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Mods pin please


Okay 👍 Edit: oops had to unpin as it removed our recruitment post lmao other mods pls no kill me


Germany, too far away for a city in the middle of the USA :)


Let's just build one in Germany!


Nein nein. This is not according to Wohnstättenverordnung and anyway there is a Parkplatzschlüssel to uphold for the amount of parking lots per capita in your new city and anyway don't you know that driving is freedom?


Even though I'm German myself, i read the this in the voice of Flula Borg


I found the guy yesterday what a coincidence. Love him


We have a couple pretty great ones


mfs think they got an actual thing going for them 😂


Canada 🇨🇦 (fuck the gta)


Fellow Canadians 🇨🇦


Canada, and unwilling to move to USA for a walkable city


I mean Toronto is one of the better cities in North America when it comes to public transit. Not that that is a high bar to measure against.


I moved from downtown (east end, Danforth) 18 years ago, and every time I'm back in town, I'm thrilled to see cyclists everywhere. Back in the 80's, it was pretty sketchy, and you needed your head on a swivel. At least with a critical mass of cyclists, drivers are a bit more attentive.


Can we allow for the poll to either last longer and keep it pinned? Or commit to a re-polling every 30-60 days? It would be cool to get this to build traction and see really where the bulk of everyone is (this is all given a majority do not vote the first time this poll is taken)


Well, technically my home is in Europe, but my city is in both Europe and Asia :) when you take the bridge, there are big signs that say "welcome to Europe, and welcome to Asia" on either side of it, while remaining in the same city. :P




The one and only!


Thanks for that interesting fact. I'm from California, USA and you sent me on a fascinating journey learning about Istanbul. Especially since I am fascinated by architecture and how it differs between cultures.


Check out Sarajevo sometimes - there’s a fascinating division between Islamic and 18th century Austro-Hungarian buildings in the city center, as well as the triangle shaped town hall :)


İstanbul is an insane city. İNSANE. 16-20 million people in one municipality, water on like 6 of 8 sides, crazy nearly cliffs-and ravines topography, history as one of the largest cities on earth if not the largest during some periods of history, crossing point between everything, Epic monuments, modern skyscrapers, insanely human-scaled city throughout most of it, a whole district that bans cars, many others that partially ban cars, its a wild wild place. I think this piece of art in our metro very well sums up the city: https://imgur.com/cfKbrRA


No respect for Antarctica. Also, since this is definitely the place to bring up the topic, the 7 continents model is utter trash. There are a few ways to define a continent, and none of them arrive at 7 without some mental gymnastics. To get right down to it, the problem is Europe. Give 1000 random people a globe and ask them to show you where the continent boundaries are and you'll get 900+ matching answers on every one except Europe/Asia. That's because it doesn't fit the large (mostly) contiguous landmass definition. If we're going with that, the answer is 6 continents. However, there is a strong argument to be made that Europe is culturally and historically distinct from the rest of Asia. Ok. That's completely reasonable and we can work with that. With that definition, Europe is a continent again. Hooray! But so is the Middle East, Central America, India, and some others. 13ish continents depending on who you ask.


I think that’s why asking people where they are rather than assigning it to them is good. Is Turkey in Europe? Is Georgia? How much of Russia? I dunno. But if somebody says they are, then that’s a perfectly good way to differentiate a rough geography (nobody in Thailand will say they’re in Europe) without too much fuss. Totally agree though that for geographical purposes, Eurasia is totally one continent.


Russia is geographically European up until the Urals


Greenland always gets me. Like, it's obviously North America. Greenlandic is mutually intelligible with Inuktitut. But Greenland is a Danish territory, so it's considered Europe. We don't do this with St. Pierre et Michelon, which are North America, not Europe.


The only reason “Oceania” exists, why Maldives is considered a part of Asia, etc. is because we’ve decided that every country needs to be assigned to a continent, when there’s really no reason for that to be the case, assuming that continents are geographic features. Even if we divided up the countries more specifically according to the tectonic plate boundaries, it would still be a mostly useless designation. Like, what political utility does grouping Australia up with Palau and Tonga provide? https://preview.redd.it/vmg25l5jde4d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d90c66e8141ff0f82145e4b4276d43f15b8f97bd


Europe is an upjumped peninsula that promoted itself to continent after it conquered half the world


Did it say it's continents or just where do you live?


this does not seem to be the place to discuss this


There were originally 4 continents (America, Afroeurasia, Australia, and Antarctica), but the construction of the Suez Canal separated Africa onto it's own continent


Then I guess Panama Canal divided America into two.


I thought about that, but I decided that the Panama Canal did not split the Americas for 2 completely arbitrary reasons: 1) the Panama Canal is fresh water, not ocean water (at least, I assume the Suez is salt water, I have not tasted Suez Canal water). 2) the Suez Canal has no locks and therefore the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea are directly connected by a continuous body of water. The Panama Canal contains locks, and therefore, there is no continuous body of water connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans through Panama. As a result of these two reasons, you can completely circumnavigate Africa through solely Ocean Water and without changing bodies of water, making it a separate continent. To sail around only one of the Americas, though, you would need to enter fresh water and climb a ladder of independent bodies of water. This means that America is still a single continent. I will be accepting this as fact and take no arguments to the contrary.


So you’re saying there’s an argument to be made that the UK is not in Europe? /s


Well, you used to be able to argue that, but since you built the Channel Tunnel, it could be argued that now you can get from France to GB without even touching the ocean, you're not just Europe, but *mainland* Europe


How about Ireland? Or Iceland? I would suggest that continents are not determined by whether water separates them. Europe and Asia are treated as separate continents despite being connected by land.


Hey, I never said I put a lot of thought in this. But if we're going to keep going with this, I'd say islands are not part of any continent, if they want to be a continent, they should've been bigger 🤷‍♂️


>I'd say islands are not part of any continent Or, continents are just like countries, they're arbitrarily designed ways to split the world. If islands aren't part of any continent then Japan isn't part of Asia. The truth is this, Japan is part of Asia because we've collectively decided it's part of Asia. There may be a minority of people like you that disagrees with this, but ultimately if a majority of people decide it is part of Asia then it is, because it's a man-made term to describe part of our home planet and humans get to decide on what is included or not.


In spanish speaking countries we're taught in school that America is a single continent, and that there are 6 continents. That's why there are 5 olympic rings + Antarctica which is not populated.


Least deadly traffic on Earth.


Afroeurasia, America, Antarctica, and the rest. 


Reddit polls can only have six options.


The borders of Europe are - the straight of Gibraltar - the Bosporus straight - the Caucasian mountains - the Ural mountains Only a small part of Turkey is in Europe and the Turkish culture came there from outside of Europe through conquest. Turkey is in majority not European. Not geographically or culturally.


I'm amazed that there are so many Europeans in the group. I know that Reddit has, by far, a larger North American audience than from any other place in the world, but that's what makes me think that the NA group would be more than twice the size of the EU group. But I guess it makes sense! People from the EU are definitely more on board with fuckcars than NA, I'm sure. We're such a huge car culture, it's probably outright amazing that there's this many folk from NA in here. (I wish there were more people from the rest of the world here! But partly I'm guessing is that this is an English language subreddit so it might exclude a LOT of people. Not sure what's up with Australia..)


Time zones


You're right! I'll sit back and wait, thanks for that! I forget about that sometimes, and didn't realize how recent the post was.


Same thoughts, I was a bit surprised to see this 50/40 ratio. I guess it's good for us europeans, we can easily talk about the pros and cons while sharing similar experiences (RIP muricans, but you're free to live with us if you want😅)


I'd kill to live in a country where I could have universal healthcare, a social safety net, good transit, and maybe, just maybe not be looked down on and hated for being disabled and queer, but that's a big maybe. I'm not entirely sure how each country views those groups. I know in the UK they're both hated. How's it where you are?


australian here, we should make australia's rail system more better-er


gimmie a break mate, i just woke up


Haha! 💜 Yeah someone pointed out time differences (and I personally realized the poll was brand new)


Asia is more than half the world too, and its largest country by population speaks English.


You're not wrong! Well, we'll soon see how many folks from the various, very populous countries in Asia are on fuckcars! Part of me questions how many folks would be spending their time on Reddit, but I'm interested in finding out.


SA It's a state in southern Australia. Not to be confused with WA, which is a state in Western Australia. Or NSW which is not new south west, but New South Wales, which is to the east, and only a little bit south (Vic and Tas are more south)


You have my sympathies, since the SA government seems determined to invest as little in rail and as much in roads as humanly possible.


I don't feel comfortable saying I'm from North America. I'm from Costa Rica, in Central America. According to this model I'm North American, but I don't want to be counted amongst the US Americans or Canadians, since (especially in regards to urbanism and cars) we have very different conditions.


Tokyo. There's still quite a bit of space taken by roads, and some cars go too fast in certain areas, but overall it's walkable, there's no on-street parking, and there are lots of busy pedestrianized neighborhoods, S-tier public transportation, and cycling is viable for short to mid-distance trips. No need for a car, as taxis are easy to hail if needed, and there's also a lot of very cheap car-sharing options if one just needs a car once in a while (mostly for leisure, like camping or hiking, or to pick up someone from the airport when they have a ton of luggage, but even this is a luxury).


Based North America in a walkable Pennsylvania Town. 


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Well there you go. It IS mostly N america and europe


Unironically can we separate western and eastern/southeastern Europe? Those can be wildly different worlds


Only able to put six options. Would be cool to do every country.


An hour away from Tokyo, so glad I don't need cars here :)


One of the greatest cities in America (assuming you avoid Capitol Hill), Washington DC!


not surprising, but this pretty much correlates with reddit users by country too right? e.g. most reddit users are in US and then probably europe


Suburban Kansas City 


Right in the middle of England, in a forgotten urbanised belt where everyone is too stubborn to give up their old rickety Raleigh bikes and diesel buses. It is a lovely place!


I am a part-time NA resident during the summer though.


The people from Africa, where? South Africa?


The second-largest English-speaking population on earth is in Africa, and it isn’t South Africans.


But they're the smallest percentage in the poll. I'm curious where they're from?


Honolulu, but I grew up in NYC


Hungary, currently the sh\*tstain of Eastern Europe (and Europe in general). That being said, I live in downtown Budapest so public transport is pretty great all things considered. I've never really needed a car, and I have literally everything I need for my daily life in walking(!) distance.


Perth, WA, the one place which speaks English that still knows how to build cheaply


New Zealand. We are a nation of carbrains!


Sweden, though I was born and raised in the U.S., and lived in several cities where cars were not a necessity: SF, NYC, D.C. The public transit and bike paths in Sweden are amazing, and we went from 2 cars to zero 6 years ago and have not looked back. I ride a Onewheel to commute to catch a free ferry to work, and my kids can walk to school. It would perfect except for our dodgy weather.