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I’ve almost always wanted short hair, and my parents didn’t have a problem with it, so my life in haircuts has mostly been having short hair with periods of having longer hair rather than having long hair until I cut it all off. I think my first haircut I got with the intention of looking more masculine I had my mom do with clippers, but prior to that I had mostly had pixie cuts anyway, so it was the same but with shorter sides.


Oh okay. Well I'm glad your parents were chill about it.


They’re lesbians so.


my mom took me to get a trim to get rid of some dead-ends when i had hermione hair down to my ass when i was 15. she went to go to the bathroom so i took my opportunity and said like "yeah my mom said it was okay in the car, just long enough to touch the top of my ears" (massive lie) and when my mom came back from the bathroom basically right as the stylist put 2 and a half feet of hair into a ponytail (to donate for wigs!) and snipped it at the nape of my neck. obviously it was cleaned up and shortened more after that. but she cried, i cried cause i'm a sympathy crier, and then through the crying she said i actually looked great. and the next day i got the most horrific sunburn on the back of my neck. good memories


Haha that was sneaky. I'm glad your mom didn't get that upset about it.


oh she was PISSED. it wasn't so much the hair itself but the lying. lying is the absolute worst thing to my parents so i definitely heard about it and was grounded. but my parents are also able to hand it to someone and see the situation as it is. not to mention, there had been months and months and months of fighting and arguing and haggling and begging and bribing and negotiating and threatening to do it myself all for a short haircut so it was far from a surprise i pulled something


We were in Mexico and I wanted to go to my first barber, I was out to my brother who speaks Spanish so he helped me get it cut, and also he called me his hermano (brother) for the first time and it made me so so happy.


Saw across the spider verse with my best friend then we and a few others met up at a park to buzz my head with a (clean) manscaped razor over a trash can lol


Lmao I love that movie. Did Miles give you gender envy or something?


Nah i had just been planning on June 2 to buzz my head for a while and the movie happened to be coming out that day


Aight. It's nice to hear that your friends were here to help you.


I already had short hair for 5 years before I came out, and it started because I was gonna donate my hair and I just never grew it out again. But I think I would count my random buzzcut that I got just a month after I came out because I wanted a really masculine look in the beginning


I see.


I did it in the shower by myself. My hair was kinda short already but not as much as I wanted at the time




I cut it myself to get thr general shape i wanted, i went to a hair dresser / barber and just told them to give me a mens cut in the same shape it alr is.


I didn't have a "big chop" when I started transitioning, I had short hair for most of my life. I had hair to my shoulders for just a couple years when I was in my hyper fem denial phase in my early 20s, but otherwise it was pixie cuts even through middle and high school. And that was back in the 2000's in a conservative area where people would disparagingly call me a lesbian for having short hair. My hair is much longer now compared to when I started transitioning. When I started I had a hella short, nearly shaved head. 5 years later I have a sort of mullet thing going on, it's pretty rad.


I'm happy you found a hairstyle that fits you dude.


Me too, it makes me feel so swag!!


Thought you were talking about top surgery at first lol. But to answer your questions, during lockdown in 2020. I had been keeping my hair about chin-length at that point, but I let it grow to my shoulders during the winter and it was annoying the crap out of me, especially since it was hot in the summer and I was an essential worker. It was specifically the "protests" in Lansing. I remember thinking, "if having shorter hair is a human right then why don't they go buy some fuckin' shears." Then I went to the store, bought some shears, and gave myself a shaggy mullet. Haven't been to a hairdresser since. I've gotten much better at it though and I don't have a shaggy mullet anymore, lmao.


Woah damn. You got some balls to just cut your hair like that, respect.


i got my first masculine haircut when i was around 10. i didnt come out till i was 14, but my mom is a beleiver that hair and clothes were for any gender and was happy to cut it short even though i was a 'girl'




I had spent the last semester of my junior year asking my friends and family what they would think if I shaved all my hair off. Most ppl took it as a joke or told me I shouldn't because they liked my curls. During a break between one of my summer classes I was joking about wanting to shave me head to an ex of mine and he outright said I shouldn't because I would look butch. Fueled by the fire of annoying an ex I told him I'd see him next week with a shaved head. My mom was fine with it as long as I was sure it was what I wanted (I'd been talking about it all semester at least) and she even shaved it herself in the kitchen. I think her and my sister thought I was going to cry lol. My ex was right and I did look like a baby butch for awhile but my mom put a really sweet side by side photo of me before and after the cut and pointed out how different my smile was with short hair. I came out as nonbinary a few years later and will be 2 yrs on T next month and am actually growing it out again this year after regretting cutting it for the first time last summer.


Aww I'm glad your mom helped you with it.


Summer after high school I used all the cash I had and went to Greatclips or Sportclips or one of those. It was a pretty bad haircut but it was short! And then my mom freaked the FUCK out and I went to college and grew it out because I really couldn’t risk cutting it again as I was financially dependent on her. Then I moved into my dads for a bit after college because she was insane, got the second big chop with him who couldn’t give less of a shit. Got regular haircuts with him for awhile, eventually moved back into my moms, bought myself some $30 Wahl clippers and been cutting my own hair since then. So about 5 years now


First time was in middle school, it was my birthday and I asked my dad to let me cut my hair short as a gift. Went to a salon, got something that was slightly more masculine than a pixie cut. I loved it, but when I walked into the school assembly the next day everyone stared at me and I got mercilessly bullied (Christian school). That experience did stick with me a bit, and I had a bob, then aline, then a long pixie, and more progressively masculine hairstyles that I felt still flew under the radar as feminine. Maybe androgynous, but nothing that people would look at me strangely for. Still I walked away from every haircut feeling like I didn't quite get the haircut I wanted. Then in college I entered my masculine woman phase, and hating my hair was really starting to get to me. I started experimenting with shaving sides, then the back too, then all around, then bleached it. I really loved it at first but that little glimmer of hope pushed me into thinking now all the other fem stuff I had already tried might suddenly feel different. Things delayed for a few more years. Then finally my transition started, and my hair had gotten pretty long, to my shoulders. I shaved it all around again, remembering how I really loved it the last time. Then I spiralled because I knew I looked like a lesbian but couldn't place why. I hadn't expected that because last time I was trying to look like a lesbian so I hadn't really noticed and just thought it looked 'masculine', but I realized it wasn't what I wanted. So I did some research on masculine haircuts and finally figured out how to actually make it look clean. Now I'm finally feeling good about my hair and have plans for haircuts I'm excited about, instead of haircuts I think I should try because I hate this one and need a new one. It's been a journey for sure but I'm really glad to have finally reached this point.


I'm happy for you mate.


Hey! I've always been an advocate for the big chop when you feel ready for it. For me, it was post-coming out - a sort of symbolism to start anew. Went to an LGBTQ+ friendly barber suggested by a friend (easier with the nerves). They got the grasp of what I wanted immediately. And it was indeed a liberating and affirming experience. Take your time! And remember, hair grows back. It’s all about what makes you comfy and confident. Cheers!


I got my first big chop 3 years ago,during COVID-19 quarantine.It was my mom who cut my hair.It wasn't that short like it's now but it was something.


Cool. I think like a lot of people tried out new hairstyles during quarantine.


The first time I got my hair cut short I went to a Supercuts or some place like that. It was a spur of the moment decision. I hated it at first. Took some getting used to but now I can’t imagine going back to long hair. Nowadays I cut my hair at home.


I always had long ass hair when I was younger. Like down to my lower back. My first short haircut was when I was around 16 or 17? I wouldn't call it masculine but it was stepping in that direction lol. I donated my hair and got cut to a little bit below my ears. I think I literally showed my stylist a picture of Viktor from Yuri on Ice as the inspiration LMAO Ive kept my hair short since then but my stylist always would feminize it. My first haircut that I specifically requested him not to do that was this May! Got it cut really short and I love it :) this post reminded me I actually need to go get it trimmed


Oh boy you showed him an anime character as reference? On another note I'm glad this post got to be useful to someone.


LMFAOOO YEAHH I DID. I still get my hair cut like anime or video game characters on occasion, but I make sure to use cosplay pictures. Definitely less embarrassing than just showing a straight up anime boy


I was 6. My parents took me because I asked. When I was 21 I cut it short permanently. Slowly. Started with a longer faux hawk. Then went down to a medium fade. Then a bald fade. Now I shave my head twice a month lol


I went to my usual hairdresser. Basically, I started cutting my hair like a year, one and a half before coming out/realizing I was trans, and I just went shorter and shorter with each visit. It was really nice lmfaoo




I’m a long haired guy so I just trim it with scissors now and again


Took a pair of scissors and damn well cut it down as far as possible. I looked like a freshly, clusmily de-feathered chicken. I didnt understand why I was doing it, just that I was in distress and needed to do it. My egg hadnt entirely cracked yet.


2021, i was 12 and about 7 months out and i had just finished primary school so my mam let my sister dry cut my hair with kitchen scissors in our bathroom into a horrible side part, then about a year ago i finally got the courage to go to a barber, i frl went 2 years with uneven scissor cut hair that i cut myself in the bathroom or my bedroom using my phone to see the back 😭


Its kinda complicated, i had a Pixie cut until i was about 10, cut it short again at age 15ish, but i think i got my first deliberately masc haircut around age 18 or 19. Went to a barber for the first time at age uhhh 25ish


I had mine SIX days ago! I'd wanted a short, masculine haircut for as long as I can remember, but my parents always resisted and tried to stop me by compromising. I've had a short haircut for around 3 years now however I got my first properly masculine guy's haircut less than a week ago after years of convincing my parents. I went to a Barber's in the city I go to school in and got EXACTLY the cut I've always wanted. God it was euphoric! I passed for the first time today thanks to it. I couldn't've been happier. :)


I love that for you my dude.


My mom wouldn’t let me cut my hair so in college I cut it to around shoulder length (to try to keep her relatively calm when I went home freshman year) and now I keep it at more like…slightly longer than ear length. I’ve never been to a hairdresser, I just cut it with normal scissors.


I never really had a trans "big chop". I hacked my hair off in the kitchen when I was 13. I'd been wanting to cut it for months because it kept getting tangled in my catcher's mask during softball and baseball, it was waist length at the time. During a game where it once again got tangled in the mask and I didn't realize it, I threw the mask off to catch a pop fly and it swung around on my hair and hit me in the spine knocking me off my feet with the sudden pain and left a huge bruise on my spine. I took kitchen shears when I got home and hacked it off at the base of the ponytail and threw it on the floor. My mum was like "you realize we have to go to the salon to get that fixed now" and my response was "that was the point." My dad was pissed. Very "girls should have long hair" type. So I had had short hair for years before coming out as trans at 17. Ironically now at 30 my hair is past my shoulderblades and I'm still letting it grow because guys can have long hair too. I actually have more male friends with super long hair than female friends. Most my female friends keep their hair around their shoulders


Just got my haircut couple weeks ago, almost a month? 24 inches of hair gone and donated. I imagine the relief I felt was akin to that of a sheep with overgrown wool finally getting sheered. The literal weight of it lifted off my shoulders 😭


That's awesome to hear.


I asked my cishet male roommate to completely shave my hair in the bathtub because I messed up my sidecut x)


Technically for me it was on like 2nd or 3rd grade but that was mostly for lice, I kept it short nearly my whole life after that, although now that I'm actually realising I'm trans I'd grown my hair out in denial and then finally shaved it all off about a month ago at my dads (funny thing is he's transphobic, but I just told him it was a sensory thing since I've always complained about my hair touching me).


My mom always cut my hair growing up, but the first masculine haircut I got was the first time I went to a proper stylist. I wasn’t fully out but dysphoria was killing me, so I got an undercut that I could put up in a man bun when I wanted to look masculine but still wear it down to look feminine if I wanted/needed. I kept it that way for a while through senior year of high school and about a year after graduation. I fully committed to the masculine haircut last August after I had been on T for a couple of months. My coworker just so happened to also be a professional hair stylist, so I paid her like $15 and she gave me the fluffy sad boy haircut I have now lmao


Went to my typical hairdresser when I dipped my toe in the water and did an androgynous one, then again for a masculine one. Barber ever since.


it was a little over a year ago, march 1st :3 went to my usual hairdresser because it’s a very queer-friendly place and i love her, and while it wasn’t the greatest haircut i absolutely loved it and i’ve now refined it with her to be something much less… bad lmao


I had bad nits for 5 years until my mum gave up and just shaved my head 👍 it’s been short ever since. Probably the longest now than it’s ever been


My first short haircut was age 14 (2013) during my first go at transition. I didn’t keep it up (the hair or the transition) and ended up identifying as a lesbian, spending about 5 years growing it out and performing femininity before I started doing a barbered undercut with very long hair on top. Eventually I buzzed everything summer 2021 and kept it up, started leaning further and further into ‘butch’ styling until I realized I’m trans in 2023. I have a blue and brown mullet thing going on right now. It might be time for a high and tight fade again though….. we shall see


i got my very first short haircut 2 days after I came out to my mom. I had always wanted short hair, but she never let me because she was obsessed with the idea of me being pretty and feminine. She would always tell the hairdresser that I wanted a stacked bob (the karen haircut). She took me to the hairdresser inside of a walmart bc that's what we could afford at the time, and it turned out AWFUL and nothing like the reference pictures I showed them. Now, I've been cutting it myself for the last 6-ish years.


i buzzed it all off at the barbers when i was 15, i had had ENOUGH :') now i've got a cool lil mullet situation going on and so far it feels like the most "me" haircut i've ever had


it was august 2022 and i just asked my mom if i could get a haircut. went to the barber and told them i wanted a trim (i had fairly long hair). i only said this because my mom was beside me, later when she left the store to go pick things up i changed my decision and told the barber to give me a "short boy haircut". i was really pleased with it, thank god i never went thru the awkward trans karen cut. it's been two years and i now have a mullet, well i used to. my recent barber cut it off with out asking!