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This is the kind of snark I'm on this sub for. Lol


This whole thing is a masterpiece but “making dinner from scratch” is the cherry on top bc they can be so deeply classist and weird about food 😭


So true. But you missed an opportunity to stress that the food you will be using is organic grass fed free range hand raised and most definitely is NOT yellow or from a can ( a can…the horror).


I don’t get why they shit on the food like they do. Does some of it look terrible. Absolutely. Do I think a lot of the women feel the need to show off cooking to prove their womanliness or whatever? Yes. Did I grow up Fundie and am glad there are ones who don’t homestead out of their financial means with fancy organic food and weird child labor on the farm, but try and make things work reasonably within their means? Also yes.


i don’t really think it’s even to prove one’s womanliness lol. i post kind of shitty pictures of the food i cook to instagram sometimes just because i like cooking and i’m proud of myself when i make something


Oh I’m sure for some, but just from growing up in the culture, since women don’t have much to basically call “their own” something like cooking becomes deeply important and a sign of being a good woman and wife. Like fundie women would come to church and go back and forth on recipes and stuff they shared on Facebook and stuff it’s both one of the few forms of relationship they can achieve while also proving they are a proverbs 31 woman or whatever.


At some point,I think snarkers just need to realize that some of these fundie families eat the way they do because they like it,and it’s probably what they grew up with. I’ve seen so many thought pieces about why Karissa cooks the way she does,or long ass comments about what they would make it they were Karissa. Are there ways to feed your family that are cheaper-or just as cheap-and more flavorful? Sure. But I think they forget how food is SO subjective,and Karissa makes casseroles because they are cheap,easy, and it makes sense that kids would like them because they are usually pretty bland and inoffensive.


But do you have blue hair


Are you a card carrying kinkster who has such ~amazing sex~ that Bethy has no idea is even humanly possible? (These comments are always the funniest to me bc it’s like guys you’re doing the same thing she’s doing…….. over explaining ur sex life to strangers online for cool points and validation lol)


Have you had sex with many partners before settling down? Because if it's only one, you're a loser who doesn't know what you're missing even if you're happy. This goes double if you were a virgin when you got married. (/s in case that's not evident) Amazing how they tout themselves as sex positive, when truly being sex positive means being respectful of other people's choices as long as they're consensual.


This post is a work of art 🙏🙌


NOT making fun of marginalized ppl btw like 75% of that shit would be friendly fire 😭😭


As an immigrant neurodivergent black woman, the take that this person wouldn’t be friendly because of X, Y, Z marginalized person, is so infuriating. I am all for expressing and critiquing how fundies view marginalized communities. But I have also noticed the use of marginalized communities/terms in comments that do nothing to the real conversations encompassing marginalized people. If anything, it only furthers an us vs them mentality, which is something observed in fundies that is heavily critiqued by snarkers. It’s giving, “let me use marginalization to put someone down!” As if their same statement towards fundies isn’t true for the snarker. Just replace all those terms with fundie terms and tell me it’s not the same thing. Would they be friendly or respectful or understanding of them? Would they give grace to someone actively challenging indoctrinated ideas?


Also it’s never enough to be a part of one marginalized community, but you have to collect them like Girl Scout badges or else you will not win a gold medal at the suffering Olympics. Yes inter-sectionalism is all about recognizing that the convergence of marginalized identities increases the difficulty of pretty much everything, but also enough with the friendly fire with *people you are fighting a common cause with*.


Haha I absolutely agree! If snarkers wanted to discuss and/or explore those identities related to fundamentalism they would say more than just “so-and-so would NEVER accept meeting me!” And you’re right, the convergence of these identities increase the complexity of discussions, and I wish that’s how the posts went, instead BECs.


You’re so real for this. I feel like it just turns into a “how many words can I use” contest a lot of the time. The best way to break down walls isn’t to go up to somebody who’s deconstructing and tell them every label that applies to you, it’s to show them that despite differences in race, ability, and sexuality, we’re still people who have more in common than different


Thank you! I rarely comment on the snark subs but the overuse of marginalized labels to spite someone is so unhelpful and watering down the issues associated with those labels. It says “here I am” and stops at that. Where is the discussion of marginalized people who have deconstructed or actively in the process? Nuanced discussion of Fundamentalism within marginalized communities? LGBT+ view point? BIPOC Fundamentalism? Impacts on disabilities, mental health, etc.? These would be great discussion topics where it’s appropriate to use marginalized terms. And as someone who is marginalized, I do not claim these snarkers, and sure as sh*t don’t claim their sentiments😂 (Also your post is spot on!)


Love that you gave Judaism an exception


I totally get that the sub is for discussing fundamentalist Christianity and talking about fundamentalist Judaism wouldn’t fit its focus, but I’m sick of commenters acting like fundamentalism cannot exist in Judaism due to it being a historically oppressed religion


Yes!! Everyone on the main sub acts like Judaism is the exception when there are so many well documented cases of abuse and oppression perpetrated by the community. This is true for all religions.


Netflix had Unorthodox leading the top lists a few years ago... How do people not know Judaism isn't a 'can do no wrong' religion? Wherever there are people in power structures, there is a chance for abuse. Whether that's religious or secular. When a community is isolated or closed off, the chances go way up.


Yeah, I live on the east coast near Hasidic communities and let me tell you, they have some very extremist views that give Evangelicals a run for their money.


There’s even one belief in the orthodox world that women aren’t clean on their periods, women aren’t allowed to touch their husbands, or sleep in the same bed. They have to go to what’s called a mikvah, which is a religious body of water, in order to be considered clean again. And like Christian fundamentalism, women’s bodies are made out to be something distracting to men that they need to cover up


Do people really claim that? I thought discussions of Jewish and Islamic fundamentalism weren’t allowed because they can veer too easily to antisemitism and islamophobia.  Jewish fundamentalism very much exists and is damaging (whether it’s in some form of haredism or religious right wing extremism practiced by West Bank settlers for instance) but it needs to be discussed sensitively by non Jews. And I guess there’s less hostility towards Jewish fundamentalists because they don’t try to proselytize?


The mods banned non-Christian fundies because people were snarking on Orthodox Jews for a month or so and it was just straight up antisemitism.


This. That sub has no ability to discern anything, and any discussion of Jews or Muslims would veer right into antisemitism or Islamophobia VERY quickly.


I think there’s less hostility towards fundamentalist Judaism because like you said,they don’t proselytize and their communities are pretty seclusive. There’s also just less of them in the US,which I think explains it too. Fundamentalist Jews & Muslims aren’t really out here creating legislature and running for office at the rates that Christian Fundies are. Most Americans have never been exposed to fundamentalist Islam/Judaism,so I think that’s why they have softer views on it. It doesn’t affect their life as much. Whereas if you travel outside of the US,you’d have a VERY different perspective.


I’ve met secular Israelis who look on Haredi Jews the way secular Americans look at Christian fundamentalists, as a threatening backwards force. It’s obviously different in countries where Jews are a minority. This said, I do think it’s alarming how there are communities in the US where boys speak only Yiddish and are deprived of an education.


This is should be hung on the louvre.


This was a work of art


“I read a book📖📚 on gay people 👩‍❤️‍👩👨‍❤️‍👨my views were instantly changed” LOL…. I learned about evolution five years before I actually accepted it as fact. I wish it only took me reading one book to do a 180 and change my views.


This post passed the vibe check ![gif](giphy|j9mqKgQvkNOziGICfd|downsized)


This is a work of art lol


wtf are all these emojis - did it take you an hour to write this. Can we just use words?


It’s purposefully satire


I’m not going to read that, I’m getting a headache just looking at it




Yes, usually criticism, both valid and not, is used by opposing ideologies. When that valid criticism can’t be talked about within the in-group, it means there is no self policing going on, and it becomes a polar opposite echo chamber of the very things it is supposedly combatting, often using the exact same tactics. You do realize people on the left can criticize those from the left? You do realize that opposing ideologies will sniff out valid criticism as well? Or do you truly want everyone to fall in line with zero criticism, and if they do, they’re immediately shunned as part of the outgroup? Sounds like a really great way for ideas to be discussed and disseminated! Makes perfect sense with what I’ve seen in leftist activist spaces, and certainly on the fundie snark pages! thank you for helping enlighten me on this kind of  behavior! 


Way too many emoji’s.


Not enough, good sir. Not enough emojis.


It's like, a trending style. There are lots of posts like this. They are usually worse lol


i once did this one for a post by jill rodrigues. looking back my emoji choices were… questionable About 28 🤧years ago🤫, I 👁👄👁noticed 👀a NEW🤡 guy 🤡in the college📚 and 🗣career 🖇class in our⛪️ church🙏. He was 🦒tall🦒, dark😈 and 🥵handsome😻. 💁‍♂️ I was smitten👅💦. One small 👌🍆👌problem though💀. I was 12 🤢🤮and he was 😳19. 😂 So, he did 🚫😤not🙅‍♂️ notice me. 🤷‍♀️ LOL🤣😆😂🙃. Until, 😏😏we played 🕺in the "🕸String🕸 Group" 🕸together. 💅🤝I was now 14 years🙀🙀🙀. I noticed 👀him staring 👁👅👁💦at me. 💃🤦‍♀️ Hmm, maybe 🤔he'll notice 👀👁👀me after all. 😊 Then, 😱my dad🥵🥵 got a job 🔛transfer 🤨😋and we moved🔚 away. 😢😭😢 We 😏came😏 back for the 😳HUGE 😫🍆💦Christmas 🎹Concert🎤/play 🎭and I was now 🤯a 16 year old🤯...and looking older🧓🏻👵🏻. He 🥵had missed 👹our family 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦singing. 😭😩🗣:( He talked 🗣🗣to us and - he 👁👁NOTICED 👁👁ME! 🤭😍 Oh yeah😏, 😳he 🤯noticed. 😁 He wondered🤔, could it work?😱 But, ☝️I was still 🚦young 😝and in 📌✂️school 📗📘📕and our ⛵️backgrounds✈️🛩 were so 🤷‍♀️different. So, 🥵he dismissed 👋the possibility. 😥😰😓😭 Fast forward🔜 2 years. ✌️He was now living🏚 in NYC 🏙🗽 and helping 🗿missionaries 🎢🏝🎠there (Pete 🤤and Julia 🤢Montoro) start 👄a church. 👥The church 💒my family attended👂 (in upstate ⬆️NY) supported💸💵🤑 them. I wrote 💌to Julia 💌to encourage 🧸her. 🎈She "♥️match-maked♥️" and mentioned 🔉🔊me to 🥵David👌🍆💦. He looked 👀at my picture 💋🍑and knew🙋‍♀️ instantly who I was. 😃 YES, 🙆‍♀️he wanted 😩to pursue 😏me. 🥵Peace 🥵enveloped👯‍♂️ us both. ❤ We had the same😤 goals 🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰and 💵💸💵💸💵💵convictions💸💵💸💵💸 we stood😏 by. 🤡He 🤡proposed😵 to me in a horse🙈🐒🙊 drawn 🐎carriage🕊 in Central Park, 🗽NYC- 😱😱😱in May 🤥of my senior 🥶year of high school - 😷1997. 💍 I said - "YES!" 👱‍♀️ We were 😶🍆🍑💦😏married🥵😩 on October💋 4, 1997. 🤵👰 All this to say, I look👁👄👁 back and just 🧠KNOW 🧠I was👣👀 blessed 👣when I said 👨🏽‍🦱YES 👅to this wonderful man. 😊 One thing 🤔I am impressed with of 😴God, is that he 🥶changeth 🥶NOT. 🤯Malachi 3:6 | "For I am the LORD🔨, I change not;...."😓 In a culture 💡where 🔫the human race 💣🔪🪓swiftly🧲🧨🪓 changes 📺☎️📞to adapt to 🎞culture🎞, I am BLESSED🏝🏖 and THRILLED🗿🏰🗽 to have a man that cares 🙅‍♂️not🙅‍♂️ how the 🌏world🌏🌍🌎 changes. 🌈☄️🌪He adapts☀️ as he needs to (🌜within God's🌞 boundaries). But in areas☂️ that would 🙅‍♂️not 🙅‍♂️please God, 🤷‍♂️he stands firm. 😠🤗🤫I SOOO 😤appreciate🥳 his firm, 🍆💦godly 😩leadership 🥵in our home😳. He is a 🥵TREMENDOUS 🥵blessing 🥵to me. He is my 🤭rock and 🤣anchor. (Second to ☝️Jesus - 👋of course). 😁 Babe, looking 👁👀👁back⬅️, I am SO ☝️glad I said😩 yes😩. I got the "🥛cream of 🥛the crop" 🥛from the 📚📙📗college and 🗑📊career 🗃📅class! You 😳are my knight🍆💦🗽 in shining 🤗armour, my blessing🥵😩, my life🥰...and 🤩I LOVE you. 🤩 Hugs 😤and 💋👄Kisses, 👄👅💦Your Jillybean 🤫xoxo


Oh my God this is her actual text isn't it? I got halfway through before I realized you used her own words. A+