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It's entirely possible to realize this is satire, realize it's making fun of grind-culture influencers, and STILL not find it funny. Understanding the joke doesn't mean you have to find it funny. I personally find the delivery is too flat; doesn't do it for me.


That's... Not funny in the slightest?


That's right




Sounds like an interesting job. What, uh...kind of benefits does he get? Does he get 401k matching and PTO? How often is he in the office? What kind of retirement benefits is he eligible for? All things to ensure he can continue to love and support his family into the future.


I *hope* its satire... or this motherfucker demands his kids be able to BUY DISNEYLAND?? At 1.5× market price? Idk, what is that, 10 billion dollars? If its satire, its kinda maybe a little bit funny. He said his 10 year old bought a Chili's, so... If its not, then i dont have the energy to unpack that...


Really? If it's satire? He expects his 10 year old to be able to afford Disney land? ???


Maybe i have trouble spotting the humor in things like this. I get it, its a joke. But its not very funny.


But did you really need to question if this was satire is my point. Like com on he said he expects his 10 year old to afford Disney land and then went on to say his son bought a chilli's (can't remember if he said chilli's or not)


I get that this is probably some edgy dark humor for a social media page for “entrepreneurs” but this is not funny in the slightest.




Ok, but it isn’t funny satire


Exactly. It’s not even funny.


You have to know the kind of “influencers” he’s making fun of, the finance bros and motivational people who talk crap in their videos




I get it. I think this kind of stuff is hilarious, but I can see that some other less intelligent and less attractive people wouldn't find it funny. No offense.


Satire has no value to those who have no knowledge of that which is being satirized. I wouldn't assume most people consume or know anything about hustle culture entrepreneurial influencer sigma grindset content. I did find this kinda funny,but I can see where other mentally handicapped and physically disfigured people would find it hilarious. No offense.




You have quite the ego on you, you might want to see a therapist about that.


Therapy is just admitting you're weak. I'm not weak, I'm super strong.


Well then it’s a good thing I don’t go to therapy, but you probably should to work on your problems. That or your a troll who finds the type of “humor” above to actually be funny, and you’re just trolling in the comment section because you are lonely and like receiving the attention because no one gives it to you in real life. Either way, you need to get out of the house more.


That's a lot of words.


Go outside and touch grass troll.






I know.




That is a travesty in parenting!!! No parent should ever let their kids buy a godawful Chili's!!


Is that Tom Holland


shit went from 0 to 100 real fucking fas


Yoo, calm down, it's from a sketch, treat it likewise. Just search "Friday beers TV"


We don't need people to explain. The joke, the guy, the delivery... Nothing about it was funny. The votes don't lie.


Ok buddy. Did I said that it's a good joke? Nooo, but what would be left of reddit, if users like you don't jump to assumptions? My comment was intended to those people who would be baffled by this, not knowing that it's a sketch. If it’s a good one or a bad one, that's up to each person's taste. ✌️


What's the joke