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You forgot the chiropractor. Yeah I’m not sure the Lotts are traditionally fundamentalist—— more like Christian Nationalists.


Honestly I give a pass to this family being discussed on the sub even if they're not technically fundie because they are just so awful. 8 kids in a bus, and then randomly moving to Brazil with what seems to be no clear plan??? They spent tens of thousands of dollars on that, all things considered, and seemed to get absolutely nothing from it.


Sometimes the nitpicking gets to be too much over there but I think most of the snark on this family is justified. I feel so, so bad for this new baby. The Brazil thing was wild too. They’re definitely among the worst.


Yes. I totally understand the nitty gritty nitpicking (particularly appearance snark). But I feel like the Lotts are particularly reckless with their children. Like leaving all 165 of them with Gunner in a foreign country while they go out on dates (and openly post that shit while they’re doing it!!!!!!). But also, this new little baby? Gah. He’s just getting the shaft all the way around. I don’t think I’ve seen him in clothing yet. Edit: I meant like sleepers. Not froufrou frocks. Which I’m sure everyone understood——- I just feel an overwhelming need to clarify because this sub scares me. 😂


Yeah honestly they are just awful and I feel so bad for the kids. Cause they had a normal-ish (for lack of a more appropriate term) life before The Bus™️. And now they aren’t getting socialization or usable education and are inundated with far right propaganda. The list never stops.


They don’t even have a bed to sleep in! Either sharing a bed, or sleeping on the floor in front of the bathroom door- just awful. Except the parents, of course.


I feel so bad that the kids are helping to make them tons of money and in exchange they have to sleep in a tiny bus box bed and do schoolwork on the tiny bus couch.


I can’t stand watching them “adjust” an infant. Guuuuuuuuuuuys stop 


I feel so terribly for her kids, having to go through puberty in a bunk room on a bus with seven siblings is going to be rough. And I doubt they have many opportunities to socialize with people who aren't their siblings. And shit education so it'll be way harder for them to escape as adults. Not to mention being forced to hear/watch their mom give birth in a tiny bus and then being immediately herded outside for photos. This family is the worst


Hear babies being made, hear babies being born, hear babies crying…


i hate her so very much. even porgan bores me in comparison. have you ever noticed that she has to be featured in every single reel? of course you have. i'm so sick of the term 'eye fucking,' but she is clearly aroused by herself in every damned reel. if she's not center frame, she's on the edges of the frame. setting aside the casual way she 'parents' boone lott (lawdy) - because of course she does, she doesn't give a shit about her children after they're no longer giving her husband a hardon while in utero - her absolute love of herself drives me batshit. btw, i'm sorry for the really gross way i phrased the above, but it's so fucking obvious they have a pregnancy kink, and it gives me HARD ick.


💀😭 "aroused by herself" You nailed it again, Reddit Things I wish I hadn't come across with such accuracy but also, wow. Thanks for that because it really makes sense.


Putting the baby on the floor within reason) and going to the beach (with forethought and things baby needs) doesn’t bother me. Life goes on when you have a baby and sometimes the floor (even an icky one) might be the safest place for baby in that minute. But not taking the back to an actual doctor and instead a chiropractor is just rage inducing. It destroys me how a “doctor” that allegedly deals with the spine is somehow knowledgeable enough for all the freaking specialties in medicine. And nope but sorry not all illnesses or ailments are from a misalignment also manipulation can be so dangerous. These people are quacks and charlatans.


I agree, and of course they just keep popping out kids like “Whoopsie, dunno how they keep happening, teehee!” 


I can’t watch the leg measuring video. She’s definitely fundie btw.


Freeway Bible Chapel (Lubbock, TX) is what they call their “home” church. It’s a nondenominational evangelical megachurch.


The Quiverfull leanings are there and with every child it gets worse. Awful people awful parents


The bed situation terrifies me. The way their bed hangs from the ceiling??? Yeah no thanks, you couldn’t pay me to sit underneath that thing!!


It's held on suspension rod lifts. It's not really hanging. Not that they are not awful people in so many ways, but the bed situation is not likely to fall on anyone.


true, but i just get anxious seeing things like that 😅


Haha yeah. Funny enough I was on Pinterest researching them for a van I want to build out and came across a post about the mother bus bed and read in depth about it lololol


What does the man child husband do for money? His ego is so delicate she has to post his pic “he makes babies” They have a pregnancy fetish and zygote worship. Toss the newborn on the floor, kids stacked in bunks.


They owned a children’s gym for a number of years. But they sold that a couple of years ago. I’m sure the pandemic caused a significant loss of income there for a while. So, no telling if they walked away with any money from that sale. He’s into cryptocurrency big time and has a stupid “invention” - a card where you right down your digital crypto currency numbers in some type of code. Someone did a deep family dive on Father Bus and came to the conclusion that he was a trust fund baby. I’m still not convinced of that. I don’t doubt their research and I may have misunderstood the research or missed a FU post on the subject- but a family history of money doesn’t necessarily mean that you were named as a trust fund beneficiary. He has traveled away from the family several times for “work” but Brit has always been extremely non-committal on what type of job he has. Someone mentioned he’s an or was an insurance adjuster.


Thank you so much. Wow, I’ve hardly seen him but they both seem annoying. I wondered if fitness was a part. Especially after her post about being in such perfect shape to deliver in the bus.


IMO the trust fund thing is way overblown. I technically have a Trust Fund. I get a payment from it every month. It’s usually $75-$200/month. Which is nothing to sneeze at but the idea that he has thousands of dollars rolling in every month from this trust fund is probably not accurate.


Babies are okay on the floor- the baby is on a clean surface (if you’re watching them still of course and if they aren’t in a spot where they’re going to get run/over tripped on) I agree with everything else tho!


i always had my baby [supervised] on a [clean] blanket on the floor when he was little, so that doesn't really bother me as much as it does others. but i was living in 1500 square feet with two other adults - not a 50 sf bus filled with 7 other children, at least three of whom are too young to be tripping around anywhere near a seven day old newborn.


He is in a 200 square foot bus with several toddler siblings. There is no spot where he’s safe from potentially being accidentally stepped on or tripped over.


He looked like he was off to the side towards the wall, not an area with foot traffic. Lots of things about this poor baby concern me but the floor thing isn’t a big deal IMO!


But a whole week old? Seems too soon.


Why would it be too soon? You've got to put a baby down sometimes. Not least because tummy time is recommended from birth. The floor gives a chance for them to move freely and they can't fall as they are already on the ground. I agree with everything else you've stated, but as a parent I don't think the floor thing is abnormal at all.


Baby cant move around or roll over yet so it’ll stay where it is. Nothing wrong with being on the floor as long as it’s clean enough and they’re supervised!


Have you ever felt a crib mattress? The floor isn’t much harder.


Guess how babies develop the muscles necessary to roll, crawl and walk. From being restricted in a baby bouncer? They should be on the floor. From the start. When they're not in your arms or sleeping, on the floor they go on the floor. They are also not vampires and don't go up in flames any time they get a sun ray on their skin. They're not supposed to be in the sun for an extended (and since baby we are talking about 1-2 minutes here) amount of time but it's totally fine to take a picture in the sun. In the picture she is holding the musselin cloth that is clearly used to cover the child except for the what, five seconds it takes to take a picture. Also about the lethargic thing a lot of people mention: I was also worried with my own baby so I asked the postpartum nurse in my hospital and she said that a lot of babies just tired af after birth. About the head holding thing: A lot of babies can already hold their head in an upright position from the start. It's not that babies magically need a hand on the back of their head, it's that the neck muscles aren't strong enough to hold it themselves. If they can hold it themselves, f.e. if you are standing still with the kid in an upright position it is fine. And a lady who has had twelve kids likely knows more about this than some bozos on reddit. I have a two year old, nothing she is doing do so far are things that I wouldn't have done. It's just that the peanut gallery over there has a big disconnect between what they think they know about babies and what they do know.


I would agree with the sun thing, but she obviously isnt keeping him properly covered in it when shes posting photos with obvious sunburn on the little guy.


I just nearly had my heart fall through to the floor seeing that clip of the new baby on the scale. The one that really gets to me is the other bus mom. I feel like so many decisions were made in haste which they've admitted to, and the judgment they get is unfair. What are they to do now? It seems they're in quite the hole. She seems extremely aware of it. What is she to do? She can't force her husband to get a job and of course I'm not privy to what he's doing or not doing to get a job; So many multifaceted complex aspects, when you go over or a cliff trying to steady the course and get it back on track. Sorry for my diversion here. Anyway, yes there's just something very off-putting about the bus mom that you're talking about, very smug. Not a very pleasant attitude in general. What a difficult life all of them have taken on. And those children, no privacy no quiet time no solitude. And all that responsibility. Ugh! Small house living has quite the impact on people. This is just like that on crack amplified. I really hope that they get out and land softly gently, and well. And who knows? Though it doesn't seem likely, maybe bus mom and dad will have some kind of change and trajectory of their own. She doesn't inspire much charity toward her. Unsympathetic? I hate to even consider that or have that energy toward someone. But I suppose some individuals fall more into this category.


There’s nothing wrong with putting a newborn on the floor and going to the beach. These people are awful why pick at the two normal things they do?


The baby is a WEEK old, taking to the beach, with high sun, is insane