• By -


I believe it was the clip where Bruce is talking about women with ponytails and Elyse is in the background listening. Felt like it was my kind of humor right away.


Same. Saw it on Reddit when it first blew up and I’ve been hooked since


Same. I think that got viral and pulled a lot of people to the channel.


I was watching them before that, but I think that clip, and that period of time Funhaus had massive reach. That and similar clips from that time were appearing in compilation clips of weekly internet recap channels, different subreddits, even on 4chan.




This was it for me. When I realised these guys were something special


Does your mom know you're playing with a SEX OFFENDER right now?


Same. I used to watch the daily gaming news and that was the first gameplay I watched. Instantly hooked. They were the channel that got me into subscribing to YouTube channels I like.


Inside gaming daily and Steam roulette


Definately, Inside gaming daily. I miss Bruce Humping intro. If anyone never watch it yet, you should check it out.


Man that brings me back, loved them shouting "YESSSSSSS" every Friday as well, that M Bison clip is never leaving my head




Member when Lawrence was a PC?


He will always be a laptop on Skype to me.


Are you implying he isn’t now?


Hey same! How’s the bone pain and other aging related problems going?


I came for the Shenmue, I stayed for the tampon bucket.


Tampon bucket was one of my earlier favorites too!


![gif](giphy|C9oDP8CoyyAk8|downsized) "the tampon bucket is full!"


I literally had tears dropping on the floor with laughter.


Same. I watched it again not long ago and it still kills me


Clad! The tampon bucket is full!


In 2016 my friend showed me a funny video of some guys ripping on Vin Diesel. Ever since Bruce said he needs "a few more much myore more much money for last witch hunter" I was hooked.


Huh thats weird Pauls not picking up


"On a scale of 1 to 10 can I borrow $5?" [clip for reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6-gXxc7Jbw)


I need a few more munch money.


Elyse's Spoole impression was pretty freaking funny! "Imma crush your pussy"! 🤣


the first video that REALLY hooked me was the Raven's Cry gameplay and then right after that was Lucius 2 and i was completely in it was my humor to a T.


Ravens cry for me too! The humor mixed with the Photoshop just had me rolling




My first laughing fit of a video that came out as I was actively following them was when Joel was playing GTA and kept throwing Molotovs backwards and then got BMXd to death.


I remember that moment. Hilarious. Joel was solid gold.


YEAH! Hit that fire!


An IG video where they're trying to skydive through the Vinewood sign in GTA.


Classic video. Also trying to skydive and land in a swimming pool


Not sure if this counts, but I remember when Adam use to do the Halo news as The Dead Pixel. But if I think hard enough, I think I started watching the OG crew a year before they became Funhaus iirc. I remember when they had Peter Molyneux on. Damn that guy use to sell me on the most basic shit ever! I remember he had me so mesmerized on being able to hold a npc had in Fable 3(I think it was 3) 😂


Man that takes me back. Adam as The Dead Pixel and ??? as Sodagod.


Back then I loved the dynamic they had with Matt Danivik. Dude was real funny. Then he left and only when James arrived I felt he filled his shoes


Chaser. Pretty sure the dev took notice of the gameplay and even commended them for reviving interest in the game and pretty sure it started the trend of 'You play as John (game title)'.


The cunt life. I never laughed so hard and so long at anything else in my life. My friend thought I was gonna die from laughing in our Skype call.


That whole series was gold, still go and rewatch it every now and then


it was either my friend showing me the cunt saga or the creepy text theater i don't remember anymore but forever thankful for that friend




HOLY SHIT I saw this video many moons ago around when the game came out and thought it was funny but forgot who they were, I discovered Funhaus in maybe 2017 and fell in love with them. You JUST made me realize they were the same people!


"Suck my balls, my hairy fucking big balls, wrap them around your mouth" "Looks like the douchebag convention"


Wolverine in a wheelchair comes to mind (GTA 4 mod). Lawrence as a laptop and missile boobies. When they would interview Rob and just make up whatever captions they wanted were freakin hilarious


Matt Dannevik saying Battlehoog


I firmly believe that when he came back, he intentionally reused this joke to kill machinima's attempt at reviving IG


Dicks in Skyrim was the first video and was hooked ever since.


GTA IV mods with Adam, Bruce, and whoever that third guy was who read out the questions during the Q&As.


The sad tale of Spookums!


One of the classics! https://youtu.be/-G8MzpQjpqUyBo1k1Wjm5QNWpkr


"There is no first. We get it and that's it."


Haha yes the oral etiquette


Because of that Bruce lives rent free in my head.


Adam Kovic hosting IGN daily with Matt, then Matt ended up being part of a big IGN/Machinina layoff and Bruce became cohost. This was over 10 years ago, and probably during my favorite era of gaming.


I cannot remember the earliest IG moment. I do remember moments but I can’t tell you which one is the earliest. My earliest Funhaus memory, however, is stalking all of the guy’s Instagrams and Twitters waiting for them to announce something. I also remember there being rumors that they would land with RT so I started frequenting that site way more. I saw the Welcome to Funhaus video maybe 2-3 hours after they posted it being so excited.


I I remember both subreddits were at one point comparing socks in a photo to see if they were Burnie Burns' or something


Cunt life


First time I saw them was Creepy Text Theater. I didn't look them up beyond that, but when they formed funhaus I was in from day one. Back in the days of the Herzog/Uvabole rooms and before the holocaust wall.


Inside gaming daily nothing better than hearing the YESSSSSSS!!!! On a Friday after I finished work


Holy shit, I forgot about the YESSSSS until just now!


I just watched a couple now it still hits good even though it’s Sunday


Way back when it was just gaming news and Adam would crumple up their script and throw it at the camera at the end of each show. 


Mine is the machinima era 👴 I liked the glass wall with the fan art they used as the backdrop for gaming news. I liked Lawrence as the lil laptop with Skype.


Open house in around 2015/16? Was in college and then working and I would come home and watch those after work, and when I was briefly unemployed I would wake up, watch a funhaus vid with my morning coffee instead and go to the library to send out applications. Was a bright spot at that time.


The earliest memory is Adam/Dead Pixel/the guy who let everyone down explaining some Halo news through a crappy mic with his Halo character bobbing along (I never cared about Halo but watched every episode anyway). My favourite memory is either the Ride to Hell series or the Christmas GTA episode where Bruce regif- I mean gives new and totally not regifted presents to Elyse, Lawrence, and the Don. That was just such a good low-key encapsulation of what Funhaus was all about.


Sir Lars as just a voice Adam standing in front of a window at whatever office they were at which was right on some busy street etc


Was Hollywood Blvd, right? No, I think it was Sunset I used to live near there, I'm not a stalker. 😅


That would probably be it Guessing that was pretty early on ( the location )


Because I’m a psychopath and had to find the office Found it https://youtu.be/TeEQHoqKpYQ?si=YeLavjv9416DdML3


Inside halo


Tbh I can't rememer what it was about, but I downloaded and installed the maschinima app on my Xbox one because there were no games, and then I saw the IG crew which I loved from day one.  I was devastated when they shut down and happy when they launched funhaus.  I watched them religiously daily up until the point they started doing their IKEA stuff, the content changed too much imo. 


My earliest memories are watching Inside Gaming Daily during the lead up to the release of GTA V cause I was starved for any morsel of news about the game. I think the first videos I watched on the IG gameplay channel was The Sims or Chaser.


Back when The Dead Pixel used to host IG. Shame that he died.


I remeber finding them back in late 2012 early 2013 Waaaay too young to be watching them (13) but loved it. To this day i start every friday with a ![gif](giphy|FjeGBljESVAzu)


Back in IG there was this joke about this guy that James knew who would make CoD montage style clips for them complete with hit markers and mtn dew/Doritos references


Also GTA 4 Mods on Inside Gaming that got me hooked, but it was the Bioshock Infinite episode that first introduced me to the channel: "Booker Catch!"


“Booker Catch” - IG GTA 4 mods video


A friend of mine showed me the first episode of the cunt life back when it was airing


I was browsing Reddit and came across an r/ContagiousLaughter post on the front page. It was a compilation of clips of Bruce's wheezing laugh, from various IG clips. For whatever reason, I wanted to know more, so went to the comments and found out that they had been part of a different channel but had just launched their own channel, called Funhaus. So I looked it up and started watching their stuff. I had no interest whatsoever in video games (still don't), but thought they were funny so I became a regular viewer.


I first heard of them actually through this Machinima stream thing (Operation Game Drop) where they streamed for like an hour? But I was watching two streamers I like APL fisher and AllShamNoWow who was always on after them and there was always people in chat trolling and being like “is this inside gaming?” And then that got shutdown after like 6 months and then I stumbled into Funhaus and I was like oh this is those inside gaming people. Rest is history.


The first time I saw them live was Adam, Bruce, and James playing Sniper Elite 3. "The Chosen One has arrived, The Ball-Slayer" is burned into my mind


Inside gaming days either the "Booker catch" or James screaming into a mic in GTA Online: "Does your mom know you play with a sex offender?!"


I remember when Bruce joined the group and loads of assholes were complaining but grew to love him.


I know it was in late 2015 because my dad had passed away the year before and I had gotten really into gaming content as a distraction. I believe I saw the channel recommended in a Reddit comment as a great blend of comedy and gaming. The first series I started watching was Demo Disk and as someone who played a ton of games like that as a kid, I was hooked.


RT announced this new group Funhaus, people mentioned they were excited this group called Inside Gaming was starting a new channel here. Some Best Of compilations were linked, I watched them, been here ever since.


I remember in like 2015 I watched the paul walker memorial race video and instantly got hooked. I went back and watched all their other stuff the same day.


It was the tunt / cunt saga. What captured me was how the group joked and interacted. Ryan hit the nail on the head. It wasn't about the game play it was about the group.


My earliest memories are of the inside gaming weekly news videos, where Adam Kovic would be in a machinima of halo 3 or reach delivering the news. When him and Bruce started doing daily news and then gameplay videos I was hooked for years. Sad that he turned out to be so shitty but Im grateful for the years of laughs and memories.


The demo disk with queen of Valhalla sit on my face


Haha with the guy who looked like Pauly D


Lawrence used to be a face on a laptop, their gaming news was great. Chaser gameplay is the farthest back I can remember. Absolutely hilarious


The cunt life


Inside gaming days. When Lawrence was just a laptop.


Took me back to when he was just a voice off-screen...


Bruce and James talking shit about ponytails while Elyse in the background looks at the camera with a ponytail


Chaser Joe Wood is a name to be remembered.


Young mistro, those edits always made me laugh as a kid. Shout out to the Joel hole too.


The sims series. Anything else off steam roulette. I would come home from 8th grade and watch that stuff religiously. I’d laugh so hard sometimes that I’d cry. Goood fucking memories


First video for me was the spider man GTA 5 mod, where they’re on top of the train webbing various vehicles. I remember laughing so much at that video, their reactions, them role playing being the pilot in the helicopter etc. I think they were uploaded to RT or AH channel 1st? Could be wrong on that. From there I basically watched all previous videos until I caught up with them.


“Booker! catch!” got me following for years.


Could be ride to hell or GTA mods


Dame Cronders


A coworker I had was telling me about a group called Rooster Teeth and I replied “oh yeah I use to watch RvB”. It had been years since I’ve thought about RT and he mentioned a newer group with them called Funhaus that were hilarious, this was around 2011 I believe. I was skeptical at that time about let’s plays. I watched the Demo Disk with Volkor and the rest is history. I laughed until I cried and I would do that for years.


Adam breaking games


Them playing Dream of the Turtle, or whatthefuckever, with James not even having a chair to sit down, just standing in the back, grinning like an insane person.


It was that drunk gameplay where James kept fucking with Adams Pacific Rim poster.




Skyrim with dicks first video I saw and I was hooked


Hmm maybe from about 2012/13 back in the Machinima days where Bruce and Adam were playing a surgery game where all you control are the pair of hands and failing miserably


I'm not sure what the video was. But when I stumbled on IG I don't think I did any real work for a day or two. Trying desperately not to cry laugh.


My friend sent me the Race for the White House gameplay from 8/17/15. Found it very funny, watched every Openhaus available to get to know everyone then started from the beginning and have seen every video since. 


Cunts refrigerators


I discovered FH through The Know. The episode that got me hooked is probably the Boonty Box episode.


ponytail incident and then the drunk gameplays


The Gamesmaster is a functioning alcoholic


The Cunt Life


Definitely not my earliest, but never forget, 1 dollar 1 hour.


Bout the exact same time for me


First demo disc


I honestly don't even remember what my first video was. I was like in 7th grade though when I found them and it's honestly just because I was big into watching videos from machinima. The cunt life is definitely my favorite from back then though. Also side note, do any of y'all remember Bruce being in a tech review show where at the end of the show they just destroyed whatever they reviewed. I know it definitely existed but idk if it was actually Bruce or my mind is misremembering


I somehow stumbled across the Toy Story characters in GTA IV game play when it came out, and watched the few other videos they had uploaded to that point. Got a subscribe, and never looked back.


Back in high school (I think circa 2010?) when Lawrence was still just a laptop, I came across a video of Adam making Bruce do his classic horse laugh and from there I was HOOKED. I still do the Bison YES! YES! on Fridays sometimes When all the controversy started happening and all of my favorite people left, I did too. But still, seeing that it's shutting down for good is such a sad thing to see. ![gif](giphy|FjeGBljESVAzu|downsized)


Funhaus honestly changed my humour completely and it’s hard to find something that scratch that itch. How can some guys in a room playing shitty video game be so funny? I realised they are something special when they are just playing some boring gta race and it’s still my favourite video.


“I wanna be an actor.” - C*nt


Sims 3 gameplay. Funniest thing ever. Loved it so much. CUNT!


The GTA 4 video where they are running around with the Avenger mods and struggling to get them to work. So many bangers from that vid. Its the video where Hulk dies in a motorcycle accident. https://youtu.be/2eI2B8wWd-8?si=G4kLxYUU-UFDgj86


Same here OP, the Cunt and Tunt saga were my first exposure to them as a group but I think I found them through the news show on Machinima (can't remember the name, there were so many 😅) Good to see some really early stuff again after watching their last video, it's been amazing to relive that part of my late teens


Years ago, I was traveling out of the country, while I was deliriously jet lagged and very sleep deprived, I opened up youtube and my algorithm suggested something called “demo disk” with a ridiculous thumbnail (I can’t remember which one unfortunately). In the state I was in, it felt like a fever dream and I’ve been a silent fan ever since. FH has been a part of my morning ritual while making coffee etc for years. Total bummer, it was quite literally, the only YouTube page I actively followed and watched every video from. There is too much talent between them to not land on their feet in some way or another but, even throughout the lineup changes over the years, there was always something special about FH


Dick Butt Riddick and Butt Butt Dick Diddick.


I wanna be an actor...


My earliest was the IG texts read by the group. Then I caught some of the steam roulette vids and been watching ever since


Mine was the old IG GTA gameplay where Bruce was on an ATV and couldn’t make it up the first jump. Wheezing ensued


Ravens Cry for me too! The Photoshop mixed with the humor was hysterical and I knew this was it for me


Eleven Little Roosters. FH was an instant subscribe.


A guy I worked with, he showed me Death Battles... Soon after the YouTube algorithm showed me FunHaus. I started watching Demo Disk and I remember my first FH video was "puck off" and I was in tears laughing. From there I watched everything l. EVERYTHING! my brother and still say "S3 Savage" and we pause time


I was on board from day 1 but the earliest things I remember is when they kept telling 2016 and putting like the picture of the alien on screen or whatever 


Inside Halo


Roof Rage, then I went deep into their IG library highlights that were archived and realized they were the best group


“Guh, ger, geh, right brue?”


Generally, I stuck to RT and AH content and didn't really go and look at the stuff of other groups that were visiting to do cross promo. Usually, they were perfectly fine but nothing where I felt compelled. Then, one day I watched the RT podcast and James and Bruce were on it. They were charming and hilarious, and once Terryology came up I was like, alright gotta check them out. In case you never saw it, treat yourself: [https://youtu.be/WNAAKTRqdIE?si=uK-MxVJIQEsFEwnU](https://youtu.be/WNAAKTRqdIE?si=uK-MxVJIQEsFEwnU)


Mine was when they were still Inside Gaming and they were playing Sims. Bruce ended up laughing so hard he farted


Rogue warrior that was my favorite moments from the gang


They were on an early episode of On the Spot right when Funhaus started and I immediately went to the channel and had been watching them since.


I think my introduction to Funhaus was when they did that coop/save swap playthrough of the Sims 3 with Robbaz, where he kept leaving them with a bunch of money and new families, while they just filled the house with toilets


I think I found IG daily first around 2013. But then it was Sims 3 cunt life and Uber soldier videos that got me hooked. Classics


I can't remember the game, but I think it was late inside gaming/early dunhaus, some mech game where they were struggling to control it, they could only walk but the top part of the mech was stationary, they had to kill submarines or something.




I discovered them throught ect on machinima when they would be guests. On creepy text theatre.


Watching gay VR porn with Bruce screaming “I’M NOT GAY”


When the ponytail incident happened I became an instant fan lol


*When the ponytail* *Incident happened I became* *An instant fan lol* \- East-Travel984 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I was really high watching YouTube on my laptop and I got recommended their first Demo Disks. I remember being really confused about why they were trying to play such broken games but dying laughing at everything Bruce and James were doing. The Tampon Bucket, Scrobblers, the Boonty Box, and Game Spy all made me crying laughing


Can't recall a single video that hooked me. I was a huge AH watcher, and was intrigued when FH was suddenly added to RT. I think it was a few weeks after they started I watched a few videos and got hooked. AH watch time went down while FH watch time went up. Rest is history.


"Hiiii Zach.... Bye Zach..." The Cunt Life was a great series.


I found them through Inside Gaming Daily way back in like 2012 or 2013.


First let’s play I saw of Funhaus was them playing Raven’s Cry, that god awful AC IV: Black Flag ripoff. One of the greatest of all time, except they’re all the greatest of all time


When Inside Gaming was just Kovic doing a monologue over an animated Spartan (i forget his alias at the time)


Early Inside Halo, can't remember when that was.


It was a video about Black Friday sales in 2013 or 14


I'm been trying to find that damn video where Bruce is singing "Come Fly with Me" while flying through the air in a bus in GTA. One of the videos that sticks out for me. Anyone know that video?


Thedeadpixel doing halo news


When PewDiePie reacted to the ponytail incident.


My first memory of them was when they guest starred on Smosh, a try not to laugh video. That got me hooked, and I started watching them. Specifically, fan compilations of all sorts cause FH genuinely was the funniest channel that I knew of and they always had me in stitches


Mine was the episode of the modded chicken crossing the road in GTA V that ends with a flying monkey dodging all the planes falling from the sky. I was pretty annoyed at first since they posted that to the let's play channel and I was like "THIS ISN'T ACHIEVEMENT HUNTER!" But gave it a try and never regretted it.


I honestly don't remember. I'd been a fan of IG since like 2009, back when it was still an actual machininated series. I think I just liked that I could get gaming news with a funny twist, plus I was and still am a MASSIVE Halo fan, so it was an easy sell lmao.


The Lizard Squad Era of IG did it for me.


I discovered them with their ponytail bit was uploaded as a short. And then I went back and laughed so many times thanks to them.


Beast Mode Open Haus. So glad I saw it and still a classic.


Their very first week as Funhaus. I wasn't aware of Inside Gaming, but I had already been a Rooster Teeth fan since 2012. I remember watching the Dude Soup with Burnie (?) and thought they were funny, and quickly watching a bunch of Inside Gaming vids to catch myself up.


Machinima. Internet Today and KhailAnonymous were some of the other channels I started watching because of them guest starring in IG's videos back in the day, and to this day still watch Weekly Weird News on the regular.


I remember wayyyyyy back when it was originally “Inside Halo” around the launch of Halo 3. I remember when it became Inside Gaming and the eventually Funhaus of course


Discovered them through their appearances on the Sugar Pine 7 videos.




Mine was an episode of Inside Gaming Daily around the time of the ps4, x bone announcements. Pure comedy of the crew ripping on Sony and Microsoft.


One of their Dead by Daylight gameplays with Achievement Hunter, basically ditched AH for funhaus from then on


I was at work and I remembered that this new channel called inside gaming was streaming. I turned it on when Bruce said we have to play these games and quit skipping them. And it landed on Sims 3. Thus started see you next Tuesday.


Skyrim dick mod/Inside Halo


January of 2019 my buddy showed me the Demo Disk of them playing SWAT and it was game over for me. I was hooked. I watched that, then their most recent upload at that time, and didn't miss a video in 5 years.


Before it was Inside Gaming, it was Inside Halo.


Inside gaming: Pssst Blade if you hear this, kill me


I remember watching Inside Halo with "The Dead Pixel" and being obsessed with Halo 3 in middle school. And slowly that show evolved into Inside Gaming and then Funhaus. They really were the Youtube Channel of Theseus


Burnie Burns coming in on the first video.