = 4 legs with Wings


Fromsoft has Drakes in just about every one of their games and they all have wings. Ig they don't go off the literal meaning


Ultimately there is no literal meaning or real definition since they're fantasy creatures. Lots of fantasy authors make up their own rules for what is a dragon / drake / wyvern in their world. Sometimes those words are used interchangeably, sometimes not, but ultimately it doesn't matter since they're all made up, there's no formal scientific classification obviously.


Bayle has two legs, two arms with membranes, and had two wings. His left leg, the front of both arms and his two wings were fucked up hard. Wings are completely gonezo.


Wings are not gonezo…


The only time he flies is when he uses his ancient dragon fire+lightning magic to recreate his missing wings. His front limbs are tattered and have little to no membranes left. His Forearms/Front Limbs are like Greyoll's, but he also clearly had actual big ass dragon wings imo.


Wait my vision is terrible, I thought he had his wings pulled back?


Nah they just gone, its why he only briefly flies and then like slides across the map/ Flies up temporarily to do the breath then lands really roughly and is sort of stunned for a second.


I guess that makes sense because I thought drakes don’t have wings.


These are all made up definitions, they're mythical creatures and every fantasy author makes up whatever he / she wants. In Game of Thrones, dragons have 2 legs with wings, so they're wyverns by your definition. But it doesn't matter, because there is no real scientific definition for these fantasy creatures. Same reason eastern dragons and western dragons look so different but are still called dragons. Komodo dragons are real animals but don't have any wings at all. At the end of the day the word "dragon" can be applied to almost anything vaguely lizard-y since it's a fantasy concept.




Well all those dead dragons even the big one is Bayle‘s kill and Placidusax has only two heads because of Bayle


Bayle and placisudax had a battle that led to bayle retreating to the land of shadow. You can see that bayles left leg is gone from the battle from what I have noticed


Not sure in game but I realized that he is probably a Game of Thrones reference. Aegon the Conqueror’s dragon was named Balerion the Dread. The names are too similar to be a coincidence.


He also seems to be a reference to Moby Dick, with Igon being his Ahab* Edit - correction, forgot Moby Dick lore!


Igon’s more of an Ahab tbh


Ahh just testing ya making sure you’re all on your toes! (Thanks 😂😅)


He is the one who injured Placidusax and left him in the state we fight him in. You can actually see one of Placcy’s heads biting down on him, which seems to be one of the heads he removed. Edit: spelling.


Bayle fought Placidusax, which is why P has missing heads. They’re actually still attached to Bayle, biting into him even after being decapitated. Basically this led to a dragon civil war. All the drakes are descendants of Bayle. The ancient dragons hate Bayle so much tht they formed the ritual of dragon communion, which is basically a way for them to put a bounty on all of Bayle’s offspring. If you go kill drakes and eat their hearts, you get incantations in return. As Placidusax was Elden Lord in the age before the Erdtree, it’s likely that the dragon civil war was a contributing factor to the weakening of the established order, allowing for new gods and lords to take over in the lands between.






Another lore question if anyone knows. Who was that massive dragon skeleton you can see from the Suppressing pillar? The corpse makes up a good chunk of the jagged peak area, like the unknown dragon you can see from the top of ds3 dragon peak who is the size of the mountinas


he has great lore and music and its my second fav dragon fight but he did just feel like a more mobile version of fortissax. a lot of lightning spam and moving his head too much to hit


seen on twitter that bayle is based on one of the dragons from game of thrones


He is the first ever modern dragon. All modern dragons come from his brood. He’s also the one that injured Placidusax potentially making his god flee in the first place. His injuries were most likely caused by Placidusax.


Interesting I thought Greyoll was the first modern dragon


Most likely the brood mother to Bayle. Like his mate I mean.


That Chicken is cool af! Sorry Midir and Placi but there's a new cooler dragon in town! Bayle: Who needs lasers if you can aim your fire breathing properly?! hahaha




What i want to know is why you cant read the rules regarding dlc spoilers


The only thing i wrote i in the title is bayle’s name and that he is spicial, so anyone who reads it now knows someone or thing in the DLC is called bayle and is special wow the whole game is now ruined and no one can enjoy it.


Learn to read. Its against the subreddits rules regarding spoilers dumbass


You chose to click on the post that would obviously contain spoilers, dipshit.


Idc about spoilers but for people who dont want to be spoiled the sub literally has a rule that bosses names cannot be the in the title.




From reused the asset of the wyverns with some changes.


Bayle looks nothing like any other dragon in the game lol you weirdo


Don’t worry you’ll beat him someday, son


From reused the concept of dragons from the Epic of Gilgamesh. What hacks.


There was a dragon in the epic of Gilgamesh?