• By -


Sekiro and DS1. In Sekiro the exchanging of blows and clashing of swords is just epic for me, even mini bosses can be so intense that it just pumps me with adrenaline and joy. DS1 has the most magical atmosphere for me, also the interconnected world is just beatiful but also not overly complicated which for me encourages replaying. I also love DS3 very much, it was just epic when it was released. Also Elden Ring for the lore and world, and it has the most variety in builds and playstyles. Honestly hard to choose, my least favourite is DS2 but it still is really good with a nice atmosphere. Haven't played the PS exclusives sadly.


Agree on DS1, the vibe is so unique, like living in an world of ancient legends. I don't see many people recognise that rather than the interconnection.


Right there with you. DS1 was my first and it was an unforgettable experience, love the atmosphere and old school RPG feel, getting lost in the world with increasing dread and curiosity with every step taken away from the last Bonfire, the moments of sudden realisation when you unlock a shortcut or inevitably circle back to Firelink Shrine. It raised the bar way too high for other games for me after I played it. Sekiro’s gameplay is just perfect. And it had enough amazing bosses that made full use of it. I genuinely don’t think there’ll ever be a boss fight as good as Isshin, the Sword Saint.


Sekiro for it's Combat/Boss fights and mechanics Elden Ring for it's RPG elements, exploration and variety


I’ll add Bloodborne for its weapons and aesthetic. I’m a sucker for a good lovescraftian cosmic horror story and Bloodborne dealt that out in spades. I do agree with your other points though. I would love a Bloodb-ekiro style game in an open world.


They give us a Bloodborne with elden ring open world I’ll never play another game again. Except for NCAA 👀


There's an alpha that got announced today called Graceborn which is an overhaul mod focused around bringing the bloodborne aesthetic along with a bunch of weapons and armor to elden ring. It looks absolute incredible so that might be up your alley


Hmmm I’ll have to check it out! I’m loving the DLC right now. Added to my backlog! Always love finding gems from this sub 🙏🏼


Perfect summary dude. 🔥👌 These two are my top favourite as well. I would put armored core 6 at number 3.


Perfect answer.


I'll add Bloodborne for it's lore/world.


Stupid question. What are the "RPG" elements of Elden Ring and what's the difference to every other souls game?


Elden ring has a much more “living” world in that it has more easily understood (and recognizable) factions and groups, as well as just having a lot more shit in general. And the story kind of almost makes sense. So, for me personally at least, I was able to play it almost like an actual RPG. In every other souls game I was “guy with weapon who killed stuff for reason.” In elden ring, I could play as Caedos the Flame, a once honorable knight corrupted by the frenzied flame who now exclusively uses flame spells and AoW’s as well as madness stuff because why the hell not


So in other souls games you're "guy with weapon who killed stuff for reason" and in Elden Ring you're "Guy with flame weapon who kills stuff for reason" Gotcha.


RPG elements as in the RPG elements present in souls games, I think ER does it the best out of those. That includes the way leveling up works, the soft caps are done better, the scaling in particular (especially with ashes of war) is superior to sharp gems and infusions from the previous games, the quests and roleplaying fantasy of the game is way above that of the previous games where it was really limited - couldn't just go all out as a battle mage for example.


Lol hard agree with this. ER is an awful RPG game


Elden Ring and variety? The game is the definition of copy and paste. There are more "types" of the same basic soldier than there are unique enemies in Demons Souls.


Armored Core 2. Was my first FromSoft game.


Bloodborne and DS1 are masterpieces that I love whole heartedly. Currently playing Elden Ring right now, I love it and I think I’m about halfway through now. we’ll see how it holds up




so no armour core?


THANK YOU, was looking for this comment


Sekiro. No dodge roll


After playing sekiro you really don't ever want to go back to dodge rolls. The fact all your defensive moves is actively helping you take down a boss, not just survive feels constantly engaging over just dodging until you have an opening.


Sekiro. It’s as close to flawless as I have seen.


AC4 or AC6. I know they're different from souls games but Armored Core is slept on by a lot of FromSoft playerbase.


Bloodborne. My first fromsoft love


Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3. Bloodborne's combat clicked in my brain and I had a blast all the way through. There really weren't any bosses that I outright hated and only one area I didn't care for and that's just because it was confusing. Dark Souls 3 has some of my favorite bosses and the story, NPCs and aesthetic are my favorite in the whole Fromsoft catalog. If I had to have a third place game, it would be Armored Core 6.


Here goes my opinion: 1. Sekiro - Best combat system, amazing japanese setting, almost flawless boss lineup (ape gank excluded). Being able to dictate the pace of the boss encounter is one of the best feelings ever and exploration with grapling hook is super fun. It also has some of my favourite bosses of all time in form of Isshin, both Owl fights, Genichiro and True Monk  2. DS3 - Highs in this game are some of FS highest. Ofc it does have some low points but its pretty much only Road of Sacrifices and Farron Keep and there is still a saving grace in form of Abyss Watchers. I feel like areas in this game are underrated, so many of great levels with a lot of secrets: Cathedral of the Deep, Irythyll, Lothric Castle and Grand Archives are some of my favourite levels in FS games. Obviously legendary bosses help to elevate this game to my nr 2 spot: Abyss Watchers, Pontiff, Dancer, Champion Gundyr, Dragonslayer Armour, Twin Princes, Nameless King, Soul of Cinder, Friede, Demon Princes, Midir, Gael. Man there is so many 3. BB - Love the setting and atmosphere. While i do admit that main game bosses are pretty mid aside from Gascoine, Martyr, Gherman and Paarl (yes im serious, i really like this boss) the DLC and overall combat feel carry this game for me.  4. ER - Build variety and fashion in this game is unmatched. Opinion on DLC bosses seem to be very divided, but i think all of them are at least good enough except for Final Boss and Gaius. Im not the biggest fan of open world games, and if ER was all legacy dungeons iI wouldhave liked it a lot more. Speaking of legacy dungeons, these are some of FS best levels. Leyndell, Stormveil and Raya Lucaria are sick and i always look forward to going through them again. Boss lineup is also very strong: Margit, Morgott, Maliketh, Godfrey, Midra and Messmer are all extremally fun. My other gripe with the game is how it falls off after Leyndell, not as hard as DS1 does aftef Anor Londo, but its still noticable. DLC is great and it really rivals Old Hunters as my number 2 but i gotta play it a little more. For now I'd say that BB and ER are interchangable on this list 5. DS1 - Best world design in all of FS games, no contest. I love the story, setting, levels, Solaire and how everything connects back to Firelink so much. My only real problems with this game is how it falls off after Anor Londo (New Londo is only late game area i enjoy) and how clunky it feels with its 4 directional rolling when locked on. I still come back to this game a lot and it stood the test of time the best out of FS first 3 souls games imo. DLC is great and has super consistent boss lineup tho. Artorias, Manus, Kalameet, Gwyn, O&S and Sif are all great fights. 6. DS2 - Im talking about vanilla version here, i found it way more fun than Scholar. Obviously this game brought a lot of new ideas, some worked while the others failed miserably. HP lowering after death, ADP, extremally slow recovery time after attacking, lack of i-frames when taking actions like pulling levers or enering fog, some dumb enemy placement across some levels are my main complaints here. Regardless of them i really like this game. Powerstancing was great, exploration was super fun and out of the trilogy DS2 is the one that made me the most curious about what awaits me next. This game really feels like journey and i think that art direction was spectacular here. It also had some of the best NPCs in the series like Lucatiel and Aldia (who was somewhat ruined by terrible boss fight). Also, i loved all DLCs, Ivory King especially had an amazing story and even better fight while Iron King had Sir Alonne and Fume Knight who is one of my fav bosses ever. Other ones i'd like to mention are: Pursuer, Looking Glass Knight, Darklurker, Lost Sinner and Sinh. 7. DeS - Still a great game, archstone mechanic was super fun and i wish they used it again. Obviously world tendency wasnt the best idea, same with super confusing weapon upgrade system. Overall i found this game to be quite short compared to others. I loved the atmosphere and levels, but boss runs were even more brutal than in DS2 and since im trash at those games i had to expierience Dirty Colossus and Old Hero run quite a few times and i wouldnt wish that to anyone. DeS is still very slow and methodical which i like but I also found it noticeably easier than any other FS game. Bosses for most part i didnt quite enjoy as much, but some of them were still a lots of fun: Tower Knight, Armored Spider, Old Hero, Flamelurker and Old King Allant Sorry for long ass essay and my English. If anyone read it all im impressed


Are you not a native English speaker? I honestly could not tell. This is very well written


Perfect order


Great reply! Thanks for the read ☺️


I agree with every single point you made here! Well said.


Bloodborne. The pacing is perfect for the play style I have. Fast and aggressive fighting is rewarded in that game with the rally system. It’s the perfect balance for me. Love the trick weapons and the lore. Honestly 10/10 game for me.


Bloodborne, it just presses all the buttons for me Theme, music, atmosphere is my favorite by far Also prefer the combat, blood, enemies and world


Bloodborne. It was the game that forced me to get good. I loved the Victorian era esthetic. I loved the cosmic horror. I wish it wasn't a Playstation exclusive so that more people could play it


Imagine the opening scene of BB where the Blood Minister is SONY, the character is you, the blood is playstation, and paleblood is bloodborne.


DS1 for me. 2 is definitely the hardest souls game starting out blind, but ds1 will always hold a special spot. I remember the original with 💩 frames in blight town on the 360. Good times😂


Definitely Bloodborne, although Sekiro comes close




Bloodborne. I love the setting, the Lovecraftian horror story and all the combat is my favourite. All the weapons feel so good and the 'rally' mechanic encourages aggressive play which I love.


Bloodborne I will always love it and go back to it its just that good. Its a masterpiece S tier


Bloodborne. I played a little DS before it and didn't understand any of it. After BB, it all clicked for me, and as a result, I've conquered and owned all of them. But I really love what they did with the setting and combat. Not to mention the bosses and music.


Bloodbornes still got a special place in my heart boys


Bloodborne, I love the fast-paced combat. It’s also the only FS game i’ve beaten (so far - i’ve only just started Elden Ring)


Between Bloodborne and ds3 for perfect execution of victorian and medieval dark fantasy and refined balanced gameplay Demon's souls 2009 is very close too


Sekiro for me. Best combat, best traversal, fair checkpointing, amazing bosses and best feeling of euphoria upon beating it.


I am proud to see so many people here saying Sekiro. Obviously i'd say the same. Just look at my profile pic :D


The people saying sekiro didn't hesitate to get their thoughts in.


no hesitation thread


Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls II, Dark Souls 3


ER no doubt


Armored Core 3 of course




Sekiro - GOAT combat system and mechanics in any game I've ever played. Love the aesthetics of old school Japan, samurais and ninjas are always cool, and True Corrupted Monk is probably my most favorite boss character design. So simple but cool. It's also my intro to FromSoftware, your 1st love never dies. It also helped me fully retire from online competitive games, finally quit Dota 2 since playing in beta (March 2012 - late 2020) But idk, Elden Ring was already challenging Sekiro for the throne BEFORE the DLC. I still haven't finished the DLC but I'm feeling like I might have to re-evaluate. But I also have a feeling if I replay Sekiro even for one playthrough I'll be reminded why it's my #1


I haven’t played sekiro, demon souls, or any armored core game, but I have played the rest and I have to say that DS2 is my favorite amongst the ones I’ve played.




Bloodborne. Trick weapons, lore and atmosphere


Bloodborne for me, it has that Gothic Eldritch horror vibe that I really like


Dark Souls 3 was endlessly replayable for my brother and I. Elden Ring is a game that saved my life. So both of those. The rest are, okay.


Bloodborne (so damn good and aged very well) and Eldenring


Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree. I’ve played Bloodborne, DS3, Sekiro, ER and every DLC that came out with these games multiple times over. If we’re just talking about SOTE, it’s got the most challenging yet engaging bosses in the entire series by far. For me, very often the most challenging ones are the most satisfying to beat. Beating Promised Consort Radahn had my heart beating a million miles and hour, I’ve only gotten that rush from very few bosses in my experience playing soulslike games. Every area in this game is beautiful, even more so in the DLC. Top tier art design. The legacy dungeons are UNMATCHED. Build variety, respec, wondrous physick (amazing addition), amazing OST’s in areas and boss battles, great NPC questlines, my favorite combat system, and the difficulty scaling is spot on. Not to mention the lore, i’ve never seen a game hide its story so well on the surface only to find out how subtly fromsoftware leaves enough crumbs for people to piece things together. It’s amazing. For me, it’s the most immersive, challenging, rewarding, fun and beautiful game ever. Nothing will ever come close for me, i’m so glad I found these games.


Sekiro 100%


King's Field 1-4, Shadow Tower, Shadow Tower Abyss


Dark souls 2. It was my first one and I don't get why people hate on it so much.


Ds1 and sekiro, because of originality, map interconnection and vibe for ds1 and simple, smooth combat for Sekiro.


Bloodborne the agressive gameplay, the atmosphere, the level design, the bosses, the weapons. everything is just perfect imo. Dark Souls 3 is very close since it's got similar vibes.


Elden ring and Sekiro


Because, hoonter must hoont, this is why.


Bloodborne and Sekiro are impossible to choose between for me. Bloodborne feels like the perfect synthesis of the combat stylings started with Demon’s Souls, and the horror atmosphere and tone is unparalleled. Sekiro’s combat is something entirely new and honestly makes it hard to love Elden Ring as much. Its combat can be pushed beyond all limits of their other games. Also the movement tech in the game is the classic easy to pick up, hard to master. You can become an untouchable murder machine once you get good at understanding the jump mechanics and grapple and combo that with the prosthetic mechanic.


Sekiro mainly due to the combat.


Armored core 6 and elden ring. I love AC6’s story and overall gameplay so much i hope it’ll get a dlc


DS1 and Elden Ring can’t pick between the two DS1 was the first game that drew me in, in a very long time the way each area was different and every time I thought I was good enough another challenge would come and Elden Ring is just perfection


Elden Ring is my favourite just for its size and depth. The amount of content it has is way more than any other FromSoftware game has ever provided and the quality of the content never dips, just consistent good stuff! My second favourite FromSoftware game is Demon Souls. It was the first Souls game I played and I fell in love with it. Dying countless times but learning the moves and the skill required to defeat the boss was always a rush. And it felt so good after you killed a boss, knowing that at first it almost felt impossible to defeat the boss and yet here you are, having done the deed!


1. Elden Ring (Favorite world, characters, and bosses overall) 2. Sekiro (Exceptional combat and story) 3. DS3/Bloodborne (I can’t decide between the two. DS3 was my first game. Bloodborne has my favorite setting by far. Both have amazing bosses and music)


Bloodborne. You can't convince me the only reason more people don't call it their favourite is because not everyone can play it with it being a ps exclusive.


Bloodborne>elden ring>ds1>ds2>ds3 Haven't played des sote or sekiro yet but I plan to in the near future


DS3. The game just feels like home and I enjoy the PvP a lot too. Best soundtrack and most of my favorite bosses are there too.


Sekiro as it has my favorite combat of any of the games. Also has the best final boss imo. Then Bloodborne and DS3 are in the next tier for me.


I've had most fun with Elden Ring


Sekiro. Despised it at first and put it away for almost a year. Came back and fell madly in love. Was also first FS game I ever beat. Do a play through every now.


Sekiro. My favourite game ever.


Sekiro for having the best combat gameplay.


Armored core 6 Big mechs doing big mechs things


I think its AC3 for me. Was one of the first games I played.


armored core 6, armored core for answer and dark souls 3


I think each one has its own category, which it's the best in -DS1: Most interconnected and best world design by far, lots of lore and bed of chaos -DS2: Best game mechanics (for example bonfire ascetics, the ds2 power stance and rewards for beating the game with challanges (no death, no bonfire)) -DS3: Best bosses by far with no delayed attacks, shitty hitboxes and endless stamina draining combos -Elden ring: Best RPG elements, HUGE variety of weapons and spells and a lot of quality of life features (for example Torrent, spirit ashes, you can teleport to graces from everywhere around the map, non breakable weapons, etc.) I havent played bloodborne sekiro or DeS, but i will surely try them if i'll have enough money


It's getting harder and harder to pick just one lol Elden Ring is an absolute banger of a game with an amazing atmosphere and engrossing lore. The beauty of this game can't be overstated. It's genuinely art. And AC6 for having some of the best gameplay and storytelling of any fromsoft game imo. Some of those characters have really stuck with me.


Sekiro and Dark Souls 3.


Sekiro - best combat system, enhanced bosses, gauntlet of strength, and replayable bosses. Bloodborne - favorite lore, amazing atmosphere, and the dlc kicks ass


Bloodborne; style, atmosphere, combat, world design, and lore.


Elden ring


Elden ring is #1, Dark souls 1 is #2


1.) Elden Ring 2.) Sekiro 3.) Dark Souls 4.) Dark Souls 3 5.) Armored Core VI 6.) Demon's Souls 7.) Dark Souls 2 8.) Bloodborne (yes, I'm serious)


Elden Ring because of seamless coop mod lol. No other game was as fun as ER even without seamless coop mod


Elden Ring is my 100% favorite. The open world is beautiful and I will never forget my early game struggles of trying to find a good weapon, and a cool armor set. Second is dark souls 1, because it has my favorite video game story of all time, some if its bosses are super fun for me to fight, etc. Third is DS3, because it has my favorite boss EVER (soul of cinder), and it has some awesome armor sets, cool weapons, etc




Ds1, eldenring, sekiro, ds3, ds2. Don't have ps4


Played Dark Souls 1&2 and wasn't great at them but Dark Souls 3 is the one that really started my obsession with Souls games and it's the one that helped me get good at them, I played Dark Souls 3 for 53 hours straight and that's no joke I became obsessed and didn't sleep for two days 😂 after that it clicked for me and then I flew through the other Souls games, Bloodborne could easily be my favourite but Elden Ring hit different for me.. I've done 26 playthroughs of that game now doing all different kinds of builds with multiple characters.. honestly I'd have to pick Elden Ring as my favourite mainly cause of all the time I've put into it.


Bloodborne because every weapon is unique so every playthrough with different weapon is unique as well. Oh and it was first souls game where I was sucked in the world so much, I was discovering lore at my own without YouTube videos. I had so much fun running with a torch and exploring world slowly, paying attention on every detail and trying to connect dots:)


1) Ds1 for the immersion, worldbuilding and lore 2) Sekiro for the combat system 3) BB for the setting and musics


Dark souls one, it’s the only one I can actually beat the bosses (with my boyfriends help)


Bloodborne because it was the first one I played and the atmosphere is too good to pass up


As someone who has played since Demon Souls back in 2009, how the hell can you ask me this? I love them all lol


Bloodborne, purely for the lore/world. It’s basically like someone took a bunch of shit that I love (dark Victorian aesthetic, lovecraftian lore, werewolves) and threw it into a game. The lore and everything is perfect to me. However, being my first FS game, the difficulty was something I had to get used to. But once I did, boyyyyyy did I fall in love with the game. Probably a top 5 game for me OAT




Bloodborne = DS3 = specifically Shadow of Erdtree > Rest Edit: Lore goes to DS3 (Gameplay is iconic, so iconic they took it to Elden Ring) Gameplay goes to Bloodborne (lore is also a masterpiece here, although there's less than DS3) And Shadow of Erdtree. This is just. Mwuah (Imagine the italian guy doing the kiss emote with the hand where they see a good pizza n they're like ayy this is the gooda pizza). I won't say anything. You need to experience it. I haven't had this much fun since DS3 release day!


Bloodborne for the horror aesthetic, and ds3 cause it's armour and music is absolutely stunning


Bloodborne and sekiro


Shadow of the erdtree is creeping up to the top. Although it’s hard it feels like I’m on a proper mysterious and venture through a fantasy land. Other than that Dark Souls 1 is top for single player. Dark Souls 2 has the best PvP.


Bloodborne, I just love the gothic/cosmic horror and more aggressive combat.


I gotta go with Eden Ring. Aside from the build variety, it was also the game that actually got me into the souls series


Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 and Dark Souls just have that big grand fantasy feel to them and I love that.


Dark Souls 1 for Nostalgia and replay Sekiro and Elden Ring for bosses, bosses both hit really good for but different reasons


Bloodborne is probably my favorite. I love cosmic horror, and it does it *really* well. Sekiro also has really cool themes.


I would have to go with bloodborne, however I'd like to note that all of the FromSoftware games are masterpieces. The reason I go with bloodborne is because I just think it's slightly superior to all of their other games in almost every way. For me, it has the best bosses in the series (Ludwig, Orphan, Gehrman, Ebrietas), the best soundtrack of any video game ever made, a beautifully ugly and gory setting, some of the best weapons ever designed in video games and a masterful combat system. The game is so intricately designed to encourage aggression: the rally system, trick weapon combos, the parry system, boss attacks purposefully designed to sometimes overreach the player to catch players who roll backwards etc. Like literally everything though, it's not perfect and has its flaws. For one, the grind for blood vials. I know estus wouldn't have worked for this game, and the player restocking on 20 blood vials for free on every death would be too generous, but that doesn't mean it is not a flaw. For the early game especially, blood vial farming can be quite horrendous and time consuming, though this only applies up until Vicar Amelia, after her boss fight farming vials becomes quite easy and it only serves as a mild, few minute inconvenience in between several boss attempts. The lamps are atrocious as well, the amount of loading screens you will stare at blankly is significant and immersion breaking, I honestly don't understand why they got rid of the rest mechanic. Performance issues and sometimes glitchy/janky visceral attack hitboxes can also be an issue sometimes. However, in my opinion, those issues are very slight blemishes on what I consider to be the most precious gem of video games, overall I'd rate bloodborne a 94/100. I've only played 3 of their games in total, being bloodborne, dark souls 3 and elden ring. I'd give elden ring a 92/100 and dark souls 3 a 90/100.


Sorry to kipnap this post. I recently got all souls games. I have completed Elden Ring and I started the DLC, I really loved the game because of the challenge it represents, but I'm not really that good. How would you suggest to play the rest of the games ? Thanks for any inputs.


Sekiro has great combat. It is the only game I go “a boss! This will be fun” instead of “a boss! This will get me some loot!” I love elden ring’s flexibility. Builds, bosses, exploration. Whole thing is fun. But I dont think every boss is well thought out. The last dlc boss is far too hard (at least for me. Downvote all you want) but some minibosses like cemetery shade aren’t even worth looking in the same direction. Game shines outside of bosses in my opinion


DS1 and DS3 are my favorites. i absolutely love bloodborne and i have been playing Elden Ring dlc and it’s amazing. dark souls 2 and demons souls are absolutely incredible just not my favorite in the series. and sekiro, that game is just next level, i think it stands above and away the others, just still not my personal favorite


Elden Ring, Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 3


DS1 was my initiation and it ruined gaming for me, I couldn't play anything else after that. I didn't think they could improve on DS1 at the time, and then DS3 came out and blew me away - the OST and lore are the best in any game I've ever played. Each of their games have their merits and I personally think ER might be the best game ever made, but DS3 will always be my favourite for how all those eons of lore finally culminate in that one climatic, apocalyptic showdown with Gael at the end of the DLC. It's a scene on a scale unmatched by anything else I've ever played.


Bloodborne for its style it's very gothic/cosmic horror I also feel combat is a bit easier for me in that one especially when it comes to parrying other titles I can't get off a good parry but in bloodborne I can pull a parry easily


Ds3 is very well designed in its levels and its boss design is stellar for each area. It never felt like there was a random boss or event past the weird demons that carry you to Undead Settlement. Elden ring is great for its exploration and lore elements while still having some of the most fun bosses and level design. Though, Elden ring repeats a TON of bosses including ones that are actually important like Mogh and Astel. Also the lake of rot sucks. I’m saying Ds3 is the best to me, and then Elden ring.




Bloodborne. The lore; the combat; the atmosphere; the music; the tragic characters that move like actors during a play. It's a story of how fragile humanity is into trying to understand and fight something greater and despite the pain that every single one of us suffers, there will always be heroes and villains but also scared, morally grey and enigmatic people who will follow either the greater good or their own interest but will become monsters all the same. And it is simply too late to do something about it. It thought me how kindness is rare and important, not taken for granted. And how it couldn't exist without an often man-made tragedy. Every. Single. Thing. Is absolutely beautiful. (Except the camera. That shit sucks)


Dark Souls 1 was always my favorite due to interconnected world design, but I have to give it Shadow of the Erdtree now. I think Miyazaki finally surpassed DS1’s world design with it. I don’t think base Elden Ring is fraction as good as the DLC


1a. DS3 This was my first fromsoft game so that’s big part of it. You can’t compete with nostalgia right? But objectively it’s just such a great game with some of my favorite bosses. The game just blew my mind even though I really struggled at the beginning. I feel like this was the pinnacle of the dark souls series. 1b. Bloodborne The setting, art direction, lore is all just so cool. Plus it was nice that the combat was a bit different and you had to be more aggressive. It almost felt like a fromsoft version of survival horror minus the resource management. DLC was fantastic as well .


Elden ring was my first and stays my favorite


Elden Ring is my fav cause i didnt play others ![gif](giphy|132pnhRx4EM7ni|downsized)


Bloodborne for me. The story and the setting as well as the movement and the weapons… it was also my first FromSoftware game. I also really like HP lovecraft


For me it's bloodborne. Mainly because it's my first soulsborne but also because it introduced me to cosmic horror which I had no clue about until the game came out


Bloodborne for art direction and world building. Elden Ring as culmination of all soulsborne games.


Bloodborne- incredible world, great lore, great enemy design- great mechanics- smooth combat- and immaculate OST Sekiro- extremely interesting world, very eerie, mechanically perfect, great boss and enemy design, level design is awesome, feels like an actual world, great characters,


Sekiro and Bloodborne Sekiro is just so perfect. The only flaws of the game is that first half of the game which really doesn't teach you that deflecting is the name of the game. They just suggest it for some reason. Other flaw is that there isn't more of it! The only gane that rly comes close is Lies of P but even then it's got some of the classic clunky souls elements to make it feel not as fluid. But the bosses are just fantastic. I monthly reinstall Sekiro just to fight Isshin and a few other bosses like Father Owl and True monk to make sure I haven't lost my touch. It's such an exceptional combat system. Bloodborne, while it's lacking now in boss quality (that end half of the game from Byrgenwerth to Mensis is pretty shitty. Not horrible as say DS1's second half, but pretty close) it still has some great fast paced combat that sorely isn't the standard (tho that still means BB is pretty unique), an atmosphere and story that is unparalleled to the other games imo, the weapons are quality over quantity which I much prefer to the other games, OST is peak souls you can't top it imo, and the only flaw I'd give the whole game is the counter damage BS and semi-lacking graphics. Plus It's the game out of all of them that I keep on going back to the most, probably cause it was my first.


Dark Souls 2 and Lost Kingdoms II


Dark souls 3 - music, bosses, dlc, levels, atmosphere, all peak Armored core 6 - music, bosses, gameplay, story, characters peak


Tenchu... (you guys know why)


Sekiro cause it’s the only one I’ve played😟


for me personally it would be dark souls remastered just because I absolutely loved the level design of the game and I adored all of the bosses (not including bed of chaos) but also because it was the first game that got me into the soulsborne games


elden ring is objectively the best but no game could ever recreate the feeling of me walking out of the clocktower into the fishing hamlet


Elden Ring/Sekiro. It's hard for me to pick just one because both excel at what they were trying to do.


This picture sours my mood every time I see it. It's really disheartening to see so many simply neglect the entirety of Armored Core. Fromsoft has two pillars of design those being Mecha Sci-fi and Dark Fantasy, 90% of their entire catalog fall into one of those 2. To see one side fully ignored is a disservice to Fromsfotware. Armored Core left a hole in a genre and peoples hearts for an entire decade, one that many spent years working on trying to fill for others with indie projects. To simply dismiss it is an insult to them. As great as AC6 was it has a few issues, especially in AC-AC combat. Nothing hits the same way as an Armored Core For Answer duel. If given the chance between more Elden Ring or a PC port of ACFA. I'd take the port any day. TLDR ACFA, DS3, and ER. Honorable mention Bloodborne.


Bloodborne. . . .because


Sekiro all the way. DS 1 comes second and DS 3 at third


Bloodborne>Elden Ring>Armored Core>Dark Souls>Sekiro>Demon’s Souls That’s my order anyway




As much as I love Elden Ring, it’s still my second favorite video game of all time. Bloodborne will always be my #1. It was my introduction to FROMSOFTWARE and all of their amazing worlds😊


Bloodborne. I never use shields if I can help it in any game and I like high paced combat. It also has my favorite story telling


Bloodborne: imo best gameplay, best story/worldbuilding, great aesthetic, fashion souls, decent build variety. Tie for runner up: Demon's Souls: Probably the worst souls game, but y'know... Nostalgia DS2: Great DLCs, fashion souls, best build variety, great story/worldbuilding, great aesthetic. Honorable mention: King's Field


Ds2 since it was the one that got me into souls


PS1 : Armored Core.... Dang good old game. PS2 : Eternal Ring...when i got the PS2 console from my cousin. Did not know better play the brutal game....it dying and continuing like those smoke addict always wants another stick....the game is ok not great but not terrible but it does held some sentimental value due to watching my cousin play back then. PC : you know what....I like all the games From DS1-3, Sekiro and Eldern Ring. Sadly did not get to play Demon Soul and Bloodbourne( cos no ps3 or ps5 )


AC VI and Elden ring the only two I’ve played


Bloodborne: atmosphere, weapons, parry mechanic, monster/weapon design


Bloodborne, I like cosmic horror and the aesthetic of gothic/victorian london is not explored enough in gaming Also the OST fucking slaps


Dark Souls because it is my favorite one


Guys should i buy Elden Ring for 28 dolars ?It is a lot in turkey if i had to say it is 915 Turkish Liras so i can afford groceries for like 1,5 weeks .I can buy it it won't really effect me but is it worth it ?I also dont really know if i can play it since i even struggle at Ghostrunner .




Bloodborn love the world and the combat and the weapons are all great. The boss fights are also really good. It was also my first


DS1 cuz it's my first soulslike


AC1, AC6, Bloodbourne


It’s so hard to choose! That’s not true, actually. It’s bloodborne no question. The setting, the story, the map design (which is still bested by DS1 but not by much), the enemy design, the weapons, the fast paced combat, the rally system, the DLC (still the best DLC fromsoftware has ever made) all come together to make a truly perfect package. Elden ring is probably second for just being such a truly incredible game in every aspect. And third would be DS2. It has such a phenomenal vibe and the sense of adventure and the whole weirdness of it gives it a special place in my heart. DS3 is definitely last, not because it’s bad. The gameplay is good, but not as good as bloodborne or elden ring, and the setting is boring, almost entirely grey or brown, and mostly a rehash of DS1.


Demons souls will always have a special place in me


Bloodborne, beat it last night and it has one of the best combat gameplays I’ve ever seen in a game. Boss fights were also sick asf


Bloodborne - Setting, Atmosphere, weapons, DLC, Fun Combat. Elden Ring - Open world, exploration, good bosses, tons of builds. Dark Souls 3 - Mostly great bosses, DLC, straight to the point and linear world design.


Dark souls 3 is honestly the magnum opus of souls games for me. It feels like it has a level of difficulty that’s just right, a lot of weapon/magic options without being overwhelming and some of the most memorable bosses in souls games. Not to mention, I vastly prefer the linear world of ds3 compared to elden ring (just felt boring in its execution, I don’t want to spend 20-30 minutes riding a horse hoping to find something interesting).


I’ve only played bloodborne and Eldin Ring so far, but its a tie


Sekiro because the combat makes me cum


Elden Ring easily


Dark souls 2. I love everything about this game.


DS1, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring.  Dark Souls was the first one I played around the time it originally released. I bought it on a whim. Fell in love. It changed the way I interact with games and showed me a new way of storytelling. I think to this day DS1 is the most unique one in terms of its atmosphere and structure. Bloodborne for its heavy gothic inspiration and gameplay. I think Bloodborne is a very one-of-a-kind game even to this day. Not many games have dipped into the gothic horror aesthetic, and I think overlaying that with classic werewolves and vampires before devolving into unknowable eldritch horror was a genius evolution of the game. Sure, we have Lies of P now that fits with the gothic aesthetic, but Bloodborne is still king of actual dark art direction imo.  Lastly, I love Elden Ring mostly for its environments and story. The DLC actually made me fall in love with the game even more. I think that bringing GRRM on for the detailed backstory gave the game a lot of texture, and then the Fromsoft style of dour and weird characters and storytelling is the cherry on top. And then, Elden Ring has so many pretty vistas. Great game and my third favorite overall


Elden Ring and Sekiro...


Sekiro for the combat, Bloodborne for the atmosphere, Elden Ring for the scope


Elden ring. I found God playing that video game.


Bloodborne is just the tightest experience. Elden Ring has soooo much good stuff going for it and reaches some of the greatest heights, but it also has its low points. Any game that big is gonna be a bit of a mixed bag. Bloodborne has trimmed all the fat, and just feels like unadulterated Fromsoft action. I also just love the design aesthetic and ambience of the game.


Sekiro literally ruined all the others for me. So that probably lol


Bloodbourne and Elden Ring for me. False started Bloodbourne several times before that one magical time it all clicked and it really is a masterpiece. Elden Ring just always keeps me coming back to try and “get gud” and I can’t get enough. Even the hard as balls DLC




DS3 no doubts. I also think Elden Ring is more popular overall because has allowed to many players to join the saga. But overall, I think the pure essence is in DS3, being more of a niche of a game.


Dark Souls, Armored Core VI, Armored Core III, in that order.


Bloodborne. It made me finally realize what the games were about. My brother got me to play DS3 way back and I just didn't understand why I kept dying, what was going on or how I was supposed to do anything... he basically bum rushed me to Carthus and into Anor Londo to help me out but it was hurting my ability to play the game and learn. Eventually I picked up Bloodborne and played it solo... it's fast paced combat and aggressive style really sang to me and I loved every second. It was fluid, it was aggressive, it didn't pull its punches, it fucked me up... and as soon as I beat Father G, it clicked. I then Rampage through that game for 1600 hours in highschool and couldn't let it go, wanting to collect all the weapons and get them to +10, platinum the game, do challange runs such as the BL4 (I made it half way and then had to stop due to work) but fuck it was amazing. Every piece of that world was so perfect, the bosses with their wildly imposing presence and aura, the sound design and mystery involving insight. It was the greatest game I have ever played, especially in contrast to darksouls with its quality over quantity mentality in its weapons and hunter tools, even the armor was intricately crafted, the quests were rich with melancholic dread, the lore so beautifully intertwined with the progression of the game and the world changing its sky box with how far you have come. I have only 2 problems with the game, and some people might now even see them as problems. Armor and weapons have no weight and the chalice dungeons give random blood gems unless you put in a seed. Even then, some people might not see a grind as a problem. It adds longevity to the game and to those who want it, it's there.


DS3. My first ever fromsoft game and absolutely legendary. I had no idea what I was doing. At all. Beating the Nameless King is still my most memorable gaming moment of all time


Elden ring overall Sekiro for its combat Bloodborne for its world


Ive only played 3(ds1, 3 and bloodborne)na di love bloodborne so much, for a bit i thought i like it about as much as the others but the otherday i olayed the old hunters dlc for the first time and it boight back the old feeling i had when u first played it


Elden Ring: Variety of builds and play styles, No invisible walls open world exploration, more amazing bosses than any other game (Maliketh, Godfrey, Radahn, Malenia, DLC bosses) and most replayability Sekiro: Best fight mechanics, coolest world design and most consistently great bosses (games like ER have some really great bosses but also a lot of more mid ones)


Dark souls remastered (I love elden ring tho) mainly because of how simple it is I feel like it’s a good and shocking experience for new players from the FromSoftware lineup




Even after SoTE, Sekiro is my favorite game of all time. Perfect in just about every way


dark souls 2 sotfs because is the the GOAT of all time souls game


Bloodborne - The atmosphere and weapons are badass for me Sekiro - Combat obviously and the challenge Dark souls for cannon Elden ring for a lot of possibilities (especially with the dlc )


BB in terms of lore and aesthetic. ER in terms of replayability. More world that I end up forgetting like 90% of it by the time I hit ng+ next


Sekiro. Once you have the combat down it is just pure euphoria. I can't play any other combat game without just thinking and wishing I was playing sekiro. Fromsoft needs to give us more


Armor core


DS1 its where the pain started


Dark Souls 3 or Sekiro.