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If I was able to grow one, I seem to be stuck at the first step which is to get any facial hair at all


i think a lot of trans men early on can only grow a faint teenage stache, so they just shave it all. nd then when they can grow hair they want a whole beard


That's interesting. I think I've wanted a stache for about five years now, it's only this last year and a half I've been able to grow one. I don't think I suit a beard. It just doesn't match the vibe I'm going for (Magnum B.I. - like Magnum P.I. but he likes men)


I love the vibes of Magnum BI omg


Magnum bi is fucking hilarious bro. As for me, I love having a stache, but my stache is very white, regardless that it's real hair. It's also thinner than my other facial hair, which is red BTW. I hate shaving so frequently just don't, always have my stache, but most people can't see it


I want to kiss you so bad it's making me look stupid.


Brivate Investigator


I'm in between, I can grow a decent mustache but not a decent beard so I do have just a stache. I used to have a stache and goatee but got sick of it and prefer just the stache.


Honestly I think mustaches aren't that popular on a broader scale and that proportion remains small for trans men. The last time I saw a dude with just a mustache I got so excited I pointed it out to my husband while going down the highway lol


Maybe it depends where you live. The stache is huge with the Melburnian hipsters.


Oh that could be very true. I'm mostly around the US South/Midwest, maybe we're behind the curve on reviving the stache!


Oh yeah that'd make sense! Yeah I'm in a city that frequently gets called "the Portland of Australia" which should tell you a lot about it


Is that Melbourne? I'm applying to master's programs in Australia and I was wondering what healthcare is like in Melb - waiting times, access to T, how trans competent doctors are on average, etc etc. Do you have any suggestions about how/where I can learn more?




I’m with you, I’m in the south and rarely see just a stache in person. I work in a hotel, and over the weekend we had a college baseball team from Virginia stay and at least 5 of them only had a stache. It was fun to see. A few of them made it look really good and had me slightly envious


Me too. I'm Arkansas and i recently started a new job and this guy who quit over something idk what cuz I wasn't there had the most beautiful stache bro


unless i havent been paying much attention i dont think its popular in nsw aus either, i think its a rarer occurrence depending on the area


Heh I'm in Toronto and like every other white guy has a big moustache - I can't grow a good moustache anyway, but I'm honestly just not that into the look?


you’re a melbournian too?! and thats so true. maybe i just don’t know enough trans men here but i swear its nearly all cis guys with mos


Hello fellow Melburnian!!!


ahhhh i’ve noticed, it’s so sad 😞i for one LOVE that thick vintage 70’s stache look 😭 i wann see more guys rockin it!!!!


i'm trying my hardest to grow one, boss


Godspeed, soldier, wishing you luck that the stache finally grows in 🫡


bro ive been trying to grow a stache for 8 years


I respect the dedication


I am not able to grow a mustache. I can grow a mean neck beard though


Literally same - it’s so feirce and I refuse to shave it like it’s my neck pubes 




I’m about three years on T, and while I can get some moustache hair most of it’s so blonde that it’s not really visible- it’s mostly just textural. :-(


I feel for you I’m in the same boat. Marilyn Monroe above the lips. 


Even mine is like that (two years, though), and I have dark brown hair everywhere else. Always have, I take after the Greek side of my family.


I’m a natural ginger who dyes my hair and eyebrows black, I can’t get away with dying my facial hair since I shave my face sporadically but I’ve opted to start using brow gel on it to make it stand out better. Might be something to give a try!


facial hair dye is a thing! i use it to match my mustache color to my head hair. you can usually find it in the hair dye section at grocery stores, or near mens shaving stuff


My small tache along with my long hair and neckbeard makes me look like a creep lmaoo


Big same lmao 


I have been blessed with pretty full coverage on my neck...but no where else aside from some fluff on my top lip. Not a good look lolll


To pull off just a mustache you need a superior one, and that I do not have. I can grow a full beard that many cis guys envy but my stache is the weakest link. It’s there, just very thin and light compared to the rest. The hair never got curly or coarse. But also, beards help hide the face so to speak. I don’t have much of a chin, but I have a little double chin. Having a beard helps hide my feminine features while hiding my double chin.


Forbidding yourself the freedom to have an inferior stache is self imposed limitation my brother. A lot of the ability to pull off an unusual or unpopular style is the confidence and self love that let’s you ignore what other people think. Lean in to the obnoxiously lame male archetype! Atleast, that’s what I did and it’s given me a lot of joy.


Yeah… can’t change genetics bro. And I’m not a fan of just my mustache. I do like my full beard though


That’s true, I can respect that.


I’ve definitely seen and met quite a few trans men rocking staches simply because they wanted to. Two of which were part of the fdny and weren’t allowed to grow beards so they grew a mustache.


i mean, i got a dirt stache, if that counts 🥲 i think it's just hard for us to grow them. not every cis man can grow a mustache. i bet there are plenty of trans guys with staches out there, they may just be stealth or you just don't know they're trans


Because the wife said no :(:( even have a handlebar now… but she said keep the beard


My upper lip hair has been very slow growing. I’ve been shaving the rest of my face/neck and even the very corners of my lips for a year or two now but I just started having to shave my upper lip last week That being said even if I could grow one I would not cause I am personally not a fan of the stache😅


Just from observation (and personal experience), it's easier to grow a beard on T than a mustache


Funny bc my chin/jawline refuses to grow any facial hair -- my upper lip has been hogging almost all of it. And like at impressive amounts too given it's only been 2 years


I've certainly experienced this myself as well, and sadly I don't think I'm going to get a full on [gay Tim from camera](https://www.tumblr.com/mono-chrome-me/728883571123765249/im-not-lying-im-past-that) moustache (though I reckon mines alright) but I've noticed that I still see a lot of trans guys who have a full mo and beard scenario and no one with a no. It's taken me eight years on T to cultivate this bad boy, I love him like a child. I just find it strange that so many blokes who CAN mo it up don't. It's so lonely here in trans man moustache town 🥲


I watched the new top gun with my stepdad a couple months ago and I really want the mustache the character named rooster has-it’s a lot like that one that you linked. I can’t grow it yet so I compensate for my mild mustache with a small beard. One day…


Simply bc a goatee looks much better on my face shape then just a moustache and my cheeks are still too spares for a full beard to look good. I'm 19 months on T so there's plenty of time for that to fill in more but for now a shortish goatee it is


I might stay that way regardless to lengthen and define my face, plus that's how my dad has had his face for nearly as long as I can remember.


I do the stache now and then between bears shaves. I’ve been shaving it back periodically so that areas that started growing later can catch up/grow oyt together with everything else. However my stache is not what i’d consider stand alone thick enough to go with only it


i’m rocking one rn, fucked up the line on my beard :( and well just a stache rn. i can’t wait for my patchy beard to grow back in bc my double chin is waving at everybody and i’m like “brotha eeewww” lmao


1 year on t and my face is putting 100% of its ability to produce hair into a neckbeard w/ chinstrap action and 0% into the questionable “bisexual man who listens to elliot smith and rock climbs and only buys clothes from thrift stores” mustache I was originally planning. I shave that shit off lol. I’ve also been wanting to grow out my head hair for a while now & I kinda need some facial hair to indicate maleness with that so maybe soon but most likely we’re looking at next November… :(


Oh I was a neck beard for the first four years 😭


oh no… I could have three more years of this shit ahead of me?! I’m actually a pretty hairy person from a hairy family—my dad had a full beard at 19–so I’m hoping genetics pull through and get me something worth remarking on by next no-shave-november.


I have a tiny "pedostache", as my friends lovingly call it. I'm pre-T, but I was blessed with European hair genes that give me more body hair then the average AFAB person. It was already fairly visible, but I dyed it and now it's *definitely* noticable!


Two years and I'm only recently starting to get adult-textured stache hairs, only on the sides, and they're weirdly way lighter than the dark brown of all my other hair (except the grays and the dyed blue LOL).


NOICE. I remember when my stache was just a pedo stache 🥲


My friends tease me for it, but I rest assured in knowing that when I start T, I'll most likely grow it in much better! I even have a little facial hair on my cheeks and chin, so I'm excited to see how far T takes me.


My dad had a moustache 🙃


Give me a few years and I’ll have good news for you


I’m just waiting for it to grow in well, the moment I can rock a solid porn stache, I plan to.


I'm not quuuuite there yet but [I'm getting close](https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/s/IDrkl9Drid)


If mine would be growing to a lvl I could have a nice ass 'tache, I'd do it iin a heartbeat lol xD


I can grow a beard but not a mustache 😭


I can’t grow one :,)


Cuz I can’t fukin grow one man 😭


I wear one, but I can only grow a wispy/light one at this point unfortunately. Facial hair genes aren’t good in my family either so this may be as good as it gets


Once I'm able to grow facial hair, I'm willing to experiment with all the styles. I'm hoping to give off DILF energy, which would probably mean a beard, but I'll make a stop in mo-town at some point just to see bcuz it looks fun


Damn, if I was able go on T I would get a moustache and dye it blue


I’m pre t and rock my little dad stache. I adore it :3


I have a facial scar from the inside of my left eye to the corner of my mouth - it intersects with the mustache and the hair refuses to grow there. So, no mustache.


I shave my beard about every 2 weeks because it gets too itchy, but I keep my stache. Had it before I started transitioning, still not sure if that was a symptom of PCOS, since I’ve not shown any others. I’ve been letting it grow out recently, just to see if I like it, but I’m still on the fence.


I’ve seen a few moustachioed dudes around different FTM communities, and I might grow one myself eventually…but for now, my puberty ‘stache is much too fine and sparse. Whereas my chin hair is populated well enough that I don’t look *too* ridiculous rocking a little scruff. I do feel moustaches just aren’t that popular in general, I feel like I see only a few cis guys in my age group with ‘staches any more pronounced than some visible upper-lip stubble (I’m a little over 30 myself, so late 20s to mid 30s I guess). But my bf’s adult cisgender brother can’t grow a moustache to save his life lmao…I’ll probably surpass him after enough more years on T, just by virtue of being darker haired.


Bro I’m fkn trying 😭


When i go on T im definitely gonna get one. Specifically the curly super villain one 😏


I want to so badly. Still waiting on mine to fully come in. I'm also cursed with a pretty dark head of hair and facial hair of every colour under the sun - lotta blonde/red coming through. 😭 I'll have a moustache as soon as I can!


I've been growing a mustache for my entire transition. I can't get past a dirt 'stache. 😅


Can’t answer for any other guys but I don’t like them so I wouldn’t have one.


a lot of us just cant grow one, im stuck with the awkward middle school baby hair stache and chin scruff


i got cursed with the neckbeard no stache combo so i would if i could but i sadly cannot


my mustache popped up day fucking 2 on T. my man has been on my face ever since


mine was a really sad little thing before t, wasnt even noticeable, it just gave me a shadow. suddenly almost 2 months in and it got DARK. i also have a few beard hair friends that i never noticed appeared because theyre on the very bottom of my chin and i cant see them until i look up in a mirror which i normally dont do my stache makes me look like one of those older teens/early 20s dudes in a rock band that plays in their parents garage and im all for it. little dude aint going nowhere, at least until i get to the point where if i shave itll just come back in a day lol


It cause it takes a while to grow facial hair on T.


I'm lowkey sad that my mustache isn't full enough to rock the stubble stache that's been in style lately and I'm gonna miss my chance before they go out of style again for the next 50 years.


I got a Cantinflas thing going on where it's on the sides, but nothing in the middle


axiomatic bored enjoy melodic sparkle entertain offend cautious live absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Had to shave my stache this morning cause I'm,, not even close to looking like a guy yet. Which sounds stupid, cause it'll make me look more like a guy, but then I'd have to out myself, and I don't wear a binder while working. Sigh. It made me happy but it didn't look good anyways. ;-;


I refuse to have just a mustache. I keep a full trimmed beard with stache, cause if I would just have the stache I’d look too much like my father. Thankfully my stache is still very Gomez Addams rather than the Wild West.


I'm transmasc, not a trans man, but I am on T and rocking a pretty good 'stache rn. PCOS and T have blessed me with one 6 months in that doesn't look scraggly and I'm loving it. I'll be keeping it until I get to the point I can grow a full beard, maybe even after that.


Because it's not worth rocking


Sadly I don't have a long philtrum to be able to have the stache I want :(


I'm 6 years on T and the most I have is some sparce stubble, I'm only now getting little wisps of mustache hair at the ends lmao


I do have a stache with the beard but I wouldn't have it without the beard. I have the chin of a Bob's burgers character and I would look silly. The beard really helps shape my face.


I can’t grow one yet 😭 The rest of my beard is coming in steadily and pretty nicely, but the fuckin mustache is almost the same as it was pre-T


When I have my hair cut I also have my face shaved and the only thing that isnt shaven is my stache. The hairs are fairly short (the hairs are actually dark brown or black, not sure which, so its dark enough to see in regards to color) so it may be harder to see honestly. I think a stache is actually something thats pretty hard to grow honestly. And trans guys tend to be later in development of these features because most of us need to go on T for a signifcant amount of facial hair to grow and most dont start T until long after puberty, so cis guys usually have a massive head start.


Most of my facial hair growth went to my mustache actually so I just rock it. It's still a little faint compared to what a proper mustache should look like but it doesn't actually look too awful, especially if I add a teeny bit of mascara to it. It makes me look really good actually especially if I have my hoodie up, really makes my face look nice


I wish I could :(


Mine came in fully blonde, and the rest of my hair is a darker brown. I am hoping it colors up eventually, but for now, even if i grow it out it isnt noticeable


I'd do it, I just can't grow any visible hair:')


I cant grow one 😭😭😭


I can’t grow one 😭


I have one, but it's much lighter than the rest of my facial hair. I always wanted a moustache and it seems like my face was keener on the goatee lol


I am planning on having one once I actually grow more facial hair


i cant grow one.


Almost 3 years on T and I'm working on it.. :)


My stache is super weak, but I still don't shave it. I'd look goofy with a beard and no stache haha


I'm growing one now but it's light 😭


I'm with you on the stache. Though mine is a bit thinner still I mostly got hair on my chin. Been about a year and a half with minoxidil and slowly everything is growing in.


I rocked a stache this winter. I'm currently growing my beard back in though. Another dude I know normally rocks a stache. I think it's no different than cis dudes. We all just have different styles. I'm not sure if you're going purely based off the internet, but us stealth guys are out here rocking whatever.


I might grow a stache since that's where most of my visible facial is starting to grow but personally I'd prefer to have a full set of facial hair. In my opinion, most people with just a stache don't look very good with it unless you happen to have just the right face to pull it off


Because I wear a mask everywhere still, and my beard extends past my mask but my stache doesn't.


I want to, but I like the rest of the hair on my face and would feel weird without it. Maybe in the future


my mustache is blonde….


I have mustache hair but tbf I also have a beard so not sure I count as what you're talkin about 😂


I just really don't want to have that pre-pubescent stache and I don't know if it will ever get past that stage if I grow it out so I just don't.


I got a little stache rn but I’m only like 9 months on T so it’s still growing but it’s pretty visible. Can’t wait till it gets fuller.


I love my curly moustache and have never shaved it off, tho the beard comes and goes - you're not alone. 🥰


My fiancé jokes that I look like the stereotypical Puerto Rican male teenager and it’s the funniest shit imo, but at the same time I shave it cause he doesn’t like the way it feels against his face (I got it sharp and pokey/spikey)


I have a face of a 17yo being 25. I don't need to add a 15yo's type " first moustache" to the mix


Because we’re not in the 1970s.


I have one- it’s just blonde, so it’s invisible 🙃 still rocking it though!


my facial hair isn’t very thick or full, it’s patchy and looks pretty awful when i let it grow out. if i was able to grow a beautiful beard & stache i absolutely would


that is in fact the only thing im able to rock :) until T at least


i've only been able to grow one the past year or so, and i've been on t since early 2019 lol


I’m personally not into the stache only look so mustache beard combo it is


The "mustache with no beard" look isn't the most popular these days; it's gone up a bit in some circles within recent years, but overall fell out of favor a long time ago and hasn't made that big of a comeback. It's mostly associated with 2010's hipsters and older men (at least here in the states, where a lot of guys on sites like this are from ). It also tends to age people, and a lot of trans guys who are visible/active in trans spaces online and such are pretty young. And of course, it can take many years for significant facial hair to grow, if it ever does. Fully filled in mustaches (or beards) can take decades for cis men, and most trans guys started their (second) puberty later than their cis counterparts. And for a lot of folks, the mustache takes longer to fill in than the beard area. Not only do people tend to prefer to just shave it off over sporting wispy/patchy facial hair, but it's a lot less popular to wear a "puberty stache" with no beard than the other way around. It's more likely to be either beard only, both, or nothing until they both fill in more. And, while I doubt this one has as much impact as the other points, when they can/do grow facial hair, a lot of trans guys want to have the full beard just because they finally can. It's a lot of patience and effort getting to that point, after all. Finally, some of just don't feel like they can pull it off even if they do like the look and have the ability. Anyone can wear whatever style they want of course, but not everyone is going to think it suits their face shape, age, overall style, etc regardless of how they feel about seeing it on others. ~~and now that I wrote all that, I'm realizing this question is a day old and everything I've said has probably already been gone over... but I took the time to write it out, so ehhh~~


i can smell a fellow aussie. you wrote this so eloquently, i shed a tear reading this poetry


Is it really that obvious??? Aahahahaha.


we love to see it


Mine just won't grow. I'd really love to wear a stache. Unfortunately I can grow a small beard but not a stache. Which is funny because I've always had this noticeable little "stache" pre-T and expected it to grow first and fast. But it remains the same as before, just a bit darker. I shave it off completely to avoid looking sloppy.


because they can't grow one


I would but the extent of my furry upper lip so far is just peach fuzz it's visible but it's not really a proper stache yet, it basically looks like Bart Simpson on episodes that timeskip to the future of him being a teen or young adult.


I am very close to being able to grow a good one, and then I'll follow in your footsteps, lol


Probably because its not popular anymore and in the other hand id say most of ftm folks grow attached to the full beard more once it grows fully. In my case my stache has only now started growing more prominently but i will deffo stick to it more than a full beard >:]


idk, i’ve never been a fan of facial hair so that’s my main motivation (outside of the fact that my facial hair is too blond to show up — i do like the stubble feeling though). i have a lot of ftm/ftn friends that have full beards and staches though, so i guess it just comes to preference? i’ve only had one friend who rocked only a stache w/o a beard, but i don’t personally know any cis dudes who have only a stache either. so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My best friend has been rocking a mustache only since the beginning of his transition. His other facial hair doesn't come in as well but the mustache came in full force pretty quickly. For me, my mustache came in slower than the rest. But thanks to Dr DHT beard products my mustache is finally catching up


I have a small one, already had quite a but of upper lip hair pre-T so now its grown into a full blown teenager ‘stache lol. I also use tinted brow gel to add some definition!


Im workin on getting a full on viking beard with a matching stache. Thats my goal. So, hopefully within the next year or so, you'll see a trans dude with a better beard and stach than his cis father lol. But seriously, i dont know. Staches are awesome and fun! Why i want a viking beard with a matching stache!


My guess is why only have a little bit of facial hair when you can have a beard? I cant grow full facial hair at the moment so I’d rather have it shaved than a patchy beard. That’s just my personal preference


For me a moustache would be more important than a beard. Hoping it comes along


I have a mustache and l love it. I wanted the full mustache beard combo but the beard hair is too itchy for me so I shave that down p short and leave the mustache


I have a mustache, but I also have other facial hair and I don't want to shave anything, I just try to keep it all tidy


I would if I could. I've been on t for like 3 years and the bitch won't grow. I only have the weird little hair boys get once they turn like 13. It's annoying


Can’t grow one


Im not on T yet but I already know Id look really bad with a mustache unfornately :')


I want a mustache! I just hope i dont grow one that all big and bushy! Im a very neat and meticulous kind of guy. Ill probably go out of my way to make sure its clean and well shaped. Im going to start taking oral minoxidil because I’ve waited over 5 years and i got no facial hair accept my upper lip. Though it’s still really faint looking. I get its genetics that are a factor. But dang id look good with a well styled stache! Also i hope it’ll help regrow my eye brows. Which I’ve heard has happened for some transmen that got on the OM.


Please tell me more about this, I wanted to do it topically but I noticed my cat was getting sick, and I love my cat way more than my hair, but that doesn't mean I don't really, really, REALLY fucking LOVE my hair. I've always been all about my hair. Also, I'm planning to pause T and try to conceive at some point after I get top surgery, so I want to get what I can get while I can so I still look like a man. Unless I find a way for a poor gay stoner to adopt, because I really am starting to think I'd rather not deal with how different I'm going to feel when I've never felt more mentally stable in my life than I have on T.


Well ive been on Finasteride for over a year. Been waiting for oral minoxidil to become available. Happened on a ad after all this time, through Roman (RO) and ordered. I just cant stand how the topical minoxidil makes my hair so greasy! Also some days im just to busy to remember to put it in my hair. I highly suggest looking into r/tressless. Theres a lot of experiences in using oral minoxidil. A few other transmen are there too. And others with pets where topical minoxidil is not an option.


My mustache grows in grey and has since I was 18, so I settle for sideburns. Probably the same with a lot of other guys, their stache grows in fuzzy and/or pale, and it's gonna take a few years to thicken/darken


Itchy, food gets stuck, hard to grow and maintain, ingrown hairs, etc.


The second my little stache is strong enough to hold down the fort that is my face, I’m rocking only the stache. Can’t wait!


All I want is a mustache and it's taking forever 😔


My beard is pretty full but the stache is lagging behind. For some reason many of my mustache hairs haven't made the step up to terminal hairs despite being some of the first hairs to make it to the transitional stage. That and I think while my jawline I certainly better now, the beard makes it stand out more


Nah Imma rock a full beard with stache :D I am the only bearded trans guy I personally know


I wonder if the mustache just takes a long time to fill out properly; mine certainly is. I feel like, in general, I see fewer images of trans men who are that deep into their transition.


I was growing a decent mustache and goatee but I moved and I'm not out to some people so I shave it to be a bit more gender ambiguous. I mean, it was wispy but my hair is so dark it was also pretty visible.


I think a lot of this is simply fashion being cyclical. Boomers loved their staches as young adults (and many still do), but they lost popularity with gen x, and millennials were never really that into them at any point. Now they're regaining popularity with gen z, but it's really just the beginning of a trend rn. I feel like they'll be everywhere in 5-10 years.


Had a pencil mustache for a while but people kept thinking it was drawn on 🤷 shaved it and currently have somewhat prominent sideburns that actually look pretty decent on my face. 


I rocked mustache only for years before I grew out the whole beard, it was definitely a look and I miss it sometimes


My face is loading from the bottom up. I'm my five years on T, my neckbeard finally reached my chin! So no mustache for me yet. But I want one like B.J. from M*A*S*H.


I am trying. 2.5 years on T and I am only just getting a darker mustache. I never shaved it, I just braved the shitty sparse stash phase. There’s nothing I want more than a good mustache.


cuz we can’t grow them OK 😭


Minejust tends to grow in slowly, so I shave it off. I preffer staying clean shaven or styled to some degree, which tends to be hard with random whispy facial hair that doesn't match the rest.


I rocked it for a bit but it definitely leaned more Cop than it was giving Matteo Lane and I decided it wasn’t for me right now 😂 Girls liked it though apparently which I find hilarious


I plan to have a glorious lip caterpillar after a few more years on T. I'm two years in and my dose just got increased, and I'm already noticing a bit more hair growth. My goal is Tom Selleck in Magnum P.I. but I'm not sure if that's in my genetics lol. My maternal uncle has a pretty good mustache tho so maybe?


I’m waiting for my facial hair follicles to mature and become denser before I grow anything. I shave my face every couple days because my facial hair is still patchy. It might take a few years, but I know all the males in my family have very strong facial hair genetics which gives me a lot of hope!


Mine took 12+ years to fill in— just the mustache part, everything else came in quickly


i tend to do stache and stubbly beard cause i feel it looks best on my face, but one day i want to commit to growing out the stache and doing the curly stache...


Personally, because I’ve only got a shit pube tache right now, would love a proper one but just gotta wait for the hairs to turn terminal💪


I'm currently growing a mustache. I've also got an awesome soul patch. My stache has grown so much that my grandpa wants me to style it with wax.


rly just genes and preferences as far as facial hair! :) my mustache grew in during quarantine so thank god for masks while mine was patchy and growing!!


I don’t want just a mustache because it get jawline and facial dysphoria. It kinda sucks, but that’s probably the reason for a lot of us.


I gotta bit of one, but i aint on t yet, i just was lucky to have hispanic genes give me a bit of a stache


Idk, I wear a stache and love it.


I’ve recently gone back to ye ol’ tache, my cheeks are patchy as hell and my chin is untameable 👨🏻


Dude I totally want a handlebar mustache but alas, I am pre t


I do! I love it, never want to shave it (gonna have to for cosplay tho…)


Ayyyyeeeee I’ve literally said that’s the only type of facial hair I would likely have from time to time lol. Just waiting for it to fill in 👨🏻‍🦰


I let my soft teenage mustache stay unshaven months before it started to be thick enough to justify it. I took joy in being able to be the kind of guy with lame facial hair. You know, like the kind of ratty weirdo who keeps a mustache that’s not really ready yet XD. My mustache hairs are thick enough now that its more respectable to keep the stache. I have a mustache and chin beard that don’t connect around or under my mouth yet and I’ve been styling it this way for a year or more now while I wait for more facial hair to grow in.


I wish I could but I’m 2 years on T and no changes except bottom growth haha


I'm trying,,,


I rock just the stache! However I’m only a year on T. My hair is pretty patch and is only starting to crawl its way up onto my cheeks. I like a faint stubble, which is where I’ll probably keep it once it fully grows in. My stache is pretty thin, it’s dark, but it’s not as thick as full bearded men’s can be. Rock what makes you feel good, OP <3


I'm just trying to grow any visible facial hair. I'll experiment from there lol.


Because it’s hard to grow. Mine finally managed to not look like peach fuzz after two years. Still not full though




I can only grow a neck beard


Really? I swear the stache is super common among trans men because many don't shave once their facial hair starts coming in and it usually starts above the lip.


I've seen plenty of cis guys rocking it lately, too. The stache is just in.


I think for a lot of guys who don’t have more angular jawlines (me included) the full beard helps hide it and can be trimmed to give the illusion of a more square jawline, otherwise I don’t think it’s a dislike of the look it’s just not as helpful for passing


I will never shave my face again. I rock a stache and beard.


My guy, if I could get an ACTUAL mustache, I’d only rock a pornstache. I like the look of it. I just can’t seem to fill it on


I'm trying


i do, i have a beard too, and some hella sideburns. i do my best


Why can't I grow it at all 😭


I don't like facial hair on myself or much in general