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They’ll go to my kids, they can do whatever they want with them


Nah, melt them down and make the largest Pop ever!


Entomb oneself in the melted pop vinyl.


Yes, those who collect Pops must be collected by the Pops!


Live by the Pop. Die by the Pop.


Become the pop


“Am I collectible enough now mommy”


That is the most nerdy but metal thing I've ever read. Also I did imagine someone getting themselves cast inside a giant funko of themselves, imagine what the aliens will think of that in 1000 years.


Hopefully they’ll open them


So, throw them out


My daughter gets all my toys and I hope she can sell them for some cash . I would love for her to be interested in them like I am but I’m not sure that’s realistic .


I started collecting not long after my daughter was born, she’s 6 now and gets excited almost when there’s a box on the deck with a new pop for me. She really likes the ones that glow the most. I’ve also bought her a couple that she really liked.


You brought yourself them, you just store them in her room 👀 we’re collectors too we know how it works 😉


Nah I had zero interest in frozen I swear! 😂


The key word there is had, so now it’s have 😂😂


I’ve been collecting for almost 10 years, I just had my daughter last month, these are for her when I’m gone. What she does with them is up to her but at least she’ll have something to remember how cool her mom was 😎


It’s okay. I’ll be your son now.


I have found that when a person dies they have great expectations of what happens to their stuff, and it is good that they don't know how it turns out.


Estate sales then goodwill then e bay… that’s typically the life. Whenever I find a high dollar pop at a goodwill I always wonder why is this here, who died or whose parents tossed there collection while they went to college 🤣


Right? If you care about passing on wealth or whatever… liquidate now and pass on the actual cash. Most people that aren’t collectors, with the added bonus of mourning, don’t want to deal with huge quantities of obscure stuff that may or may not be worth some random amount of money. At the very least, leave a note or something to indicate the truly rare ones.


Leaving large collections of stuff like this is just handing a loved one a giant burden.


It's only a burden if they make it one. This is why people get collections like this for 50 bucks at estate sales. Most family members just want the shit gone so they can sell the house. 


I understand what you're saying about the end result but it creates intense guilt to the ones who have to sell it. One, they know how much it meant to the deceased which already makes it hard to part with and two, they likely don't have the time, skills or patience to research how to get the actual value out of the collection. Like you said, leaving shit like this to loved ones isn't giving them wealth, it's just giving some rando a post on Facebook about how they hit the jackpot at a(n) estate/garage sale.


I have it in my will to sell the ones nobody wants and recommend a couple companies to sell to.


Like the pharaohs of old, I will have my loyal subjects bury me with my way too big Pop collection so I can bring them with me into the afterlife. Now in all seriousness, if I die of old age, who knows if I'll even have my collection at that point. Priorities change the older you get and there is a very good chance that most of us might have already moved on from our collection by the time we are in our 70s or 80s.


When I read the “hopefully from old age” all I could think of was “…and not buried alive in a shelf collapse” and then you mentioned the pharaohs. 😬


Honestly with how many I have, someone could probably open a museum


Faaaacts!!! 💯💯💯




Hopefully they’ll be able to sell them and improve their life through my impulsivity


Impulse is what got me waaayyyy too many pops in an exxxtreeeemely short period of time 🤣🤣 I have to buy hella shelves now just to make the room to display them cuz I'm running out! 🤦‍♀️🤭


I’m only a year and a half in and we’re over 1.2k pieces


Daaaaaaayuuuummmm!!!! I'm counting mine now after saying I had over 100... I'm at 146 now with another 2 boxes of pop lots I bought last week to count and it's only been almost 4 months since I started collecting 🤦‍♀️


I’ve gone in hard. My top pop is about $350, and I’m to the point now where I don’t buy new ones much, I go for the nicer pieces


That'll be the end of my collecting... I'm about ready to start on my Batman collection then going for the autographed NBC ones and Disney chases


Batman and DC was my first big focus so I have lots and lots of Batman’s


That's gotta be such a dope collection!! There's a Batman beyond figure I'm guna start off with then this 10in Batman with the pop vehicle batmobile listing I'm buying right after cuz it's only 25 bucks! Then I have the rest in my eBay, Funko and Mercari carts all ready to go 🤣🤣


I’ll send you a couple pics in your dm. It’s certainly visually striking


I also wanna get the cereal collection. I know I started really late on all of them especially the cereal but I need that collection!!


My son is into collecting also. When I die he gets everything! That young man deserves so much more than I could ever give him


burn them along with my corpse


Passing them down to my daughter who is also a collector.


Depends if I die in a house fire with my pops or not, I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️


A viking funeral where their molten plastic will consume my flesh as I float down a badass river




Who cares I'll be dead.




Put them in a museum. A DBZ museum. I only collect the DBZ pops lol


Same. Got over 200 and still not nearly done…i just wish they would release characters that havent had a single pop yet and stop making 30+ Gokus and Vegetas. I want a Pikon and Mr. Popo


Popo is one id like to see as well. Maybe a 10” pop with the hyperbolic time chamber included. King piccolo and his goons for DB would be sweet too. There’s deff a lot they could make still. My wall has room for 336, and I’m right there with you with over 200. Also, the GT pops look pretty good.


What’s DBZ stand for?


Dragon ball z


Thank you :)


dragon ball z


Appreciated :)


I would say Dragon Ball Z


My whole Funko collection for my kids


My girl will keep the two of three she likes and associates with us. I've said that the rest, being out of box dragons for the most part, should either go to some kids or some roleplaying group. Alternatively, I suppose people could just take one at my funeral as something to remember me by. I have been a huge dork my whole life. It would be a fitting memento.


Like everything else I collect, it will all go to my children.


Buried in my cursed tomb high on a mountain top with me.....or donate them to a museum.


I just hope my wife doesn't sell them for what I said I paid for them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)




I’m getting to the point where I don’t really want mine anymore, 90% of them are just sitting in closets


People here actually think people are gonna care about our pops when we are dead? I’m sure most will end up in the trash or donated.


Just put it in your Will and your family has no choice but to take care of them


That’s not how wills work tho. The will is just for distributing assets to beneficiaries. What they do with it after is up to them/the estate.


It’s a joke calm down


Being inherited by sibling to sell and enjoy.


I doubt I'll probably keep mine my entire life but if I do if one of my 26 nieces and nephews want them they can have them if not they can just sell/donate or even throw them away if they want


I don’t know but I’m worried about my massive fleshlight collection




Since my daughter and I collect them together, they're already as much hers as they are mine.


Idk but I’m for sure getting buried with my snl dick in a box 2 pack


Get buried with your dick in the snl dick in a box 2 pack. There is a something poetic about that. 😂


Melt them down and incase me into a giant pop figure and display me as a side show attraction.


I already know my fam will probably just give them away while my spirit haunts them screaming "don't let it go unless it's atleast 50% pp"


Someone will just sell them or give them away to goodwill


I’m actually selling off a majority of mine now. I work in a field adjacent to estate sales and I am better off getting that money now than the pennies my survivors are going to get by selling them when I die. From my experiences, when people are faced with a *large* quantity of things to sell after a loved one dies, they aren’t going to go through each and every item selling them individually to maximize the profit; they’re most likely going to an estate sale that will give you *something* to get them off your hands.


I'm not dying




I plan to give them to my kid if he wants them, but honestly not really thinking about it since I am still relatively young.


I won't have any kids so my nephew will inherit it.


I keep all of mine inside their boxes (minus the XL ones [too much plastic imo]), but I don’t think I would mind my younger family members using them as toys. I’ll be gone, yet still able to spread joy somehow. My other family members can take the ones they like and sell the rest.


Giving them all to my daughter. I already started teaching her about them and she's 3 years old so "our" collection as she calls it lol will all go to her!! She loves it already! She even helps me pick em out and decides what ones were going for next lol so cute you gotta start young!! 🤭🤭 The collection started with nightmare before Christmas cuz I've been obsessed since I was 9 or 10 (I'm 39 now) which she also loves and was suppose to start and stop with the blacklight set and train set.. BUT NOPE I KEPT GOING!! 🤣 So after getting all the ones I wanted (63 pops later....) we moved on to Mickey and Minnie (that's a huge collection), got some different Disney characters, then our favorite Pixar movies, then Winnie the Pooh while still working on my horror in-between! Also just got the ET collection which I'm obsessed with! Just in the 4 months I've been collecting we have over 100 pops is crazy!!!!!!! There's full sets, complete train sets, 2 packs, movie moments and 10in ones... In other words... She'll be aaaaalllllllllllll set!!! ***** FOR LIFE *****


I told my wife to pass them along to my kids to do with them whatever they want. Keep 'em, sell 'em, at that point its up to them, Lol


considering i don’t want kids and don’t even particularly want to live that long. i’ll probably give them to my friends or family members who enjoy the things i do. my autographed ones will go to specific people in my friend groups though. no reason to give me signed Tanjiro pop to a friend who hates demon slayer


I been thinking a lot about that. My kids don't give a damn about funko. I'm not sure what to do


Probably the inherit route


As of rn, my nieces will have them when I’m gone


Mine will go to Children's mercy hospital


I'd have mine inherited or donated/auctioned to a charity I choose


throw my pops in the casket im taking em with me


I’ve got all the Scooby doo ones, so I figure it’d be a couple thousand for whoever is closest to me.


Tell my kids to each take at least one or two to remember me by. If i have grandkids, let them have them, take them out of the boxes and do whatever with them. As long as my kids and grandkids keep at least one to remember me by thats all i could ever ask for.


I was gonna put it in my will that my family sell off all my pops, even the ones with no box and split the money amongst themselves, but I've started selling off my collection so I'll probably change it to all of my collectibles.


Burn em down. If I can’t have em, *no one can*.


If I still have my autographed pops I'd just pass em to my kids and tell em to sell it, probably won't sell for much considering the people I grew up with will die before me and I doubt anybody in my kids gen will know who they are


My kid will keep the autographed ones and probably sell the others. I’m not sure though, she’s 23 and collects as well.


Donate them to a toy museum!


Hopefully I’m able to pass them off or sell them before I die. They’ll have served their purpose in keeping me entertained in life. Now they can go help others


I think it’s really dependent on what’s considered valuable at the point in time. I don’t imagine what’s popular and trendy now will last decades, but hopefully, at least the signed celebs and top tier athletes make it down generations.. I could see most pops right now being only meaningful to people within this current era. It’s likely Funko won’t even be something collectible during their time too as we progress further in tech 😮‍💨🤷🏻‍♂️


My general collecting wish is that my kids either are interested enough to keep them OR donate them to a place where some kid can get a killer deal on them.


Damn I ain't given this a single thought


My family is to fight to the death for the entire collection. This is non-negotiable, and there is no opting out. My bet is grandma winning it all. She’s spry.


Told my mom to just start selling them


I’m getting buried with all my stuff. This will shut up the people saying I’m wasting my money on crap. They’ll probably fight over the stuff they asked me to sell.


I’ll put them in my will. Idk who for yet lol I have no kids I only have little sisters (6, 7, 18and I’m 21) so they will probs have them xx


Well il be dead so nothing. I guess they'd be thrown in a bin or burnt I dunno what we do to dead peoples stuff I presume we throw it away 🤷


my coffin will be made out of their boxes and the pops will be buried with me


I don’t have kids. So I guess whatever family members want them can do whatever. Sell them on, donate them, melt them, keep them, use them as sex toys - I don’t care. I’ll be dead, so they won’t be mine.




Whoever gets them, I hope they can make a few bucks selling the ones that are sellable. The rest can be burned to ashes for all I’d care.


Im taking mine with me lol


I have a device attached to my heart, if my heart stops beating for more than 20 minutes it sends a signal to my computer which initiatives a program I wrote called "The Burn". This program will initiate a self destruct sequence in my study, ruining my Pop and Lego collections, and running a kill program on my PC. Before the self destruct program initiates it sends a link to a file via email, SMS, Facebook, Twitter, Insta, SnapChat, WhatsApp, Meet, My Space and MSN to all my contacts, this file i've been collating over the years contains everyone I know's dirty little secrets, with a byline of "Some men just want to see the world burn, but don't live long enough". Mine will either go to landfill or family, I haven't decided yet, they still have to make me believe they are wothy of the title of Mandalord.


Same. Any future kids or grandkids will get them (mainly the sentimental ones). As of now, my sister hates pops, but she's promised to not throw them away. All I ask is that she'll donate them to a toy drive.


I've left instructions. Basically box up and sell as a large lot to one of my local resellers.


Nice setup dude, I plan on getting rid of some little by little ..... as for when I'm not here, who knows lol.... i guess the valuable pops I'll give to someone and if they want the rest they can keep or give to someone who like pops


That’s such a dope collection!! I’m just starting my collection! Hopefully one day I get there!


I'm gonna do my death cleaning when I'm around 60. I collect a ton of different things, including pops, so I plan on selling/ giving away most, if not all, of it starting then lol.


I suppose my kids will do the same thing I will do to my mom’s Precious Moments collection.


My sister can keep the ones she likes and sell the rest


Get buried with my favorite pops


Bury me with my gold


Bury them and cremate me.


I would definitely either give them to family or to a museum if they’re interested


You know, I thought the stereotype of funky pop collectors was an exaggeration but it appears they’re absolutely true, did you turn a nike shoe box into a shelf for more funko pops? I really wish I had half as much dedication to my hobby as y’all have to yours




It’s a joke, of course not every collector fills their walls to the brim with funko pops. And the purpose is to collect/have things, collecting things is a hobby


Give some to my sister and the rest to my son


The landfill like the rest of Funko


My urn with be placed amongst my collection with a sign that says you touch you die


Funko Pop


How about Ill just take them off your hand lol


Oh right, I should think about that. Probably I'd ask my family if i dgo to check my collection for Pops of media they like, and keep those in my memory, and anything that my family wouldn't enjoy I'd want sold off for either funeral bills or charity.


Shoot one last rope across all of them and have the sudden realization I could’ve afforded a down payment on a cabin up north with how much money I had spent collecting. Then die peacefully


Have my wife sell them


Kid already told me which ones she's keeping


Take them to the grave obv


Wow, amazing collection and thats very nice. I will probably give to the fans of the characters


Bury them qith me


So my mom had a collection this large, originally I kept them all but I didn't relate to all of them so they got pushed to the side and eventually sold. After a while keeping them all became too painful so I sold all but about 5 of them as keepsakes. I know the feeling as I collect retro consoles and hope my kids would keep them but knowing how I was most likely eventually they will end up in another person's home, where they will continue to bring joy to people. Which I think is kinda neat


Me in my grave with 500 funko pops on top of me


Throw them away


I love your collection, the nightmare before Christmas is such a great movie


Landfill? I don't care


Have a bunch of slaves build a huge pyramid and bury me with them.


Pass it down to my son (hopefully who I made)


Donate them either in auctions style proceeds or as a gift to my future son or daughter


Realistically I would hope I could liquidate my collectibles and keep a small handful of things I really love to keep till the end and leave my family cash. What my family does with my stuff after I’m dead isn’t really a concern, if they want to keep something that’s amazing. All I DON’T want is for them to have to deal with moving all the shit I have currently lmao. It’s setup neatly and looks nice but I know firsthand how much of a pain in the ass it is to move this junk lol


Me and one of my best friends irl made a pact, first one to die gets the others pop collection.


Bury them in a tomb with me. He/she who dies with the most toys wins!


Im gonna hide them away like a burried treasure


I collect a bunch of Spider-Man ones, so I’d donate them to a Spider-Man museum


Someone gets a segment on that strange inheritance show. Right before the segment with one of my kids asking what to do with 200 toasters.


One of my sons will inherit my collection


My best friend


You will likely sell them long before that happens. After realizing how much space they take up and how much money is sitting there. Life will happen, you will sell them.


They will not be touched at all.


Kids will sell them for drugs I’m sure of it


In Canada it looks like future generations may never own a home. If they can stack these in their vans down by the river and just sleep and cook outside of the van then they will love receiving these plastic treasures.


Your DBZ collection is A1 bro


Leaving everything to my son so he can deal with it. Funkos, comics, magic cards, action figures


I've been selling them all I have less than 100 now when I had around 3500