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I kind of wish Kaylee would get off Facebook. Every single post and story is analyzed and criticized either making fun of her bad grammar or talking about how boring her life is. Nothing constructive, of course. As far as I know, Kaylee hasn’t posted anything offensive and honestly doesn’t even post about God other than when they go to church or to share an occasional Bible verse. Correct me if I’m wrong though.


She did have one post supporting Trump, but honestly if anyone expected anything more then they were delusional. Despite that, I don't think Kaylee should be snarked on. Despite some crappy beliefs, she does seem to be a kind person.


She reminds me of my nieces who are just doing their best.


The first comment was actually really supportive of Kaylee, pointing out that babies often take time to warm up to new foods. Over 250 upvotes on the comment, compared to less than 20 on the post, which is saying something because when I checked earlier, it was almost 50 upvotes. Babies are finicky. They might love puréed peaches one week, and smack the spoon across the room the next. Even if you ask toddlers if they want the blue cup or the red cup, and they say “red”, then scream because they wanted blue. That post was probably made by someone who has never spent time around young children being exposed to new things.


Good news kids, you never have to eat vegetables again! Candy only since if you don't like it you don't have to eat it!




I’m not a parent, but I can sympathize with how hard it must be to get your child to eat nutritionally. However *always* giving your child sweets and processed food because it’s easier is just no. Don’t do that. Please. ![gif](giphy|xU1spRleFHmtjvskXw)


When my oldest was little he didn’t want to eat any meat or vegetables but he was obsessed with mashed potatoes so I hid everything in the potatoes and he ate it.


Ah yes, people who clearly know nothing about child development and infant feeding making judgements cause they don't like the kid's grandmother.


This drives me crazy. Like literally so many posts about how the poster once babysat their niece 15 years ago for a summer knows what to do. Or they know how to cradle their cat better than so and so does a human baby So many times I wish people would say “I’m not a parent” and then just full stop and not add anything else to their comment


this makes me sad, what parent hasn’t seen the same thing and found it super cute? let this girl live her simple little life damn


Got a love how they always overanalyze a child’s facial expressions. Babies express a million emotions and make various faces all day, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re unhappy/etc. They do it with adults photos too. “Look how much her husband hates her” after someone posts one photo where their significant other has a stoic expression. I also despise the parent shaming. As long as children are shown love, cared for, & taught to be decent people, how they are raised is really no one else’s business.


Did they really snark on her for “commercial baby food” 🫣


If they really cared about the baby’s health they would be growing fresh fruit and veg picking it from the trees every single day and blending it up fresh for every meal just like me, the most perfect mom to ever exist, does /s


It makes me laugh when snarkers say someone’s life is boring. Like their lives are so exciting and interesting that they spend most of their time stalking and mean girling the Rods.


I love the ops assertion that you keep offering the food but you don't put it in their mouth. Like the kid is six months old. Are you supposed to just put the spoon in front of him and ask him if he wants it? Of course you shove the shit in their mouth. They're really acting like trying to get a baby to eat is tantamount to torture.


Just shows that either they haven’t actually raised children, have the most compliant babies on earth, or are shit parents for not teaching/exposing their child to new things.


Nothing against purees (did that with my first) but baby led weaning is absolutely a thing where you just put the food on their tray and let them try it themselves


Yeah we did these as well with kids 2-4 and it was great! We did purées with number 1, as most parents tend to do.


Imagine being so obsessed with someone that you stalk their personal Facebook, watch their stories, screenshot, and then post it to Reddit.


But they’re the ones who lead a boring life. 🤣


For what it is worth, it seems like the comments called out the person for not knowing what they were talking about


I think the food looks too thick for his adjusted age. I'd think if she's doing BLW, it would be better to let him play with it and try to feed himself. But that's my opinion, I was super nervous about feeding my babies and gave them purees for a long time. A guy this little (I'm not sure if he's sitting unsupported yet) might not be able to handle something so thick. But otherwise, yeah, that's how you introduce food. It's a new process and sometimes they pull away or make faces. He's a baby


My only gripe in this image is not having the little buddy self-feed but yeah not worth snarking


That baby is much too young to self feed


I know I made the ultimate social media faux pas and commented about a parenting decision but baby led weaning is a thing and around 6 month infants can “feed” themselves all kinds of food. Nutrition at this age still comes primarily from breastmilk or formula.


I mean the faux pas is “griping” that other parents aren’t parenting exactly like you. We are all so tired of hearing what we are doing wrong. There is nothing wrong with hand feed a six month old baby.


I meant it as tongue in cheek and don’t think it’s wrong since we are snarking the snark— mea culpa