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OP based on your actions in the video and your replies to all the comments in this thread, you seem like a very good dude


Thank you, I really appreciate the compliment. It’s a kids well being vs a hunk of metal with wheels. In my mind it’s clear what’s more important.


Speaking of mind, was he wearing a helmet? I can't tell from the video, and i hate to be the wet blanket, but kids on bikes should always have a helmet on. If he had hit a wall or flat hard surface, he definitely could have cracked his head open.


No I definently agree, he wasn’t wearing one, I hope it serves as a lesson for him to wear one.


As a former child, the takeaway will almost certainly be "I can survive a crash of that magnitude"


As an adult, fuck it, nursing home food sucks.




Had something lock up my front wheel one time while biking in my neighborhood, was probably around 10 years old at the time. Went up and over the handlebars as the bike screeched to a halt, landing pretty much directly on the crown of my head. Helmet definitely saved me a trip to the ER, and possibly some serious damage with how hard I remember hitting the ground. Should always wear a helmet.


Obligatory [I love helmets](https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY?si=CwsZB4vDdSgYUHJJ). Helmets are awesome.


I am old so when I did the same thing in the middle of the street at 13 or so I was not wearing a helmet. Obstruction caught in my spokes, wheel seized up, went over the handle bars, face plant into concrete. Was fine. Got up, looked around embarrassed to see if anyone saw me. Rode home. Never told anyone until now. That said, helmet the fuck up. I was probably just lucky. Or my skull is very thick and my brain tiny.


No, not just kids, EVERYONE on a bike should wear a helmet.


Great neighbor are awesome to have, growing up we had an old retired guy named Mr. Frank who lived a few houses down. Super nice, chilled on a chair infront of his house and was very friendly to my parents. Called me sparrow since I would ride my bike up and down from my house to his since that was the imaginary fence my mom told us not to go past. Sadly he got older and had to move away and the neighborhood just got quieter


At 41 that would have ended my life


Glad you’re still with us chief


We get brittle as we age.


I was walking down some steps the other day and the last step was shallower than the others. Felt like I broke my back when that last step jammed my leg.


One of the major downfalls of humans, We are great at doing the same thing over and over again, Or slightly different things over an over again (if all the treads are different heights, we are normally pretty good) - But you mix shallower stair treads into normal stair treads and we stumble. This is why loads of Castles around the world have steps that are of varying heights - It stops any forces storming a castle at a consistent pace.


Indeed those unpredictable steps can mess up our stance and momentum pretty hard. Hard mode is when some steps are oddly slippery with varnish or you just have a missing step suddenly. It's like forceful mindfulness / boobytrapping


I just thought it was because making stone stairs was difficult. Now ima be stuck with the picture of knights in full plate stumbling up a flight of stairs


They would have used wooden steps further into the castle. We only know of the exterior steps because some of them are still there. A knight in full armour would have no need to go up those steps at all unless he wanted to flex a bit, and honestly, fair enough.


I apologize for this….AHAHAHAHAHAH


I heard the back snap from the comment


I'm 33 please tell me how much time I have left before I'm fucked


40 years and a day. +/- 2 weeks.


Exactly this. Turned to put my earrings on one day and threw my back out. I was down for a week.


Start taking care of yourself now.


Soon, just broke a rib at 37 after my dog dashed between my legs sending me into the edge of a countertop.


Believed it or not this is exactly how I ruptured a disc and had to have 3 relatively “minor” operations over the course of 7 years to get back to about 75%


I'm 42 I sat down in a folding lounger and the back legs folded back in. I fell six inches hard on my tailbone. I'm pretty sure I'm crippled now I'm just fighting throught it. It's been a week.


Late 30's here, wore socks going down carpeted stairs too quickly and slipped a step onto my tail bone. Wasn't too bad. Then I did the same thing the following week (I was taking out the garbage both times). Couldn't sit without a donut for a month. Few years later and it still doesn't feel right. Solidarity, brother.


Just take your socks off next time!


Sorry, you are in your forties, the law requires you to get slippers. Plaid gets you extra points.


40's here...this has me thinking I should really buy a decent donut now to have ready.


(clavicle explodes just watching video) !#$@-ing forties...


I'm 31 and I don't think *I'd* be walking anywhere for a little while. lol


I learned to ride a bike at 41 and was scared to death of hurting myself. After a couple of crashes, it turns out that I didn't suddenly turn to glass as I got older, but I'm a lot more nervous about the consequences.


Right? Where are you parked, OP? Headed out on my bike now


Thankfully, little dude appears to still be at the age of [nigh invulnerability](https://tick.fandom.com/wiki/The_Tick), where almost all damage can be fixed with a band-aid. Needs a helmet though. Clearly.


Yeah he’s been leveling durability for sure


If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough. 


I did this as a kid and flipped over my handlebars and broke a finger. My ring finger was bent past my pinky. :(


You're a good dude for checking on the kid instead of losing it on him.


The only reason I posted it was because no one was seriously hurt and the truck is fine. I work construction so my truck has some little dents and stuff. Plus, man, we were all kids at one point. I knew blowing up on that kid would just never make him want to ride a bike again. Kid was all good, trucks good, video… HILARIOUS.


I'll never forget my neighbor blowing up on my sister and dad after she accidentally hit his car, which was blocking the sidewalk. She was like 4 years old on one of those plastic Big Wheels. It was just a scuff mark. On the other hand, I also remember a guy coming out to check on me after I biked straight into his mailbox and knocked myself out. Woke with him asking me if I'm OK. Kids make dumb mistakes. It's our job as adults to look out for them. Good on you.


We had a little kid wreck his bike on a loose brick in the sidewalk right outside the door of our restaurant. He fell into the parasol as he went down and knocked it over. Our manager went running out there to see if he was OK bc it sounded really bad. But the kid freaked out thinking he would be in trouble and ran away without his bike, which had a disconnected chain. Our manager walked it to the kids house on the next block over. Luckily Mom was home and was already checking him over to make sure he was ok, manager showed him how to fix his bike and the kid regularly came by for bike maintenance, small snacks and water after that.


now that warms the cockles of my leathery heart.


tight knit community. little bro was lucky manager knew where he lived lol


Sounds like your family should stay away from bikes


And mailboxes.


And asshole neighbors.


And my axe!


Lol, a different context and a statement of support suddenly changes into a threat.


Just stay indoors for good measure. Ditch the stationary bike too just in case.


When my brother and I were bored kids on summer vacation, we somehow convinced our parents to buy us paintball guns. We had a pretty big backyard, and they were the cheap kind from Walmart, so there should have been no problem. Of course, our dumb selves immediately took to playing with them in the front yard. We ended up hitting a neighbor's car with a paintball. Didn't notice it when it happened. Got a knock on the door a bit later. It was the neighbor asking if we knew anyone playing with paintball guns. I sheepishly confessed. The neighbor took a deep breath and said something like "well there is only one thing to do then, I got next." And so we had a little battle with him and his younger kids, and afterward, we cleaned up the paint as a group. My dad came home, heard the story, and brought the man some bourbon. Friends ever since!


> My dad came home, heard the story, and brought the man some bourbon. Friends ever since! It's stories like this that refresh my opinion of human nature. Too many stories you find here have such a negative connotation, so reading something like this is a breast of fresh air.


A breast of fresh air, like lungs to capacity taking in fresh air or like…a new blow up doll?


It's actually just a [line from a movie](https://youtu.be/2CKtOhkLTBw?si=uB7wklm6f_YMMBtL&t=83) that I sometimes use in the wild.


Ha…I wonder if I made the same joke to myself when watching that in the yester years. Thanks for reminding me of that ridiculous gem of a movie.


One time when I was 12, someone hit me while I was riding my bike (they were blind in their right eye, making a right hand turn without properly checking). I went up and over his car and landed behind it, was pretty shaken up and hurt my leg. He got out of the car and immediately screamed at me for denting his roof from where my body hit it :) people are jerks.


Please tell us that cops were called and karma was eaten.


Cops were called but I dont believe any karma was served. If I recall correctly, he was also uninsured - so he may have gotten in trouble for that.


I was 17 or so and got into a fender bender. Totally my fault, we were at a stop sign and he started to go and then stopped, so I went and couldn’t stop in time. No one was hurt, but it was a nice new Mercedes and this guy in business attire comes out. I’m petrified, I have no idea what to do. We look if there’s damage. There is a slight dent in his bumper, and a circle where one of the screws in my license plate holder hit just right. He just looks at me, the damage and says, “Hey it adds character to this car.” Laughs and pats me on the back and drives off. I think about that guy every now and then. Shit happens. Sometimes it just adds character.


I grew up in a cul de sac and when I was maybe 10, my friends and I were tossing a baseball around. My friend missed and the ball landed on our neighbor’s yard. As I go to get it, he comes out and says “if you hit my house I’ll break your legs.” Who the hell says that to a child throwing a baseball around with friends? I understand making sure we’re careful but Jesus, threatening to break my legs? I still haven’t forgotten that almost two decades later.


I bet you didn't hit his house, though! JK, I'm sorry you were threatened by an adult.


I sure didn’t hahaha. It instilled a fear that any house I came across had a grown man in it who would break my legs on sight if I came within a football field of his house.


Automatic Halloween target!


Did that when I was like 13. The neighbors down the street had a metal grate over the curb that ramped up in the driveway. Made it good for limiting the car bouncing as it pulled in. Sadly, it didn’t sit flat when you come in at an angle to get onto the sidewalk. I hit the lifted edge and flew head first into the mailbox. I was a little out of it and this older couple come out. All I thought was “my parents are gonna kill me and pay for this”. They were both yelling but I could barely make out what they were saying. Then they come closer and kept asking if I was okay in panic. Gave me an ice pack and I said I’d let my parents know. The man looked at the mailbox, popped his hand inside, and punched it to get rid of the dent. “No son, it’s fine. Go home and take Tylenol”. I’ll never forget their kindness because we just had our house burn down and my parents couldn’t afford to fix it.


Nothing wrong with trying to discourage them repeating the behaviour, but that can be done without shouting or trying to scare them. Though I do remember being an idiot kid riding my bike along the windows of a strip mall. Guy opened a door and I hit it dead on, face went straight into the door. The guy started just screaming and losing his shit on me. I was absolutely horrified and disoriented, but a crowd slowly built at the sight of this man losing his shit on me. I hadn't realized it yet, but my forehead was bleeding profusely and to folks walking by it looked like he'd just beat the shit out of me. His attitude did a 180 real quick, but I was just bawling, I would've been about 8 at the time. Can't remember how he left at all, just an old lady offering to help clean me up (no idea her actual age, at that age I would've considered a 30 year old elderly). This was before the time when people would call the police over this kind of thing (a grown man hitting a kid) and back in the day when once you were old enough to ride a bike, so long as you stayed out of trouble your parents didn't really care where you went during the day.


It’s surprisingly easy to not be an asshole.


"Do the best you can until you know better, and when you know better, do better."


I'm looking at the vid stopped just as he is about to hit... I think he is looking at a phone..


Im in my 30's, i remember to this day how my friends dad blew up on me for scratching his car door with my bike handle. Almost pissed my pants, i was 6. Today as a grown up i understand that car scratches are common nonsense and there is no good excuse to lose it on a kid. Fck him.


Not a kid but in college, my friend once turned around to close his car door and the little straps to tighten your backpack hit this guy's side mirrors. Dude came out and yelled at my friend to be careful and watch what he's doing. Like, dude, a cotton/polyester strap isn't gonna damage your car. Relax.


When a buddy of mine had his drivers permit at 15(I think), his mom would give him practice by backing the car out of the driveway and onto the street. Well, he accidentally floored it, thinking it was the brake and reverse t-boned a 57 chevy that was parked on the street. The owner came out absolutely losing his mind and..... had a heart attack and died. Whoops.


Holy shit that took a twist...


Good on you 


Also I really appreciate the awards! I don’t post much on Reddit. So I don’t really know what they do but I appreciate it!!


They do nothing. They are only for your appreciation.


I figured as much haha


Oh man. I remember ripping down my hill as a teen and smashing in the side door of someone's minivan when they backed into the street. It was a steep hill at least a km long so I could get up to about 55-60. I friggin caved that door panel right in around the steel beam. Window exploded. All I had was a giant bruise on my arm and shoulder where I leaned into the hit. Slight concussion but nothing to worry about on the scan at the hospital later. Guy jumps out of the van, checks that I'm ok then says; "well shit you actually had right of way and I just didn't see you coming. I'll talk to your dad and pay for the bike." Dude was a legend. Bought me a high end mountain bike when the one I wrecked was a Walmart special. I'm almost 40 now and my dad still rides that bike around back home, lol.


I did that biked straight into a parked car because I was to busy looking over my shoulder to make sure my mom was watching me on my brand new bike to pay attention to where I was going


I biked into the back of a parked car because I was reading a book (I think it was The Little Prince) and thought I could get away with it because I was riding slowly.


I had moved out, so it'd been a couple years since I had parked my car in my normal spot I was home, parked in my normal spot My mom completely forgot my car would be there again, and just backed right into it while her morning going to work brain was in control Very luckily my piece of shit car took most of the damage and her much much nicer car barely had a scratch


Seriously. Thanks for being so nice to the kid. I managed to this while riding my BMX bike back in the '80s and despite some old guy's prized Buick not having a single scratch, he screamed bloody murder at me while I tried to untangle myself from under the bumper.


Nothings worth being that angry over


This dude...i wish nothing but the best for you bro. Keep being you.


That’s really kind of you to say, I wish the same for you! Thank you!


I'm having a hard time understanding why people *wouldn't* make sure the kid is ok. Like, check on the kid, they just face planted into a damn truck. All good? Ok, then you can be the big bad adult who acts like a child and scream, if you must.


I totally forgot to even check my truck when I went inside I realized like 5 minutes later. I was like, oh that was a gnarly crash I should make sure there’s no dent. And if there was. I really don’t care lol, I don’t wanna waste my energy on something that’s done and over with.


It really feels like those who would be mad about this have a pavement princess truck. If you truck is going through construction work, a kid on a bike is likely the mildest impact it is seeing.


Should tell him to wear a helmet. Doesn’t look like he has one in the video at least


Great attitude lol. Kids are fucking dumb.


Yous a goods persons


If it weren’t for all the utes running around


Kids are dumb. Adults are (sometimes) dumb too. No kid wants to hit a parked truck and mess up him or his bike. Accidents happen so keep on being an understandable human.


> The only reason I posted it was because no one was seriously hurt and the truck is fine I'm a hardcore road cyclist so I have to ask, is his bike ok ?


His bike was all good! After the video cuts off I helped him back on his bike and he rode off!


Man, a guy blew up on me because I bailed hard to avoid hitting his toddler that he let crawl in the middle of a sidewalk. I'll never forget that guy screaming at me. My dad yelled at me too. Having a caring reaction to things makes you a great person and I want you to know that.


Thanks man, I appreciate it. I just didn’t want to discourage him from riding the bike again. He acknowledged the mistake and he was okay! So we went our separate ways.


Wanna laugh some more? It's not only kids. :) https://youtu.be/0I0Zs1G1ri4?si=YfKrN722cTqd2MZN


My dad busted almost all his teeth out doing something exactly like this as a kid. Kid got lucky he wasn't hurt


Good guy, hopefully kid learned a strong message


>video… HILARIOUS. Seriously, just SMASH. where you even steering kid? Need a refresher on witch lever is the brake? lol. yeeted him right over the handlebars.


Good guy OP:)


Sounded like it hurt too, and no helmet :(


He was good, tough kid, he got back on his bike and rode off. All is well!


Out of curiosity was he on a cell phone, or just straight up being a kid? I see so many kids who don't know how to just put their foot down and stop moving to deal with their phone, practicing for future car accidents :(


What I appreciated is that no! He wasn’t on his phone, just 2 kids looking at each other while racing. He wasn’t looking in front of him and just happened to crash. Hopefully he learns from it I’m glad the lil dude is safe


Can't believe this needs to be said and isn't the status quo


Yeah, I've seen videos where drivers literally run over people, get out of the car and go look at the damage to the car, while the person they hit is rolling on the ground 20 yards behind.


I was about 12, somewhere around '91, had a newspaper route, and after bombing down a hill I heard something behind me and looked over my shoulder to make sure I wasn't about to be run ov***BAM!*** into the front end of freshly washed and waxed fox body Mustang GT... How do I know it was freshly waxed? Because the guy who owned it was waxing his boat when I ran into his car. He chewed me up one side and down the other as I labored to catch my breath and said (I'll never forget this til the day I die) "wait there, I'm going to get my wife". He went inside and she came *running* out screaming "oh my god, are you OK?" I hope that MF'er felt like the biggest piece of shit...


lol when I was a kid my friend crossed the street and got hit by some guy in a sports car. My friend was perfectly fine but he was a pretty heavy kid. The car got dented on the front and the guy got out absolutely livid with my friend. Didn’t even ask him if he was okay, was only concerned about the car. Lots of heartless people out there.


I mean yeah, but you’d be a real piece of shit to lose it on a kid who just crashed his bike on accident


Crashed so hard he fixed the bit rate


This one made me laugh, someone also mentioned that the boy must’ve been a bull in his past life because he ran straight into my red truck haha


In all seriousness I hope that kid's all right and I hope your truck's fine


Trucks perfect, and the kid and his bike were perfectly fine! 😀


I did this once as a kid and actually hit the truck so hard that it made my scrotum bleed


Holy shit man hahahaha. That’s nuts, literally. Hope your boys are good.


Good thing you're a millennial. I have a feeling if you were a boomer you'd be taking these kid's parents to court. Good job on being a good guy


Some insurance guy commented earlier saying I could make a claim against his parents. And I’m like. Dude… really? Against a kid? Come on.


Insurance guys should all file a claim at the bottom of a cliff after they walk off it.


> That’s nuts


Same thing happened to me when I was a kid. Did you have one of those old "stick-shift" 5-speeds like the Schwinn Stingray? I swear whoever designed that wanted to limit future population growth.


Did the same but ended up on the hood of a car with a slightly split open chin. Rode home slapped a bandaid and went about my day like a normal 12 year old would lol.


My friend hit the side of a car parked in a left turn lane while we tried to cross a 6 lane road. Went down into the ditch and his front tire got perfectly stuck in a drainage half pipe and he flew forward into the car waiting in the left turn lane. Huge gash on his forehead and he broke two fingers on one hand. Totally dented in the door of the car. Fortunately a cop car had just wrapped up giving someone a ticked just down the road and they saw what happened, so they called an ambulance to check on my friend and we had to call out parents to pick us up. Which sucked, because we had knowingly biked many miles out of our approved areas to bike in to go to his grandma's house lol.


I admit, I did that once when I was 16. On my $3,500 (1980s) sprint bike. I was "in the zone" about two hours into making laps around the neighborhood and three minutes earlier no one was parked in that spot. My brain had gone into auto-pilot and I just didn't see the car. $700 new rim...


Hahahaha damn dude, I just told the kid “man 10 years ago or so I was always crashing into shit. Trucks fine just be careful big guy.” We were all dumb kids at one point


Good man. The owner of the car I hit ripped into me while I was still foot strapped and twisted on the road. I did way more damage to my bike (I was an amateur racer then) than to his rusting 1974 Chrysler New Yorker. You might have been able to see a small new scratch...


Yeah I could imagine a lot of other people would blow up on the kid. But he was a good dude, he said sorry and that he just was talking to his friend and didn’t see it. And I was like dude it’s cool haha. Speaking of his friend, lil asshole didn’t even stop to check on his friend he kept riding off!!


I was street racing my friend when I was younger. Cherries flashed behind my lane and I hit the brakes but my buddy hauled ass outta their. He came to pay my bail though, just parked a few blocks down the road. Your story just reminded of that, I’m sure the friend was just scared shitless. You’re a good dude, OP.


This was my brother, we think he was racing with some of his friends and had his head down, and didn't see a parked car. Ended up smashing though the back glass and came around laying on the back seat covered in glass. He assured his friends he was ok and ended up walking home carrying his bent and buckled bike. However later that day kept repeating himself over and over and acting very strangely. Ended up in hospital with a traumatic brain injury. I can't remember what happened with the owner of the car, I guess those details weren't as important as the emergency hospitalization.


Yeah I did something similar as a kid. Friend got a new pit bike and I accidentally throttled it before sitting down. It flew straight out from between my legs into the side of my friend's dad's truck. His dad gave me shit for that for a long time lol.


Me too. Front derailleur was being funky, I was looking down trying to figure it out, wasn't looking ahead and slammed right into the back of a parked car. Somersaulted over the trunk and landed on the ground. I was, OK. Car was fine (this was the 70s when car bumpers were serious metal). Bike was trashed. Needed new rim and front forks. The walk home was the worst. OP reacted the way I would these days. Check on the kid. Make sure they're all right. Best way to make the world better: look out for other people's kids too.


Everyone's just overlooking the $3,500 bike at 16 😂. The first 3 cars I bought didn't total up to $3,500. That's wild.




Lol 😂. How do you not see a big red truck? Glad he’s ok


Absolutely no clue!! I JUST parked it. And I saw them riding their bikes towards me as I was parking. Yeah kids ok and trucks ok. So it’s all good and makes for a hilarious video 😂


He was racing the other kid, he was afraid to cut it or did not look in front of him and was just talking/watching his friend. You can see the second bike zooming next to him after the crash.


> trucks ok This makes me imagine a world where the kid just obliterates the truck somehow.


Hahaha just drives straight through it on some brightburn shit.


That'd be a hell of an insurance claim, lol. "Yeah some kid on a bike split it right down the middle doin' a hundred and fuck. I got the whole thing on my ring camera..." "....What do you mean 'Acts of God' aren't covered???"


As soon as I found out he’s ok I’d be chirping that random kid so hard. “All good little man. Really came outta nowhere at you, eh? It’s only the most vibrant and visible color possible. Good thing you’ve got such a thick skull, you didn’t even need a helmet.”


This is why i always slow down to a crawl in residential areas. Children dont always look where they are going.


It looks like there was a friend in the video. I bet he was racing him and trash talking the whole way.


First thing out of your mouth, “Are you alright?” I see you’re one of the good guys.


I try to be man.


From the title I was expecting a teen in a car plowing into your truck and was like “why is this funny?” Good on you though man.


Good thing that wasn't a Cybertruck, or else the kid would be sliced in two.


Funny OC with a solid OP is why I'm still on reddit. You're a real one u/pattyice87!


Thanks man, appreciate it. Wish you the best!


You are so nice to go check on the kid. My partner did this once when he was a kid and knocked himself out. No one bothered to help him till he didn’t show back up at home and his grandpa went driving around looking for him. Kids can be stupid, but we all should look out for them as a community.


Absolutely agree. I didn’t want to yell at his and discourage him from riding his bike. I just hoped he took it as a… kinda painful lesson.


Rub some dirt on it. Pat the kid on the head. And send him on his way.


Pretty much did that minus the dirt haha. Just checked if he was good, he apologized, helped him back on his bike, sent him on his way. Trucks fine so there was legit 0 reason to be upset. Glad the kids good. He was outside running routes with his dad later that evening.


It's also good to see kids still riding bikes.


I can’t stop laughing at the way the kid holds his stomach after the wipeout lmaooo. Brings back (not necessarily good) but definitely fun memories. OP you handled your role like a pro. Great job and thanks for sharing.


Just kids being kids man, he took it like a champ, hopefully just serves as a reminder to always look in front of you.


I know I'm late to this party but thank you so much for checking on the young man before the truck. That alone speaks volumes. Bravo


Of course! A child’s well being trumps all! I wouldn’t have posted if he was seriously hurt


Glad lil bud was okay.


He was totally fine! Got back on his bike and kept riding!


His friends are going to roast him forever for running into a parked car. Just ask my buddy that did it in the early 90s. We will never let him live it down.


Oh man, I also managed to hit a parked car as a kid. I tell ya what, those horizontal bars hurt your privates no matter what equipment you've got down there. In my case everyone just laughed at me though. Nice of you to check on him!


Knocked my front teeth out on a neighbor's car this way in elementary school while looking at my new DK knights instead of where I was going.


I love the pause when you look back like “nuh uh…did he just….*sigh*…. ‘You alright dude?’”


Too many people here seem to be the parking police. Yes, you should technically park with the direction of traffic. No, that wouldn't have changed anything here. In my experience, it's pretty common for people to park both directions in subdivisions like this. It really has no bearing on safety. If you can't see a parked car in the wrong direction, you probably shouldn't be driving. You're at risk of hitting pedestrians.


You checked the kid first and didn't look at the truck at all.  At least from what we see on the film.   You sir, are an excellent person! 


Yeah dude, I was genuinely concerned it was a loud smack. And he looked in pain, I could care less about the truck if the child was hurt!


That kid looked like he was doing laps around the block and your truck wasn't there when he passed 1 minute ago. Glad both him and your truck are fine lol.


Funny enough wasn’t the case. They both were coming down the road as I was pulling up. So I really don’t know how it happened. My house is also like 30 feet from the nearest turn.


Wow, that does make it a whole lot funnier.


I love how you checked if the kid was alright before anything else. Good thing he's fine so is your truck


Props on you for checking on the kid, so many other people would have been up in arms over it as if their truck is made of tin foil.


You are a legend. Didn't even glance at the truck - all the concern on the kid. Bravo.


You asked if the kid was ok. Didn’t immediately check damage to the truck. You make the world a better place.


My balls hurt just by seeing this...


I did that once when I was a kid. Not at all fun.


Yeah I crashed a shit ton as a kid! It’s why I checked on him I know that shit hurts


Looks like he hurt his ribs. Hopefully, he just knocked the wind out of himself? By the way, your truck cost him the race. Kid had a good lead on his buddy.


The thing I’ve loved most about posting this, is seeing how a huge majority of the people can relate to this scenario. And that’s what I tried telling the kid as I was helping him. I told him I crashed into shit all the time as a kid. As long as you’re good I’m good


Just me asking.... you're allowed to park the wrong direction on your street? We can only park the direction of the flowing traffick.


Good man


I did that as a kid. I'm thankful there weren't cameras. My street was on a hill and I had the bright idea to ride my bike down the hill with my eyes closed. I made it to the bottom and the next thing I knew I was on the hood of my neighbors parked car. Felt pretty stupid after that


Everyone commenting on how OP reacted to this, but the real question is…… what the fuck? Was that kid blind?


Oh man, I did this as a kid, right into the side of a dude's old pickup. Was in my neighborhood and parked so that I was coming off a street perpendicular to the truck and just somehow didn't manage to turn I guess? He came and checked on me, truck was fine, got right back on the bike. Sometimes you just...fuck up 😂


Man why don't people wear helmets....this could've killed the kid.


How did his miss a big bright red truck 💀


You're a good dude OP. I love and respect the first thing you did was check on the kid and made sure he was alright.


Thank you for being a good person about the whole situation


I did this when I was a kid, like 14 or 15. Me and a buddy were biking back to his house. I don't know how I didn't see the car, but. SMACK! right into the front driver side corner. The guy was outside. And at first he came flying at me like "WHAT THE HELL?! WHY DID TOU DO THAT. YOU DIDN'T SEE MY CAR?????" He calmed down a bit a minute later. But yeah, it sucked having to stand there and endure his yelling for a minute. Once he calmed down he asked me if I was OK, and then he looked at his car. And then just told me to get home and be more careful. I understood his anger. And I was also appreciative of his reaction once he took a beat and calmed down. Thank you for not jumping to anger, like a lot of people would have.


Had that happen to me when I was about 18-19. Kid came flying down a hill smashed into my car, rolled over it. Went to see if he was ok, (he was). and a lady came running out of her house claiming that she saw me hit him. Yeah, my parked car leapt out at him. Offered to give the kid a ride home which he accepted and I got out of there with the kid and his bike before the lady decided to call the police.


I remember when I was 10 or so, I lost control of my bike going downhill and smacked into the side of my dad's truck super fucking hard while he was working in the house. I was on the ground, unable to get up, groaning and calling for my dad because my leg wouldn't work, for about five to ten minutes The neighbor came out and went to go tell my dad, and the first thing my dad said when he came outside was "You better not have left a dent"


That second “AHHHHHH!” though. 😭


I remember there was a wind storm that blew a bunch of shingles off people’s roofs and they were out in the street. I was 8 or 9 and I picked one up and, for no particular reason, threw it like a frisbee as hard as I could. Maybe it was the shape or maybe because it was a bit heavy, but that thing took OFF and sailed to the end of the block. It hit a parked car with a BANG and dented/scratched the roof of the asshole landlord at the apartment building next door. Being a kid, I took off running as the landlord came running out of his apartment screaming I SAW YOU! THATS MY CAR! I’M GONNA KILL YOU, YOU LITTLE SHIT! I was terrified and ran into the woods instead of running home. I think that saved me because several hours later he was banging on our door and yelling about the damage to his car. He said he didn’t get a good look at the kid and knew kids lived at this house. He demanded that my dad march me out so he could see if I was the kid who did it. My dad calmly told him that, if he didn’t get a good look at the kid, the conversation is over. He shut the door in his face. I spent the rest of the summer hiding in the house lol. If he had acted calmly, I probably wouldn’t have run away, he would have figured out who I was and my dad, being a reasonable person, probably would have made me pay for damages. However, using kid logic, it seemed to be better just to hide and wait it out rather than dealing with a screaming lunatic.


Maybe that will help reinforce the importance of a helmet for that kid? I know it took a few falls and broken teeth before my oldest decided it was a ***great*** idea to wear a helmet.


Hopefully! I’m just glad it turned into a funny video rather than a horrible accident. Kid got back up on his bike and left. I told him not to worry about it. Cause he seemed scared of me when I was talking to him. I was like dude, I’m just glad you’re ok, trucks fine.




Kids need to be able to screw up like that. Plus the world could always use more good dudes. I remember once when I was a kid, I was at the marina. I was scooping shit up with a little net, and for some reason sorta walked off the dock and fell in. I was in the water for like, a minute, before this man silently reached over and lifted me out. Set me down on the dock, and still without saying anything, walked away lol.