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i live in florida. you will be fine. don’t break the law if you don’t look like the gender marker on your ID. if you pass even 50% of the time don’t use the women’s restroom. no one’s going to harass you for just going about your business. as for the packer as long as it doesn’t look like a boner and it won’t fall out of your bathing suit you’re good 👍


Great info, thank you!


If you're going anywhere but Miami, Ft. Lauderdale or Palm Beach, I do NOT recommend going to Florida. I was born and raised there, and even on T for 4 years, I was getting clocked and harassed even WHILE living in those pretty liberal counties. I moved out of Florida specifically because I started getting even more transphobic harassment within the last year, and by this past August I just couldn't handle it anymore.


i’m going on a vacation to florida/alabama. how about being shirtless (post op)?


Live in FL currently. It depends on wear. St Pete? Sure! Ybor, yeah probably. Miami yes. Anywhere else, wouldn't risk it


like gulf shores/ closer to alabama


Still, I wouldn't risk that.


that’s so good to know. thank u


No problem. Alabama is always a risk. Florida gets worse the more north or rural you are. As a rule of thumb.


Recently went on about a week long trip to Orlando, and it was fine. I got some weird comments from TSA workers who looked at my ID in MCO, but it was just annoying and not dangerous. I pass, but I didn’t use the bathroom in the airport just in case (government building bathroom laws). That’s about the only precaution I took. It really depends on where in Florida you’re going though


I was warned not to go. Pack light.




This is an unnecessarily hostile comment with a lot of assumptions for a genuine question.