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Pay $4.99 for the brake pedal DLC.


Driving Simulator was made by EA


So pay $4.99 for a loot box with a chance to win a brake pedal


I can feel the sense of pride and accomplishment from EA now!


I was wondering why no one mentioned this yet lol


Driving inspiration: If You're Going Through Hell, Keep Going -- Winston Churchill


The way he looked at the police car


I was rolling when he turned his head to follow the police car instead of focusing on what's ahead.


"That wasn't me... just act natural!"


Killed me šŸ¤£


Give bro the brake pedal


This is the type of a person who sees something dangerous ahead of them and instead of getting away from it, they increase their speed towards it


The last time I got hit by a car I was going through an intersection and a woman accelerated through a stop sign to hit me. Like okay lady, you know those big red signs don't mean "apply gas pedal and then apply car to 16 year old" right? Edit: Because a few people have asked. I have been hit by three cars, two intentionally hit me, the last one was a little old lady who didn't know what stop signs were.


Stop = Slightly Tap on Pedal


STOP = Strongly Thrust Onto Pedal


Instructions unclear, got my dick caught on accelerator.


Either you are REALLY endowed or incredibly flexible but most impressive either way.


They don't call it a third leg for nothin.


Driving a manual transmission is like playing the trumpet


Everyone's got their fetish.


STOP = Skid Tires On Pavement


"last time" ? How many times did you get hit so far?


Three. The last time was an actual accident, the first two were vehicular assault. Just because the older kids hang out with you doesn't mean they're your friends! Life lessons.


This reminds me of my favorite hit by a car story. One day I got pretty lit. I was a young teen, not supposed to be drinking. Mom comes in and tells me I need to go to the store. My stumble drunk teen self gets stepping. I got to a major street in our town. Go to cross. Got hit by a car going east. Make my way to my feet, check myself a little. Get hit by a car going west. I land on the sidewalk. Sit there for a minute. Couple people standing around the gas station saw the thing. I ask one if I had just gotten hit by a car. Dude looks at me and with a straight face says, " Nah bitch, you got hit by two." Made getting hit worth it.


lmfao how does this not have more upvotes? this shit is hilarious


Bahahha I had to share this with my wife. Sorry for what happened but Bitch it was two cars lol




ā€¦take the wheel!


Preferably *away* from those people!


Maybe you should just stay inside to prevent getting hit by cars


Last time I drove my own car, I was over taken by a deer which then threw itself into my driver side wheel well. Staying inside is now my go to. This is where I belong, the world clearly doesn't want me in it.


Uh, you should go outside. But although Iā€™m not a religious man, it feels like the universe doesnā€™t want you anywhere near vehicles. Best of luck with that.


Did you try to invent the saxophone or something?




The last time??


These are also the people who, once you turn your signal on to change lanes, speed up to fill in the gap so you can't change lanes. I'm looking at you the entire state of Georgia.


Lies! Nobody uses a turn signal in Georgia!


now you know why lmao


"No stop signs, speed limit, nobody's gonna slow me down" We moved to Georgia a decade ago and the way people drive down here is appalling.


Itā€™s dangerous to use a turn signal in Georgia


Giving information to the enemy.


Or like a cartoon character trying to escape from a runaway boulder and they keep going straight instead of stepping to the side


Student of the Prometheus School of Running Away from Things






Thatā€™s the top lesson in almost every episode of ā€œCanadaā€™s Worst Driverā€ (probably the most educational driving related show, all available on YouTube). Itā€™s amazing how many drivers on that show improved instantly after addressing target fixation issues.


ā€œLook where you want to goā€ has been burned into my brain thanks to Andrew Younghusband


I kid you not, I owe my driverā€™s exam score to that show. I learn best by seeing what NOT to do, so I binge watched the show to prepare. Got 95%; it was amazing how many of the issues on that show were seen during my test.


Personal fan of its sister: target confusion, where you have so many targets that you can't fixate on one and end up missing them all.


Both of these perfectly describe my Overwatch career


Let's be fair, this is some sort of Drivers Ed course. Hopefully he'll learn better.


True. He could easily have cliped the Police car too, if he had thought to apply some speed a little earlier.


I'd like to think the police car was sent out because of the person he just hit.


Honestly. This is a driving class to learn. Obviously he isn't going to have the perfect defensive driver reflexes.


That's in the paid expansion


EA driving simulator


EA found where all the money is. It's in the game.


Ah, so it's a BMW bus


That's just the engine brakes, you get the air brakes from the season pass


Not sure this dude even knows how to operate a vehicle let alone while it's moving.


I think it's just a kid -- you can tell he doesn't know how to drive because eventually he puts his *left foot* on the brake pedal.


He had his left foot in it. He pressed it like one time though.


I just love how not once did they think they might need to put on the brake


I thought it was more funny it didnā€™t end killing a person but a collision with a car did.


Hits person. "Time Extension!!"


It was a child so it was only a minor extension. I'll see myself out.


Impact with one pedestrian is not something that typically mechanically disables a bus or truck. Other vehicles cause greater damage than the typical pedestrian. Perhaps if the pedestrian was Mama June.


Perhaps, but hitting a pedestrian definitely tends to end a driving lesson or test


Keep goin keep goin


> I didn't see anything, keep goin'. I said... KEEP GOING. Driving Instructor


Hold on the the wheel


"It's just one pedestrian. Maybe if I do REALLY well on the rest, I can still pass."


It's just one pedestrian, what could it cost? Ten dollars?


No reason to stop the lesson because of that. Still plenty to learn: how to hide a body, how to remove DNA evidence etc etc.


This is the bus from speed


Don't you mean [The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIrIvKKT_nk)....


I'm imagining a driving instructor like "that's OK honey keep going and try not to do it next time"


My wife witnessed a turning 18-wheeler cut off and run over a cyclist. The driver has no idea that anything had happened, and had to be chased down by other motorists to be told to stop. So, yeahā€¦ a pedestrian will not harm a truck in the slightest.


Iā€™ve driven 18 wheelers for 15 years. You wouldnā€™t feel that at all. I T-boned an SUV doing 40-50 km, I wasnā€™t wearing a seatbelt and it didnā€™t even jostle me at all. I was empty with no trailer and I actually had to hit the brakes to even slow down. Other than a paint scratch on the front bumper there wasnā€™t even any damage to the truck at all. Trucks really donā€™t notice anything due to their size and weight Edit: nobody was in the car at the time, it was done as part of a demolition derby stunt to raise money for the BC childrenā€™s hospital


Glad you edited to explain! I found it pretty funny you only thought to provide that vital context after posting. (No offense meant)


Lol same.here. I was like what? This guy's been driving 18 Wheelers no seatbelt on t bones people just like.. no biggie I didn't even have my seatbelt on been doing it for 18 years woohoo buddy let me tell you something. Tell me what? I just told ya! Type convo I was guessing.


I donā€™t think people realize this at all. Those big rigs could squash a pickup truck. I always try my best to give them as much room as I possibly can. I also am pretty sure many people donā€™t realize the blind spots a big rig has.


Whenever overtaking a truck or other large vehicle, I would rather wait for there to be plenty of space in front of me and then floor it past the truck. Hanging out in those blind spots can get you killed.


That and if a tire goes you're probably losing a window if you're beside it. Them big rigs don't fuck about.


Yeah I don't understand people that hang out next to big trucks instead of passing as quick as they can. Those tires make me super nervous.


Mythbusters did a show were they looked into if one of those tires popping can take a person's head off. The car offered very little protection from the tires.


It obviously didn't matter, but why wouldn't you wear a seat-belt in those circumstances?


Hitting a pedestrian causes less damage to company property than hitting a car, therefore itā€™s not an immediate failure if the profit margins are still acceptable.


I wonder if the cop that passed by with its light on was for the trucker though.


Probably not - in driving sims like this all the events are scripted. Every run would have the pedestrian, the emergency vehicle, the car pulling out.


Yep, these three scenarios are carefully designed to evaluate defensive driving ā€” how the driver accounts for, and reacts to, the mistakes of others.


The car physically disabled the semi. The pedestrian didn't. Coz the pedestrian wasn't Yo Mama!!


Gotta keep the fuel efficiency up!


Thatā€™s how my daughter drives. She has her permit now, three months away from getting her license. Fun times!


Your daughter runs people over and just keeps driving? Damn good luck with that.


My daughter's going to prison soon. Tee hee!


She's so random!


*holds up spork*


Never thought of vehicular manslaughter as a personality trait before.


"do you stop when you hit someone? Not me, I mean who has time? Besides, The whole thing happened back there! It's over now. Stop living in the past!" -George Carlin


Um you know it's your responsibility to make sure she learns how to drive well right?


My boys are young and I can already tell from them driving some motorized car we got them that the older one is a really great driver and only hits things on purpose to troll. The other one..... I'm hoping cars are self driving by the time he is eligible for a license.


If it's any consolation, half of drivers are below average. I had an uncle who backed into my car three times before he realised it was there. Three times (in a row!) before he thought to turn around and look to see why he couldn't back up. Some people shouldn't be allowed to drive.


There was nothing he could do, the sim has no air horn cord.


Itā€™s also incredibly unfair. The busā€™ lights arenā€™t flashing and the stop sign isnā€™t extended. That kidā€™s death is on the bus. Though, he should have stopped to peel the little guy off the grill. At least give the family some closure.


This is a truck simulator, so presumably this is a training simulator for something like a CDL. The standard is higher than driving exactly according to the rules. In a civil suit, a company can still be found culpable or negligent if the driver failed to drive with caution. There were several moments during that drive where driving with caution would mandate a change in behavior: **School bus stopped in a lane of travel.** Why is the bus stopped? The signs aren't out, but presumably the bus is stopped for a reason. Is it loading/unloading? That requires great care. Is it broken down? That requires great care, because there may be people in the roadway attempting to service it. **Police vehicle with lights and sirens approaching an intersection.** You must yield to emergency vehicles. **Vehicles on the shoulder angled toward your lane of travel.** Are these cars pulling out? Do they see you? This is a situation that requires you exercise caution and slow down / be prepared to stop. None of these are "fair", but unfair situations play out on the roads every minute of every day. The objective is to reduce incidents and save lives. So drivers of vehicles weighing more than 26,000 lbs have to get special licenses, and they're held to a higher standard. EDIT: I'm turning off reply notifications because the responses are getting *really* repetitive. I'd strongly suggest reading down-thread to see if your reply is covered.


Yeah, these examples were all deliberately picked *because* they're not something you immediately think of. Sure, it's "not your fault", but you can't always expect everyone on the road to be as attentive as you are. So this is trying to prepare you for the worst.


My friend drives a truck and he always says "I am driving a 10 ton death machine. It doesn't matter if I am right or wrong, if there is an accident someone is dead."


need more of your friend out there. These new truck drivers treat the truck like an suv.


School bus driver here and I think the same thing. Kids on my bus will say something like ā€œhe ran the red light, you shouldā€™ve just hit him instead of stoppingā€. My response is always that no matter whose fault it is, if I hit them they could get seriously hurt.


Indeed, when you drive for a living, the sheer volume of hours you spend behind the wheel makes it almost inevitable that you'll be in one of these situations. A collision where you're "not at fault" can still completely ruin your life.


> A collision where you're "not at fault" can still completely ruin your life. And end someone else's.


The ridiculous "it's their fault" responses to this comment just prove exactly why people should be defensive driving too. People make driving a competition way too much. All the time. They cannot stand being the better driver because it feels like they aren't going as fast as others; as the assholes they see not following the rules. So long as it's not their fault, they are fully willing to kill or harm someone for it. You get this under trucker videos so often. "It's not their fault, they were cut off!", they say, as the truck is tailgating the guy that cut them off for the past half a mile, before a brake check and inevitable crash. That following distance is such a difficult concept to grasp for people because it lets people ahead of them. Again, too competitive. It's obvious either no one making these comments has a CDL or if they do, they need it revoked. It's disgusting.


I don't have a CDL, but I ride a motorcycle. That's a big part of the reason that all of these seem so obvious to me. When you ride a motorcycle, the other driver can be 100% at fault, but you can still lose your life. It forces you to re-think how you drive and what your "rights" on the road really mean. Of course, it also helps that I hold life as something precious that should be protected, even if it means I'm slightly inconvenienced lol. 100% agree, a lot of the comments here are disgusting.


"physics is the law Everything else is just a recommendation"


[This](https://youtu.be/9BVlLtmN174) is what happens when you assume stopped cars won't suddenly pull into your lane without looking.


I would have been screwed at the bus at the beginning because itā€™s stopped with no signs in a parking spot on the shoulder. I would be a shit truck driver because I would have assumed the bus was just parked there


well the lesson is don't pass something like that at full speed because there's a blind spot for you and anyone walking out from in front of it.


The lesson for me is lean that damn corner like itā€™s Ghost Recon lest I be exploded by a truck


Its the reason they have the sims. For my CDL, none of the actual training was on a sim but some of the extra training (They called it Top Gun, only 4 students at a time were able to pass onto it from the regular training) used sims. You have to take into account up to 15 seconds ahead stopping distance depending on road conditions.


Even if the bus is just parking it's still a blind spot where a pedestrian could emerge from. Pedestrians don't just spawn from buses, you know.


After you return their child, ask them what it's like having a pancake as a family member.


Ask them if they like pancakes BEFORE presenting the family member


Is this the standard practice to break the uncomfortable silence and/or cries?


Just so you know if you're ever driving in Europe.. don't expect an extending stop sign or flashing lights. I've never seen a bus like that.


Iā€™d be on that horn nonstop, just because.


One of the most important things my driving instructor told me was that every time you pass a bus in a bus stop, you should expect that pedestrians will walk out from behind it (just like here). They can't see you and you can't see them, but they want to get to the other side quickly and don't think much about it. It was such a useful thing to learn before learning it the hard way!


Your comment reminded me of the buses in Myanmar. The older buses have their doors at the side of the traffic rather than the sidewalk, which means passengers enter/exit the bus from the middle of the road. I think it dates back to Myanmar dictator that suddenly decided to change the side of the road the cars drive on.


Well that sounds .. not ideal lol


what do you mean? dodging cars builds character and presents evolutionary pressure towards car-immunity a few generations down the road


"If you can dodge a car, you can dodge a ball."


You can build up immunity to larger cars by getting hit by smaller ones, slowly increasing in size over time.


If you can dodge a Fiat, you can dodge an F-450


They changed sides of the road in 1970, the problem is that a lot of their vehicles are still imported from Japan, so they're the wrong way. I once rode from Bagan to Mandalay on an Osaka school bus, it still had the stickers with the stops on it.


They mentioned this in the [Top Gear Burma Special](https://youtu.be/9MDzTw7rHhE)


Actually there are some laws about that in Germany. I think if bus stops have a sign and the bus is blinking while being parked there, you are not allowed to pass it. Im not sure how exactly it works, because i dont have a drivers licence.


In the US school buses will have a stop sign that will pop out from the side, and everyone legally has to stop... even traffic on the opposite side of the road. Public transportation buses won't have those though.


There is a law. If a bus is stopped with its hazards on, you are allowed to pass it, but only by going at "Schrittgeschwindigkeit" which roughly translates to walking-speed, on average below 10km/h.


Same in Quebec and probably the rest of Canada. If a school bus has their stop sign out and flashing, you act like it's a normal stop sign and have to stop completely. Can't pass the bus and can't also keep going even if you're in the other direction.


Swift would still hire him, no questions asked.


*Sure* *Wish* *I* *Finished* *Training*


See What I F'd up Today


So What Im Fuckin' Truckin'


Stevie Wonder's Institute For Truckers


People shit on SWIFT drivers, but they're nothing compared to C.R. England drivers. I'm convinced they're hiring aliens brand new to the planet.


I've heard rumors of cre running 3 drivers in a single truck so it never stops.




Stop Whining I'm Fucking Trying


so just no brakes on this thing or is that dude legless


Maybe it's a simulator for the movie Speed.


Do you mean the movie "The Bus Who Couldn't Slow Down"


The simulator blew up moments after this video ended.


Reaction is priceless.


In this case, reaction was absent.


And as such, it was given no price.


Then just lets go of the wheel completely to cover his mouth in shock šŸ˜‚


What reaction?!


The part when he did this šŸ«¢ but with two hands


The way he covers his mouth after he just mows over a human šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Amazed by the accuracy of the simulator; people walking into the street without looking, no blinkers, even the protagonist can't keep his hands on the wheel. Super realistic!


Protag should have been on his phone


Guy only knows how to use that right pedal


"You didn't even seem *semi* upset about hitting that pedestrian. Just the kind of driver we're looking for. Welcome to the Swift family, you're hired!"


Okay but... 'You killed the police. Mmm. Keep going!' just fucking sent me.


Look maybe you've never committed vehicular manslaughter but as far as Brenda is concerned this is just a normal fuckin Tuesday. Hold onto the steering wheel!


Bro that line has me fucking *dying* laughing


Why didn't the bus have the stop sign out w/ flashing yellow lights?


Because it was parked, not stopped to let people on or off. That's the curveball. Followed by the second one... the cop walking out in front of it.


It looks like this scenario is to test reaction to and avoidance of unexpected hazards.


And he did a big big fail


The boss fight at the end of the level is the air plane trying to land on the road. Anyone else think it's adorable how she didn't even react to the police cruiser, but the sedan making an illegal U-turn she basically steers into? I bet this simulator is where the design the driving scenes from in the panic phase of zombie movies.


Ooooh, so that was supposed to be a cop. I was quite confused by what I thought I saw and what she said.


The purpose of the sim, I gather, is that itā€™s testing to see your reaction time and what youā€™ll do in a situation where a kid walks out in front of you, or a cop car comes speeding down the road, etc. Clearly she failed the test.


When in a stressful driving situation, always take both hands off the wheel.


This hit home. During my ACTUAL driving test, there was a large bus in front of a crosswalk in front of the courthouse. A small, fast walking woman came briskly walking up the crosswalk and right into the crosswalk right as I was coming through. I had to slam on my brakes and nearly hit her. Obviously failed the test right there. The kicker? The woman happened to be my boss's boss at work. No idea why she was coming out of a courthouse a county over from where we worked.


According to the Sim, everything was fine until he collided with the car




I think this is my favorite moment. That lil "You killed the police, mm. Keep goin'" in the same tone as "You hit the curb but it's ok" lol


The absolute puzzled look as the police car drove by like he was witnessing a ufo land has me in tears


I would love to try this setup with a game like Crazy Taxi.


at least now the way semi drivers drive makes sense


There is a tractor trailer driving school in the city I used to live in. One day I saw one of their trucks off the road, in a snowbank that they had hit while turning right at a major 4 way intersection in town. It was backing up traffic in multiple directions. There was who I assume was the instructor outside the truck guiding the driver as they had to back out without jacknifing the truck. A few months later I'm at a friend's house and one of his friends says he goes to the school. I relate the incident and he gets all red and goes "Yeah that was me."


Ah, the old ā€œleft foot on the brakeā€ driver.


Fucking killed a person and never even attempted to touch the brakes, instead just took their hands off of the steering wheel to react to the splatter lmao


ā€œYou killed the po-liceā€¦Rrmmmā€


This dude has never used the brakes in his life.


This the Caitlyn Jenner driving simulator?


Looks like he just passed the level needed to work here in london


so, the car crash stops him, but killing a pedestrian doesn't?


Yeah generally people arenā€™t big enough to stop a vehicle.


with exception to OP's mom


The first one was the only one that really seemed unavoidable even if he braked he would have most likely hit the pedestrian. You could hear the cop before seeing it and it looked obvious that the car at the end was about to pull out. Idk why he chose to turn the direction the car was going as well. Along with the fact that the brake was never touched I hope he failed and I also hope this was fake.


Not to mention both times something went wrong his reaction was to let go of the steering wheel.


Operating one of these professionally, I never got over how many people reacted to trouble by just nopeing the fuck out. They'd never do that in a real vehicle, but their brain isn't taking this as seriously as that and the result is this bizarre behavior. Usually a run of this exact map and 10 minutes to realize how realistic the machine was would fix that nicely, but every now and then you'd get somebody (usually somebody older, but I def saw some young guys doing this too) who just could not take it seriously on like a subconscious level. Also the steering wheel isn't even that bad, I had people just get out of the seat entirely without even stopping the vehicle after hitting that pedestrian. EDIT: Which was actually really annoying because the truck would then invariably hit the curb and the force feedback in the wheel would go bananas because it was not designed with nobody holding it in mind. That thing got LOUD sometimes.


You killed the police, keep going keep going. Great advice.


I'd say it's working exactly as intended. He's a student. He doesn't know what he's doing... By definition. A simulator is there to let him make mistakes and learn without there being any real danger. Everyone critiquing him... Yes, he isn't doing what he's meant to. That's the point. If he already knew what he was doing, then there'd be no point to him driving a sim.


*unfazed*: You killed the police. Keep going.