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Serious: what video do you each consider to be the best video Funhaus ever made? Not serious: Which of the current crew would be the last man standing if you were all stranded on a desert island?


[The Band Manager video](https://youtu.be/u6v_idUQwJM?si=Um_3qdmznm8qdL4F) with the crew all dressed up, especially Elyse as Gwen Stefani and James as David Bowie while everybody rips on Reel Big Fish lmao


Crazy they got the real Robert Smith for the video


The drunk Mario Party segments were always classic. The time Elyse and Bruce teamed up as Monty Mole and referred to him as “beaver” the entire time was just gut busting hilarious.


Beaver shoots blanks


Beaver has the catchphrase “dam baby!!!!”


Beaver wishes ill will to all!


["Super Hot Bro"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YtDiBh5MrY) Queen of Valhalla! Sit on my face! Babe, I'll munch on your box if you give me a second chance!


Will the end of Roosterteeth and Funhaus have an effect on Talking Stalkings???


To piggyback on this question; will I still receive my fruit crate subscription?


To piggyback off this question; will we ever go to view?


To piggy back off this question; did Rahul ever get off that lift?


Whats next for James now that his internship has ended?


I hear Jacob is taking him on board for an apprenticeship.


Those Gundam aren't going to build themselves!


What's your opinion on this week's Game of Thrones?






What's wrong with your shoulders?


Hey! Settle down over there!




Jesus, this comment is great, but it actually made me sad. I think we all start to realize that as we grow older, the things that we take for granted are slowl- JK BITCHES, THAT'S THE GAME OF THRONES QUESTION OF THE WEEK LICKA ME GROTTO JON CROW


I've got an extra $5 in my wallet. How much more money do I need to buy Funhaus?


On a scale of 1 to 10, can I borrow $5?


Vin Diesel?


I'm trying to fund Witch Hunter 3. But first I need to make 2 to get to 3.


God, I'm gonna miss Funhaus 😞


With Funhaus now ending. What dormant movie or tv franchise will yall bring back for your new careers?


Gods of Egypt


Being able to witness the entire saga of their ironic obsession with this terrible movie is something I'll cherish forever. I fucking went to see it in theatre because of them. Christ it's awful lmao


*13% on rotten tomatoes!*






Will we see a Jimmy Hollywood career arc for James?


He’s lost one job - the arc will continue until he gets those meds.




Tips are appreciated. Sky's the limit!


What was your guys favorite joke or character over the years? I know my personal favorite was Elyse…I mean Neytiri in the avatar gameplays Loved you all and am going to miss watching you all from a long time watcher.


That was a Cloud Atlas gameplay.


You speak the tru-tru


Duder my biggest question is where the Willems duo is ending up. This guy is gonna miss Trash for Trash and I am hopeful you do something similar. Have a lovely day sir


I’ve been a huge fan for a while now. I’ve practiced and honed my skills to be an editor. So I guess now is the perfect time to ask if y’all are hiring anyone new at this time?


Now that the whole's operation winding down, what other industries might we see the members take over?


Ryan has more time to make audition tapes for Survivor


Can't wait to see him on the island and take over Jeff Probst!


where’s everyone ending up? can we get a full rundown on where everyone’s going?


While I don't know how feasible this is at this point, many of them might not know yet, just a rundown of everyone's active socials/somewhere to watch for news in the future would be nice.


https://linktr.ee/funhausteam That link has all the member's socials. I'm sure updates will get posted here as they come out


Can I get one of those movie ending sequences. Where they freeze frame on each member and put up text explaining the life they lived.


& even if it's not exact concrete plans - some peek into what ya'll would like to take on/pursue next would be cool to know!


Ideally with them each fading out into nothing like the ending of The Sandlot as that's explained.


No question. Just wanted to share my genuine love and thanks for all the years and all the laughs. It's going to be hard losing this amazing group of people on a daily basis.


Yeah. I teared up a little when I found out ngl, Funhaus got me through some tough times.


Let's turn the tables. After 9 years what is one question you would like to ask the audience (we'll type our answers in the comments)?


Now that this is the end was there any projects/series that you wish would have lasted longer or felt like it ended too soon? And was there any that you felt lasted longer than they should have? Also I just have to say to James and the rest of the team thank you from the bottom of my heart you guys have meant so much to me and since I was a sophomore in 2012. And just to add to the irony I have always procrastinated for every Q&A so it’s fitting I finally submit one for the last one. Thank you again and best of luck!!!


Since you helped with my proposal (Open Haus #99), do you have any good ideas for a 5th Anniversary present?


This is the answer to a question you all ask Jeopardy Style: A comedy Youtube channel that brought laughter and joy to so many people over the last 9 years


What is a series or game that you always wanted to make a video with but never got the chance?


Serious question: What qualities do you think you've gained through the years working at Funhaus? Joke question: What are you taking home from the office on your last day?


If you could have full creative control on a video game movie adaptation, which game would you choose? Thank you for everything, Funhaus


It's been a hell of a decade plus watching y'all through various incarnations.


Can you have love actually?


My partner and I have long agreed on Elyse as the name for our future daughter. As the inspiration for that name, Elyse what name would you give to our first born son because she won't let me name him James?


I know when you wrestle you have to cut weight and you do different things like spitting or sweating to accomplish this but did James ever try popping? Trying to bust as many times as you could to lose those last few ounces?


Is this the end of Funhaus?




What are your favourite famous bits from previous years of Funhaus? So many great moments over the years, thank you for the laughs ❤️


Tubi are giving the recently unemployed Funhaus crew one last ride in the YouTube gaming space. What will this new channel be called? And what will the new dog pound equivalent be named?


Can we get one more of Don doing the penguin scene from Batman Returns?


Long time listener, first time asker; Simple Question. What is the teams favorite live event they have attended and any funny celebrity stories?


What's your favorite and least favorite Open Haus question that was ever asked?


Your favorite character of yours? Or at least most proud of?


Can we get a final John Holland original song?


When a YouTube channel dies under tragic circumstances sometimes a crow can resurrect the restless spirits within to set things right. How are the crows of Funhaus going to find peace?


What gameshow/reality tv competition could each Funhaus member absolutely demolish and win?


If you have to pick one underrated production of the groups, what is it?


Don Bluth is looking to collaborate with Funhaus on a new animated experience, what would be the next Don Bluth movie/game?


James, do you think they should do a season of *Physical 100* with apes or would the gorilla be too dominant to make it a real competition?


Will anyone (Ryan) be starting a public access TV show?


I've always wanted to have a question answered on Open Haus. Will you answer this one?


If you could work anywhere, where would you want to work?


What is the thing that you're the proudest of doing/ being a part of in FH?


What was each of your favourite moments throughout your FH journey, could even br something from the IG days!


If each Funhaus member were allowed to put one song on the Golden Record that was shot into space, what would it be?


This is not a joke- as I write this my wife has started labor for our first. Which Funhaus Dream Jobs guest can best guide us through this?


Just wanted to send you and your wife some good crow energy during her delivery! Best of luck to both of you on this new chapter in life! 💜🐦‍⬛


Thank you!!!


What is everyone stealing from the office before shutdown?


Was Rooster Teeth's demise due to the lack of them not buying stocks under arrow?


I know some people are sad to see such a staple of funhaus going away, but honestly, I am super excited to see what they replace Open Haus with.


No question, just a thank you. You guys and gals rule.


You've given us some of the best moments of online entertainment history. What can we do to give back to you now?


If you could do it all again knowing how it ends, would you? Would you change anything?


What’s the best way for us to support everyone moving forward?


Not a question but it looks like aaron barrett gets the last laugh


Have you ever had a dream s.. that.. s that you.. um you had.. you.. t you what you.. could you do you would you want you... you could do so you.. you do you coul you c you want you want to do so much that you could do anything??? Seriously though best wishes to you all, I know you will all kick ass with whatever you have happening next


Now that you guys finally have a vacation lined up what are you gonna do to relax?


Does it seem like this is the end for most collaborative gaming channels on YouTube? I only know of a few successful channels left


What game, book, or show do you have lined up for your time off?


If you had to do a crime, but still had to face up to the consequences, what crime would you choose?


I think the biggest question is, do you guys have any other creative projects or do you want to take some time off, if possible?


Who was your favorite editor out of the team? Or What was one of your favorite edits in a video y’all have put out?


Where do you all see yourselves in ten years?


What is a project you were excited about but was killed by the higher-ups before you could even make it?


Any plans after Funhaus as to what individuals will be up to?


Is it possible to become a super crow? Like, if say someone was born with the crow gene, and possessed the power of the crow. Could they, through years of training, learn how to harness the sadness that it takes to become crow. But because they are already crow they transcend into a new level of crow. Super crow. Some visual aids: [AI Crow](https://www.bing.com/images/create/the-crow2c-from-the-movie-the-crow2c-depicted-as-a-s/1-662981b3299b49c1b9e12a7a90982f93?id=cexgzb%2bBe3vuGY9P%2bEe%2bMA%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&thId=OIG4.gQ_H04zGNZLGYCW7Z1sk&FORM=GCRIDP) [AI Crow](https://www.bing.com/images/create/eric-draven2c-from-the-movie-the-crow2c-depicted-as-/1-662982896cc340ff8a0e010c67841ce5?id=WDdmqs0%2fEO7UKM7yLBgUEQ%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&thId=OIG4.2jsODOWM.k2jThOsIPwj&FORM=GCRIDP) [AI Crow](https://www.bing.com/images/create/the-human-the-crow2c-from-the-movie-the-crow2c-depic/1-6629820a5b464cfeaa50c14a8bd17f50?id=A5auofO%2bBhHMk9HNMljtSA%3d%3d&view=detailv2&idpp=genimg&thId=OIG2.t8XNUNuc9id41FZZQfGD&FORM=GCRIDP)


Gotta ask, of all the bits and characters the team has collectively done, which ones live rent free in the Funhaus crew’s head?


I have watched Funhaus content from the very beginning and have enjoyed over a decade of videos and events. I love that I was here for Funhaus.


Are we all going to meet up to watch Crow when it premieres? Because I’m down to Caw 🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛🐦‍⬛ Thank you for all your work and dedication to this channel. Love you all 💜💛💙🧡


How do you feel about the actual influence in people's lives you had?  For example, I am no longer Christian, and I have bought steroids. These are true.


Is "boy kissing/kissing boys" with baby-face Jacob still on the table...?


If we as a community can pitch in, is it possible we can get a yearly reunion stream under the banner of Sadhaus


Have the Buff Huskies continued to be buff or have they been buffer?


We are all going to miss you so much. Thank you all for the hours of laughter you’ve given us. But now that it’s wrapping up, who is your favourite fan?


Who gets to keep the youtube play button? And for Lindsay: What realm do you play on and is there a funhaus guild in WoW to your knowledge?


Now that you’re free of his grasp, what are your opinions of David Zaslav?


Who gets minch in the break up?


To all of funhaus team. What do you do when “it” blows in your face ? Love you all peeps.


Ryan, you once answered a question of mine about the epistemology of ethics, and I never got to thank you for that. (I failed my philosophy midterm, by the way.) If you would be so kind, would you also answer this question about metaphysics? Given the popular view that human minds come encoded with universal linguistic structures, which implies that the very machinery of our perception of reality is predetermined, how do you articulate the relationships between the constructs we use to describe reality and the objects of reality themselves (assuming you aren't a monist about metaphysics). When we describe reality, are we not merely describing the conditions of our minds themselves, with no actual relationship to external objects? Can a mind pierce the seeming inherent separation between mental formations of reality and reality, as it is in and of itself, or does language bind us to the shadows on Plato's cave?


Funhaus is tasked with creating sequel film to any franchise. What franchise do you choose and who would you recast? (p.s. thank you for all the laughs throughout the years 🧡)


You are making your wrestling debut with WWF, what’s your gimmick and finisher ?


Y'all have any desk things that youve carried from each of the inside gaming offices?


Last one out, hit the lights.


Simple one - do your best impression of a celebrity without using their name. Not a question but who gives a fuck its the last one


What's next?


This one's for James - I'd like to get as buff as you, but i'd also like to continue drinking 10 Miller lights a day and eating microwaved cheese on white bread with mustard. Do you have any final departing tips on how I can lose weight whilst still being a lazy, alcoholic drunk slob?


Bloodsport is an awesome movie. Who would you have put your money on to win the Kumite if Frank Dux and Chong Li were not entrants?




No questions. Just thank you


With the sunset of Funhaus on the horizon, what kind of steed are you riding off on? Love you guys, and am so thankful to get to enjoy all of the laughs you've given me over the years.


If you could re live one episode from the beginning of IG to the end of FH what episode of what "show" would it be? Also. Love you all ways ✌️


How has your time with Funhaus helped develop your comedy, your skills (production, technology, editing, etc), or/and your industry knowledge?? What can you do or are better at now that you owe to your time at Funhaus? Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the top of my funny bone for all the entertainment, laughs, and parasocial company. You're way better than my IRL friends!! XD


What’s a Funhaus?


Who owns board as hell and how do I pay them for it?


What video did you feel the most accomplished/proud to be a part of either editing or performing?


Is this gonna effect season 2 of sex swing?


Like a few others this isn't a question. But I wanted to share my love for the Funhaus gang. I still remember the video of the og lot sitting round the table with Bernie. Like many I grew up watching youtube, but Funhaus was the first channel I actually tuned every upload to watch and made me laugh every time. It's hard not to get emotional when you see a channel you feel almost connected to get taken down, y'all were like a second family through my early 20s. All the slow job days, the late nights doing uni work, long days making my art, or just the dull af days, I couldn't have got through all that without some Funhaus. If it's okay, just a little specific mention to a few members (current and past🙏): To Bruce: You never failed to make me laugh, your report with everyone, comedic timing - the iconic shocked face - and willingness to commit to the bit (that goes for all of you tbf now I think about it) , was priceless every, damn, time. Not to mention I respected you as the "leader" of the team, but just general respect ya know, more so knowing the lengths you went to, try to foster a healthy yet comical powerhouse, who always stuck to his guns. You always - and still do - to have a level head on your shoulders, your opinions and comments on gaming more or less match my own and I continue to follow your content on Twitch and YouTube to this day! Just like Sark and APL, you're a solid dad streamer. Parenting is of course hard, but if you're ever in doubt, as someone who grew up in their 20s with you as one key figure in their media, you'll make a great dad and your kid will love you as many of us here have. James and Elyse (and Benson the beautiful boy, rip): You two are what I would define as the couple goals that I aspire to be one day. Your passion for what you do and hilarious back and fourth over the years, always made for someone of my favorite moments I'll forever look back on fondly. Not to mention Elyse is just so damn hilarious, idek how many videos I added to my favourites that are just you in the background or with a one off moment or line. Also shout out to Peach Harvest. Plus your to their recommendation back in the day I played Hollow Knight and loved it and it's only thanks to Jamea I played and loved Psychonaughts. Also Elyse reignited my appreciation for the Muppets, so thank you both ❤ Time to read a night in Halloween house again and cry. To Lawrence: You're maybe the one I see most of myself in, a nerdy guy who likes to immerse myself in the whole ecosystem of gaming and just wants to create fun gaming content with his pals...and maybe destroy a liver or two along the way. I've not much else to say honestly which isn't a reflection of how little you meant to my watching the channel, but more so how much of a impression you left and how much I respect you too, which continues with the content on Inside Games and your Twitch. I've cultivated my own small group of creatives who I can trust when it comes to games, and there's a reason you and Bruce are two top figures in that group. If the opportunity ever came up (from the UK so idk how feasible) I would love get a drink with you and just chat some day. You've always come across as solid man and genuine person with a wealth of knowledge of gaming. Everyone on the Funhaus team will be missed, but I hope you all find your footing somewhere just as amazing, god knows you all deserve it. P.S: is it too much to ask for you all to just start a new channel together again elsewhere...it has to be possible right 😭😭


With Funhaus ending 😢, how do you guys feel about the amount of scrobles you guys managed to build up?


This is for Spoole- of you had to share an office chair with one, who would it be?


Now that we are at the very end, did you have fun doing Funhaus?


Question is for James/Elyse, which game brings the most nostalgia for you? Sims, Sherlock Holmes, We Need To Go Deeper, Luscious ect. - brings me back to some great laughs. Been a long time viewer of you guys, brought me and my siblings endless amounts of laughs over the years (From those early highschool mornings to now our late 20s) thank you for everything! :,)


Warner Bros. CEO David Zaslav's compensation pay package rose from $39.3 million to $50 million this year. What do you think he's using that extra cash for?


Will we get to hear James do his Japanese accent one more time?


No question here. I just want to say thank you for bringing humor and joy for over a decade and more specifically during a period of time where I needed it most.


Does Ryan need a new home? Or are you returning him back to where you found him? I can foster him until a new family comes along!


With Machinima shutting down, does this mean we shouldn't expect any more Force Quit videos?


What's the worst game you've had the most fun playing?


What times while working at FH scared you the most. Like how much stress did you feel ?


Don't actually have a question but after lurking since 2012ish I just wanted to say hi and bye and fuck you for my nearly 17 hours on Chaser


I guess my last question would be do you all allow yourself to realize how much joy and happiness and laughter you have brought so many people over the years?  A decade is no small feat, and everyone goes through a lot in that large of a timeframe. Nevermind covid, but it's honestly a lot. One thing I could always count on to raise my spirits was tossing on so many videos you have produced. It has carried me through a lot, and will continue to do so.  I'm going to bet most of you are incredibly humble, if not all. I implore you though, take a seat back, look at the genuine good you have brought this world. Be proud! Sure it might be funny little YouTube videos but I think they may go much further than you really know.   I thank you all for everything. Sincerely.


Lawnmower man?


What will become of all the demo disks?


Not a question, just showing love. I've spent the better part of a decade laughing with you guys and I'm so not ready to say goodbye.


Are we getting a finale to “My Summer Car”?


What guest made you laugh the hardest? Who would have been a dream guest?


I'm ugly crying and I'm sober. Yall are amazing beautiful hilarious people.


What was Elyse's favorite character she played over the years, and are there any characters she had planned that she was excited about she didn't get to play?


Will James Angel ever make his AEW debut?


What would you do all day now?


What made the most memorable dinner you ever had the most memorable? Whether it was the food or something that occurred. Obligatory dick sucking.  Me and my wife cried when we found out we won't have anymore new funhaus.  We've been watching since Joel was throwing grenades backwards in GTA death matches.  Forever in love, can't wait to see what awaits all you talented cats.


Fuck, marry, kill: The crow (The crow), Jobe (Lawnmower man), Volkor (Warlords Battlecry 2)


::hugs and kisses with consent::


What’s the best movie of all time, and why is it lawnmower man?


Now that you will have free time, will you now just live at a gym James?


I've been watching you guys since I was a little tyke. I've always wondered: do you guys fold or scrunch when you wipe?


Do any of you play magic the gathering?


Thanks for the decade of entertainment friends How would your futures will affect the local trout population?


Can you help me stop crying?


So when are you guys going to start funhoos?


How is FH going to the ranch in the sky affect Interstellar Trade Routes between Comedium and Game Ng II? Will the spice not flow anymore?


Which infamous actors would you cast in the Funhaus Docu-Drama?


In an alternative universe, Funhaus was the Roosterteeth type media company. What did this Funhaus company begin its downfall? Love y'all!


Loved you guys this whole ride. Thanks for making me laugh while I was at my lowest of lows. Sad to see this internship go but glad to see what y'all make of it. Best of luck and you'll always have a place in my heart. ❤️💛💚🖤


Can we get a group a capella of the chorus to Pink's song "Funhouse"? (Thanks for everything, been watching since right before Funhaus started.)


What is everyones favourite videos or bits they have edited? Thanks for everything<3


What’s a video you wish you edited/worked on


Are you able to take characters you created in Funhaus and use them in future projects, or does Zaslav keep them locked in a vault with the Coyote film?


No question. Just thank you for the entertainment over the years. Can't wait to see your next adventures.


My selfish ass thought we had until May 10!


Hey James, many years have passed since you became the "Queen of Drama", who do you think is the new Queen of Drama at Funhaus?


What survival tips would you give to someone finding themselves in a classic horror movie scenario? Thank you for all the laughs and enjoyment.


Favorite moments durning your time at Funhaus?


Will a boy ever be born that can swim faster than a shark?


Is the next step for Funhaus to become a Vtuber agency and hire everyone as on screen talent? If not, how long until James starts an internship at VShojo?


If you could create a video game where the cast of funhaus were main characters, what genre would it be and why would Jacob be the player character? Also, thank you for sharing my sense of humor, the Internet will be slightly lonelier until I manage to sort myself out and follow all your endeavours. Edit: I've thought of a way better question, why the hell wasn't there more episodes of board of hell?? No cockroach poker? No dune imperium? I needed more damnit!


This is my last chance. James: in the first stream of the new streaming schedule, you said only two things (supplements related) have been scientifically proven to help at the gym. You were about to say into the camera what it was but, when someone else started talking, you turned and said it directly to Patrick. The mic didn't pick you up and I've been dying to know what you said.


Favorite project you guys have put on or been apart of?


Where is the final location of The Stone? If you don't remember, it's perfectly smooth. Not a feature on it.


How'd ya get so funny?


Burn it down? Or head held high?


after all is said and done and despite the ubrupt end, are you guys happy with what you were able to make and do with funhaus?


Did you ever want to do more community game contest for an entry fee?


Big gulps, gulp big. But do big guys gulp big guys?


Any favorite memorable moments from the past couple years of FH?


Can you ask Ryan if Ryan's GameShow might make a recurrence?


Hey all, is there something you guys wished you could’ve done differently?


What made you laugh the most at Funhaus?


Who gets custody of Minch?