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I just simply don't understand why our two choices are yaris and dodge kiddiecrusher 5500 XLT. Like, why is there not a pickup truck that is just a car cab and flat bed that has enough power to tow reasonably and enough back to pull around hay or furniture, or whatever these people think they need to tow 24/7.


The humble ute.  We got the Maverick, but then it sold for 50% over MSRP if you could get it at all. 


I still want the old, small Ford Ranger or an S10. Cheap, small trucks intended only to use the bed really.


Isn’t it because of the CAFE standards? Cars are required to meet much higher mpg requirements than trucks, which only econoboxes like the Yaris can do. Larger wheelbases are allowed to have more power. So if you want something more powerful than a 2.0 liter engine, the thing has to be huge. I think the regulators will not admit their policy has the consequence of enlarging all the vehicles. Recently I saw the proposed new CAFE rule that would make sedans impossible unless they are electric. Like the current rule, mpg requirements goes down as the vehicle approaches gigantic levels.


Ford maverick. It’s not even built on a truck frame.


Still pretty big. I’d say the Hyundai Santa Cruz is closer to this


That's still somehow bigger than it should be and the bed is too short to be really practical.


may I introduce you to good ol suzuki carry [https://www.globalsuzuki.com/automobile/lineup/carry/](https://www.globalsuzuki.com/automobile/lineup/carry/)


Subaru Baja. why did they have to kill them


They killed themselves with the rust issues


My guess is big man scared he will be lesbian if he drives subaru.


My favorite incredibly misguided and self-important comment from that thread: “Well yeah, we've mostly all ascertained that he is talking about a small percentage of pickup owners who have massive vehicles and dont use them for an appropriate purpose.” “A small percentage” sure lol


small percentage? i saw somewhere in a comment in a thread that 9/10 americans actually do farm work for 25 hours a day before taking their kids to school on rough rural roads in their all american small town


I believe it


So you think that the only possible use for a pickup truck is farming?


yes, i was clearly making an honest assertion and stating my opinion supported by what i beleive to be a substantial statistic. that is clearly what is going on here.


>yes, There are way more uses for trucks than farming. I can’t believe anyone is stupid enough to suggest farming is the only reason to have a pickup truck 😂 > i was clearly making an honest assertion You were clearly making up an absurd lie 🤣 > and stating my opinion supported by what i beleive to be a substantial statistic ROFL what statistics?


>“A small percentage” sure lol This sub likes to push a narrative most people don’t use their trucks for anything besides getting groceries. Are there any facts to back up that position? Because to me, your position is as silly as that position is to you.




Lol this doesn’t have anything to do with our discussion 🤣


It literally has a graph showing that most people use their trucks primarily for shopping/errands but I guess actually reading the article was too much to ask of you.


>It literally has a graph showing that most people use their trucks primarily for shopping/errands “Errands” can include things like picking up yard and home supplies. Getting truck bed full of mulch is still an errand. Towing a camper around once a month wouldn’t be considered a “primary use” but it’s still a good reason to have a truck. >but I guess actually reading the article was too much to ask of you. But I guess actually using your brain is a bit too much to ask of you 🤡


10 year old post x-x


Reddit just wants to be free from you people


absolute copium in the comments


I don't like SUVs at the slightest. But OP don't resurrect years old post, this one is from 9 years ago.


Yeah hah, they mention the price of the Ford f150 is like low 20 thousands, now it's 36 thousand... that's some price increase in 10 years


Wait. They are that cheap?! I always assumed that Americans were taking huge 100k loans for their trucks.


The $36k trucks are barebones fleet trucks with no features or anything. The trucks Americans actually buy start at $45k. To add all the bells and whistles, or get a performance truck, it'll be $80k - $100k.


thats for bigger trucks with add-ons


This doesn't account for inflation....


20k nine years ago would be 26k now


>OP don't resurrect years old post Why the fuck not?


Yeah it was interesting seeing the same old arguments getting put forth. Finnish OP was quite reasonable in the comments.


Ikr. Let's talk about it


Watch ya language


yeah this is a fucking Christian Minecraft server don't FUCKING swear here, God damn


On r/ **fuck**cars? 🤨


What the fuck?!


Yeah, cross posting a 9 year old post (without any kind of comment as to why, even) is bad reddiquette.


The most toxic thing I've ever redd


No, you can fit more clowns in a clown car than you can a truck. That's kinda their thing. Clown cars are better at transporting things than a truck. Also, this post is a decade old, man. C'mon.


Please write your complaints in detailed and thorough elaboration


[https://new.reddit.com/r/brasil/comments/1drie90/percebo\_que\_a\_moda\_desses\_trambolho\_brega\_t%C3%A1/](https://new.reddit.com/r/brasil/comments/1drie90/percebo_que_a_moda_desses_trambolho_brega_t%C3%A1/) ​ i recently posted that and the majority agrees that the reason is: "they are compensating for something"


I was recently eyewitness to an actual real world illustration of what they are compensating for. A large pickup, I think it was a dodge, the ball joint snapped off in the parking lot and the wheel was crooked. The man just keeps trying to drive forward and backwards over and over again, while I had to listen to the screeches of metallic violence against the pavement. The thing just wouldn't go. He got out and examined the situation. He then proceeds to go back into the truck and continue doing what he was doing.. He didn't go anywhere that night. Eventually a friend came in another truck that looked like it was unmodified. He appeared to be explaining the situation to him. Idk what happened to it after that because it was gone by the next day but I can only assume he had the money to get a tow


I agree with most of this. They are pretty stupid things for urban areas, and a lot of modern ones are built for posers who want to look scary over actually having a practical vehicle, but a proper one in its proper setting can be very useful. Take the [Toyota LandCruiser 70](https://www.toyota.com.au/landcruiser-70), they are an icon of the Australian outback. Very capable and well suited out there. Trouble comes when people use them in situations more suited for a Toyota Yaris.


They're stupid for all areas. Keep your garbage and uninformed ideas about the necessities of rural life out of this sub.


So your proposal for cattle ranches with properties larger than some countries? I’m genuinely curious about what you would suggest for carrying equipment and traversing the country.


UN or non-UN countries? Cos neither is that impressive but one is less impressive than the other.


Biggest sits between North Macedonia and Djibouti in land area at 23,677 square kilometres. Really vast stretches of land, miles from anywhere.


Trucks have uses. Just not for everybody.


I’d be fine with them with some rules about design/outlawing the aftermarket modifications and a requirement for a higher grade of license and or/endorsement on your license to drive them since they’re more dangerous.


Yes they ferry drunk drivers from jersey to lower manhattan to kill people


Car-centric infrastructure is a crappy scenario regardless of whether there are pickup trucks using it or not.


I've got one friend who needs their truck   He's a farmer 


Just want to clarify one thing. American roads have nothing to do with the pickup truck, they have to do with the automobile in general. And this was a problem in the beginning of the 20th century when the automakers of the time were able to force the local governments such as Los Angeles to delete their trolley systems and replace them with just roadway in order to force people to want to buy a car. This was clearly before there was a distinguishable difference between a pickup truck and a sedan.