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He’s somebody’s nephew that needs money for all the Punisher badges and gas…


So totally this. Almost no legitimate private security is licensed to use long guns in their duties. The exception being REALLY big security contracts for high security facilities like nuclear reactors and sometimes armored truck services, or if the facility they are guarding is truly huge and they're out patrolling miles of fence lines. But in all those cases, the weapons stay on site. I strongly urge OP to call bullshit at the next board meeting. At best, this was a waste of resources, and almost certainly, it was fraud.


This is good advice and I appreciate it. I’m a gun owner myself, so I’m very sensitive about gun safety and I’d never brandish a long gun in public. This guy didn’t have his finger on the trigger, but in any case I’d say it was wholly inappropriate for him to be holding it “at the ready” while he stares at people eating. I’m going to raise the issue next time it comes up.


What I would do is find the licensing info on armed security in your jurisdiction. The language can vary, like sometimes they're called special police. But I can pretty much guarantee that they're restricted to handguns unless they get a specific operational waiver. So when you go to the HOA, you can say what exactly was fishy about the security guard and demand an accounting of what company he was supposedly hired from.


The Hoa isn’t going to turn over any info.


Sure, if they want to break the law. If an HOA contracts a service, they have to put it on the books. By law, HOA members can see those books to make sure there's no impropriety.


My hoa is built on impropriety, but we don't know what to do. We are pretty sure they are grifting.


Step 1: Hire a lawyer Step 2: get a forensic accounting Step 3: hand over any criminal results to the DAs office and file for an immediate freezing of hoa assets. Step 4: depose hoa board and elect new members Step 5: sue previous board for damages. Alternatively, ask for a copy of the books. If they're willing to provide it, you can go to step 2 without a lawyer first to see if there's any actual impropriety. If they are willing to give up the books, the likelihood of embezzling is dramatically lower.


I love your use of the word depose for some reason. I’m picturing a coup with large demonstrations with big banners on poles that leads to a mass storming of the HOA summer palace where they’re holed up. Kinda like a Russian revolution but on an upper middle class HOA lol.


They've been dodging doing an audit for YEARS,.or at least wont show an audit to us. They recently told us they haven't paid taxes. Maintenance fees keep going up. Sinngle folks pay some utility fees as the apartments with illegal bedrooms housing a dozen people. We know something fishy is up but we werent sure how to prove it AND we werent sure what/ how we'd even sue them for. We also feel a board member that is a heavy investor is in kahoots with Management. Its his apartments that are overcrowded. How does nothing to crack down on the illegal apartments.


Hire a lawyer NOW.


The HOA includes all the residents attending that chili cookoff. It's not for *some* of the residents. They can't withhold documents from residents, because they *are* the residents.


There is no need to ask the HOA. If someone has a business, they can just ask him for his business card and interview him for another security gig. Then you can ask him for his qualifications, licensing information, proof of business insurance, going rate, references, etc. In addition to the long-gun issue, I personally think the Punisher theme is idiotic. If he hurts someone, that punisher logo will be a lawsuit magnet for everyone involved, including the HOA. Personally, I would notify his insurance, the insurance of the HOA, and Marvel Comics for the trademark infringement. Also, I would check who he is related to? If there is a conflict of interest, it needs to be exposed. Maybe google his info and check his social media/linkedin. And if you have a public law school near you, see if you can visit their law library and check him in the Lexis Nexis database.


As you know NO legitimate gun owner would show up with a punisher badge to a security gig. AR is overkill but meh what ever. But that punisher badge wow huge red flag.


The AR isn't overkill, it's cosplay.  


Maybe the HOA should hire a different stereotype to guard the next chili cook-off, like a samurai, or a drunk russian in a tracksuit with a trained bear.


I will walk around in my suit of armor with a halberd and eat chili for $50 an hour.


hope your armor has a quick-release butt plate for when the chili hits edit: *rumble* "oh god no" *clank clank clank* *splatter* *crying in anguish*


Just go in the suit, it's historical.


NGL if a dude in suit of full plate with crap dripping from the seams was guarding something, no way in hell am I gonna fuck around and find out


I'd say over-compensation.


Ironically, the Punisher would actually hate all of the clowns that use that logo without really understanding what drove him


Perfect opportunity to drop my favorite take on [the fashy Punisher logo people](https://popula.com/2019/02/24/about-face/) (long-ish, but so worth it).


I like the comic Marvel did where the Punisher himself calls out a couple of douche bag cops for putting the sticker on a patrol car. https://bleedingcool.com/comics/punisher-police-skull-logo-spoilers/ It is Punisher #13 from 2019.


Yeah, every time I see the logo being used for things like This I think Frank would have an absolute field day with these knuckle heads.


Unless he's an off duty cop... Then I expect nothing less than a punisher flag right next to the gadsden flag.


no step on snek




I cackled


The "tread harder daddy" is my favorite one but I could only find Etsy and Pinterest links to it.


The perfect ironic combo.


Without knowing the state, it's hard to comment, but when I did high value property transport, we would all carry sidearm and AR-15s. For a chili cook-off definitely sounds like a wanna be that is related to someone, but carrying a long gun during a security job isn't always out to the realm of possibility.


He probably pulled up in his jacked up emotional support truck too


I'm a security guard. The tough guy act is so goofy. The guy thinks he's guarding a bank. He should be in khakis and a polo with a CONCEALED weapon (so he can get paid for being armed) and should just act like a greeter until someone calls for him. Just smiling, waving, asking folks how their chili is. Shit like that. Dudes like that are why nobody takes a guard seriously


This is EXACTLY what I was thinking about how I'd approach these kinds of social gatherings and security. Dress for the occasion, greet folks as they show up, check on some folks in a friendly manner and generally just float around while keeping an eye on any traffic coming/going and ready to de-escalate any arguments that might pop up. Nobody even needs to know I'm armed unless the show of potential force was specifically requested to keep Ole' John from getting too upset about losing this year's cook-off to Mr. Hinkleman's "over-beaned soup" (Ole' John's words, not mine) for the third year in a row...


Hinkleman has always been a hack. Ole’ John just isn’t afraid to speak the truth.


Standing around with a big gun in hand all "kitted" out is a sure fire way to get shot first if shit were to hit the fan


Worked with someone like that. The quietest site ever and acted like we were about to go to war.


You don't get it! They'll be calling about an open position at one of the US Mint facilities any day now.. You'll see! /s


Real talk though. The Mint police are hella legit. Unless you have a combat resume as long as the Constitution AND someone inside vouching for you they're not even going to look once at your app.


Used to bounce as "community service" for one of the sponsors of my rugby club. This guy 100% is going to escalate any situation that may befall a *checks notes* HOA chili cook-off. For fuck sake.


I mean why does a neighborhood chili cook off even need an armed security guard is probably a better question? Unless this is an area that has frequent drive bys during midday that’s just nuts. They afraid someone is going to shoot the judges over the chili rankings? If this was my neighborhood I’d be calling for an audit over how the HOA is allocating funds. This screams “HOA board member tossing cash at a relative”.


I've worked in security for over 20 years. This guy has no idea what he's doing. There's not a single damn reason, given the information we have, for security to be armed at all. Lurking_Ghoul is exactly right about what security should be doing at an event like this. Smiling, waving, and talking to people about chili. Putting everyone at ease and keeping everything friendly and cool is legitimately GOOD security. It's actively de-escalatory, the people there will trust you, everyone feels safe talking to you. Open carrying a weapon and acting like a tough guy is cartoonishly escalatory. I've worked with people like this balloon knot and they are guaranteed to make the most minor issue into a catastrophe because they're petty martinets that have to play tough guy. They put everyone they work with in danger. One of the most frustrating things about security is that aggression is often mistaken for competence.


Hey! He almost joined the military. He just doesn’t like people telling what to do and has bone spurs so he was disqualified


You don’t want to conceal your weapon. But an AR is wild, I did security for cannabis dispensaries and never had an incident.


It's a board members relative. My guess is they want to get their resume padded with "security" work for an actual security job


Or they want to write off all of their tactical suff as a business expense. That stuff usually isn't cheap.


Hell no, it's not. I had to get a stab vest for work and that bastard was close to 600 bucks


Isn't a stab vest not even kevlar? I thought they were just like relatively thick plastic/metal plates or a stupid amount of layers of nylon or whatever cloth.


You need both Kevlar and stab protection where I'm at


Middle school teacher, I see.


> fortunate son plays over the school intercom instead of the pledge of allegiance


Oh you mother fucker I choked on my pizza


>Isn't a stab vest not even kevlar Kevlar is a brand, not a material. Aramid fiber, which is the product Kevlar is famous for is completely useless against a knife. You can pull the ceramic plate out of any bullet resistant vest and stab a person right through the chest while they wear it with a cheap stiletto. Catching a bullet and stopping a knife are totally different tasks and "kevlar," might be great at the former but it's pointless for the latter.


I’m glad you called out a bullet resistant and not bullet proof. I love in the movies when cops throw in a regular Kevlar vest (not plate carrier) and stand up after getting shot with a rifle. I saw a tv show recently where a cop took a bullet to the carrier by a sniper and walked away. Pretty sure there’s no vest that can stop a 338 Lapua or even most calibers over 308.


Body armor is bullet resistant, plot armor is bullet proof.


It's kinda crazy how cheap a perfectly serviceable AR-15 can be.


God bless PSA


One of my first was a PSA “blemished” build on sale. $400 and I couldn’t find the blemish - miiiight have been a pen tip sized knick on the magwell. These days I use it as my loaner when I’m teaching newbies


It's their cousin Todd, which is strange because you wouldn't know any of them were from Boston until they say his name.


I grew up reading punisher comics. The punisher would hate these guys and writer actually does call them morons.


I just reread that the other day. He really has no patience for them.


100% of people who think the punisher is someone to look up to and aspire to be are a subset of people who are absolute morons who the punisher would go after


The guy who invented the symbol and character has called these out as misguided losers so … it couldn’t be much clearer. 


It’s why I hope Bernthal eats a bit of humble pie with the upcoming DD series where vigilante cops are using his symbol to justify murder. So sick of him saying how much the character of Frank “means to law enforcement and military”. No my dude, most have never read a line of comic, they just fantasize about murdering people.


He won’t. He’s a huge cop/abuse apologist. I used to like him but his podcast and some other interviews have revealed how gross his ideology is.  I thought it was bad when he said Roman Polanski should be cleared of his rape charges. But over the years he’s gotten worse. 


Ask HOA members what security firm this guy is with, and then do some research on the company.


This. Is it a real company, is their license current, is their insurance current, and look up the guard too, be sure his/her license is current.


And if his license is even valid to carry a gun, let alone a rifle. If


The company name is front range patrol in Colorado. They are a legit company. They are also cosplaying clowns who take great pride in their Spartan imagery and look. Cosplaying clowns, to be frank.


This is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever read


Dude, it was hilarious. This guy was ready to serve and protect the living shit out of our god-given right to cook some beans.


I'm glad you found humor in it because just from your description of the idiot he had no business being with a weapon in public.


Of course. I’m a gun owner too, and nothing pisses me off more than people who don’t take that responsibility seriously. I meant “hilarious” more in, you have to appreciate the absurdity of an armed curmudgeon angrily eating beans in a gated tennis court.


I'm a gun owner as well, and I take firearm safety VERY VERY seriously. So while I appreciate the absurdity, from my perspective, the danger presented by idiots like this kinda washes away any possibility for finding humor. Dickheads with a chip on their shoulder and a gun are one of the greatest public health threats in this country behind McDonald's and right to work laws.


It’s very interesting reading both your takes on this as gun owners. I am not a gun owner and am very supportive of tighter gun laws and tbh, this would absolutely terrify me. I have young kids and would never want them seeing this at our neighborhood chili cook off. I would probably leave the event.


I agree. I would leave the event immediately if with my young child. If sans child, I’d probably get a bowl of chili to go and laugh at the dude on the way out.


Some people might take that last part as a joke but in case anyone misses the reason it's not: McDonald's coffee and the absolute bullshit they pulled and right to work ultimately being anti-worker.


Careful, if someone toots he’s gonna scream SHOTS FIRED


If an acorn drops, there's gonna be a SHOW


"Shots fired. SHOTS FIRED!" Ridiculously slow roll over. Mag dump at cruiser. *thankfully misses occupant* #acornlol


You put beans in the chili? To some, that would require you to be escorted out by aforementioned security guard.


Beans *and* IPA. And I got second place. I’m standing by it :)


That is the only appropriate use for IPA since you should never drink that crap.


Beans? Sounds like he didn't do a good enough job if he let beans into the chili competition


Beans? In chili? Lucky you didn't get shot /s


I'm sorry but this is hilarious. I had to share this with the security Reddit. Unfortunately some people in security think it's all cool to dress up with punisher and look so hardcore like they're ready for war. They like to do this even when there's no threat or it's not necessary to have all this stuff. If you wanted to be armed a simple duty belt and being dressed nice would have done the job. I agree definitely someone's child on the board lol.


It's hilarious right up until someone gets shot because gravy seal Rambo fucks up and negligent discharges his weapon into a toddlers head.


Or they shoot a black resident for "trespassing"


He's there in case "evil commie BLM rioters" come cruising through and decide to destroy the neighborhood picnic. No joke my local gun store in a quiet affluent suburb was flooded with people after the blm protests because they were paranoid protesters were gonna come to their quiet neighborhood and kill them


Hahaha Meal Team Six


Gravy Seals, Loaded Biscuit Edition Fricken couch commandos. Can't get into the military, law enforcement or mall cop matriculations so now he cosplays and listens to Militia Etheridge at night while he, with one eye propped open, half-dreams of how to rid the world of brown-ish people from the half-window bedroom in his uncle's Republico-Trumpfederate themed basement. "Danger Ranger" MUH-LISHA.


Of course


Even in emergency situations the role of security should always be to DEESCALATE, keeping people and the scene *secure* This dude didn’t just escalate from a knife to a gun fight… he brought an entirely new tension to the scene with an AR to a *chili cook off*. Maybe save some of that nepotism job money for some therapy or something that doesn’t put random community members at risk!


Those are the people that want to be police officers, and have done most of the training, and can’t understand why no department will hire them


Sounds like a guy who really wanted to join the military or the cops but was too dumb to do either. MFs that take themselves that serious is more of a danger than anything else, bring it up at the next meeting as to how much of a liability this guy would be, ask to see his credentials and background in terms of 'what benefit do we actually get vs this guy's actual experience' kind of way


He would have joined the military, except he knows he would have punched the drill sergeant the first time he got mouthy.


I love when people say that. Those of us who have served just laugh at them because admitting to being a loud mouth with the emotional control of a toddler is not the boast they think it is.


A lack of self control is a much bigger barrier to a military career than a lack of intelligence.


I can assure you he's not too dumb to be a cop. They don't like to have smart cops.


Buddy, it's chili con carne... not cilled con carnage. Back off a bit.


When the HOA gets an invoice for the security guard's services, note the last name of the security guard and see if it matches anyone on the HOA board. And please tell me he was also wearing a pair of Oakleys.


Hard to do an occular patdown in Oakleys




Everybody bring their own rent-a-cop to the next cookoff, staring down the one hired by the HOA


Sounds like a black mirror episode, 100 people doing their polite society chili cookoff on their gated community tennis court all casually ignoring the fact that everyone has a heavily armed guard trying to stare people down.


Now this is some proper WTF. Is this Texas?


I was gonna guess Florida


It’s got to be [Front Range PatroI](https://frontrangepatrol.com/). I spotted them driving around the Denver airport area a while back and they..made an impression. Sounds like they sent one of the cosplayers from their Tactical Response Unit to protect your chili. I wonder if Disney has sent them any cease and desists yet regarding use of the logo.


Spot on. It was them. They’re a danger to public safety. They drive around in cars specifically marked up to look like cop cars, and they dress to fool people into thinking they are cops. Even have a fake “badge” on their lapel. No clue how it’s legal, but…


No shit they are a public danger ! You should have made the Rambo wanna be sit in his car with no chili or anything. If he shows up this year just close the cook off down because of him. Bet you guys could have your party in a back yard or rent a church basement and exclude the Nutty old guard. You don’t need that at a private party


From their website, >Front Range Patrol is fully "licensed and insured" so that we can accommodate all of your security needs. Looks to me like the meaning of those quotation marks need to be scrutinized before/during the next HOA meeting.


Gosh the fake badges and bootleg cop cars are genuinely eerie. There is nothing good that can come out of this. People already have trust issues with real police.


Bruh these people can't be for real. The website literally reads: Front Range Patrol is "licensed and insured". How can anyone see that and not get Doctor Evil air quotes vibes? Who looks at clowns like this and goes, "hell yeah, THAT'S who I want to hire"


I like their use of quotation marks: > Front Range Patrol is fully "licensed and insured" so that we can accommodate all of your security needs. I imagine the fat owner winking (and sweating through his tactical gear) when saying that.


Wow, just wow. Armored vehicle for the tactical response team, motorcycles, K-9 units, and more. And not a single mention of actual law enforcement or military background/training. And wtf is with their logo? Warthog with a devil/alien for a nose?


Came here to post this too. These guys are clowns. They own a branded Hummer and have "security guards" who carry around 3 handguns on them at once. Glorified cosplayers.


What on earth would you need three for? I can get the argument of a backup gun in a high threat environment (two is one and one is none), but needing a backup to a backup is a bit absurd.


If I had stumbled across that website on my own I would have 1000% figured it was a joke. Unreal. Thank you for making my day.


Aside from the ludicrousness of it all, from an HOA operations standpoint hiring that yayhoo was an improper use of HOA funds (or any security for that matter), and I’m also sure if the HOA Master Policy insurance carrier was aware, they’d immediately cancel your policy.


Why does your board feel the need to “guard” the cook-off??


Wouldn't want anyone from the neighboring other upper middle class HOAs to get into their exclusive chili tasting event. That would just be chaos.


This isn't as funny as ppl think it is and it's exhibit 1a on why HOAs are a problem. The HOA is absolutely legally liable for everything this idiot does. He clearly isn't trained. He clearly lacks licensure. I know people in high end private security that are petrified of pulling their guns because there are literally no good outcomes and he starts his day at a cook off at that level. So if literally anything happens not only is the HOA on the hook but they are on the hook at escalated settlement numbers because this is clearly past any reasonable level of malpractice. If a child is injured, never mind killed, by anything this bozo did the HOA is on the hook for at least a 7 to 8 figure settlement. Their insurance isn't going to pay. Why should they? So now the 200-400 houses in the HOA have 100k+ special assessments so someone on the board could pay their idiot nephew a few hundred dollars. Someone needs to show up at the next meeting and go to work on this because it's your asses on the line.


Lol 😂 at the next HOA meeting you can ask if someone is intentionally trying to make this event less fun. *“I see you’ve tried to hire an armed guard with a weapon to give a sense of unease, anxiety, and make people feel less safe. When people feel unwelcome, because they would rather eat at home without being stared down by an armed gunman, I’d like the committees opinion on what attendance records have to drop to - (50% down? 75% down?) - before we acknowledge that we are not only wasting money on arm security, but actively making people feel less welcome? I will await the committee response.”*


He should hire a **pair** of armed guards for the next HOA meeting, to basically stand about menacingly and leer at the HOA board members. When the board members object, ask why this standard of security was okay for the cookout, but not the HOA meeting.


I have an acquaintance that would absolutely apply for this job. He has a high paying job but nowhere to wear the flak vest with plates that he bought on e-bay.


You're missing a big point. If one of the chili's is rancid and turns people into a rabid zombie, you have the Punjsher there to keep you safe


The last thing your HOA could afford is that Douche assaulting or even shooting someone. Definitely related to someone on the Board.


No kidding. It would be a very special assessment.


Punisher isn’t a mercenary. Those are the cops Punisher hates cops, especially those that use his skull symbol


That’s my point! This guy just looks silly wearing a punisher badge while he carries a gun at a community event, hoping for trouble so he can be the “hero”.


Meal Team Six reporting for duty 😂


Did homie ‘clear’ the common areas and ‘recon’ the front gate to make sure it was safe for everyone to go home afterwards?


He did an ocular patdown


I am under the impression that the requirements for a security guard on the job to be armed are actually considerably more stringent than what is needed for an average guy to just carry a gun in most states. More so for an AR. I wonder if this guy has all the required training and licenses?


Arm up with even more hardcore stuff for the next cookoff and walk up to him and say "your services are no longer needed"


The security guy is eating on the job?


Wow. What the hell. I used to do private security, including personal protection details. And I occasionally still do some on the side for extra money for a buddy of mine who owns his own company. I can think of exactly 2 jobs where I had to have a long gun out and ready at all times. And it sure as hell wasn’t guarding a chili cook off. In fact, if I had dressed like that or acted like that at any of the jobs I would’ve been fired and never had another gig in my life. My guess is it was somebody’s nephew with way too much playtime in call of duty.


Front Range Patrol?


Is this Front Range Security?


As the owner of many AR-15s I totally get why you would be turned off by this. I never got why dudes open carry long guns in public. If he wants to carry a pistol open cool just be professional about it. Guys like this are just insecure and couldn’t get into the military or actual LE.


The irony would be the one year they stop hiring him to come, armed assailants with various Eastern European accents steal everyone’s chili at gunpoint Which, obviously just let them have the chili right? Who cares. But they take it a step further. They take the time to try every chili and insult the person who took the time to make their personal dish for the community to enjoy. They take everyone’s dishes and make away like bandits.


Please tell me this isn’t in Colorado Springs


god damnit i KNEW this had to be CO while reading it! lol this wasnt green valley ranch in denver was it?


On the one hand, dude is just there to do his job on the other hand, hes got punisher logos without understanding the irony therein so he can go fuck himself


"You will eat the chili. You will like the chili. You will vote on the chili. There will be no shenanigans. Understood? " Cocks gun. "Understood? "


I can already tell he's never read a Punisher comic.


I woulda called the cops on the jackass. $10 says he isn't actually licensed as a security guard. Licensed security largely wear uniforms of some kind, and *almost-never* have rifles (the ones that carry rifles are usually hired by big no-shit groups like power plants and shit like that, not a fucking HOA) In fact, I would bet the guy is a friend or relative of someone on the HOA board. Dollars to donuts. Then again, I live in a state where you aren't just "allowed" to walk around openly-bearing a firearm, so this entire situation is genuinely mystifying. And I say this as a gun owner.


What state is this in?


Bro can I get an invite next year?!


>Last year we started heckling him for being a rent-a-cop bringing a rifle to a gated community chili cook-off Wouldn't you heckle the Board for hiring him?


We're definitely going to need updates.


Fuck your HOA.


In the chili party situation described, a long gun is almost certainly not necessary. In fact, the body armor probably could stay in the car too. Contact the security company, ask for a different guard, and set out in writing in your contract exactly what is expected & not allowed. (Don't park on the grass, have a pleasant customer service demeanor unless otherwise necessary, no long gun, no visible body armor, nothing unprofessional in the way of cartoons on his/her person...) . https://www.denverpost.com/2020/10/18/colorado-security-guard-licensing/amp/ 4 years old, and maybe things have changed, but it looks like statewide there's not much regulation in security services


From the description of everything, I would assume the security company is a one man show. No professional company would allow one of their guards to display the Punisher symbol.


I bet they are violating a few rules/laws. I would call local police about it. File complaints with the board.


As a cop, that’s a nerd if I ever saw one. TYFYS.


If this guy doesn’t have a license sounds like a huge liability risk for the HOA (you as a member). I’d really question this. Does he hold a license? Is he a PI? Is he bonded? Who carries the liability in case of a negligent discharge?


Your HOA has hired a mercenary? That's hilarious. 


No terrorists attacked your chili cookoff...ergo, he did his job...or terrorists didn't give a shit. Tell you what, yall hire me next year, I won't bring an ar or any comic book stickers, the only patches on my vest are my name, and "k9 unit". I'll park in the parking lot and smile at your guests. And I'll do it for all the chili I can eat and half the cost of sgt slaughter


I would actually love to watch an action movie about an inept security guard protecting people at an upper middle class chili cook off. Bruce Willis was made for this part.


>Seriously, why are we blowing our money on this shit? I think HOAs are unamerican and should be made illegal at the federal level, and this is one of a long, long list of reasons why. HOAs often are comically mismanaged.


I've worked private security in the past. The rules are different for every single state but as someone who worked it in the past. This is a clown and not professional at all. That is not how an intelligent or professional would handle it at all. So I suggest look up the rules for private security, especially armed security in your particular states. A lot of states have required licensure or rules for armed security. In some states the license is with the company in others it's the officer themselves who holds the license. Most licenses also have pretty clear rules about what is and is not allowed. What type of firearms, how they are to be handled, etc. I find it unlikely that carrying a long arm around would be accepted in most States. But every state handles it differently so you have to start there.


Why the fuck don't you have any photos of this to share with us? That would be great to see this dork and what you're exactly talking about!


Wear your 2A gear! But strap up with a Blunderbuss or something equally absurd.


My friend's HOA is going to have a security guard at the pool this year. He lives in a gated community. It's ridiculous.


To me, it makes more sense to hire a lifeguard rather than a security guard.


Getting ready for the zombie apocalypse is always more fun then the zombie apocalypse.


look man, I’m a bit of a gun guy myself, that dudes a fricken moron, as well as whoever found the guy and hired him.


yeah fuck that, and the HOA.


It’s gotta be the power hungry HOA prez or board member(u know there’s at least one)back in the day ,They prolly had some riff/raff roll in , eat a free bowl of chili ,who ended up cuck’in dudes wife. He’s been waiting for his return ever since. And the guard? Definitely a like minded individual to whoever hired him. Just look for the HOA member with short, greasy, fat fingers that’s married to a decently built attention whore.


I would fucking leave. There is no way I’m taking my kids to the neighborhood chili festival that is armed like that. Bringing that kind of gun, tactical gear and all. That is just fuel for a situation to escalate too far.


Imagine thinking you need a security guard for some lame chili cook-off. I thought my old HOA was bad


Colorado is open carry. 4 or 5 residents should have grabbed their ARs and stood around eyeballing the rent-a-pussy


Sorry for finding this so funny, I understand it's a serious and possibly dangerous nuisance but from a distance it seems like a Tim Robinson sketch w Paul Walter Hauser as the overzealous and clueless punisher security. The "staring down people with gun at the ready while they eat chili" is both full-on batshit insane and hysterically comical. I hope you can get your hoa to listen to basic reason, good luck.


Before I even finished reading the post I felt like that’s some stuff my neighbors would do lol haha and of course it’s the same state


You better make sure you mow your lawn on a weekly basis!


Here I am thinking this guy has to be some board members mentally challenged nephew, but no, it’s an actual security company 😂😂 https://frontrangepatrol.com


You all need to make a point of passing by him and laughing at his bullshit to the point that the company he works for refuses to send anyone else to take the "emotional abuse" you are handing out. Taking over the HOA by sane people is another viable tactic.


How do you keep from openly pointing and laughing? Dude shows up to a neighborhood picnic dressed like he is LARPing army man in Iraq ... I'm going to be openly mocking him. No way Andy lets him have any bullets.


At the chili cook off I'm not stuck here with you. You are stuck here with me. *rips massive fart*


As a security guard this guy makes me shake my head and face palm hard


Make a super ridiculously hot batch of chili and call it the “Butt Punisher” and festoon the pot with signage and punisher symbols. Innocently ask him for pictures it and post it all over nextdoor and fb. Tell small children that he is the Butt Punisher and insinuate that they should go get an autograph.


Colorado — that explains it. Enforcement on no green chile allowed is always difficult.


Well, it was a chili cook-off... probably several people dropped bombs and had blowouts and the HOA punisher was there to unclog the threats.


You know the duality of the post immidiately made me think of Colorado. Know my home state so well:,)


You must be in Castle Rock. I think I saw that guy at the BLM protest organized by middle school children a few years ago.


Yeah. He should bring a revolver. If things go bad he can drive home to get the AR.


Polo, dress pants, and Glock19. WTF is wrong with this dude


You're better off carrying yourself but it's Colorado, a fascist state that limits you to 10 rounds.


Born and raised in Colorado. On the Western slope, at least, everyone else is probably actively packing at that chili cookoff.


There’s a dispensary on state line near me. They have this dude guarding and I get they need a guard. But he can only carry a pistol. But for some reason he wears a full kit w plates and 6 AR mags, a knife etc on him w no long gun.its just ridiculous.


I'm 68 years old. I have to look up words like "punisher patch" and "cosplay" - these words are new to me. In my world, having any security guard at a neighborhood chili cook off is offensive and alarming. This says, " you are my neighbors, but I do not trust you to behave in a civil manner". It is a sign that our society is succumbing to an authoritarian mindset that is insinuating itself into every facet of our lives. This is not normal. The HOA must be taken to task about this incident. Don't let this stand without a response telling the HOA that a security guard at a neighborhood social gathering is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.


Was this Front Range Patrol? Those guys are a bunch of absolute jokers, but the most dangerous kind bc they’re disgraced security guards who now work for a private security forum and think that means they can do what they want. They do not have any legal authority.


It's Front Range Patrol, isn't it?


As someone who worked armed security for a minute, it's a profession that attracts former military and law enforcement or those who failed at being either of those. Unfortunately, the latter are both the least useful and most dangerous. They don't engage actual threats (cowardice) and fail to de-escalate when possible (aggressive). They're whole personality revolves around using the profession as an excuse to avoid the inadequacy they feel at not having a past full of "cool guy stuff" or ever actually contributing anything useful to society. They're so deep in their power fantasy that they fail to realize that the real high speed mfers don't act like that. As a result, they end up being a danger to their coworkers and the people they're supposed to protect.


I mean you just never know, these chili cook offs serious business. All it takes is one sore loser spraying the judges with an AK and everybody in the HOA will get sued and lose their houses


Ain't nobody getting the HOA president's secret recipe.....


Colorado? Is it the security company that uses the punisher logo on their trucks? We clown those guys so bad every time we see them.


The second I read punisher, I knew this was the front range patrol in Denver. They are ridiculous