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I usually hate the gatekeepy medicalized approach to identities but in your case... Could you do some sessions with a trans-inclusive therapist? They might help you decide what is your motivation for cancelling, if it's just fear or if T is genuinely not the way to go for you.


I have a therapist who is trans inclusive but we always end up talking about the much more pressing matters and gender is sort of an afterthought in the sessions.


then start talking about your gender too or you will never know!


I second this đź‘Ť


I had a panic attack the night before my appointment. But I didn't cancel it because I thought that would be how I'd feel, too. Change is scary, even change that you want. Especially if you've spent years trying to convince yourself that you don't want it. Testosterone may or may not be right for you, but being scared doesn't automatically mean it's wrong.


Yeah, I’m nonbinary and I agonized over the decision for ten years. But honestly, you just won’t know for sure if T is for you until you’re on it. I second the therapy comments, that’s always helpful, but in my case I was so done talking about it in circles… I just had to say fuck it and finally make the jump. HRT was *absolutely* the right decision for me, and I’m so glad I had the courage to push the doubts aside and give it a go. Obviously this is not the right approach for everyone, but that was my experience.