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He’s not wrong. I’m a woman and have no interest in either one of these people. I do think the conversation would be different had he said this about her, and not the other way around.


She’s been doing brown-face for a decade and nobody cares. It still blows my mind.


I'm out of the loop. Is it more than just spray tan? Also her surname is Grande so I assumed she had ~~Hispanic~~ Latin heritage and naturally darker (than straight up northern Europe) skin anyway.


Italian. Have a Google of what she looked like in Victorious when she was younger


Looked like Ariel then still looks like Ariel now


bruh 💀


Holy fuck that is one of the best comments I’ve ever read. Bravo.


I don’t get the joke but it sounds hilarious. Can you explain?


They're talking about how earlier Ariel was cast as a white person and recently, a PoC was cast as ariel


Thank you. This is one of the rare cases where explaining the joke actually does make it funny. I was unaware of the new Ariel. Hilarious.


>a ~PoC~ black woman was cast as ariel


Fr, thanks.


Its stolen from a twitter post


I’m outraged!


fuckin' LOL


This is the best thing I've read all year.


Comment of the year so far…


But her dimple is missing!


Dude the level of discreet work you can have done should be criminal or at least a side by side should be mandatory on your drivers license. You gonna marry someone you think is gorgeous and end up having kids that don't have any of one parents features.


Wow you're right. Could be expecting to have the kids look just like the mom/dad present day, only to discover your partner had big ears, large nose, uneven eyebrows, or a Habsburg chin/jaw in the past. Surprise surprise.


Underrated comment


Holy shit. My daughter used to watch that (so I did too). I cannot believe that's the same person. Mind = blown.


I refuse to believe it is the same person. 🧐


In a way it isn't. Fame and hubris do crazy things to people


These 3 images are all Ariana Grande: https://i.imgur.com/qMRmzzy.jpg


..That's it? This just looks like three pictures of the same person. I was expecting some reverse Michael Jackson shit with the way people are talking.


that honestly isnt a great example, [heres an article](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/siena-yates-ariana-grande-is-blackfishing-so-what-do-we-do-now/DWSUMS5TJC7MFRSD2DT6FTZGCE/?outputType=amp) about it with a better comparison, and [heres another link](https://images.app.goo.gl/rUdHhodADagY7qsF6) where shes asian-fishing


The later pic looks like she’s finally wearing clothing/hair colours that suit her better, but also going full dark fake tan.




Ah okay. TIL. I thought Italians were known for "olive skin". Maybe I'm wrong. Edit to say Grande herself OBVIOUSLY doesn't have naturally tan or darker skin.


Bruh wtf. I'm Italian, we are fucking white as snow. Maybe not as much as Scandinavian people, but still not "olive skin" or whatever. If you put me among a lot of white people from US or France I would be indistinguishable and I'm not even blonde like some of us are.


What? Not everyone from Italy looks the same. Southern Italians are darker, Northern Italians are fairer. My family is from Southern Italy and they’re all incredibly naturally tan.


Italian? She must’ve moved to the US when she was very young because she’s lost her accent entirely.


Found the european.


Crazy because southern Italians can look dark as hell but northern Italians are lighter. So maybe it isn’t race shifting as much as region shifting because when I was in Italy our guide was straight up bronze


It’s a sunny country, especially the south. They’re just white devils with tans, similar to Spaniards.


Yeah that's just not true. First of all "white devils" lol. Also Spanish people will stay significantly darker even in northern parts of Europe... The world is not black and white


You are correct. The reason Italians and Spanish can be darker is heritage during the African citrus / silk trade. As well there was Moore conquest of Hispania from around morocco pushed into and owned apart of Spain at the entrance of the Mediterranean. As well you had the Greeks heavily in twined with Egypt during Alexandria. There are some very bronze tanned guys in Greece, Italy, and Spain. But we have to be outside A LOT to be bronze tanned.


You can be Hispanic and from Spain my dude. You mean Latin. The two aren’t the same.


Ah my bad. Thanks for the correction.


No, he probably means Hispanic, which is often used to refer to those from Latin America as well as others in the US. And you mean Latino/a.


Hispanic basically means “speaks Spanish.” There are black Hispanic people and Caucasian Hispanic people.


Hispanic means Spanish speaking decent we don't call ourselves Latinos we're not latin from Spain or Italy we're Mexicans lol


She’s Italian American. But still


No she's paler than the color white and and has been trying to black-ify herself for a while by changing her skin tone, speaking as "black" as she can, and other things you can look it up it's been documented a lot.


She’s the ultimate ‘black fishing’ girl


Have you seen her recently? She dropped the brown look and is going Asian


Bro she’s Italian 😂 you act like she’s some Anglo white girl 😂


Italians are white.


Italians are white






It slaps


The song; Dick dick ; tiny dick Dick dick ; big’ol dick Who’s a dick? You’re a dick. Who wants dick? Grande dick. Little tiny grindy dick. Dickdickdickdickdickdickdickdick You’re right. It slaps. Like-a-dick.


Untalented hack.


Okay this would go hard…. /s??


Good clip, thanks


Hey I’m this clip what song is he saying she wrote about him?


He's just shone a little light on the kind of double standard that most people don't want to talk about.


Well not on reddit. Reddit hates women.


And here I thought the double standard was that you're allowed to talk and joke about men's bodies but not women's bodies


Not allowed to shame women’s bodies? Try having any woman posted here that’s eve slightly overweight and let’s see what the comments say. But men get a lot more leeway.


? i don’t get this. how does reddit hate women


Browse justice served, or pussy pass denied. Reddit gets hard when mouthy women get physically assaulted.


As opposed to /r/femaledatingstrategy? There's absolute dickheads on both sides just like there is in all walks of life.


Equality doesn't concern itself with appropriate use of force or something like that. It's like they gotta be feminist but in a manly macho way 🥴


Depends on the subreddit on the more main stream ones like r/amitheasshole or r/relationship advice I would say men get a bit of a hard time and there’s definitely some double standards (in fairness both ways)


bad energy on this comment




Popstars can do blackface?


You took out all the comedic timing. This ruins comedy.




Andy kindler!


He’d have to be good at stand up first. But you’re correct


Pete can be funny, but ya, that standup was full of horrible timing and delivery. I'm a somewhat fan of his other stuff, but standup aint his genre****


I find him awkwardly real and hilarious.. like Mitch hedburg crossed with Johnny Knoxville. "Remember she's a genius. She told everyone my dick is so big because now anyone else that sees it is going to be disappointed... That's like a lifetime L"


He's pretty good when you have a sense of humor


Why do redditors hate this guy, is he a conservative or something?


I think it was the Taco Bell ad


That is 100% the reason.


1000000000000% this. I literally dont think ive ever not saw that ad until i blocked it, reported it for harassment, lol.




That ad was his undoing around these parts


Tops: \#14 /r/TacoBell 2,184 points [ I hate the new Taco Bell ad where you see Pete Davidson eating](https://www.reddit.com/r/tacobell/comments/y0dela/i_hate_the_new_taco_bell_ad_where_you_see_pete/) \#12 /r/RedditAds 27 points [Pete Davidson Go Away](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditads/comments/y0sxqh/pete_davidson_go_away/)


I have never seen this ad


What ad?


Taco bell screwed up their breakfast or something, then paid basically for every ad on reddit to be pete davidson apologizing for them. If you have any sort of ad blockers, you didn't see them. It was sometime mid last year I think.




There's a big difference between can't figure out how adblockers work and literally not giving a shit and just scrolling on past. Superiority complex on you incels is insane


Considering how this whole comment thread is about people giving a shit about the Taco Bell ads, I don't get your point lol


No he isn’t, the opposite actually. I’m really not sure why people hate him so much I think he’s kinda funny


It’s because he dated Kim Kardashian at the time when everyone was on Yitlers P P


Naw Reddit outside of hip hop subs have always hated Kanye too. They just hate the Kardashians even more.


That and the fact he’s the embodiment of a successful sweaty basement dweller appearance wise. But mentally Pete Davidson is one of the more mentally refined comedians of our time at his age. He has actually been through some shit in his life and he’s not just pandering to blue collar comedy. Redditors prolly hate him cause he’s the successful version of them that they failed at. That and he pulls some major ass that people would kill for.


I noticed you didn't say he was funny. That is a comedians top priority.


He is very funny


Apparently, it's your top priority too. (Not /s, actually that was veryf funny).


King of Staten Island was really good.


Yea, I think basically for a star he's a pretty down to earth guy.


I believe it was mainly because he kinda piled on Kanye’s mental health issues despite trying to be an advocate for mental health. Plus he said a bit of shit about his kids But let’s be honest there’s no real winners coming outta that situation.




Exacerbated is probably the word you were looking for


Yeah I gave up on autocorrect.


Hey that’s a pretty fair way to live, advocate for mental health and receiving the help you need… at the same time not condone people neglecting their health and causing harm to themselves


Mental health isn't your fault but it is your responsibility.


Hall yourself, broggygoose!


Im jealous of his life


Two words. Kate Beckinsale. Dude got to dip his wick in that, and I'm beyond jealous.


Like most things, they don't know anything about him besides what's posted occasionally and, if OP says he's bad in some way, then they just agree and never look further into it. Also, he's got an image that they're not fond of and women love him.


I'm a redditor and I think he's pretty good so /shrug


Cos redditors are dumb?


That's no way to talk about yourself.


it's the reddit cycle. If they like a celebrity for long enough, it just randomly flips one day to hate.


No idea. I don’t really get his mass appeal so maybe it’s jealousy. I’m certainly jealous of his Rolodex, although that hasn’t manifested into hatred.


He's young and successful and gets women. Of course reddit is going to hate him.


Gonna try to keep it short but his rise to fame was somewhat controversial. Not to mention he advocates for mental health while arguably doing some pretty toxic shit when dating famous women. From an oldhead perspective he's a little shithead but after learning more about him, his past behavior kinda makes sense and his achievements are pretty admirable.


Can’t speak for everyone, but when someone is constantly in your feed and their humor just isn’t for you, people automatically consider you a salty boomer. Honestly, I can’t find the humor in his standup. Some stuff is funny, but in the way your funny friend can tell a story that gets a chuckle, but your friend isn’t that funny or funny enough to have a career. Pete isn’t famous for his jokes, he’s famous for his conquests and weird attractiveness girls have for him. For me, I like comedians that have a point they want to get across or a topic that you can relate to. This dude just talks to the crowd like he’s just airing shit out. I can’t relate to a dude that punches above his weight, which all his topics are just name dropping and telling everyone about his life as a famous person.


The fact that he feels like your funny friend is the appeal. I think you understand it better than you realize.


> Pete isn’t famous for his jokes, he’s famous for his conquests and weird attractiveness girls have for him. Exactly. He feels like a professional socialite more than a comedian. Proportional to his contemporaries at snl his level of success feels unjustified.


I have scars from the Taco Bell add assault. Saw him way too much and because he’s a weird looking guy, now I don’t like him. Probably not a good reason. Welcome to Reddit.


I dunno bout hate but maybe hidden jealousy as if there is a hot girl in Hollywood Pete Davidson either has had or will have his penis inside of her.


Can someone send me the link? I tried looking up for it but it just shows up with the apology taco bell video


Shit this guy is freaking funny! Im gonna go watch some more of him now. I never heard of him before today


Been a fan of Pete forever and prolly always will be but this special needed wayyy more time to cook. Watched it all on Netflix, it was pretty bad


Yeah I was disappointed with it too!


I'm a big fan of standup but I've always scratched my head at this guy. Can you link me some of his best jokes? I've looked myself on YouTube but didn't find anything I liked.


I'm not a fan of his, but he's also not on my hate list for comedy. I think the one bit I like the most from him is his rehab bit. https://youtu.be/jufBFTSVIwg With the rest of his bits there are some glimmers of humor that I like. Like the delivery of the repetition of "regular plane" in his Cape Air bit. https://youtu.be/Lta4IkODnSU Or the "I'm sure she has friends," when talking about Flo. https://youtu.be/SOcivl2AWxM Or talking about letting the door man of his apartment building know that he was going to do shrooms. It's a longer joke. I find humorous parts around 4:29 and 5:40, but it may need additional context for those parts to land. https://youtu.be/Nz9qMLwXkO4


Same. He seemed really uncomfortable during a lot of it.


No matter how much u deny but these popstars like Taylor ariana have made their careers riding on their personal life. They start a relationship they make songs about it n 9 yr old go crazy, they break up they make a song again dissing the ex and 9 yr olds again fo crazy n shit on the ex without knowing any context or wt happened in the relationship the same happened here . But obviously if its a women with huge toxic following it becomes sensational n if a guy does the same he gets cancelled. Now 9 yr olds will ban this for sure.


The recent book came out, I'm Glad My Mother Died, is a captivating autobiography by a child star. The author strongly implies that Ariana treated her Nickelodeon costars unfairly. She didn't come out and say it was Ariana, but my takeaway is that it was her throwing her star power around unfairly.


Just finished this. Jennette is such a good writer. And yeah, what she went through (including being pushed aside for Ariana) is messed up. Glad she’s doing better now.




Oh apologies... editing to fix my mistake.


All good. Easy mistake to make


Happy cake day!!




You read that book wrong. She was jealous of Ariana grande because Nickelodeon was willing to do things to benefit Ariana’s career that they weren’t willing to do for her career. And she was also overall jealous initially that Ariana comes from money and acting was more fun for her than how she was forced into it to support her family. After she got passed that she liked Ariana.


Taylor swift made a ten minute song about a 3 month relationship


In no a teenage girl wrote a song about a relationship! The horror! Meanwhile yall listen to rap. Tons of popular rap songs have them rapping about raping women and murdering people. But God forbid a teenage girl sings about a short relationship


I don't know what kind of rap you be listening to bro.


dance with the devil


That's a pretty reductive view of rap.


I don’t get this argument - so many entertainers across different mediums and industries solely grasp from their personal lives to build a career. It’s not limited to popstars, musicians do it. Comedians do it. Actors do it. So many people do it. But yeah, let’s focus on 2 women popstars - that totally doesn’t show your clear bias.


Lots of male singers have written songs about their exes and haven’t been canceled it’s not a gender thing. But Pete’s right he definitely would be canceled because ariana is a way bigger star and has more rabid fans not because she’s a woman. Justin Timberlake - ‘cry me a River’ Ray J - ‘i hit it first’ Big Sean - ‘i don’t fuck with you’ Calvin Harris - ‘My way’ Jonas brothers - ‘paranoid’


Michael Jackson - Billy Jean


That wasn't about a real person. Also, Billie Jean was a woman who was convinced that he was the father of her child but they had never been together.


I don't have the best critical listening ability but most of what I've heard from Olivia Rodrigo seems to be quite vindictive.




Wait she claimed to barely know him?! Lmao weren’t they engaged?!


They were.


I believe she meant professionally as in she didn't know his story/career. And to be fair I didn't around then either


What exactly makes you think that? “It was frivolous and fun and insane and highly unrealistic, and I loved him, and I didn’t know him." She's saying she loved him even though she barely knew him personally.


I died on my biggest fear is I am going to get smoked by a 9 year old with a pony tail


Probably the funniest things I’ve heard him say.


Pete Davidson look like a wet cigarette in a parking lot


Usually? Maybe. But here looks fly as fuck.


I was thinking the same thing! He hasn’t ever looked this well.


He always looked like a Merman to me


Isn't he the one fucking a Kartrashian this week?


They broke up forever ago




4months is the new ten years.


"See, judge? I told you she was 20!"


Why does he always look so greasy


No idea, but whatever he’s doing seems to be working


He makes a good point though


What special is this?


Pete Davidson


Is he ok? Why do his teeth look like that? I don’t remember him having huge teeth


He's half gerbil. His teeth never stop growing. It's in the vogue article


Porcelain veneers. It's also why his "s" sounds different Or it could be invisalign


I personally don’t think he’s that funny but, he should have a Netflix special. This is the height of his career and he has tons of material to joke about.


Yo that was legitimately funny. He cooked her


Fuck that IS funny!


I don't understand why people think he's funny.


Least funny SNL cast member ever


There is no punchline Go to bed Steve


The most attractive person of Hollywood.


Double standards are a bitch.


Facts thank you. 😂


What’s the funny part?


Dude has zero comedic timing.


I always knew she was going to chew him up and spit him out, but when I said that when they "were in love" people crucified me. She never deserved him. She's beyond narcissism.


I fucking love pete he has a great sense of humour




Tbh no one would be upset at him if he did the vogue cover. Why? Cuz he’s not important and thinks he is. His comedy and movies are all trash. This bit is a perfect example.


....He's actually funny?!


Is he supposed to be funny?


Why do people hate Pete Davidson? Like really, for what reason? He hasn’t done anything heinous, and he’s not that bad of a comedian or an actor so what’s the hate for? It’s a little weird that people have all this animosity towards someone with no examples of why and it seems really hive-mindish, so until I get a valid reason I’m gonna assume it’s because he got to fuck Ariana Grande and everyone is jealous.


Damn that one was pretty good


Dude is a national treasure


Does that mean Nic Cage is gonna go find him?


I hope so. That would be on the same level as John Cena and Will Ferrell teaming up


Let's bury him.


Just not this nation