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ah ok good to know it's totally fine to smash children under your wheels as long as they are breaking a very dumb law


The fake child isn't jaywalking though. It's a neighborhood street, there are no crosswalks. Kids often play in the streets, because it's a neighborhood street with no through traffic. IT's like saying crossing the cul-de-sac is jaywalking.


ah thanks! i wouldn't want to miss him! \*swerves to hit both\*


*The child must not be an obstacle.*


Boomers: why don't kids play outside anymore? Must be these dang helicopter parents. Meanwhile, Carbrains: if there's a kid in the street I am fully within my rights to run them over.


The fun part is that these here groups form a big overlap in a Venn diagram!


Well, when else will you get to?




Jaywalking is not illegal in Canada :D


canada is far ahead of USA in several regards :D


Like LGBT rights and less dumb laws


Dont walk into the street problem solved.


if i'm walking on it, it's mean for humans, buddy. one of these days we'll tear up your goddamned streets :D


1. Learn how to put proper sentences together 2. Sidewalks are for walking. Streets are for driving. 3. Best of luck with your mental illness


what's wrong with my sentences? actually, let me go ahead and fix yours: "Don't walk into the street, problem solved."


apparently the punishment for jaywalking is the death penalty now


Someone has got to judge these kids.


Too stupid to jaywalk properly? _gets run over by truck with a gavel affixed to hood_


Not just that, but summary execution by anyone who observes the 'crime'. But I bet these are the same people who won't accept speed cameras because they can't face their accuser in court to challenge the ticket.


Jaywalking: when the American car industry made it a crime to not drive a car.


Jaywalkers are a scourge on our society. Death is a completely suitable punishment.


Poe's law - some people actually *believe* this.


Nothing is too stupid to be true anymore. You could tell me Republican voters think Democrat politicians are lizard people who eat children’s brains and I’d— oh. Wait.


Using that good ol' 1920s auto industry energy. Love it.


Hey now, it's not a punishment, it's just legalized murder.


Tesla dickrider+American is a deadly fucking combo


Always has been!


So, if the child is jaywalking, it's OK to run 'em down. That's good to know. And, if you're a council member (where was it, Jersey?) you don't even need to stick around. Just plow 'em down and continue on with your day.


Also jaywalking is a concept that was created by car companies in the early 20th century to shift blame from cars onto pedestrians. Literally because so many kids were getting hit and killed by cars.


and at the time jay was slang for "stupid hillbilly", which made being called a jaywalker even more offensive


We don't have the concept of jaywalking in the UK, this is absolutely crazy to me.




The first time I was in Germany (Hamburg) I was blown away by people NOT jaywalking. On a Sunday morning with no traffic pedestrians downtown would wait for the walk signal to come on instead of just crossing even though there were no cars in sight. I'm American and that blew my mind--in New York no one cares about the walk signal.


the sidewalks on my grocery run are interrupted by a bunch of bumpy sett paved driveways, so i tend to pull the handcart i use to carry the groceries home down the middle of the street for a bit


Good on the Jays for reappropriating the name.


People named Jay when they walk and get fined for it: 😔😔😔😔


Yeah, in the UK it's known as crossing the street


Lool and they've just updated the highway code so pedestrians pretty much always have the priority


Famously pioneered by the Beatles in the early 1950s


The concept of jaywalking does not exist here in Europe. It's a purely American thing.


And watch, we’re going to “solve” autonomous driving by moving the goal posts in exactly the same way. We’ll start treating streets like railroad tracks and normalize the killing of anyone who steps in front of an autonomous vehicle.


I'm so happy the concept of jaywalking doesn't exist in my town in Europe.


“When crossing the street you always have the right of way, unless you’re in the way” -Master Shake




He only brings the drizzle.


Meatwad make the money, see.


Meatwad get the honeys, G.


Driving in my car, livin like a star


Ice on my fingers and my toes and I’m a Taurus.


Check, check it.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


He drives Carl’s.


That's demolition derby participant Master Shake to you.


Because he's a self absorbed piece of shit, which is the trait underlying carbrain. These people would be pricks about something else if our society wasn't designed around them owning cars.


I wonder how many people who think it's an acceptable risk for children to get run over and killed sometimes also complain about kids these days not wanting to play outside.


The Venn diagram between the two is a circle


I saw this exact same comment on Reddit just yesterday, also on /fuckcars I think. Is this a popular new expression that people are quoting? I wonder where it came from.


It’s not new but I don’t know it’s origin.






"why don't kids ever play outside anymore?" outside:


In most states (if not all) it is not jaywalking unless its an arterial. Those residential side streets are legal to cross outside of the unmarled crosswalk.


also there are no crosswalks period. It's just a neighborhood street.


Also pretty much every driver at least sometimes jaywalks to go to/from their car when curb parking. Especially from.


That won’t stop a cop from using it as a pretext to stop you though.


Jaywalking, the most henious of crimes that can only be punished with summary execution by car


>So, if the child is jaywalking, it's OK to run 'em down That's some depression-era car propaganda.


[Look what happened in my city if you work for the police department.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nashville/comments/wmooso/murfreesboro_police_employee_hits_two_children_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Not only that, the Tesla speeds up if the child is black.


Toxic individuality and personal responsibility over collectivism and social consciousness. That’s America for you.


Hey, don't bring my city into this. Everyone has been saying she should be removed from her position at a *minimum.*


She keeps avoiding consequences im fully in favor of am old fashioned tar and feathering


Everything is in jersey


Not what Taylor is saying btw


Click on it and scroll down. It's what Paperviewr said.


Doh! I missed what fElon’s flying monkey sed


Yeah, I actually posted that article about the council woman here a few days ago


Yeah it was Jersey City


Aw, isn't he the perfect corporate sheep? "Tesla did nothing wrong, it's the child's fault for jaywalking!"


In America, whoever has the most money is often sided with.


Personal responsibility. This child should earn money to get Ford f-150 to be safe on the road. It's entirely his fault.


Then you're at least adding to the economy, if you're not spending money then are you even a person? /s


Idk, but if you aren’t spending money you can’t use our toilet. Please get out of my coffee shop.


Some people say this unironically, sadly


Wait, I've heard this one before. It's what the auto-makers said the first time they took over the roads. [Climate Town](https://youtu.be/oOttvpjJvAo)


I think the American term “jaywalking” was already invented by car manufacturers to shift the blame onto the people dying in road incidents.


It was. And “jay” was a derogatory slang term at the time.


Jaywalking is a psuedocrime invented to protect cars from liability. Don't continue a conversation with anyone who uses the word seriously.


Hit by a car while legally crossing in a crosswalk: "Accident"


What else would it be? In most cases it's not like the driver wanted to hit you.


Lol, I nearly got hit the other day by a car that sped through while I was crossing in a pedestrian crossing *that had the pedestrian signal green*. And it's not the first time that's happened. I don't know where you live but here, cars drive right on through illegally all the time. You think carbrains give a shit?


I live in Sweden and we have very good and safe streets compared to most place, but yeah you're right some people just don't care.


Lol you sure about that?


Isn't it also only a North American concept?


No, we're not allowed to cross roads just anywhere - if there is a pedestrian crossing we can use within 100m of our location. This is in Slovenia.




Saying jaywalking (crossing the road incorrectly) is only a North American concept makes it seem like everywhere else people just cross roads willy-nilly instead of, I don't know, actually using pedestrian crossings.




Oh, then I misunderstood the original comment. Thank you for clarifying.


Elon Musk has assembled a cult full of the least intelligent humans he could find


What’s worse is they’re dumb but they think they’re smart.


This is a given.


Owning that list is the real money maker


Musk and his followers are dumb as dirt. The engineers and scientists he hires aren't, though. There are *a lot* of variables to consider in a "test" like this, and it doesn't necessarily reflect upon the intelligence of the people designing to automation. I despise electric cars and the silly idea of automating cars as much as the next guy, but I don't think this post really tells us anything, and I just want to remind people that the actual engineers involved are honestly brilliant people working on an inherently difficult problem. I know you probably weren't talking about Musk's employees, but I just wanted to express that I think they shouldn't be lumped into the same idiotic group as his cultists


Their talents are going to waste because of the decisions Musk has made about FSD - must work using only the low-res cameras already installed on their current vehicles. You can't out-engineer impossible requirements. Within the framework they are working in now, FSD is a sisyphean endeavour.


> There are a lot of variables to consider in a "test" like this, and it doesn't necessarily reflect upon the intelligence of the people designing to automation. Hmmm, yes, but other car manufacturers can make their cars stop in time or at least make them lower their speed significantly, while Teslas just plow trough. It still could be a "it's not a bug, but a feature", considering their "assertive mode" setting, so not sure if it's an engineering or business problem that they don't stop for children.


but at least some of them did notice the red lines on the display that indicate autopilot wasnt engaged.


So just a regular cult


Regular cults preys on the desperate more than the dumb, usually. They can indict some pretty smart people if those are hurting for relationships


Jaywalking, an insanely successful bit of gas lighting/propoganda forced on and eaten up by the average car driver.


It's such a ridiculous offence. I don't have the figures but I guarantee it doesn't reduce the amount of pedestrian collisions either.


That's a suburbian environment. People LIVE there. Children and adults crossing the street is the most normal thing and not the made-up crime that "jaywalking" is.


Perfectly acceptable to play hockey on these roads but you’d better fucking go to the corner to cross or a Tesla will run you down.


it would probably help if the guy running the 'test' had actually turned auto pilot on. if you look at the screen the lines bordering the street are Red, when auto pilot is engaged theyre Blue.


The problem is that Tesla (but also other brands recently) treat their cars like they're a smartphone or other tech stuff. If a smartphone is advertised with a feature like night photography and it worked in all their specific testing circumstances but didn't work in your case.. well, your photo is ruined but no problem. If a function like this works in lab testing, they tell people that they can rely on it and then it doesnt hold up even just in one real life situation then its a life lost.


It’s not really jaywalking if it’s in a neighbourhood ?


jaywalking because in the way




Who is the commie... I drive across the street! /s


1) "Jaywalking" is not a justification for harming anyone. 2) "Jaywalking" has no justification to even exist as a concept.


Indeed, which is why in most countries it's not a thing, not even a word.


So true. I took me a very long time to understand what it means because it seemed so silly. And no, there is no single word for it in my first language.


I know a girl who failed her written driving test because when they asked about unmarked crosswalks she said you didn’t have to stop for the pedestrians, she thought you could just hit them. Also it should be noted that Tesla auto pilot is only designed for highway usage, even if it’s getting better on smaller streets it’s still TOS not sopossed to be used off highways


Not to defend Tesla but fuck TOS in general. "We hold no liability for anything whatsoever and no guarantees are made of anything". Fuck corporations that just write whatever they fucking want into TOS, lots of the stuff isn't even enforceable anyways.


That isn’t them writing whatever the hell they want, they know their system isn’t safe to be used in the neighborhood as shown by the aforementioned post above so they list it to only be used on the highway That is the drivers fault for putting more trust in a piece of software than the actual company that made the software does


New level of dumb Reminds me of someone arguing it was a childs fault for being hit by a car


as if there are any zebra cross walks in suburbs that look like this. no way to get to the other side of the street that wouldn’t be considered jay walking to a machine, unless you drove there


Drivers in the us seem to be waiting for someone to jaywalk so they can run over them like is morally justified


Jaywalking should be a literal death sentence bro. /s


It already is.


Daily reminder that jaywalking was literally made up by the auto industry to stop people from blaming drivers for car accidents and to claim roads for themselves.


These are all over reddit ready to defend starlink and tesla wtf is wrong with them


What's wrong with Starlink?


It involves tripling the number of satellites in orbit, with an absurd amount being placed into low earth orbit for lower latency. This has various effects, such as completely ruining space photography on the low end, on the high end it runs a legitimate risk of triggering a Kessler syndrome.


For those unfamiliar with Kessler Syndrome, here's a video from kurzgesagt: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS1ibDImAYU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS1ibDImAYU) Also I personally think we should make a task force, possibly international, to pick up the space junk and run the missions edit: clarifications edit: was not expecting anything. I just felt this would add context to the problem


Technically kessler syndrome has already begun. Its just in the early stages. If we never launched anything more the number of objects in space would continue to increase for quite a long time. At least according to some article I read but am honestly too lazy to look up right now.


can't scale. the more people who join, the lower the dl speeds get. it's just another scam by Elon


I mean yes, that’s how literally any internet infrastructure works. It’s a shared medium. This applies to everything from satellite to your home cable connection.


The difference is that terrestrial internet can and does scale - it’s just a matter of laying enough cable alongside old cable and/or replacing said old cable. Satellite Internet - at least, the way Elon is picturing it, as an actual replacement for last-mile terrestrial Internet - is an entirely different beast. Simplifying greatly, but if you picture the internet as a tree - ie, data centers as the root, ISPs as the trunk, and the end-user as the leaves - you’ll get a rough sense of how it’s currently organized. You can trace a path between any two leaves, and send data along that path no problem. But what Starlink wants to do is pluck all the leaves from the tree and connect them all directly to the root and each other with superbranches. Ultimately there will be a limit to how many connections each superbranch can support, and then you have to add more superbranches to handle more connections, and since each leaf needs to be able to connect to any other leaf, you’ll need n^2 connections, with n being the number of leaves in the network. TL;DR - Starlink currently offers pretty good connections with their current capacity, but it’s going to be impossible to grow without a runaway number of satellites.


It's generally not a good idea to hit random stuff in the road, even if it shouldn't be there. There is stuff in the road sometimes, and sometimes it's hefty enough to do damage to your tesla. There was a video on reddit recently where a tesla in autopilot kept hitting those big orange construction markers, the ones that are about 4 feet tall. If it can't keep from hitting those, how can anyone consider it safe?


Fuck it, lets murder children 😈


Honestly, the concept of Jaywalking is so weird to me. In Britain, they even recently went in the other direction where cars now have to stop for any pedestrian crossing the road and pedestrians now have right of way, even on busy roads and junctions without traffic lights. Of course it's still a fucking stupid idea to cross without paying any mind to cars heading towards you but it's still nice that they have put that sort of thing into law.


Elon Musk claims he wants to promote population growth and then goes around running over children with his cars smh


If you have 11 kids, you can spare a couple for R&D


Fuck hate the concept of jaywalking. It's absolutely victim-blaming nonsense invented by car makers.


Jaywalking. Is. A. Fake. Crime.


Is it jaywalking if it’s a residential area?? Not that it matters.


There aren't any crosswalks anyways, meaning it's literally impossible to walk anywhere without jAyWaLkInG.


Your honor, the child was jaywalking. I was doing the world a favor if you think about it, I'm actually the victim here.


reminder that jaywalking is a thing invented by automobile companies in 1920s


Sounds like Tesla self driving is the Jury, Judge, and Executioner. Judge Dredd Tesla: I am the Law.


Good to know that 'jaywalking' (which is a fake crime invented by the car insustry to shift blame for anyone interested) is now under the death penalty


This car automatically kills jaywalkers. It’s a perk, not a problem. /s


Jaywalking is a concept so wrong. In Brazil the pedestrian is wrong only if has a crosswalk in a 50m range. If the crosswalk doesn't exist, the pedestrian is always right.


Jaywalking is bullshit anyway.


completely ignoring that some countries dont arrest you for crossing the road


The punishment for jaywalking is DEATH! That's the law


Don’t ever look at Musk’s tweets. Full of absolute dick riders basically praying he’ll read their replies to the point it’s like a blessing from a cult guru.


Kids don't know what jay walking even is, especially in a suburb or small town. Honestly I don't really know how someone jay walks in an area without traffic lights being raised and living in a small town.


This argument is hilarious to me. So if there just a random inanimate object on the road, your car is just going to run it over even if it’s as big as a child


No, techbro company no do no bad things. Others fault, grug swears, others fault!


jaywalking is now punishable by death


I don't know how they teach you to drive in the us but here i am being told several times and it's insisted upon that you must ALWAYS be extremely careful around children *specifically* because they do not have any idea of the danger they're in, so they might pull something like this without even thinking it's wrong, because even if you explain it to them they won't actually fully grasp the gravity, and because they're small, extremely fragile and quick. It's utterly insane to me that this piece of shit seriously thinks "well it's jaywalking!1!!" is an excuse for possibly running over a person. How do you suck elons cock so hard it messes up your critical thinking to the point you'd say a person deserves to be killed to defend a literal car that will explode in your face just for elon to not care. Like just in general we are told over and over again that the road belongs to all kinds of users and it's the obligation of car drivers, not the courtesy, to make it safe for everyone


Bring back angry mobs dragging drivers from their vehicles


I still remember trying to wrap my head around the word “jaywalking” in English class (Sweden). It’s such a weird concept that it would somehow be illegal to cross a road.


yes because you shouldn't be allowed to just walk in residential streets (apparently)


It’s not even jaywalking because it’s in some neighborhood street


This is a suburban street with no pedestrian crossings. It's literally impossible to cross the road without it being "jaywalking"


Jaywalking is a crime so heinous that the death penalty is the only punishment


So... Moral of the story according to carbrains is what? Fuck jaywalking kids?


Here in California pedestrians ALWAYS have the right away, even if they are jaywalking


I mean did you ever really think that this thing's intelligence is reliable?


“Hey buddy, ged on the sidewalk a quid jaywalkin’” - American Tesla owners, probably


Fuck them kids.


Did the dude just actively ignore the obvious implications to try defend tesla


I have to admit, this post was not what I expected when I saw the sub Reddit name.




3, I don't have a brain


Did you know that jaywalker is only illegal in the US?


Crossing the road = Death penalty for children You okay America?


3) it’s still vehicular manslaughter.


it’s a suburb, there’s no fucking crosswalks in a suburb. you can’t jaywalk.


My favorite trope is when someone breaks the tiniest law and some stranger on the internet is like “i guess your death is justified”


Do NOT disrespect my Tesla.


Idk how the "fake" child was simulated, but if it wasn't some sort of live animal, I can't say I'd take it seriously as a test, since most automated driving systems incorporate thermal vision, not just human vision. Idk if Tesla does that, but I'd be (moderately) surprised if they didn't. That said, if the Tesla didn't "see" kids on the side of the road, that might be a big enough problem, depending on the car's speed. Theoretically, at least, an automated driving system only needs to expand its vision relative to its velocity (e.g. if it's going very slow, it only needs to consider objects slightly wider than directly in front of it to be able to respond in time, but if it's going very fast, it needs to "view" objects in a wider range in order to be able to respond in time). This is all just to say that computer vision and automated driving is *immensely* complicated, and I'm not sure if this "test" really exposed a problem, or if it was a poorly formed test. In my personal opinion, we didn't need this "test" to know that fully automated driving still isn't where it needs to be. It's a VERY hard problem to solve, and one that honestly just *doesn't* need solving in the context that it is. We already have better, reliable, alternative systems of transporting people from point A to point B that doesn't require the transportee to pay attention to anything. Trains and buses. While computer vision tech could certainly be helpful for trains and buses, proper infrastructure and human cognition are already enough to make it far less dangerous or deadly than any car could be. We're trying to invent cutting edge technology to solve a problem that already has solutions that are over 100 years old. If we invested in the pre-existing solutions half as much, we'd already be MASSIVELY better off than coming up with new tech to try to fit a square peg into a round hole


The car shouldn't hit objects in the middle of the road whether or not the object is alive


Tesla owners are doing this because some bad man said their cars are trash. Then they proceeded to prove it is trash.


Teslas are absolute trash. Even in the realm of automation, they're lagging behind most of the advanced theory in the field. Cuz he underpays and exploits his employees, even his engineers, as though they were slaves built to make his dreams real. It's honestly sad af to watch so many *brilliant* engineers being forced to chase a near-impossible and mostly useless dream of some billionaire douche.


Thanks for being the logical one here, was hoping someone would point it out


My dad had a Tesla and I have to try so hard not to make fun of it every time I see him because I love him very much. Anyway, what the fuck is this guy thinking 😭 “it’s fake and it’s jaywalking” ok??


Grounds for revocation, imo.


Wait y’all know that this guy is making a joke right….nobody actually wants the death penalty on children just for jaywalking…except me ofc haha fuck kids


Try picking up an armoire from the store without a truck or van I fucking dare you.


For those wondering, the mannequin is just a balloon and some fabric. The Tesla the man is using is equipped with Radar. Balloons and fabric are transparent to the Radar sensor and thus sends back no data response. Radar is dominant over what the cameras see.