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I'm happy with the changes. It is overall a buff and will make playing her more comfortable. Now, I am tempted to go for C2.


I am with you on this. These changes make her much more compatible with older characters due to having fewer stacks as well as increasing the damage per stack. Her energy requirement was also reduced because of the 60 energy cost. Overall, this will make her one of the best buffing units in the game, which is great, and generally speaking, c6 has always been the con associated with gameplay changes. Now, we finally have a solid alternative to Kazuha, and I'm all down for that.


How will she ever be an alternative to Kazuha in reaction based teams? C2 Kazuha with Freedom Sworn + VV will always be better than a C2 Furina for whom you also have to slot in a healer. She might work in mono hydro, Ayaka and Fontaine comps, that‘s it. Not enough hydro app for national/rational and she doesn’t work with dendro. HuTao teams with her are also cope because who are you gonna drop for her? Kazuha so no VV? Xingqiu so you only buff your first rotation while she drains the rest of your team for 50% of their HP?


Note I said alternative and not replacement. They are both completely different. Kazuha is optimal in certain team setups that's right, but that doesn't make Furina irrelevant. She offers good buffs and respectable off-field damage, obviously not to the same extent as yelan. Maybe I didn't explain myself properly and made my own assumptions. But yeah, reactions based teams aren't the best teams for her, but there are other teams where she can comfortably do a similar job, if not better than kazuha. Kazuha can't be on both sides of the abyss, and Furina is now flexible enough by enabling healers to add to the damage output without being detrimental, which also increases team diversity. It's still too early to say how furina will play out, and she might make certain teams very competitive.


Furina gonna buff my Wanderer and Faruzan like nuts which Kazuha can't do, thats for sure. And now both are probably required together for BiS vape teams She is definitely looking on tier with him in terms of off field buffers and team enablers that is for sure


I am a C6 Wanderer main, so please enlighten me. How are you gonna use him with Furina? Wanderer, Faruzan, Furina and Bennett? You will miss out on double pyro and interruption resistance as no dehya/shielder. Diona? No Bennett atk buff (and believe me, bennett‘s atk buff is infinitely better than Furina's). Also Faruzan deals SOME dmg, but she definitely doesn’t account to more than 5-10% of the dmg of wanderer hypercarry comps.


> Wanderer, Faruzan, Furina and Bennett? Isn't this just a straight up upgrade from double pyro? 25% atk bonus is insignificant, especially when you have decent chunk of off-field dmg from Furina's E with massive dmg bonus from her Q. Interruption resistance is kinda overrated no? Especially when you play Wanderer, do you seriously need interruption resistance when enemies cant touch you most of the time? Furina definitely has her use in teams that don't rely on reactions.


It‘s an upgrade for the first rotation, because afterwards there’s no HP to drain due to there being no teamwide heals (her A2 talent trigger MIGHT work if Bennett overheals, if they hadn’t switched constellations you could run her without a healer but hey, everyone‘s sooo happy for the new C2 being „Raiden and Nahida level“ - which it’s not at ALL). If you play wanderer at C6 no interruption resistance/shield is okay because you get more dash resets, but if you don’t have C6 you get knocked out way too easily because most enemies can actually attack you, you aren’t untouchable in the air as you aren’t far up enough. One small cc and you lose valuable E uptime. (and dashing only isn‘t a dps loss if you cancel your third attack, the chances of you having to dodge at this very moment are slim and without shields/IR it’s likely you have to dash earlier) Furina definitely has usable teams, that is if you want to play around her mechanic, otherwise there are much better alternatives that will out damage her just due to consistency and no need for healers.


Furina unfortunately seems like a very underwhelming alternative in many comps. She might be good in Cynobloom and arguably Cryo/Freeze (depending on if you want to sacrifice shenhe or Kazuha) and that’s about it. I seriously hope they have better changes in store for next week, otherwise she seems to be a very underwhelming archon whose only redeeming benefit is their element and subpar buffing capabilities. (also pneuma being useless unless C6 now is insane) She is worse than Kazuha regarding buffs and I suppose her off field damage should offset this, but as of now there is no case in which I would rather run her than Kazuha/Shenhe/Yelan or even Mona, as those units don’t make me slot in a healer for me to get their full benefits.


Kazuha, Bennett, and Furina are the buff/support trio and they hang out a lot. And Furina adopted Bennett with Neuvillette.😂


Yeah, she's better now. It's just that I like her old c2 more.


Tbh I'm the opposite. I'm more leaning towards getting C0 and skip now. Would I rather get 2 other characters or make my numbers go from 20k to 22.5k (C1) to maybe 25k(C2)? I rather have characters


I decided to go for c2 neuvillette instead, now I’m on guarantee at 50 something pity 😅 I’m feeling more like skipping furina for now…


I'm just said we're not gonna see her on-field most of the time


Yeah, I think you should just skip her. You’re clearly looking for on-field hydro dps. And there are already 3 options for that: Tartaglia, Ayato, and Neuvillette. Or if you want an on-field solo hydro healer with teenage girl model, there’s always Barbara for you.


Actually I want to pair her with my Yelan. Her old c2 let me get rid of a healer, put Mona or any future hp/hydro crd buffing character to increase their dmg when they increase the dmgs of each other in the meantime. (Yelan c4 buff 40%hp for Furina, Furina buff dmg bonus for Yelan even when she's off field) so those 3 options won't be as strong.


Meh. Cons are whalebait. I've only ever planned to get c0 and she's now even more versatile and streamlined at that level with the generic number changes to her skill and burst. So, chock up a solid W.


>Cons are whalebait. Honestly I was baited to whale. At least my Navia and Chlor fund is good to go.


I just wanted to go for her c2 cuz it changed her into another character, now that motivation has gone :v.


But historically cons that fundementally change the character have always been c6. You’re are getting caught up acting like leaks of unfinished products are actually the final product.


her previous C2 was garbage, now that it is at C6 it might actually deal some decent damage, given that you can max out her ult buff easily


It wasn’t. It gave you a Yelan C6 dmg burst window or a team wide heal. It gave her diversity and more use cases in multiple teams. Her former C2 now being at C6 doesn’t change anything (as it already dealt decent dmg before; properly built 80 - 100k per slash, now at C6 due to her C2 giving HP those slashes will deal around 120 - 140k, but if you wanted that 20-30% burst dmg increase you could have whaled for C6, now you have no choice and her bursty playstyle is locked behind C6). You would have been able to pretty easily max out the ult buff after today’s changes without changing constellations. The new C2 is not as OP as people make it out to be.


same thoughts, the game is already really easy and they don't even release hard content, i really wanted to get the c2 infusion for fun rather than power


now we have to go for c6 for that :v


But what about us who wanted more gameplay without having to make the char p2w ? I personally prefer to have old c2 and would enjoy more than having all the 6 constellation ;-;


then save for C6


man im just hearing about this. I was actually considering going for her c2 it looked so fun.Oh well guess I'll stick to c0 then


I've always been used to C2 being the big enhancement and C6 being the gameplay change though.


That’s why it would’ve been nice if Furina was finally different. It’s annoying that different play styles are always locked behind C6.


The swap makes sense for sales tho, C2 is now very tempting, whales were already getting C6. Old C2 had a fun factor but it wouldnt have sold as good compared to the new one


That would include me. Was not interested in C2 previously now instantly gearing up for C3.


I had planned on c6, now only getting c3 maybe even c2. 0.03 bonus is like a 13.5% increase.


Yeah, that's what makes her different at first, and now it's gone although she's stronger overall.


Also isn't the c3 c5 swap basically a nerf? like sure c3 would increase her burst lv by 3 which will give her 0.03% more fanfare dmg conversation per stack but that doesn't compare to her skill lv 10 to lv 13 which gives more utility in my opinion


Maybe they proritize her buffing ability over her own DMG.


i see that as a win, she brings back old characters that are no longer viable because of her crazy buff with C2-C3


Which characters are on your mind? Don’t forget for her to be viable over multiple rotations you need a healer, thus maybe dropping Kazuha, potentially VV-shred or another buffer who might be better for specific units. Furina is more often than not a liability on your team in all honesty.


i was planning already to get her even at C0 for my nuve team, but with C2 she can also revive my noelle team.


whales wont even notice this change because theyre gonna get all 6 cons anyway


Now that C.2 is C.6 please buff C.6 make hydro infusion 10 sec duradion. Keep 7 hits buff on ousia and pneuma


That might be too broken LOL. Her kit (c6) now is amazing already.


I play on field c2 nahida... she's very strong even just at c0....what do u even mean


I'm just saying that c2 doesn't change her gameplay, that's all, I'm not saying she is weak/cannot be onfield or something.


What I personally wanted was the hydro infusion and on-field dmg, even if it's just for 7 seconds or so.




Agreed. This news really just killed my enthusiasm to play right now. I just got into Stat Rail so I'll probably play that more and also work on my backlog. Yakuza 0 is great!


Yeah the Abyss is just the easiest end game content ever so its not like we are pulling for that, just give us our C2 back you cowards


I was one of the few people who wanted her C2 to remain her C2 mainly for exploration purposes. Compared to other archons, her constellation was triggered by her skill which means you could nuke group of mobs while farming for characters. There are very few character that can do it without relying on their Q. Since I always play on coop I was looking forward to that c2 ahaha but welp now it’s not c2 :)


I got that idea as well ^^


Finally a good take about the downside of her c2! Everyone’s bitching about the “on-field playstyle” seemingly without realizing it was only ever 7 hits! That isn’t really an “on-field playstyle.” I agree that the loss of healing at c2 is a major blow. I’m hoping, however, that some healing might be added to her base kit.


Don't really have an opinion on this since I'm f2p


I think the same, but in fact it's an advantage. C2+ are completely skippable so now she's stupidly cheaper for our wallets than yesterday.


To be fair, you can still use her as an on field driver with Candace/Chongyun, Fischl, and Charlotte or some other flex/healer, or Candace/Nahida/Kuki. It can probably work in the Abyss, and will always be viable in the overworld, so you really don't have to whale just to have her usable in different ways. This way the con that affects all of her teams is more accessible, while the more niche and luxury constellation is last. Because just like every other C6, the value isn't really worth the cost unless you collect them piece by piece over the course of multiple banners (thus spending less money and more free/value primos overall). I have Wanderer C6 and while it feels extremely powerful and makes his synergy with certain artifacts and supports much better, it left me never really caring to get a C6 again... Then again Zhongli stonks shoot up if I get him from C4 to C6 for Furina teams.............. 😖 its just not worth it


Yeah, but always putting her with Candace and another healer sounds less fun to me though :v


Yes, her old C2 looked like it would be fun to mess around with. I hope they revert the change, her C1 already takes care of the stacks, we don't need stacks on top of stacks so we can stack stacks faster just for a stackable dps increase. I was looking forward to running her at C2 without a healer, now I'm not sure I'd go for C2, probably just C1 as it seems quite strong.


I have the same feeling, just like Mihoyo showed me an awesome Christmas gift and then took it back... ;-; I saved a lot just for her c2 but this is just making me wanna skipp and forget about it all


So Hoyo is going to balance constellations based on likes/dislikes rather than how the kit progresses and synergies with subsequent constellations? Hoyo makes money based on the strength of the unit, not on field likes or dislikes. If you really want to on field her, go for her C6. Most people like her new C2 since it synergies with her C1 well and with her main role as a buffer.


>Most people like her new C2 There is a poll with slightly more people who prefer the old C2. so...


this is furina mains so there is going to be an bias towards on fielding her.


This is the most biased place to do a poll like this though


That's true. And after rechecking the poll, the new C2 still seems more popular.


I took the pool, most people like her new C2. The poll is also not done yet


Because they want your (our) money


so true :((


Try to understand what am saying carefully while ofc yes i understand ur sorrow for the specific loss... Furina is first and foremost the Hydro Archon of Genshin forever. You should k that. Archons tend to,should be support type while also cam be great in terms of personal Dmg.. Look at Nahida ane Furina.. Especially from elements like Dendro Hydro tjat r purely "root of tree" type elements, the game revolves around them, not other way around. For normal chars: We build teams for them. Archons: We don't build teams for them, they make there way into teams where they fit.


Nahida Raiden Furina sound like a fun team ngl, add Charlotte for some fridge and healing


Yup am definitely gonna cook some teams with these 3 archons Actually considering Furina's slower Hydro app,Raiden can quickbloom i mean Agg+Hyperbloom Sounds good


Can't wait to try that team ngl


I want her old c2 mainly to get rid of a healer so I can go with whatever team I like without worrying a 2nd slot for Kokomi or someone similar.


Yea ik but it is what it is Other than tjat her whole kir heavily encourages the idea or Healers to begin with so


Her old c2 can help us get rid of a healer and gain stack by herself. I believe it's still a great support cons, at least for my account.


Can I ask how to see her new kit with all its changes?


Yeah, if Navia is another boring off-field EQ character, I'm through with this game. I'm so bored not having a new on fielder to play with.


Literally 2 new on field units in this patch, atp it's a you problem.


You right, my fault for not wanting on field vs. off field to be gender locked.


And you never mentioned that originally did you? Even then, you're talking about meta exclusive with that logic, besides this big version isn't even done, we have at least 2 new female units to look forward to. Stop trying to make a personal opinion sound like a universally agreeable problem.


I mean, I've seen numerous people who share my opinion, so it's definitely not just me. And I'm personally not interested in waiting another half year to get disappointed by Navia, Clorinde (who I'm still not convinced is even a 5*), and Arlecchino. I'd rather not waste my time. I'm glad other people seem to be happy with the new Furina, though. I'll probably still lurk in this sub to see fanart because I like her as a character, but I've lost any reason to pull for her at all.


>I mean, I've seen numerous people who share my opinion, so it's definitely not just me. Ah yes, and we all agree that this is fantastic indication that it's a commonly acknowledged issue. Of course. >but I've lost any reason to pull for her at all. Exactly. You have, just don't make your personal reasoning sound like the game is doing something that is objectively a disservice. There's a way to state personal preference without sounding like you're whining about the lack of catering towards your interests.


It's a fact that I've seen other people who are also tired of every female character being some off fielder. I'm obviously not going to go through and link every single instance/comment of it, so don't ask. That's all I said. I'm not sure where or how you got that I was saying that it was a "commonly acknowledged issue," but like I said, I'm far from the only one who's frustrated. I also don't know where you got that I was saying the game was doing an "objective disservice." Do you normally stuff words in people's mouths like this? Or did you confuse my comment with someone else's? Or did you just not read in general?


hope not :v


There are two on fielder character on this patch wdym


No interest in either of them.


Both geo claymores in game are already on-fielders, it would be more boring if the third was another


She could have a different playstyle than Noelle or Itto. And it's super weird that nobody says anything about Lyney, Neuvillette, and Wrio being our 6th, 3rd, and 3rd pyro, hydro, and cryo dps respectively. But when it comes to Navia, you all say, BuT nOeLlE aNd ItTo!!


I think that its like it should be right now, c2 is usually the constelation that improves kit and c6 is a gameplay changing constelation, i like it more right now


Yeah, but I'm still sad nonetheless.


they swapped C6 and C2 because the nerfs to the C2 were recieved overwhelmingly poorly but the unnerffed version was too powerful, so they wanted to justify uncapping it again by moving it to c6.


What was the nerf to the c2 ?


As I understand it began as an uncapped 10 second infusion with effect on hit, but then it got limited to 7 attacks


I think you might be wrong, the duration of the infusion lasts for 10 seconds but it also ends when you do 7 hits


Perhaps, but the first version I saw on the leaks reddit didn’t imply there was a cap, so it seemed like a nerf


Honestly I have way too many on field characters already, I need some off field supports, so Furina fits my account perfectly.


Good for you 👍


honestly since nahida we haven't had a sub dps/support character. The closest we had to this was baizhu (and if you consider dehya a character we had her too), everything that wasn't the characters mentioned above were characters on field main dps. Imo, furina having a c2 that improves her support and damage side is much superior to her having a c2 that doesn't solve any of the problems she had and creates a new way of playing, but is still limited to 3-4 seconds Ofc i said that in a optmal way. For the ppl that just want fun its a loss, but if you dont care abou the meta or strong things you still can put a candence.


Yeah, but another thing I like about her old c2 is that she can go solo without a healer and pair with any team I want. And it would make exploration much more relaxing cuz I can just E and delete mobs while healing my team. And I also really like the cons effect, so beautiful :v


bro wtf with you.4 new dpses in a row: alhaitham>lyney>neuv>wrio. like wtf are you talking about???


cuz it would sell better, not everyone wants to play her as a suboptimal off fielder and would prefer an actually useful higher damage buff


I believe 'some' Furina mains think otherwise :v. Anw, she is stronger now.


well you're not going to get a rational discussion going with a "mains" subreddit. People want their favs to be their favourite and use them on field even though it's better for her to versatile.


*hoyoverse why


Thanks LOL


shes not released yet


so a post like this may change their mind, probably :v


Honestly, these people riot and give opinions when she's not actually out yet.


its like zhongli c6, he does what he does but at c6 you get extra comfort


Zhong C6 is complete ass. Probably some of the most useless 5* cons in the game. But it’s expected since he’s an early release character.


A player regrets losing Yelan C6 with Furina C2 (old) :( It could be a great combo xD


Oh you got that idea too? :))) . I'm also a Yelan c6 haver. They would still be a demolishing combo but now at c6 :v.


It pains me yeah, but seeing it from another perspective her new C2 is gonna make her summons hit even harder now


Yeah, she is stronger, just less fun to me ^^


The change actually makes sense if you think female archons offer specifically a big buffer cons at C2, And well 7 hits it's nothing, that's the only reason I'm not using Shenhe lately, it should be for "x" period of time


I just prefer her current cons. It makes her one of the top support and futureproof. Also it gives her more versatility with teams instead of just getting locked with only fontanian characters


Newsflash hunny, this is the trend with archons lol


I'm for the C6 and C2 swap. Furina will mainly be used as a support.


Can't relate I never go for cons lolol. Sucks though, if you guys had such high expectations for on fielding her and now they are shattered. For me all the changes are a big W


I think the same, but in fact it's an advantage. C2+ are completely skippable so now she's stupidly cheaper for our wallets than yesterday.


I don't get the c2 craze at all but that's just me


She wasn't a solo healer before. It was a poor heal that consumed on-field time to heal drained HP that could have been healed before. It's was more a Sac. sword Pneuma mode damage dealer (50% more damage than 20secs of E), with +56 stacks (112 healed), than a healer con. Just a Prototype Amber on the team has better healing capabilities than her now C6, because it also is able to proc A1, up to 3 times.


The description of her C6 now mentions the duration of the healing can be extended. With 7 quick Normal Attacks in Ousia mode, she should be able to stack 17.5s of healing happening once per second and healing all the team (at 40k HP this is 1200 healing per second multiplied by the incoming healing bonus she provides). This is enough to make her totally viable as solo healer, and the healing is much higher than Prototype Amber + A1 (that also has to be used by someone else).


That's not how it worked, hahaha. You didn't stack 2.5 secs 7 times, it is the new change after it becomes a C6. You gave them a buff for 2.5 secs healing 3% per sec for the duration. But hitting again didn't extend it to 5 secs, just refreshed it to 0. So if you did two chains of normals, which is around 5 secs, you heal for 7.5 secs, so 7 secs of 3%, a total of 21% pre healing bonus. R5 Prototype Amber (a craftable weapon compared to a constellation of a 5 star) heals 18% and procs A1 up to 3 times that is worth of another 4%~6% (depending how it works, hasn't been leaked), that is also affected by both healing bonus. It was even before, now it's a C6 with the extension plus, it is better for sure. But is was also attached to a brutal amount of damage that is not something a C2 should had, so it's ok now. Anyway, her new C2 is brutal too.


Yeah, I’m fine with her current C2. The ability to stack the healing duration was a nice buff after switching C2 and C6, but C6 is definitely too much for me. Though I hope Hoyoverse will release an Anemo healer with good grouping capabilities, because I’d like to play Furina also in my Ayaka team (that will have Shenhe C6 when she will have a rerun (I have been saving Primogems for that since before her last rerun).


Put the Prototype Amber in Sucrose for Ayaka team, and it will be enough, if you find it not enough, a Healing Bonus circlet can make the difference. If you use Kazuha, well, it's a shame the lose, but you can run it with Sucrose for sure.


You are thinking about skipping furina because her c2 changed?


Actually I will still pull her cuz she is cute :v.


However, for most people, the new changes are beneficial.


Tbh same here. Was gonna go C2 but now I'll just go C0 and instead guarantee Navia and hopefully Chlorinde too


I feel fine, now I don’t feel pressured to go for her weapon since she is playing a more support role. I’m definitely going for c2 though.


For me it kinda sucks because I like the idea of healer less game play but her new c2 Is very good it makes her buff better so im still happy, I was gonna get her c2 no matter what anyway so it doesn't matter.


sorry I’m a bit confused. I understand C2 and 6 swapped, but I can’t find what is each con. What are c2 and 6 now?


I feel ya, she would ve been interesting… going for c6 not an option for 99% of us, so we will miss on that however I dont mind this change either…. Well Go for c0 I think that enough she is still broken at c0 xD


Cope sethe and mald to all constellation goers